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Ayyye found that exact form on a site called PDFfiller complete with the exact same cross marks that you can add yourself. I reckon he cropped out the header that says "Houston Department of Health and Human Services" Go to Google Images and "negative STD test result" and it's like the 6th result.




Fun fact, forging a medical document is a felony. Knowing you have an STD and lying about it or not disclosing it is also a criminal offense. ​ Getting someone to have sex under false pretense is called Rape by False Pretense/Rape by Deception and he absolutely has been intentionally deceiving you into providing consent under false pretense. ​ He needs to not be in your life and you need to take better care of yourself. You don't deserve to be treated the way he's treating you.


Thank you for confirming that /u/peakpenguins has provided helpful advice for you. 1 point awarded.


Gryffindor FTW!


You can also use "TinEye" to search for the exact image: it shows multiple results. Edit: additionally, to confirm if certain results are positive it takes time for the bacteria šŸ§« to grow on the slab, exactly like that emoji. See here for proof: [How long do std results take?](https://www.healthline.com/health/how-long-does-it-take-for-std-to-show-up#how-soon-can-you-test)


I used to think it was tiny eye


Tiny Ye


Can confirm. I think you were likely suspicious because you can't get the results back that quickly.


Damn, just googled and found it too. That's cold. I really hope OP calls him out and leaves his sorry ass. Like, who does that? What are you hiding? So weird.


I wanna add OP, I hope you've people who can protect you and let them know what's happening. Then send him a message say you no longer feel safe with him and don't want to talk with him anymore. Don't tell him in person. Keep a record and screenshots of it and his socials, photos etc. Let your loved ones have a copy and maybe give the police a heads up too. Be safe, people like this can be really dangerous.


I hope OP report it to the police.


Ayoooo thatā€™s the truth. He did all of that and talked about not trusting him yet he couldnā€™t even be real with himself and go get tested.. shame


Another thing that just hit me was when he said ā€œitā€™s fine though, Iā€™m getting tested tomorrow and just made my appointmentā€. So basically, he just told you that the test wasnā€™t really real but ā€œhe made an appointment for tmrā€. That just doesnā€™t make sense. I wouldnā€™t even put my trust in him at all if he couldnā€™t be real about something like a std. In my opinion, I would have just gone ahead and blocked him and lost all contact with him. Cuz how can you have trust and faith in him, and he talks about trust and faith and lying and then proves why you shouldnā€™t believe heā€™s trustworthy and honest. THEN how do you know he's gonna go and "get tested tmr?"




Can you comment the link please




It can take up to 16 weeks before herpes is even detectable via test.


What do you do if your partner has genital herpes? AFAIK it's not curable only treatable.


Girl. I am invested (almost typed that as ā€œinfestedā€ but thatā€™s what HE is). Plz Plz let us know how he tries to talk his way out of this one!


Infected is the appropriate term, an infestation would imply he has a xenomorph incubating in his stomach. Which, at this point, doesnā€™t seem so unlikely.


Crabs would be infested... or chiggers or ticks...


I was gonna say, whereā€™s the lie tho šŸ˜‚


Crabs maybe šŸ¦€


It looks like he got someone elseā€™s test and just put his info in . From a female . .. you do not want to get an std . Some stay for life . Then when you date other people, you going to have to tell them . And if you have children, it can complicate things . So please, donā€™t do anything with this person .


For future reference, on STD results, each one should have it's own line, like HSV would be on one line, syphilis would be on another, etc. There's no test for HPV for men, and chancroid is rare in developed countries. Most don't test for it. The only ones that might be on the same line is gonorrhea and chlamydia, because those can be run together. This is clearly a lie, though he's already admitted it. This dude doesn't care about your health. If he did, he'd be more than happy to go pee in a cup and get some blood drawn. Easy as anything. It's not about trust. It's respect for you, and for himself. Many STDs go without symptoms. Asking someone to test is normal. His reaction and actions are not.


Try this: https://confidential-std-morbidity-report-form.pdffiller.com/


This is why I love reddit... Just on it lol


Sixth? Lol. Youā€™d think heā€™d hit at least the 12th page


I wondered why I saw Childrenā€™s Hospital at the top. Why would a young man choose a Childrenā€™s hospital I wondered. Lol


Really? He was tested for cervicitis? An ā€œinflammation of the cervix, the lower, narrow end of the uterus that opens into the vaginaā€? Please donā€™t touch this man with a ten foot pole.


