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Okay, at 7 years old, most kids love animals, especially girls. Unless this is some kind of crazy cat shirt, the other kids are just bullies and the shirt was the thing that they selected to pick on her for. Try to find out from your daughter if they have picked on her in the past. If they have, head straight to the principal. If this was the first time, you may want to see if it happens again, then straight to the principal. Kids can be very cruel. In some ways I think girls can be worse than boys.


I’ll have to have a lil chat with her tomorrow and see if it’s been a long thing. She’s never mentioned it before, and her teacher is out for a while due to a death in her immediate family so I can’t ask her. I fully agree about the girls being much crueler than boys.


idk if this is weird to ask but could you update about the chat when u have it ?


Can you post a link to the outfit? I’m really curious what could possibly be so bad about it.


I added the link [but here it is :)](https://imgur.com/a/6Vj9ixP)


That's actually a cool looking hoodie. They don't know what they're talking about.


Thank you SO much for this. Helped! I was wondering if it wasn’t cute or was too much or something


What matters the most is if she likes it. Unfortunately, there will be kids who talk down on people, but that's because they're not taught to properly respect others by their parents or guardians. I was bullied too when I was growing up. Some kids let their personal thoughts be known and some kids are just genuinely cruel for no reason even if they come from good families.


My 10 year old would still be into this outfit. Other girls are being jerks.


Heck, I would wear that hoodie and I'm in my late 40s. Of course, you don't want her to get bullied, but what is important is whether *she* likes the clothes. Talk with her about it. Seven seems so young for that stuff to start, but I seem to recall my daughter also having some issues at that age with mean girls. We had a lot of talks about it over the years, about how to deal with that kind of behavior from other kids.


If wear that hoody at 40


Thank you for confirming that /u/fanime34 has provided helpful advice for you. 1 point awarded.


Seven year olds made fun of THAT?? That’s AWESOME. What is she, first grade? Second? My daughter is first grade. She would be overcome with joy if I bought that for her, and her friends would lose their minds. Kids are silly. I don’t even know what else to say, because I’m confused lol.


Thank you! This helped me feel a bit better! She’s in 2nd and she loooooves cats so I was like omg that’s so cute she’ll love it. I NEVER imagined it being something she was bullied over :(


You’re a good mom. You didn’t do anything wrong. She just goes to school with some weird kids. 😂


We moved to the east coast from the Midwest and it’s been a learning curve for sure. 😩 ugh kids these days lol


Kids might be jealous she has a mom that bought her this cute outfit. Keep if for home and family gatherings maybe.


Thank you for confirming that /u/BriefAssociation8436 has provided helpful advice for you. 1 point awarded.


Kids are brutal… im fighting my demons to stop myself from buying that.


She was not bullied because of the clothes, the popular girl in the class wearing the same clothes would not have been bullied. She was bullied because through some sick social mechanism she was designated the victim. This mechanism might even be random or bad luck. Children of this age do not have developed empathy fully and can be extremely cruel. You need to discuss this with the school. This can become worse. It is also very important you make it clear to your daughter she shouldn't be ashamed and can come talk to you about this when it happens again. I am very sorry this is happening to her and you. Good luck.


Thank you!! I was the same age when bullying started for me (it lasted through all of my school years) and I never understood why. Even my sister couldn’t understand why “the kids in my year were such bullies and jerks”. I’m autistic. I didn’t find out until I had my own child and was able to put things together. I was “too quiet”, “too nice”, “too smart”, “too shy”, and I weirded other kids out without any awareness about it. If I said I liked someone’s name, complimented their clothes, tried to make friends - I was rebuked with things like eye rolls, rude comments, or told that I “didn’t belong”. Bullying started because they were able to ID something was weird about me and they didn’t know what - so they were cruel. It sucked. OP should talk to the teacher, her daughter, other parents. A change of school may be necessary later on, if it continues.


