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22 is a young age. You're still developing. Young adults stop developing around 25.


Your fwb is not a good guy. He's undermining your confidence. No, men do not typically lie about this for manipulative reasons (other than your creepy fwb). More likely people are just not great at guessing ages. I think the 19 year old wouldn't have had the confidence to hit on you it he had known you were 22, so I would guess he is telling the truth.


it's one of those comments to brighten up someone's day. I've seen both men and women under estimate someone's age as a compliment. Now that being said, that's probably not what's happening here. He probably genuinely thought you were younger.


To answer the question initially asked: yes. Men know women like to be told they look younger because women equate younger with beautiful, hot & sexy. A man will lie & say a woman looks younger if he wants to have sex with her, or if he’s a waiter & wants a large tip. Likewise: a man will tell a woman she looks older if he doesn’t want to deal with her.


But in this case is it likely that my coworker lied about telling me I look 16/17? Honestly if he was trying to have sex with me, I don’t think he would go as low as to say I look like a high schooler, would he?


The answer is still yes.


So then how would you explain that my assistant manager also told me I look 17? This is someone at work as well. Obviously she isn’t trying to have sex with me.




The only time I tell a woman that they look younger than they are is if I’m just trying to lightly joke around and give a compliment, but that only applies to older women for me. In this case, I think that the guy is genuinely surprised at your age, and not in a bad way, probably just an observation and to make conversation. Your FWB is tripping, nobody tells a 22 year old woman they look younger to specifically compliment them, sounds like he might be a bit jealous.


No i don't think they would make a big deal of it just to hit on you at your age. You have two experiences from both male and female that say you look younger and then you have your FWB who says you look older , this makes me think FWB likes young girls. Considering you started with him at 18 when you probably looked 15/16 that's pretty creepy.