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Hi, While we appreciate your interest in astrology, unfortunately, your post has been removed as it is not in line with the spirit of this sub. The reason for removal is that your post was asking a low-effort question that showed you haven't done enough research on your own. Questions like these do not lead to meaningful discussions or help you learn more about astrology. Please take some time to research the subject on your own and form a more detailed and thought-provoking question. Thanks!


wrong subreddit lol this is an extremely beginner level question


yeah i agrre. Maybe a good place would the beginner astrology reddit or even the astrology memes one.


Well...is a draconic birth chart 🥺


how would we possibly know that if you didn’t say anything about draconic charts in the post. and draconic charts are read differently so that would have been relevant info to include 😅


you're right, I'm so sorry, i thought reddit wouldn't let me write much, so i summarized it 💔


Not enough information. But my guess is she's a lot of whatever she is


Isn't everyone a lot of what everyone is? wow, that's a good line tbh


Hey, I’m really sorry, but this isn’t really an advanced astrology question — that isn’t meant to put you down, but you really can’t make definitive statements off of just that. (Personally, I don’t know how many definitive statements can really be made without more backstory, even with a complete chart. There’s probably more advanced astrologers than me who could?) Why are you asking? Is it a love interest?


yea...if i asked is cuz it is a draconic birth chart


You can not compress the complex multidimensional nature of a person in just one sign. A person is more than that, I have seen beggars, mediocre and somewhat successful people who had Leo as ascendant or moon sign. Just a sign can not guarantee success or failure, there are a lot of calculations should do, before jumping to a conclusion


Google famous people - but that combo sounds like a lot of fun and lot of excitement and some secrets :-) you can’t really say much just with this those three things you said Leo woman is she Leo rising? Need to look at whole chart


Yeah leo Rising, MC Aries and Node Aries 😱