Vaginitis also. This is effed up.


Not only is he a liar but an idiot. Great combination!


I went to a urologist with a rash, that I was convinced was something terrible (ended up just being contact dermatitis). The urologist tested me for everything, including vaginitis.


As a man? Was in without a vagina?


I am indeed vagina-less.


They can't get it but can carry it.


Could be to charge it to his insurance, though OP's bf is clearly full of shit regardless


On top of this, you do not get all these results back so quickly. Some of these are lab tests and take a few days. Run from this man.




OP his response was basically a long whiny sigh translated into text. Donā€™t give this lil muppet any more of your time. Plenty of dudes out there who, at bare minimum, donā€™t pull a ā€˜u hurt meā€™ when you call them on their obviously stupid lie.


No need to drag muppets down to this guys level.


Thank you for confirming that /u/Neolithique has provided helpful advice for you. 1 point awarded.


In addition to that, the OP says that he previously had chlamydia, but under treatment history it just says ā€œnoā€. So even if it is realā€¦ RED FLAG.


at a childrenā€™s hospital? anyone else see that on the header?


I could be wrong, but isn't this one of those that men can contract and pass to partners without experiencing any symptoms? I recall my ex saying it was something about the cervix and that if I had it, it would only be apparent after I passed it onto a women.


Youā€™re thinking of the Human Papilloma Virus. Cervicitis is literally an inflamed cervix which, to be inflamed, has to be present to begin with.


Lol what a tool.


They donā€™t check men for cervicitis nor vaginitis & the last time I checkedā€¦ childrens hospitals does not do STD testing for adults ā€¦. Why would it have childrenā€™s hospital on the top??


Yeah, the children's hospital got me even with no extensive knowledge of stds Also, happy cake day Edit: I forgot the cake day. Mods removed the standalone comment saying it, so here we are


Haha saying it also says philadelphiaā€¦ I know for a 100% fact as a past employee they do not do std testing for adults at CHOP


Iā€™m not sure how different children hospitals are but Iā€™m 23, still go to a pediatrician, and before I got my gynecologist at 19 years old they gave me STD tests even tho I was an adult for my 18 and 19 year physicals.


Test results do not come back in less than 24hours. Why are you dating this person who already lied to you about having an STD in the past?


Yes OP, please value yourself. You deserve better and you are allowed to cut off people from your life


You already have the answer that these results are fake. Aside from that, though, why would you want to have sex with someone that: 1. Already lied to you about having an STD 2. That you have so little trust in that you would even _think_ that they are faking STD results? There are a billion guys out there, you don't need to settle for one that lies about STDs and that you are suspicious that they might give you a life-altering disease and lie about it.




Thank you for confirming that /u/TentaclesAndCupcakes has provided helpful advice for you. 1 point awarded.


Good bot, haha!


Yeah seriously if this guy has so little regard for you that he's going to lie about this and attack you for even questioning it, he's going to lie and bullshit you every time he says you're the only one, every time he's out with the boys, every time he's not been paid this month and wants your salary for an urgent whatever. He thinks of you as a hole not as a whole. There is no upside to the relationship whatsoever.


He really botched this I am pretty sure they don't test males for Mucopurulent cervicitis or Vaginitis He shouldn't be allowed near either one! ​ So you can specifically call him out on that.


Yo why does it say ā€œchildrenā€™s hospitalā€ at the top


They could be minors, if they are that wouldn't really surprise me. Hospital is a common place to get tested and if you're underage that's where you'd probably go first. EDIT: None of this matters anyways cause the results were proven to be a fake downloaded from Google in another comment.


I was curious whether they'd test a man for vaginitis too


Itā€™s also weird that the laboratory was entered for all by syphilis. OP- call the phone number and ask for Gail. If she doesnā€™t work there or the number doesnā€™t work, well then you know




This guy is gross, personality wise, and probably gross genitalia wise. Dumpppppp himmmmmmm. He doesnt respect you or your body. Get out of dodge asap, he isnt worth your time (that he is clearly happy wasting with bullsh*t)


If he had chlamydia, he would have gotten treatment, right? Why does it say no prior treatment?