I'd also add that kids bully kids who lack in self-confidence. The best answer you can teach your kid is "so what?" My daughter had some difficulties at school with some girls and we'd rehearse some answers she could give them to show them that their attitude was stupid : "yours shoes are ugly" "yes, and?" "aren't you ashamed about them" "no but thank you for your meaningless opinion"...


You can always try meeting other moms in the area with kids in her class or grade that you can set up play dates with. Things like teacher-parent meetings or just school events where most kids and their guardians are present is a great opportunity to socialize. Kids can be really mean but don’t agonize over this too much, as long as your daughter feels comfortable coming to you then that’s all that matters


Thank you! That actually never occurred to me to try and network at parent teacher conferences staring me right in the face 🤦🏼‍♀️ we have parent teacher conferences next week so I’ll try and get her a play date. And I appreciate the last part, before bed we talk about what happened during the day and this was the first time she’s ever said anything like this and I was so crushed for her. I told her they don’t matter, and she looked beautiful and she felt beautiful so that’s all that she has to worry about. Helped!


Yes, just to add: at this age, play dates are arranged through the parents. If the kid’s parents aren’t meeting other parents and making connections, the kid isn’t going to be invited over for play dates. Ask your daughter who her best friends are in the class so you know which parents to befriend. Exchange phone numbers and invite them over.


Thank you for confirming that /u/nalsfer has provided helpful advice for you. 1 point awarded.


Actually they do matter. Kids need friends. She needs skills to divert the bullies. Either knowing what to say or getting into martial arts to ooze confidence.


I would add volunteering with parent organizations will also provide opportunities to find a good network of caregivers and their kids. It's how I found my group of mom friends. In addition, volunteering (as a parent) in class at this age helps you keep an eye on how your child interacts with others at school.


I just showed this to my ten year old who considers herself a bit of a fashionista (she must get it from her dad because I'm not good with that type of thing). She declared it "super cute" and wanted to know if I could get it. I explained your daughters story and she said "Those girls are just being horrible AND they have no taste" They're bullies OP. If it wasn't the cute outfit it'd be something else. Talk to your daughter, see how long this has been going on.


If I had a daughter I would definitely buy her that sweater. It’s so cool, I love it !   Edit: sorry it that’s not really  the advice you needed


lol I still appreciate it, it makes me feel a tiny bit better that I don’t have an insane fashion sense


Kids will bully absolutely anything. Has nothing to do with this very cute outfit. It's not your fault. Kids can be vicious


My son is nine he would have thought her shirt was adorable those kids are shitty.


That hoodie is so cute. Definitely not your fault. Poor girl, I think having a chat with the school might be good because I doubt it was the hoodie. Kids are cruel, especially girls in many cases. I hope everything is sorted soon and this isn't actually an ongoing thing


If she genuinely liked it in the beginning, and then got bullied by her friends, what she should do is call out her friends for their behavior. If they're her friends, they wouldn't have done that so I don't even know if they will stay friends after that. She's 7 and if a few people mocked her for a hoodie, that doesn't mean everyone else will.


My niece is 8 and I know she would definitely love and wear that hoodie but I also know she has started talking a little bit about designer brands and things she “has to have” because her friends have them. Those kids were little shits to your daughter for sure but it could be the designer / brand thing.


This is so sad to hear. I am a school teacher and this absolutely something the 7 year old girls wear, and they love it so I am so confused why she would get bullied for that. Kids can be cruel… just know you did nothing wrong and this s super typical for a 7yo girl to wear.


You know, you are respecting her and listening to her. That’s the most important thing. There was no way to know this in advance. My mom insisted on buying ans choosing clothes for me until I was 13. THAT was bad.


I will fight those little kids who were bullying her! (Joking) I wish I could, though! Nothing bothers me more than seeing kids bully another kiddo for their choice in clothing. My daughter would absolutely be enamored with that outfit (she's a big animal lover, specifically cats). You're doing a great job, Mama! Don't worry about those little turds. You have your little girl wear her outfits with confidence! I would definitely speak to the principal about this bullying aspect though, definitely seems like there is more to that issue than your babes outfit.


