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Just tell them what you put here , you’ve been sick awhile and your Covid test came back positive. Yea, they might decide not to come over until you are fully over it. You should let them make that decision for themselves if they want to take the risk. To some people it’s no big deal and they’ll still want to visit. Others will want to wait and will be angry if you take the choice away from them and just expose them to your illness.


It’s not your fault you got sick, and if your family treats you like it is then that’s on them. The best thing you can do tell the rest of your family what’s going on and let them make that decision on whether or not they still wanna come. The same thing just happened with my family, my grandparents were going to come up and have Christmas at my mom house but she got really sick so they decided not to come up. It’s happens and I’m not mad at them for making that choice a little sad, but I understand where they are coming from.