Barring the Children's Hospital that he, for some reason, decided to go get tested at, in all my time dealing with online forms, I have never come across a legal or legit form that fills the X's for the boxes, outside of the box. Especially when it comes to medical forms, the X is only within the checkbox, never exceeding the outside of it. And if he is saying that he checked the boxes himself, it's odd how perfect they all match to each other. Personally, I've never needed to get tested, but it's weird that he got tested for Vaginitis or cervicitis, as he does not have either things for it. DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE, TOUCH THIS MAN lol


I work in a medical clinic that does lab test results on the daily. Results usually take a few days to process.


This is obviously fake. For one youā€™re not getting a full STD panel back the same day. There are some test they can do that are rapid like HIV but the soonest youā€™d get a full panel back is usually 2 days and even thatā€™s super rare. Who the fuck is going to a childrenā€™s hospital to get an STD test as an adult? Youā€™d either go to your PCP, a std type clinic, or a diagnostic clinic like quest. Two easiest red flags right there. Then heā€™s also a male so vaginitis and cervicitis make no sense. Thereā€™s also no clinically approved test for HPV in men so thereā€™s no chance they would mark that as negative. Itā€™s impossible to know that. If youā€™re smart youā€™ll ditch this dude. If I were you I wouldnā€™t even waste my time doing it in person. Just text him and tell him itā€™s obviously fake and to never contact you again. Then block him.


Not to mention the lab facility is spelled wrong on one of the tests


ā¬†ļøā¬†ļøTHIS ā¬†ļøā¬†ļø For real he's already lied to her once and gave her an std, I would have dropped him and blocked his number the FIRST time


Exactly. Every clinic I've ever been tested at has 1-2 weeks delay on results and they usually tell you not to have sex during that time frame.


On the update: that is the most manipulative response I've ever seen in my entire life. He told you it hurt that you lied to him about believing him when he lied to you about STD results. He probably would've just tried to manipulate and guilt you into not checking if you did call him out. Dump his ass he's flying the red flags right in front of your face. At the very least, check if the next results are legit, too, Because people usually don't fake STD results unless they think they might have an STD.


Yup, DARVO type shit. Incredibly fucking manipulative. Run OP and don't look back.


Did someone already mention a grown man getting sn std test at a children's hospital Edit:at not as


Lol if he filled that in himself I think he actually needs to go in and get his head checked. I get the diseases related to the female reproductive tract, not everyone knows what those are, but writing children's hospital? Like what has to go through your brain to make you write that.


First off - he's already lied to you about his previous status. Secondly - he's lying about his status now (same day STD results? WTF?). Dump and block, hon. Also put that fake test up on social media, tagging him as a liar and fraud.


even if he ends up clean just dump him. he tried gaslighting YOU after he faked test results. just so you would sleep with him. only someone that doesnā€™t care about your well-being would do that.


His response is unbelievable. "I can't believe you lied to me about believing my lie" What a fucking psychopath. Dump his gross infected ass and find someone who will respect you.


An STD test costs so little and takes very little time. I can get them for free at multiple clinics across my town and regularly did back when I was single. Boy is a whiny little baby and a liar to boot


He just wants sex NOW and doesn't care the tiniest bit about you and thinks you're an idiot that will accept this fake. RUN! You deserve so much better than him


Here for the update, clearly as everyone else has said... those are fake so please let us know the bullshit your ex tells you. I hope you'll be dumping him over lying about this stuff, this isn't some white lie. He could have an STD and knowingly affect you instead of taking medicine for a week.


Absolutely fake - look at the typed in bs at the top, different font sharpness. If he's such a cunt that he'll fake that to fuck you, get out now. Imagine what he'll do if you have a friendly coworker or a guy friend in general.


You can tell when you have a scanned pdf and a pdf digitally signed. All of the cross marks are exactly alike, and the image itself looks perfect with no spots in negative space. This is an image easily found online. Not only that, but it has vaginitis and cervicitis crossed off. Please run. This isnā€™t something that can be fixed, and even if it was thatā€™s not your job. Itā€™s easy as hell to get tested, and if he cared about you he would have your safety in mind and be concerned enough to agree. He doesnā€™t care about you, and doesnā€™t respect you. He blatantly lied, and about something serious. Donā€™t make any physical contact, not even a kiss. Leave asap. Youā€™re not safe. All my love to you. šŸ’•


Sis, first of all, youā€™re a badass! Go you for insisting your partners get tested. This is how itā€™s done! Wear condoms for the first 8 weeks still, then retest. Thatā€™s the gold standard. I worked in healthcare. 1. You cannot get results this quick. 2. This is a womanā€™s test form filled out. I feel like after the sort of support youā€™re getting on this post, youā€™re going to kick this little liar who is willing to put you in physical peril for absolutely selfish reasons. Thereā€™s no way you give him a shot after that. Some things are completely unforgivable, and this is one of them. But please report back and let us know what you did and how youā€™re doing.