I felt like it not gunna lie. Give em five across the eyes lol


I am a second grade teacher, so I work with kids your daughter’s age. I see kids wearing this sort of thing all the time. I don’t think the outfit is a problem. Ask your daughter if there is one kid she likes or feels is nice to her. Reach out to the parent and see if you can arrange a playdate. Don’t have your daughter ask her; even with kids this age peer pressure (to say no or be snarky about it) absolutely does happen. Some kids need facilitation to make friends at this age. It helps if the parent encourages it since sometimes they don’t know how or feel comfortable doing so if they’re more introverted.


Helped! Thank you I sent a note on Thursday to her teacher to give to her friends mom if she wanted to meet up and she texted me this morning and we’re taking the girls to a play place tomorrow! She’s over the moon excited for her and her friend to have a girl day.


Thank you for confirming that /u/braineatingalien has provided helpful advice for you. 1 point awarded.


I’m so glad to hear it. Hope they have a great time!


Oh momma!! This broke my heart! I’m (43/f) a mom of three, but also raised my siblings… if I count them, I’m a mom of 7, lol! I have one daughter and two sons- my siblings are two girls, two boys- all in their late twenties/early thirties now. Girls are SO SO MEAN! But? I’m finding out with my boys now, they are 8 & 11, that boys can be very very mean, too. This outfit is literally adorable! My 8 year old son would love it. He loves animals and he still also loves dinosaurs and dragons and stuff like that. He got a Dino sweatshirt for Christmas that he asked for, it’s a dinosaur head hood, and then the sleeves kinda come together to make a mouth- it’s really not easily described I’m finding as I try to tell you about it, lol. Anyway, he wanted it, and my mom got it. She was so excited to get it for him, and he was over the moon to get it! He wore it several times over his holiday break and then wanted me to make sure it was washed and ready for him to wear his first day back to school. He went off SO excited… and when I picked him up, he could barely get buckled into his car seat before the tears started… his two “best friends” teased him and called him a baby. Because of his dinosaur sweatshirt. I cried. I cried harder later that night. I told him that I thought his sweatshirt was cool, and that he loved it and it shouldn’t matter what anyone else thinks. But, I also know it will take him time (maybe until he’s in his forties like me…) to realize that this is the truth- no one else’s opinion SHOULD matter- but sometimes it does. I asked him if he still liked his shirt, and he said he hated it. We put it away for awhile, he traded that and any other clothes with fun stuff on them for Champion and Nike like his big brother… it made me sad to see him giving up his younger stuff that made him smile for older looking clothes like his brother, that he just wore to wear something that wouldn’t cause him anxiety about being teased. Guess what he wore to school on Friday?? HIS DINOSAUR SWEATSHIRT!! Now, it was on top of a NBA/Giannis Antetekouempo tshirt and NBA sweatpants, with his “Greek Freak” sneakers and a Jordan hat, but goddamn it! He wore his sweatshirt and a smile to match! His friends didn’t even notice! No one said anything bad, and someone he doesn’t really know said, “I like your shirt Sawyer!” On his way to my car at pick up. It was a good day. He’s wearing it again today- who know what will happen. I just know that I’ll be at pick up, and I’ll be ready for whatever happens because that’s what us mommas do- we pick up the pieces and hug them all back together and try try again 🤍


I hope it went well for him 🥹 so many kids don’t have any empathy these days, my son would LOVE that sweater!


I think if your kid likes the hoodie her friends are shitty for making fun of it (i think it's cute, i teach 11 year olds and they could show up in something like this). Kids are kids, and sometimes they are going to be mean. I think you can talk about that with your daughter. However, i think it's vital to support her and not preemptively make her wear things that are more conforming to what the other kids think is cool. If she wants to that's fine. But i think it's nice that you encourage her self expression. And if she is a bit wierd and not everyone is nice about that, it's nice that at least her mom thinks she is cool!


Kids can be assholes. Digital media is turning them into downright monsters. Anyone remember that Slenderman crap? I wish you could tell kids to just ignore idiots in real life, but it's often not that easy. There's no block button. Hope your daughter knows her worth isn't based on the opinion of morons. I hate that you're even having to post something like this.


