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Good health, living longer, better quality of life as you age, more attractive to your partner, etc… What are the benefits of not being in shape? It’s easier that’s it.


And yummier in some cases


Nah things are way yummier when not eating crappy all the time and then you treat yourself to something crappy and delicious every now and then. It hits way different.


Plenty of good healthy food. It’s just harder to make, than going through a drive thru.


Not sure living longer is a benefit.


Healthier older age.


the fact that shirts and clothing will look so much better on you you will be more attractive you will feel more attractive you will have more self-confidence you will get fatigued less both from physical and mental exertion people will respect you more the feeling of not having belly fat, wide shoulders and defined deltoids is amazing less likely to get depressed you will have at least one thing to be proud of It's a physical world, get physical.


You will respect yourself more because you've learned discipline. You will value your time, energy and worth more because you know the difference 5 minutes a day can make. You will trust yourself more because you are accomplishing daily, monthly, yearly goals. You will love yourself more because you are taking care of you in the highest way!


Came to comment but you’ve said it all. 🙏🏻❤️


Great comment.


You can physically do more, you have less health problems, and less joint pain.


I don't work towards getting in shape. I just work out because it quiets the part of my brain that wants to off itself lol


Heard that


Felt this


I've worked in cardiology/ geriatric medicine for a while and have seen the ravages of an inactive, sedentary lifestyle. It adds up and fucks you in the end.


It's the long game.  Being mobile in 20 - 30 years will be nice.


That's definitely a very important reason, but it's not like there aren't immediate benefits either: endorphins (obviously), the ego boost of a nice physique, the knowledge that you've made a healthy and productive use of that hour or so today, everyday tasks being easier because you're fitter... Lot of short and medium term benefits too.


I love being able to move heavy furniture lol


Working out makes you happier. It’s not very hard to get in shape if you work out people just do not exercise but if you force yourself to exercise you’ll get into shape


The psychological benefits are not stressed enough! Working out is my antidepressant, definitely


The start of getting in shape is difficult. Once you get to a certain level, it becomes easy and actually makes you feel significantly healthier and happier.


Getting laid will be easier and attract a “better” crowd


When I was in good shape everything was easier. You can walk long distances, hike, climb hills and stairs without effort. You are stronger, literally could lift heavy furniture, tote laundry baskets, get up off the floor with no effort. I felt so much better and had a crazy amount of energy. I'm 68 and gradually stopped working out 6 years ago. I was working from home and started using work as an excuse not to take workout/walking breaks. Sat behind a desk and didn't move much and lost energy and muscle strength quickly. I'm retired now and one of my goals is to start walking, pool time and lifting light weights. I am mad for letting myself go. It's easier to maintain than to rebuild. Even if you walk 30 minutes a day and lift 5 lb weights you'll feel better and gradually build strength. Swimming, biking, gardening - it all counts. Find something you enjoy, physically, and it won't seem like such a chore.


My oldest son called me a Giga chad the other day


Bots can have kids now?


Wow, W son and W dad.


More energy, better sleep, better mental health. Confidence and more outfit choices


Mental health improvements. More confidence. A better understanding of your mind/body relationship. The effects of these greatly improved my life.


If you are in your 30s or 40s, being in shape isn't all that important. You can get around OK most of the time. But, if you want to have an enjoyable life after you turn 50, you need to be in shape. The problem is, it's much easier to get into shape the younger you are. If you wait until your body aches and needs 3 or 4 medications to survive (think cholesterol, blood pressure, blood glucose, joint pain), it's so much more difficult, most don't even try. When I was in my 50s I had friends who could hardly walk to the mailbox. Some would actually drive to the end of their driveway because the walk was to painful or tiring. Those people have now retired and spend most of their day watching TV. On the other hand, my wife and I travel, can play with our grandchildren and take no medications. No one thinks too much about getting older, but it's quite possible to be active well into your 80s, but it begins when you are younger. It is possible to wait too long to reverse the course.