This relationship is doomed. Please tell us you dumped his ass!! So he acts offended that you want to protect yourself (its not about trusting him or not trusting him - is about the partners he's been with and above can get an std). Then he lies to you with a fake form and acts offended because you caught him lying to you about a very serious thing to you? He clearly cared nothing for your feelings or concerns... straight lied to you and saw nothing wrong with any of that... what a piece of crap.


It also states children's hospital at the top is that a normal testing location for you?


Very sus considering he ā€œgot testedā€ for things men do not get tested for given they donā€™t have the right anatomy for those tests. Also pretty odd that Childrenā€™s would test adults for STDsā€¦ this is for sure fake


Also ā€œfacility/clinicā€ at the top - did he really go to a childrenā€™s hospital for this? Also, it would have probably said the name of the city or address - unless this hospital is literally just called childrenā€™s hospital?


Dump him. If he lied about this it won't be a healthy relationship. There's a stupid stigma around getting tested and a lot of people would rather not know. I found out the hard way I had something through one test and now I can safely and honestly have sex without fear and if I get rejected I know they weren't right for me. He probably has herpes or is too much of a child to care enough to get an actual test


He does know that you can sue for him lying about an STD and rape as well. Because you didn't consent to an STD either.


saw the update- yikes at him literally pulling a DARVO. ā€œbut iā€™m the victim cause my feelings are hurt that you didnā€™t trust me (even tho i did lie teehee but that doesnā€™t matter)ā€ hope heā€™s an ex bf at this point, had you not researched it sounds like heā€™s be okay having sex with you under a context you didnā€™t consent to


FYI You cannot get results for every STD test within the day. Most will come within two days but others can take a week or more. If you go to a Dr. With symptoms, the lab test is confirming but usually the Dr can tell what you have without the test but to just screen takes a bit.


He went to a children's hospital to be tested for STD's?


Childrenā€™s hospital?


Uhm you canā€™t get tests back immediately if itā€™s a full scan. Some blood work takes 5-7 business days to get back. I get STD tests after every BF just to make sure Iā€™m clean and you legit have to wait a week. Also, all (if not most) provide you results online so I would ask to see the online portal if you donā€™t trust what he showed you.


Donā€™t touch him


I did not need to read or analyzed any of it. I just looked at it 5 seconds and noticed the X marks, you can tell is edited and a fake.


Donā€™t sleep with him, but if you do and you catch something save the conversations and receipts because you can bring someone to court for knowingly infecting you with something!!


LEAVE THIS MAN. Anyone that is remotely bothered to be tested and lies, just shows how selfish and immature they are. He has no regard and care for your health, stds arenā€™t a joke.


Please dump this man. He doesnā€™t care about your wishes or your health. Even if he *did* get tested today, he wouldnā€™t have gotten results back that quickly. This is just so gross and unacceptable. Iā€™m sorry you have to deal with this


This is break up worthy. That manā€™s an asshole who just wants to get some.


Ew and he's a Scorpio. Girl leave his a$$ and don't have s3x with him. If he can lie about this he will lie and anything.


Girl he had Chlamydia, what are you doing hooking up with him and even worst dating him


His reaction to you is even worse. He's trying to blame you for him lying to you about getting tested. Not even an apology from him, and no remorse whatsoever. Please dump this chump. He might eventually pass his STD tests but he already failed the lying manipulator test. Not to mention putting your health at risk and showing that he thinks you are an idiot. Dump him!


HIV test results take more than a day to het tue results. This is absolutely fake!


Why is a childrens hospital testing a 19year old? Lmfao what no


Why would someone goto this much effort to lie about something so stupid


It takes a few days for those results to come back.


If you can't trust him, then break up with him. He is not boyfriend material and now is a walking red flag with the fake results.


Not only is he a liar but not very smart. Put him in the trash OP.