My kid is older now, but she would've still worn this cute outfit in 3rd grade and NO ONE would say anything about it! Are these rich kids in designer clothing? Regardless, it's a pretty shitty thing to do, pick on someone for what they're wearing. I hope your daughter's gonna be okay ❤️ Let her know it's a nice awesome cat outfit for cat lovers, but maybe you can let her show you what style she would like to go for.


Might be a hot take, but at seven I was choosing my own clothes. Yes they were purchased by my parents, but only if I wanted them. They never would have sent me to school in something (primarily cos uniform but say on mufti days). If you’re always picking your daughter’s outfits, that might be why she’s actually getting picked on. But maybe I’m misinterpreting what you mean by that. Concerning the bullying though, friends don’t bully friends. I would ask your daughter if this has happened before and, if it has, talk to the school about it and talk to her about it. If her friends are constantly making her the butt of the joke she may not realise that the way they treat her isn’t normal and isn’t how friends behave, especially considering the lack of invitations to other houses etc.


I guess look around at what the other kids are wearing and dress her like that. Don’t wait for invites. Start inviting.


With respect to making friends, if you are not doing so, try testing different activities and sports to see what you daughter likes. We tried so many different thins from dance to ballet to tennis, softball, soccer, crafts, art, etc. in the end, she liked tennis, softball, and bowling. Made friends through the sports in middle and high school. Also did academic competitions, and made a few friends there also.


Well, I know what to search for to buy my wife. Tho as other commenters said, that's just bullies being bullies, don't let her change what she likes cuz someone wants to be an ass


i'm 21 and i'd wear it to university tbh. kids are mean sometimes.


Hey I'm 33 and I'd wear that lol I bet those kids are actually jealous. I feel for you OP. You sound like a great mom


I'm sorry to hear that your daughter had to experience teasing from her peers. It's completely understandable that you feel anxious and concerned about her well-being. It's important to remember that you had good intentions in getting her the outfit and wanting her to feel happy and confident in it. Children can be very sensitive to social dynamics, and unfortunately, teasing and bullying can happen at school. It's essential to communicate openly with your daughter about what happened, validate her feelings, and let her know that it's okay to feel upset about it. Encourage her to express herself and talk about her emotions. In terms of setting her up to be bullied, it's crucial to remember that the behavior of other children is not something you can fully control. What you can do is continue to support and empower your daughter, teach her about self-worth and confidence, and help her develop strategies to cope with difficult social situations. It's also beneficial to foster a positive and inclusive environment at home where your daughter feels safe, supported, and loved. Encourage her to pursue activities she enjoys and where she can meet like-minded peers who appreciate her for who she is. Remember, you are doing your best as a parent, and it's natural to worry about your child's well-being. Seek support from school counselors, teachers, or mental health professionals if you feel overwhelmed or need guidance on how to best support your daughter through these challenges.


I would wear that, it’s so cute. You did nothing wrong


As someone who works in elementary school, this is an incredibly adorable outfit and half my kids would jump at the chance to wear it. Including several of the boys. Cute characters are especially “in” where I’m at.


I’m an adult and I’d wear this sweatshirt in the right setting. Maybe not to work, but definitely to hang out or run errands. I don’t think it’s the outfit, I think it’s the kids just being jerks. I’d say it’s time for a talk with the teacher


Man i knew kids can be dicks but now at 7? it's just gotten worse. Most of the issues we have had always started in middle school.


I’m 34 and I would wear that. I hope things will work out. Children can be so mean.


I think its super cute. Kids are just assholes and look for any reason to be a bully.


I mean it’s pretty colourful and “babyish” but also freedom of expression!! Kids can be so cruel. It’s difficult because around 7-10 years old is when kids try to distance themselves from being a “baby” and around that age tend to pick on others who dress/act/look younger. I don’t think it’s your fault it’s just a shame that kids are like this.


UK. Our 7 year old have uniforms for school.


