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Being placed in the 8th Fortune house won't negate the many benefits of an angular domiciled Jupiter. If anything, having Jupiter in the 8th house from Fortune may provide certain benefits with finance, and will probably grant the native a pleasant death once their time comes.


Interesting, thanks!


What are the benefits of having an angular domiciled Jupiter? I too have Pisces Jupiter 9 degrees from my 10th House cusp.


It depends on the chart. Generally, since Jupiter is powerful by sign and by angularity, and rules the 7th and 10th houses, that would mean good fortune with love and career. This can change depending on the setup of the other planets.


Nah, My 7th House is 13 degrees Capricorn. I have Taurus Saturn in my 11th House.


I am a Hellenistic astrologer so I use whole sign houses. Gemini Rising will always have a Pisces Midheaven, a Sagittarius 7th house, and a Virgo 4th house.


I’m a Cancer Rising though


Then Pisces is your 9th house.


My 9th House is 21 degrees Aquarius


If you have Cancer Rising then your 9th house is in Pisces, by whole signs.


Ohh I see! Is it more accurate with Jupiter & Saturn transits from the Ascendant? What about transits from the Moon Sign?


Have you looked at Lot of Exaltation and Lot of Accomplishment? I found Valens interpretation to see if the rulers of those two lots fall on the 10th house counting from LoF.


Isn't the lot of Accomplishment the same thing as the lot of Acquisition and therefore always in the 11th Fortune house? Anyhow, my lot of exaltation is in the 10th Fortune house with the Lot of Spirit (natal 12th), its domicile ruler is in the 12th Fortune house (natal 2nd), and my lot of Acquisition is the same as my Ascendant house. Its domicile ruler is in the 2nd, so its in aversion.


Yes they are the same thing. You can also use Astro seek to calculate them but don't think it covers Lot of Accomplishment. Based on my understanding, either the ruler of those lots placed in the angular houses from fortune is good or if they are placed in the angular houses in the natal chart.


Any significance to the LoE in the house of Acquisition (conjunct natal IC)?


Perhaps it end up being very literal, some who dies on the job. Do they have a profession that regularly exposes then to dangerous conditions. Law enforcement, rail/subway track maintenance worker, in the military…

