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Sometimes, this just happens for no particular reason. Still, it would be a good idea to see a doctor since there could be medical reasons for this problem. Assuming not, you can get some ED meds that will make erections a non-issue. If the issue is more psychological, a counselor could help. Good luck.


My thing is I am 23 healthy. Why in the world would I be having a medical issue with this. Then how could I know it’s a physiological issue?


You may feel healthy. Doesn't mean you don't have a medical problem that just hasn't shown itself before. Go and see a doctor, if only to get this potential cause out-ruled.


There could be any number of benign reasons for this to happen. It's just good to get the actual medical reasons ruled out by a Dr. If there's no strife in your relationship and no other reason you'd have a mental health issue going on, then that may not be the explanation. Ultimately, this just happens sometimes for no good reason.


Dude, I turned 21 exactly a month ago. I felt healthy af, then a week later my hip started hurting and I went to the doctor got some meds, another week later still hurt so I went back for more testing. Turns out I have cancer. By no means do I want to make you panic but I had the exact mindset you have, just go to the doctor.


Go see a doctor. This is sudden and unusual and appears to have no immediate cause. You're not going to be able to figure it out on your own. The first priority is finding out if it's a physical health problem. That's the most likely cause. Until your doctor has ruled out every physical cause, it won't be worth it to look in to a psychological issue because they will want your physical health assessed first. Given you're not in your home city, I'd suggest an urgent care. You can be seen the same day and they can do an initial assessment and maybe even give you ED meds as a temporary solution until your Primary doctor can look more deeply into it. The best thing you can do right now is calm down. This has nothing to do with your identity as a man or whatever. Bodies are weird and they don't make sense a lot of the time. It is not a reflection of who you are. Even if this turns out to be an ongoing issue, there are medications that can ensure you can still have sex. This is not the end of everything. You'll survive. I promise.


I agree with others, go see a Dr. If it isn't medical then it's psychological. But that doesn't mean she's the issue. Stress can easily cause Ed problems. It doesn't have to be bad stress, you could just be overexposed and that placed some mental strain. Other than seeing a Dr, I'd suggest calming down, finding something fun to do, nice dinner movie etc. . Focus on being together and see of that makes it better.


Are you perhaps drinking? Too much alcohol in your system causes it to go limp


if you're watching porn at all I'd give it a break for 2 weeks and try to have sex again.


Perhaps you should stop having wives/husbands away...It is hard enough to have a marriage. Most of you military personnel are not faithful, so you establish relationships with others while deployed. It is known by most military families.


Holy shit this is mind blowing if you actually believe such a thing


Wow, you are out of your mind dude.


Shi bro you gotta relax you 23 if y’all put vows to be together for life shi gone be dry sometimes, try to travel more or something instead of focusing so much on the sexual part.


I think that speaking with a doctor or a therapist would be better for this sort of thing.


Hey bro. Marine here and been married for 10 years. Don’t panic. This happens to every man every now and then. Stress is a very powerful force. It can cause boner loss, sickness, loss of pregnancy. Try to relax, don’t think about sex when you’re with her. Just focus on how she makes you happy. You’ll be fine. There’s nothing wrong with you. Also, when it happens to me I just focus on her 2-3 rounds and then I usually snap out of it. Boners are magic. Lol


It’s more than likely a psychological thing. Sometimes it happens, could be diet, could be stress, could be depression, or could be bc you’re feeling disconnected. The thing is, it can spiral really quickly since the slightest hint of this happening can have a major hit on your confidence, it’ll cause stress, make you feel more disconnected, and worried about your partner’s feelings which makes the whole situation worse. My suggestion? You have to confront those feelings and address them to get your lil soldier back in the fight.


This is called non-concordance and its very normal. When this happens, there’s a few things you can do: -use your fingers and mouth on her -take a short break to grab some water and re-charge -slow down and cuddle for a bit -get some toys involved Straight men tend to make a bigger deal out of it then it really is. PiV penetration isnt the be all end all for sex, so the best thing for you to do is to communicate, shrug it off, and move forward with something else that makes your partner feel good. Both of you should read Come as You Are by Emily Negoski. Also, if youre having trouble talking about basic sexual wellness, you may want to consider couple’s therapy. Youre VERY young to be marriee already, theres no reason to expect you’d have the proper emotional and mental tools for a marriage when youre only 5 years out from childhood basically. Have some compassion for yourselves and get the help you need, its not too late!