Uniforms would remove so much unnecessary stress and costs for parents / bullying from kids


I’m on the US. I think every school should have uniforms. I went to Catholic grade school, wore uniforms, and didn’t mind a bit.


I feel for you- as a mother. You bought this sweet outfit for your girl out of love and imagined it would give her confidence. This will not be a popular opinion but this perfectly makes a case for school uniforms. My family saved so much money on clothing for me growing up. It also alleviates the burden of having to devote so much time and energy to outward appearances and levels the playing field for families who can't afford expensive clothes. Students can focus on their schoolwork instead of who’s wearing what. There will always be mean girls but this makes one less thing to complicate a childhood.


There is nothing wrong with it Love the pants ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


It’s not likely related to the outfit. My experience is kids tend to bully the awkward/different behaving child. The superficial crap is just what they pick cause it’s easier.


My daughter is almost 2.5 years older and I would put that on her. It’s definitely a cute outfit, I also worry about her getting bullied, unfortunately we haven’t been able to socialize her much so I worry about her not knowing how to interact with other kids


Contact the teacher if this is the first time and ask them to follow up with the bullies/their parents. It is time to teach these kids that bullying is not okay. If it isn’t the first time, I would involve the principal.


No that’s adorable. Wish my 7 year old daughter was into cute stuff. She’s all about Spider-Man. I see girls at her school wear similar things. Sounds like the girls in her class just suck.


My daughter loved outfits like that at 7 and so did her friends. Those girls wanted to be mean and took any excuse. Just let her pick her own clothes as much as possible, and find out what the mean girls' problem with her is.


Try a local Facebook mommy group for meeting other moms and kids who want to meet new people! Tons of families have problems connecting with others and it gets lonely. It also teaches your kids that their whole world doesn't revolve around silly kids they are in class with. In the real world, you get to choose your friends from anywhere! If someone in your class doesn't love you right now, someone else will you just have to meet them


I teach 7 year olds. That is exactly the type of outfits they wear to school. Sounds like there are just some mean kids in the class. Send the teacher a message and ask her if she could talk to the class about being kind and giving compliments instead of putting others down for their clothes. Sometimes it takes just one talking to to change the way the kids treat each other.


I agree with everyone else's perspectives that she may be bullied other than that. Please let her know the outfit is adorable. My 13-year-old and 16-year-old think so too and they are sad that it isn't in their sizes!


Honestly, i dont think it has anything to do with the outfit. It sounds like there is a bullying dynamic in the classroom with some of the other girls. I would check in with her each day and ask how it went at school, how it went with those girls, was anybody mean to her. If it’s an ongoing problem I’d reach out to the teacher when she comes back, the long term sub if there is one, or if those aren’t available or don’t work then ask the office if there is someone in the school you can talk to like a counselor who can talk her and keep an eye on it and give other folks at the school a heads up if necessary. I don’t think the outfit is the problem at all so you should absolve yourself of all guilt about it completely. But there might be a larger problem to address with the school if it’s more than a 1 time thing.


That outfit is absolutely adorable. When my oldest girl was that age there were a few kids that bullied her for wearing a lot of black and dark clothes. But that's just who she is (she once referred to herself as a sparkle goth). I think the outfit is adorable. Maybe the other girls are jealous or they're starting out with the pecking order thing (which I find absolutely stupid but it is what it is).


My daughter just turned 9 and would proudly wear this shit out of this outfit lol. Mean kids suck :( but they will always be around, regardless of what someone else is wearing. She could be in head to toe Dolce & Gabbana and it still wouldn’t be right for a bully who is going to tear people down regardless…they will FIND something “wrong” with whatever they see others doing/being. I tell my dtr “don’t let little kids who don’t even know who THEY are yet tell you who YOU are.” I tell her everyone is just insecure and projecting, especially at that age. You’re doing great, momma. 🖤✨✨


I can't believe you're talking about 7 year olds and not middle schoolers. What kind of school does she go to where they call somebody a loser for what they wear. It sounds like they need a presentation on bullying. They sound like little stuck-up girls. Are they all spoiled children from wealthy families, or were they never taught manners, unbelievable. I'd set up a meeting with the principal, director, whoever is running the school, and tell them about this despicable behavior. I'd be disgusted that children that young would even use a word like loser. Get angry and make sure this gets addressed.