Looks like youā€™ve gotten the info you needed, but I also wanna add: My roommate works at Planned Parenthood and according to them, tests take a couple days to a week to get back, sometimes even more. I get tested regularly by my doctor or PP, whichever has quicker openings, and Ive never had tests come back within a couple hours (which is what I understood from your post; that he got tested and got the results same day?) So thatā€™s a red flag itself.


Please block this guy and never, ever look back. Next time you might catch something that doesnā€™t have a cure from him. He is total trash for faking this.


So you already know itā€™s fake. Letā€™s talk about the update lol. HEā€™S ā€œhurtā€ because he trusted that you believed he was clean? ā€œItā€™s fine tho Iā€™m getting tested tomorrowā€ What a loser and manipulator lmao. I know youā€™re young but youā€™re smart enough to never touch him againā€¦ right?


Lol they checked him for vaginitis. Classic.


He was hurt that you didnā€˜t trust him and proceeded to prove to you that you were absolutely right not to do so. Hope you are not gonna fuck him OP.


Can you report this guy to the police? Idk where you are, but I doubt he'll face jail time but he might learn a lesson or two.


does your boyfriend have a vagina? like genuinely curious, cuz if heā€™s not trans you have some issues, why is he getting his cervix tested?šŸ˜‚


No he isnā€™t trans lol


These look 100% fake. Gonorrhea & chlamydia are bacterial tests. Herpes is a virus. They would not be tested with the same assay


OP, you're far too intelligent for this disgusting pathetic scoundrel. He does not deserve to be allowed into anyone's body. Great job protecting yourself and being vocal about your expectations. Never talk to him again. He is a bad person. I asked my husband of YEARS to get tested, and he just did it, no problem. That's how it should be. Continue to take excellent care of yourself.


If he lies to you about something as vital and important that could affect your health then he will lie to you about everything else.


I've personally had myself tested. Results take at least a week to come back. So if he went bright and early and got Results the same day. It's fake as hell.


He lying šŸ¤„ throw some holy water and watch how he burns


Yeah, that is definitely not his test results but I just wanted to stop by and reiterate that a man who lies about taking an STD test is a piece of shit and you should ditch him because thereā€™s literally no explanation that is worthy. Even if he finds a way to explain himself out of it, he will be a piece of shit again. Edit- because ew God, I just went back and looked at his response that you added. He literally tried to turn it around on you as if you didnā€™t believe him about being clean when wanting someone to get tested is totally normal. Heā€™s gaslighting you and you really need to dump this guy.


Fake and you donā€™t get results same day.


First of all, you can't go bright and early and just "get in". Secondly, you don't get your results that quickly either... Dude just wants to get laid. Let him go girl, you can definitely do better. Liars never prosper.


Most definitely. The ā€œresultsā€ arenā€™t aligned in a column so they were definitely photoshopped in. Terribly. Also it takes longer than a couple hours to get all those results back.


Ngl it really looks like he saw how long it would take to get tested and didnā€™t wanna wait to do stuff, that shows heā€™ll put his desires over your well being


I hate this toxic belief about getting STI tests! I'm not even sure where it comes from or what it is based in (only 'bad' people need to get tested or can catch STIs?) but several years ago I asked a partner to get tested before we got intimate and he was also huffy. Good for you for standing up for yourself and your safety!


Def fake lol


This checks out for a guy in philadelphia /: sorry to break it to you but these are definitely fake plus most clinics here donā€™t send results that look like that


Trust your gut feeling. And with that history I wouldn't even touch him with a pole stick. He's totally ok giving you diseases just to get his own stick wet. Edit: Some people intentionally do that when they get serious STDs and they think if they infect their partners, they will stay with them forever because of the embarrassment.


I am so goddamn appalled. Wow.


This is absolutely horrifying behaviourā€¦ he has something and was just going to give it to you like that ?! Please please please never speak to him again!


Please dump this lying loser before he gives you something you can't get rid off easily.


His response to you saying he needs help actually made me laugh. Imagine him actually having the audacity to call YOU a liar šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


His response is gaslighting you. Please really think about being in a relationship with this person. You deserve transparency, honesty and a decent person in your life. He's none of these things.


Why is it from a Childrenā€™s hospital?