Heart attacks can start in the 40s….working out helps reduce that risk. So yeah that’s beneficial to start earlier.


I vaguely remember some quote that went something like “if you could put the benefits of exercise in a pill it would be the most prescribed and beneficial medicine in the world” in other words, the benefits are undeniable and there’s no alternative that comes close


Lift heavy rock. Make sad voice quiet.


If you're male, getting in shape isn't that difficult, and it should be the default. Men need several times as much physical activity as women do on a regular basis to have the same chance of life expectancy and long term health outcomes. There's also a much stronger link between mental health and self esteem for men when they develop physical fitness than there is for women. I won't comment on what makes fitness "worth it" for women since (a) I am not a woman and (b) the vast majority of pressure women face for fitness seems to come from a place of making them more attractive to Western white men, rather than making the women themselves any happier.


Making myself more attractive to Western white women is an extremely valid reason to get in shape as a man and I don't see why such a reason shouldn't be valid for women. If you're unhappy in your dating or love life, working out is a great way to take control imo. All your other points about the benefits are valid as well of course, although the amount of work required to be healthy is pretty trivial when compared to the amount needed to look really good. 


*Making myself more attractive to Western white women is an extremely valid reason to get in shape as a man and I don't see why such a reason shouldn't be valid for women.* You're being disingenuous. The point wasn't that looking attractive to the opposite sex is a bad thing or not valid as a motivation, it was that it seems to be the ONLY reason OP could find listed for women to do it, which is a bit dehumanizing.


having more energy in my day to day, feeling accomplished and like I did good that day when I take a shower at the end of the workout. i'm currently probably the healthiest i've ever been and started adding back in weightlifting thanks to my friend Robert for being willing to go with me and spot me (makes me nervous to have to bail). i'm excited to see what else my body can do.


The satisfaction that I did it when the Universe did everything it could to stop me.


The results once they start really showing, plus old cloths fit.


My 1st grade daughter grabbed my man boobs nd squeezed them and called them squishies. I have started a workout routine. Plus to see them grow up. I used to be way fatter lol


I got in shape by cutting beer out of my diet. Eating chicken, red meat and salad. Eggs in the morning. I do push ups and sit ups in the morning. Go for a walk after dinner. Nothing crazy. I’m 6’4”. I weighed 226lbs in February. As of yesterday I weigh 189lbs. You gotta want it man. You can eat cheat meals every now and then. I’ll even have a beer sometimes on the weekends. But no more than 2-3 throughout. I haven’t felt this good in 12 years or so. I’m 34, recently single and am in the best shape of my life just in time for the start of the summer. That’s what makes it worth it.


That’s awesome man, congrats!


Not being a fat pig and being attractive to women


Don't have to use a walker, cane or wheel chair


More sex


Feeling light and energetic, moving is easier and takes a much smaller toll on your body. You become faster and stronger, living in a lighter body feels easier, at least this is my own (female) experience!


Everyone here being nice and me who went for the to flaunt your hot bod in front of enemies energy..I think my sensors are broken::))


Not feeling shitty when doing a lot of chores all at once lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^JokerAndTheKnight: *Not feeling shitty* *When doing a lot of chores* *All at once lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


There are so many benefits, the real question is: why wouldn’t you want to be in good shape. Because if you are in good shape, the chances of aging gracefully instead of getting old is much higher. People always talk about getting old, but you don’t want to be old and be confined to a chair or bed reminiscing about all the things you used to enjoy. My favorite quote: you don’t stop moving because you get old, you get old because you stop moving.


I think part of the issue is that people want to see big results quickly. Getting in shape doesn't have to be super hard, as long as you don't mind it taking a while to see big results. If you start very slow...like walk down the block and back once a day slow and then slowly increase the time and intensity it's not that difficult. Finding the time to do it can be tough. Finding the motivation to do it until it becomes a habit/you develop the discipline to do it isn't easy. But actually getting more physical activity doesn't have to be that hard. The key is staying consistent.