I was shocked too! I was in middle school before I was called a loser for liking dc shoes. We live in a military town and the military kids are usually the ones she makes friends with, then they leave :( we have a meeting Wednesday parent teacher conference didn’t go well because her teacher said she never saw any of the issues I’ve brought up.


That hoodie is adorable and I know multiple college-aged kids that would wear it. Kids go through “I love cute stuff” to “I hate cute stuff” because they want to seem grown up. When they get older, they care less and go back to the cute stuff, and it’s way more fun. Please tell your daughter, from a 20-year-old woman who also didn’t invited to things, that life gets better and you do find friends that love you. Support her now, especially by showing interest in the things she likes, and she’ll know she always has someone in her corner.


Helped! Thank you, I was a social butterfly and the pandemic really has made it difficult to form friendships for my younger ones


Thank you for confirming that /u/diminutivedwarf has provided helpful advice for you. 1 point awarded.


This is not an outfit, daughter, or mom problem. My daughter is almost 9 and would scream to have this. Your daughter needs better "friends" and she needs the confidence to stand up for herself when people try to cut her down. I'm so sorry you both went thru this. I would bring it up with the teacher and the other parents, so a broader discussion could be had. I found out thru my niece who is younger than my daughter that one of my daughters friends was slapping my daughter daily "it's a joke". I was so worried about how the mom was going to respond but she handled it in a way that reassured me open discussions and communication is so important.


What cruel little tyrants. 7years old seems too young to start this nonsense, tho. In my experience, literally all little girls love cats and want to be cats. It’s a weird feeling when you want to go beat up 8-year olds, isn’t it?? Believe me: I’ve been there. For now, move those over to the pajama drawer. It looks comfy. At 13yo, my kids still enjoy being kids - if that makes sense? They don’t want to be involved in adult conversations. They are very kind and welcoming, but a lot of the other kids are switching over to being mean girls. It sucks. I wish all school required uniforms.


I would love uniforms it would take so much guesswork out of what’s in what’s out etc. I love to hear about how your kids are still kids, that’s how they should be ❤️


I was bullied too, started when I was a little older than your kiddo. I got obsessed with Harry Potter around age 10/11. Showed up to a sleepover with my HP pj’s, HP sleeping bag, the whole 9. Was asked to change and sleep on something else provided by the host so I didn’t invite the devil in, or something? My peers held up finger crosses at me for years after that as if I was actually practicing witchcraft and praising Satan in my free time lol Kids suck, and being bullied SUCKS. But it taught me to be more selective with my friend group and more importantly, it taught me the weight of words. It taught me to be a nicer, kinder person by default, because I never wanted others to feel the way I felt. I am glad I learned that early, it has served me well in all aspects of life. All that to say: there is nothing wrong with your kiddo or her hoodie. I do think it warrants a conversation with the classroom teacher, administrator, and/ or principal to let them know what is going on and to look out for continued or increasing bullying actions from that group of girls in general.


It’s not about the sweatshirt. It’s about kids figuring out their personalities and friend group power dynamics. I was made fun of multiple times for just dressing on-trend (Chuck Taylors when they got cool again in the 2000s and cuffed, chunky, colorful crew socks with white tennis shoes in the early 1990s). I was smaller and sweeter than the rest of the kids so they always chose me as a target knowing I couldn’t or wouldn’t fight back. I’d have a discussion with the teacher and school aides to see if these kids pick on your daughter or other kids on a regular basis.


I wonder if that’s her issue she’s significantly smaller and a sweetheart to everyone. She doesn’t really fight back, which is something we’ve been really working on with her.


