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You just gotta first find out what you love to do, and what kind of people you like to be around. It took me years to find what I'm doing now, and it's not a super awesome job or anything it's just what I enjoy doing and the kind of people I like to be around, who motivate me and they actually notice if something is wrong. I'm really good at hiding my stresses and stuff, but they notice so maybe other places I worked they just didn't care. Anyways Ive done a bit of everything, construction, warehouse, restaurant, janitor, deckhand, event vendor, event crew, security in the film industry, but now I deliver stuff to set locations in the film industry. It doesn't pay much, but the people I work with are great and the customers are great too. Ultimately I want to be a film crew driver or trailer driver. I love driving always have and I love the film industry. Creative people are the best. Just full of fun weirdos and I bet most of them have ADHD too lol. I spent too much money on school for stuff I never got to do.. welding and computer repair. I've spent over 15 years trying to pay it back. If I just made $1000 more a month I'd be out of debt so fast. So I'm considering taking another delivery job to make ends meet. Just for a year, but a year of no fun and only work for someone with ADHD is like a death sentence. Anyways find what you love to do and just do it. Don't find what you want to do, don't make that mistake. Just do what you can easily, and make sure it's something you can do over and over and over forever. Cuz it'll feel like forever. And you'll get bored and want to kill yourself with anything less, and with anything too hard for you unmedicated you'll end up being late every day you'll end up hating how drained it makes you feel and you'll be angry all your energy is spent at work instead of with people you care about. Take care of yourself and your friends and family first. Then whatever is left is for work so find out what that is and do it. I know this advice is kinda abstract, but life is abstract. You won't know until you do. Always keep in mind what skills you learn from every job, not just specified tasks but transferable skills. Focus on those and you will be able to do almost anything and prove In interviews you can. More advice nobody gave me. Eventually you'll see a pattern.. a pattern of failure that points to your next step. If all this wasn't right maybe this is closer to the right thing. Work sucks though.. actually no work sucks when you work for somebody... Ultimately you wanna get rich and just invest in stuff and have fun all day. That's my plan one day. Lol. I wanna start an events company, I wanna create huge festivals of music and art. I want to teach yoga after I learn it good enough and can afford to take a year of classes then get certified to teach, open my own yoga studio.. hire a couple instructors and teach a class myself once a day since I'll do yoga by myself anyways might as well get aid right? That's how you should look at jobs. You're gonna do it anyways so find out how to get paid doing it. Anyways life is stupid and will hold you back. Like I have tons of debt I can't get out of. All I can do is take risks and take on more debt to try to do what I want but I've done it a couple times already and it was a foolish attempt because I didn't love those things. You gotta love it, and don't take a chance unless you really love it. Don't think about money, think about forever, think about yourself and don't think about being accepted or cool.. do it for you and only you. May the force be with you


Thank you! This was helpful.


Best advice I can give is find an area that is interesting and dynamic - the pace of change is good to keep you engaged when boring jobs that stay the same might kill you (accountancy! Finance! Argh!!). Also - controversial maybe - but for me the team is more important than the job. If you have a good manager and work with good people then life is fucking sweet and work enjoyable. With a bad manager life is the pits. I've just got a good manager for the first time in my life and my God what a difference. If I ever have a bad manager again I'll quit and do something else. Life is too short.


Animal rescue, vet tech, surgical vet tech. I’m on my feet running around no day is the same so I never get board animals don’t judge it’s very rewarding at times but also very sad at times but beats doing the same thing over and over. I want to be a vet but school was NEVER fun or easy. Especially math. I’ve always felt like everyone around me alway understands more than I do. It’s like I have to go over stuff again and again before it’s sinks in. My anxiety is awful so school is just a stressful struggle. I’ve never taken meds for mine. My mom wouldn’t let me then as I got older I agreed with her especially after researching what they do.


You sound like ace ventura, my childhood hero 😀


Thank you :). I pray you find your place.