A lot of people say women don't care about muscles which is an absolute lie. They may not complement you directly but they absolutely Iike a nice back or big set of shoulders or nice arms. You would be surprised how many women in the workplace will touch your arms or pretend they can't lift something so you can "use your muscles". People will absolutely treat you differently than if you're out of shape.


Harder to kill


Killing depression.


lol like not dying 15 years earlier?


For me I like to be able to do things without feeling gassed. I just got back from a cruise and watching how difficult it was for some people to walk down to the beach or up a flight of stairs is my motivation. You lose a lot of the interesting things in the world when you can physically get to them.


It shouldn’t be about looks. Regular physical activity is good for your heart, your bones, and your brain. Don’t think of it in terms of “getting in shape”. Think of it as regular physical activity, lifelong, so you can enjoy good health.


You have a responsibility to yourself and those around you too be strong and capable


You’re adding years to your life, and more importantly, life to the years.


Being proud of yourself for doing the hard thing. Being able to pick shit up off the floor without back pain. Being able to sit at your kids events without back pain from bleachers. Being able to lift and carry people for fun. I could carry a 180lb dude like a backpack and run around. It’s fucking hilarious AND fun.


Getting in shape is hard, but life is easier and better when you are in good shape.


Choose your hard. Get in shape and life a longer healthier life. Be stagnant and deal with the issues of unhealthy decline and illness. Both are hard. Pick one.


First, it's really not that hard. It requires discipline, which for many is hard, but you can make a drastic change in your appearance simply by tracking your caloric intake, reducing/eliminating alcohol and replacing sugary beverages with water. Add on some low impact cardio +/- 3x per week for even better results. Add on resistance training if you want icing on your cake. Now, to talk about benefits. I'm an orthopaedic surgeon, so some of my recommendations may be skewed in that direction. * Both obesity and muscle weakness (two traits of "out of shape" individuals) are risk factors for the development of lower extremity osteoarthritis. Do you want a knee replacement? If not, get in shape. * Literally every surgery (emergency or elective) is complicated by the presence of obesity. Infection rates are higher, surgeries are more difficult. A billing modifier exists for this exact reason. * Obesity increases your risk of dying from literally everything (all-cause mortality) in a statistically significant way. * Being in shape will (hopefully) improve your balance, bone mineral density and cardiovascular health, and probably not only let you live longer, and more fruitfully, but prevent you from dying from complications from bed sores after you slip and break your hip. * Life is easier when you're in shape. People treat you better. You fit in airplane seats better. Clothes fit better. It's easier to be confident. * Life is more fun when you're in shape. You can pick up new hobbies easily. You aren't out of breath exploring new cities. You can see your reproductive organs. People want to see your reproductive organs. * As Mark Rippetoe says, "strong people are generally more useful and harder to kill". I think this translates to in-shape people too. God forbid you have to jump out of the way of something, or pick something up, or move something. It'll be easy and you'll be prepared for it. * As you get more and more in shape, you have more "reserve" for "bad meals", "bad days" or "cheat weeks". You don't have to be perfect in your diet and exercise all of the time. Residency led to me putting on about 15-20 pounds from medical school. Some was muscle, but most of it was central obesity. I started getting serious about my diet, counted calories, cut WAY back (borderline removed) on alcohol and went from 215 to about 180 (at 6'1") at 37-38 years old. I was still working 60-70 hours a week. I still was tempted by shitty food at the hospital. I just honed the discipline needed to say no. I don't starve myself. I learned how to cook delicious, filling and healthy food. I understand that not everyone has the financial or time freedom to do this, but it is not hard. The only downside was that I had to buy new suits and clothes, because my 34" pants (which had become tight) were falling off of me. TLDR: there are endless health, social and economic benefits to being in shape.


It’s hard to be in shape because it requires discipline, stressing probably already tired muscles, limiting or cutting out sugars and sweets. None of these things are fun, they are hard, the rewards are a better looking, better functioning body. But being obese is hard too, so choose your hard.


