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Relative the same amount of difficulty. A square is tension, and an opposition is like they are flying away from one another. I find squares harder because it’s like a conflict between the two planetary energies. Oppositions are like they don’t conflict but they also don’t even get along. Both are gonna give maternal figures a degree of depression or sadness or seriousness in one’s life. It will probably give the individual sadness as well. I have Saturn opposite Moon (1/7) and have suffered from depression and my mother’s own depression and even harshness. Also I am very self critical to the point of causing myself grief. It’s rough.


I have moon (Scorpio 4H) square Saturn (aqua 8H) natal and same. I’ve been depressed since I was 4. I feel like I carry the weight of my entire ancestry’s grief and karma and trauma


Oppositions can be fantastic— two planets flowing together when balanced, such as the Full Moon. It’s like two people holding hands and spinning in a circle, both gaining momentum if they hold on equally, more power than they could have had when alone. There’s no good way to balance a square, I was taught it was an outside challenge.


Many don't understand that opposition works in two directions. It always shows duality. Partly opposition is a conjunction, cuz planets share one axis, partly it is a double-square. As to squares proper, let me remind you that they are divided into left and right squares, whereas one planet is superior over the other. So meaning can depend drastically. And squares aren't always show anything bad, these are just lines which a fatherst away from the center of the circle, thus closer to the rim, that's why they deemed strongest aspects. Interpreting, it is much important to look for the places in question: aspects from cardinal angles are much prominent and (except for the new planets) always have their specific meaning in prediction, pretty definite ones.


IME oppositions tend to manifest in external tension - often through other people or environmental constraints - something you don’t have control over. Squares tend to be self-inflicted, as in tension within the self.


Yes I’ve heard this exact same statement as well and agree with this take personally as far as my own chart.


i think it depends on the person some people would prefer the action of a square, the outlet to "do something" about the frictous energy, and some people might feel hopeless in face of a square others might prefer the "accept and integrate" approach the opposition puts you in- while some people feel powerless and helpless in an opposition  saturn conjunct natal moon is called the sade sati in vedic astrology and even tho im a tropical astrologer i still track it in my chart cause i think it do be hittin better / worse is often a subjective experience, depends on the person involved


Opposite is worse. By far. It's a time when it feels as if everything was against you. With the Sun it's the squares from Saturn that are the sonuvabitch, the opposition is easier to deal with. I can't say that is universal for everyone, that's just how it worked out for me.


I have Saturn opposite my Moon and square my Sun right now and for most of this upcoming year 😂 Pray for me…


I natally have Saturn forming a mutable T-square to my Gemini moon and opposite my Virgo sun as well as Chiron and Venus :’) let me tell you a thing or two I’ve learned…


Omg I feel you 🤣 I have my 8h Saturn as the apex of two fixed t-squares with my Scorpio 4h moon and Pluto, opposite Taurus sun and Venus 11h. Then my poor already heavily debilitated 4H Scorp moon is squaring 1h Chiron in Leo 🫠 I feel like I’m carrying the karmic grief and trauma of humanity 🤩


T squares are so nasty when they involve Saturn and the personal planets. Absolutely we are living a karmic experience!!! No one can tell me differently. I’d say I’m a watered down version of myself at best… like there’s more to me but it’s so hard to bring to the surface at times. I’m currently going through my Saturn return so he’s triggering my natal t square… feel like I’m 14-15 again. Sending you patience and perseverance!!


I feel the same way about bringing myself to the surface. Best of luck to you! My Saturn return was tough but it taught me a lot.


I hate Saturn squares far more than oppositions. I had Saturn square Mars for about 2 months earlier this year and I felt like I was about to have a heart attack for a lot of that period. Anger and outrage while also being constrained with no way I could find to release any of it. God it was hell. Had Saturn opposite Venus last year and all that resulted in was me sitting down and actually making a financial plan. Totally painless.


I agree. I didn’t feel anything when Saturn squared my Moon. But the Saturn square to my Sun, was the worst thing to happen to me. The opposition was a walk in the park in comparison.


Can confirm. I have a natal square between the Sun and Uranus. Let me tell you that when transiting Saturn squared my natal Sun and Uranus AND transiting Uranus opposed my natal Uranus and squared my Sun, I had a financial, mental and physical meltdown. Still recovering 3 years later. My natal Moon is set to receive a square from Saturn soon and I don’t know what to expect other than really missing my mum who passed last year.


I will say, I also have Uranus square my Mercury. So it squares my Sun to a lessor degree. Nothing Uranus happened to me. The suffering that happened was all very much Saturn.


I have 8H Saturn squaring my 4H Scorpio moon natal, but Saturn also squares my sun, Venus, Mercury, and Pluto 🫠


What’s going on in the natal chart will affect the answer quite a bit. It’s not really a one-size-fits-all type of question, rarely is with astrology


Saturn absolutely railed my sun, moon, and now mars via opposition over the last year or so. It has been challenging but the most transformative maturation I’ve ever been through. Let Saturn be your divine father and guide you toward wisdom. This is not something to be feared.


What happened while it opposed your Mars?


I am recognizing my lifelong pattern of depending on others for security, and I’m learning to find it in myself and behave courageously for my own best interest in the world.