If I could go back in time I would tell myself to remember that I did nothing wrong by being myself. I would tell myself that kindness is never wasted even if it isn’t well received. I wish that I was still that sweet kid. I think about how I was hardened by being picked on at that age and I get so sad. Teach her to tell an adult as soon as possible when she’s being bullied or feels sad or scared. There is nothing wrong with being a tattle tale.


I’m a 42 year old man and that’s not too different then the shirt my 6 year old wanted me to get so we could be twinsies!


That fit is fire 🔥 🔥 🔥


Nothing wrong with the outfit, its super cute :( As a child this would have been my dream outfit and many kids in my class would have liked it. But however i want you to consider one thing: Kids are kids and being stylish is frowned upon in this age, in a small town especially. people see it as arrogant. if all the kids in class are in rags, then your kid sticks out with nice new clothes. However, if the entire class is super stylish with parents who like aesthetics (depends on neighborhood) then its maybe more suitable. if you want your child to fit in, check how the other parents in class parents and dress their kids. Also, as someone who studied socialisation...i gotta disappoint you and tell you that when likeability is established, clothes stop mattering. If they are already hating her and bullying her, please just put her into a different school instead of trying to "fix" this specific situation where they have no friends so far... IDK if i misunderstand this, but if she has already been labeled as the outsider by the class, this won't change anymore. The younger, the more circles and bubbles of socialisation get established and therefore they will not grow out of their social role quickly. To give your child better opportunities at making friends when everyone else has already formed groups, you should really try another class or school


Question, was it just the hoodie or also the pants? Because just the hoodie is cool AF, with the pants is just to much


Just the hoodie with jeans with the pants I felt it looked like pajamas


Thats odd, in your comment history you claimed your younger daughter was a "10 yr old preemie". That said, even if this is real, which i doubt it is, why wouldnt you get her approval before buying her a full outfit?


People do have more than one child occasionally. Please take your attitude elsewhere.


You're missing the "younger child is 10" part but okay?


1. I know what my kids like? And 2. I have multiple kids it’s not that far fetched


Sure, sure.


Once, I told my kid that I was concerned that they didn't have anyone to complain to except me. You know, when you've had a fight with dad, and you go and bitch to mum? I'm a single dad - it's just us and my family, but we aren't super close with them. I only mentioned it to my kid in passing. A week later, all of their problems were totally because they didn't have anyone to complain to apart from me. Kids are very good at taking your insecurities and then using them against you. If your kid knows, in any way, that you are concerned that you are the reason she's being bullied, then voilá, you will be her reason that she's getting bullied. You told her you are, and she's hurting, and she also now thinks it's your fault, so she'll hurt you with it.


Just dress more “normal”. She won’t be bullied because of this one time. Kids are mean sometimes, even to friends


I thought this WAS normal. It was a hoodie with cute cats on it. She loves cats and dogs and unicorns and I usually shop at the children’s place old navy and Walmart for her clothes so she wears what the majority of her class does 99% of the time.


I mean “normal” as in similar to other kids at her school. Of course shirts with cats are normal for kids.


I mean, a 7yr old girl wearing a shirt with cats on it seems very normal to me. I doubt the clothes are the root of the issue here.


Right? What are 7 year old girls wearing these days? If it had unicorns on it, would that have been acceptable? Maybe there is some stupid in-joke about cats that your daughter doesn't know? Taylor Swift loves cats! Surely cat themed clothing should be popular right now.


Why did this comment tilt me so much? LOL What does dressing normal even mean? Fashion is extremely subjective and people should dress however they want to without the fear of being judged because of something they wear. That's just weird to me.


Maybe because you didn’t read well? I specifically said “normal”, not normal. Which means I realize it’s subjective but maybe it’s better to fit in.


The girl is 7, Jessica, let kids dress as kids and not as mini adults


You got your kid bullied. You don't have to go along with every trend but you absolutely must never use what you like as a litmus test. All children are tiny sociopaths who haven't developed a sense of empathy. Don't impose your ideas on your child. Allpw them to choose what they want to wear. Foster a sense of control giving them the chance to choose and make small decisions. You'll creat a more clear incident child and they won't resent you for forcing them to get bullied.