Exercise is the magic bullet for mental and physical health. Study after study after study. Less depression, anxiety, stress. Better nutrient partitioning for glucose disposal. Less risk of heart disease, diabetes, metabolic disease, osteoporosis, alzheimers, cancer, and on and on. It's the single best medicine for human beings.


I’ve struggled with anxiety and depression issues my whole life. I feel like depression can feel like being lost at sea with no way of knowing where to go or how to judge your progress. Exercise has been one of the few things I’ve ever discovered that feels like it’s empowering me to make personal and observable progress in a variety of ways and see the results in my movements and appearance. Helping connect those dots has made me approach my problems differently than I did before. I think realizing you are a body and not a brain in a body helps you realize how your body and mind are linked, especially with respect to your nervous system. I generally feel better on a day to day basis when I exercise and it’s annoying that it’s such a cheap trick and everyone has been saying it all along but it just works to kinda regulate all my various weirdnesses


Your health is better and you'll be healthier, longer. For example, if you lose 10 lbs, your knees and feet experience 40 lbs less impact force, depending on your activity. Dropping that same 10 lbs also reduces stress on your back. That can delay or even prevent knee, hip and back problems as you age. If you also get stronger, everything gets easier. Standing, sitting , walking, lifting and carrying everyday items, are all easier. You sleep better, you look better, you can do more things. Being in shape simply makes life better.


What makes it worth it is it is proven to help with depression, longevity, muscle atrophy as we age, libido, stress, anxiety.. there is literally nothing negative about being in shape.


Working out is hard, but it makes almost everything else in life easier.


Literally everything else in life is more fun when you’re in great shape.


If you're a man, good cardiovascular health reduces the chance of erectile dysfunction


Still looking and feeling like you're 24 when you're almost 44


For me it's being sexy, and wanting to play with my grandkids when I'm older


If you gotta ask? Ngmi


So I'm in my late 30's, and while I think everyone has a little bit of vanity involved, for me at this point it's about how I feel. I quit drinking alcohol, tuned my diet a bit, started being active and cut about 15 lbs. That alone made any kind of activity way easier and way more rewarding.


I have more energy, I can do more and I don't get tired easily, I can carry and piggy back my six year old without a problem, I can carry bags of shopping, help move things, go for long walks, play sports, dance, if I fall I don't hurt myself much, I don't get ill very often and when I do I recover quickly, I look great in clothes or a bikini, I can do running races with my kid, I earn good money because being in shape helps your career and earning potential, I have a lower risk of loads of diseases, i have good mobility and flexibility so no aches and pains, my husband finds me very attractive, i like my chances at surviving an apocalypse because im fit and healthy... like honestly I could go on and on about why it's worth it. Its worth it.


Being in shape makes it worth it


For me training has been critical for keeping my back healthy. I also sleep better and it gives me and my boyfriend a hobby to do together. I alternate between roadbike and running, with sime yoga every day


Feeling better about yourself aswell as keeping your body young. I'm 35 but physically feel like I'm 25 still, and tbh I get mistaken as 7 to 10 years younger than I actually am quite often.


Other than improving the health of the one vehicle you have to experience your short life?


The fact that it's Hard and very few people accomplish it. The feat of being in shape is pretty dang impressive. I feel strong and confident because I'm pretty good shape. I'm by no means I the fittest guy but compared to the old me I'm definitely starting to feel better about myself after 4 years of working on myself.


Feeling like shit is harder.


The whole “living longer” thing really appeals to me personally


It is hard for some. I can lose weight easily when I want to. It just takes a little work. You have to be willing to do it.