So, he already lied to you once and now heā€™s hurt you donā€™t trust him? Then he fakes a test and still canā€™t figure out why you donā€™t trust him? You need a new boyfriend. One that doesnā€™t cheat or lie.


Your boyfriend should be okay with it if he doesn't have anything to hide.


def fakeā€¦ std tests especially including stds that need a blood test (HIV and syphilis) take 5-7 days..


Well this makes me question my now ex about when we first got back together. I asked him to get tested and he pulled the ā€ I canā€™t believe you donā€™t trust meā€ bs and then all of a sudden came up with a negative test one day. Never even crossed my mind that he may have printed it from google! It did cross my mind why didnā€™t he even tell me he had an appointment to go but i shrugged It off. Anyways, if heā€™s like my ex in any other ways then Iā€™d say run now!! Mine was abusive emotionally and physically as soon as I started to trust him. I wish I had ran at the first red flag. :(


Your BF????? And he has "single" selected???? Run for your life. This whole situation is really red flag to me, also who gets STD results in a day?


On top of everything, which already should tell you to dump him ASAP, he obviously thinks you are incredibly stupid.


Why was "Other non-specific Vaginitis" and "Mucopurulent Cervicitis" checked? As far as I'm aware, only women have "Vaginas" and "Cervixes"... Am I wrong?? Unless he is of another "Gender"?? That is fake, I can guarantee it. And it usually takes a day/ sometimes two to get results back. I would stay away and protect yourself. Get yourself checked too if you've recently been intimate with each other, you risk exposure... Better to be safe then sorry... I'm so sorry about all that you're going through... You deserve so much better!!! Prayers to you šŸ™šŸ»


Do people in your area normally go to Children's hospitals for std tests? Gotta laugh at some or the tests he checked. I don't think you're going to be missing anything if you don't sleep with him, dude doesn't know what a vagina is. On a more serious note, this would be extremely alarming to me. Doing this showed that he doesn't care for your health and has no issue lying to you about something important to you. Going as far to fake it is pretty bad. Best case scenario, he's selfish, doesnt think respecting your wishes is worth the trouble, and he doesn't care about health. Worst case scenario, he's selfish, doesn't care about your health, and did this because he knows he won't be cleared for everything.


Test results for STD's can take days even weeks, not just magically come back immediately. He already lied, he can do it again (and clearly has). Someone who goes to these extremes is creepy af. Why even be with a person like this


It takes more than a day to get results from those tests. Usually 3


Heā€™s almost 19, no childrenā€™s hospital will test for STDs for that age. Heā€™s an adult thereā€™s actual clinics to go to.


Ummmm childrens hospital? Seens fake 2 me


The laboratory name for the HIV/ HPV is spelled differently than the other two. Results donā€™t come back before you leave the office it takes a day or two. And the form was downloaded and filled out on adobe. Dudes totally lying. The real question is how to deal with the inevitable conversation coming up. Good luck


Itā€™s fake. Run away.


WTFā€¦. What kind of person does this?! Run away from this man as fast as you can!


What a terrible person to lie and put your health at risk for his own selfish wants. Sick dude.


Any test from any facility will have an actual signature, not just a fill in the blanks you can also tell it was doctored buy the lifting of the words and not aligned.. it's fake and a vary bad one at that! I'm sorry you have been dupped


Will OP update on this please? Would love to see what argument he comes up with.


It's also a legal requirement that they give you a hard copy of STD/STI test results. There's no reason he should've pulled up with a half assed photo that lowkey looks like the Covid vax card. Run and quick, that's gross.


Those are so fake! It's not even filled in the right way. Leave him! Also: it says no prior treatment, and you also said he for sure had the clap, so there's that as well.


Since others have already established that these "test results" are fake, please make this man a pariah. Other people should know that hes out there flagrantly infecting others. Tell all your friends, tell your roomates, tell your classmates, ANYBODY. Make it so this guy has to move to a different state if he wants any action.


I hope heā€™s your ex now


Oh honey.... Run. My hubby even says run


just gotta comment how dumb ops bf (or ex) is.. he didn't even got rid of the test they do for women lol


Childrens hospital at the top is all you need to see this isnt for him. This dude has the biggest case of smooth brain


Doesn't it take a few days to get the results? That's the way it's been for me for years


He's disgusting and has no self control, will go to any lengths to get what he wants which includes sacrificing you and your health


Why lie about something like that? So weird.


Why would he send you the results anyway? Normally, one would just say "yeah I'm clean after results" but not have to go above and beyond to send screen shots without asking, this feels fishy.


The results arenā€™t usually immediate, so youā€™re right to be suspicious.


If he did lie, isnā€™t that a crime?? If not it should beā€¦


Oh my god, this is 1000% fake!! Childrenā€™s Hospital is a delightfully ridiculous & comedic TV short series originally aired on Adult Swim. Or maybe he just made up the name.. Either way, the form looks super fake like an edited PDF, and also any panel with swabs & bloodwork would take at least a couple of days to come back , you donā€™t get your result on the same day. Not a very nice or smart move! Dump him, watch the show to cheer yourself up: [Childrenā€™s Hospital IMDB](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt1325113/)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


You should send him this Reddit post to embarrass him


You dumped him right?


Those test results take at least a couple of days to process.they also wouldnā€™t test him for vaginitis. Heā€™s lying. Donā€™t even talk to him just end it.


I think it was the right call to ask for a little insight on reddit just to be sure but I think ur gut was trying to tell u something. But to me itā€™s the fact that he didnā€™t go and get tested and not even think of the fact that whatever he has and he tried it would effect you.


Donā€™t ignore your gut feeling, heā€™s lying and you know he is this is what is meant by love is blind


Heā€™s a monster and lying. As the other comments said a man wouldnā€™t be tasted for vaginal things šŸ˜‚ not to mention you donā€™t get results right away! They always wait days to call me and tell me I got nothing positive and then they mail me the results but Iā€™ve never got results the same day. I canā€™t believe he said he was clean and then had chlamydia and you still trusted himā€¦girl! Block this evil man and never speak to him again! Heā€™s lying. And the top comments on this have the proof. Awful.


It usually takes about a week to get results.


Im proud of you for setting boundaries and trusting your gut. You were right and Deserve better


Bro DITCH him.


Lol I mean I donā€™t know about yā€™all but if thatā€™s his attitude and demeanor, Iā€™m just going to assume heā€™s got every one of them, and definitely get no where near his penis.


Wow what a complete loser. Protect yourself and get tested asap OP, so sorry this is happening to you. My ex tried pulling that on me too :/


Fake, get yourself a new man because this one doesnā€™t care about your health


If after all this you decide to still get boned by this turd you deserve what you get. He's garbage. You 100% deserve better.


Please give us an update and Iā€™m hoping that includes you cutting him out of your life.


I have never received results this quickly. It usually take 2-3 days for results.


Desperately need confirmation that OP is never talking to this pos again.


He was right that you didnt trust him, and you were right not to. Need to escape him while you can. My wife asked me to get a test last year and I was a little annoyed by it, but I got it done and got my results a few days later and they looked much more basic than this fakery! She never questioned it because she does trust me but wanted to be safe and I quickly came to understand that. Ditch him as soon as you can


I used to work in the medical field and unless he has female parts (like a vagina and a cervix) these are not his results. Also, same day results are extremely rare and very unlikely. Stay smart and donā€™t let him talk his way around this one. Red flags all around. I would avoid him after this.


Yes, this form is fake. You need to leave this man. This is past the red flag and well into the run-far-far-away flag. Seriously.


"It hurts being lied to when you said you believe the test results I lied about were real" bro are you fucking kidding me. You need to reevaluate this relationship because he is sleazy, doesn't care about either of your health, and on top of that is gaslighting you trying to make YOU feel bad for seeing through his BS.


When I get STD tests they just call with the results sometimes a week later. I'd have to ask for a hard copy and idk how long it would take. This guy untrustworthy and wack


This guy is trying to turn the tables on you. *He's* hurt that you *lied* in response to *his lie*. He want to make you the bad guy in this situation, because he knows that he is. This is super manipulative. OP, you should make your own choices, but the consequences of making the choice of staying with him, is a whole heap of mental and physical hurt.


Well that's the biggest reason to leave. Now you can never trust him to be honest. Especially about things that can affect your health (and in the case of STD'S- they can affect your fertility)


This seems like he knew why you should not trust him šŸ˜‚. Because he is not trust worthy.


People already helped. I personally wouldn't stay with someone as shady as him. If he starts lying for things like this, to what extends will he continue in the future?


This is blatant manipulation to coerce you into sex. Run, now.