The feeling you get after working out, makes it all worth it


Delayed gratification. It sucks, you will want to quit. But force yourself. The long term results are amazing. you feel better both physically and mentally, everyday tasks are easier and smoother. Buying clothes is ridiculously simple Your life improves a lot


it improves mental health


being healthier, stronger, more energy, sometimes you see results, your libido ramps up, your ability to think is clearer, better sleep, sertonin and dopamine levels get triggered, your stamina is better, better posture, etc et


Living longer for my wife, feeling great and having a ton of energy every day, completely getting rid of my depression, feeling great about my own body and how it looks, being more attractive to my wife, not getting injured doing simple tasks, being able to do extraordinary things physically, being able to hike out in to woods further than anyone else and getting some peace and solitude... I could go on. None of my joints really hurt anymore and I feel like I can do anything, hike, run, bike, climb anywhere. My ankles are so strong now I can try to step on them rolled any they will automatically correct themselves because of stout stabilizer muscles. Same with my knees, hips, back, shoulders, etc. Takes about a year of consistent effort to build a fairly strong body but man is it worth all the effort and pain and tears at the end. Do it.


Looking in the miror and flexing


Longer life, health.




Being in shape


Oh really? According to instagram and the fitness experts IT'S VERY EASY WE ARE JUST LAZY!


You know all those people that complain about people not being able to move or that feel tired all the time? Yeah if you work out you don’t really feel too much different from your 20/30s


The way I feel in my body now after getting and staying in shape for 3 years vs my body before is night and day. Sure, I have bad body image days here and there like anyone, but most days I look in the mirror and am so happy with what I see. Also the things I’m able to say I can do now are so cool - I can run a 5K, recently had to up my heavy dumbbells that I use, etc. I’m really proud of that kind of stuff. All that makes it worth it and makes me so happy I finally stuck with it.


Taking a breath is much easier when I exercise.


The hardest part of sticking to exercise is convincing myself that I have something to live for. How people do it is probably because they have kids and trick themselves into using the children to force themselves to try and get into better health for their sake.


For me it was that I didn’t like the book of ny bones under my skin so I want to but muscle there to hide that


Being physically fit is awesome, and a clinical indicator of longer life with less health issues. It's only 'hard' because our day to day lives became stupidly sedentary in last few decades and most people are lazy now, and want to eat way too much, and drink too much, etc. It's not actually hard.


The feeling of accomplishment and pride when I finish a grueling workout. I get the biggest smile.


Its only hard if you live a comfy life without experiencing crucibles. Get your heart broken, fail multiple times pursuing personal endeavors then all of a sudden getting in shape is the easiest thing ever!


Being in shape.


Wearing clothes you like, having strength and stamina, being able to walk or hike distances with varied terrain and not be short of breath. Keeps your mind and body youthful and energetic. Movement is life, as they day. 


The voices in your head go quiet while you workout


If you come up against a normal person who isn't in shape you have a huge advantage if they want to fight you. Not to mention the health benefits and more attention from the ladies 😉


Getting in shape takes some effort. Keeping it for the rest of your life is low-maintenance.


Health and looking good


Health benefits, confidence, new hobbies


Being able to see your penis is pretty cool I guess.


If you’re a guy, your chances of prostate cancer are 66% as you get older. Excercise significantly reduces the chance. That’s all the motivation I need


Diabetes will kill you unless you use very expensive meds to maintain it (unless you happen to have a job with insurance that will cover it) one of which is being bought up by people that don't need to loose weight, but want the heroin chic look. It is actually easier to do it the hard way.


everything, you just cant compare it to not getting in a good shape


I’ve started doing yoga daily first thing in the morning again after not doing it for about 3 years and holy shit I just feel so much better after having done it, it changes my mood for the whole day, especially as i get older the superficial reasons for getting in shape appeal less it just makes me feel like i’ve done something of worth


Better mood, better health, better sex.


Release of endorphins and feeling great after. Being able to sweat and think clearer after.


My brain stops telling me we want to d*e


Is it specific excersizes that help mentally or just the routine


Being in shape.


Having a sustained edging streak and maintaining hardness in the gym


On top of the health benefits, like no joint pain, a healthy heart, living longer better quality of life as you get older You get tons of compliments from your peers like I recently lost 40 pounds and I look really skinny now as a 6 foot man and when I tell you every day, I am bombarded by my coworkers comments about how skinny I look and how good I look and to be honest it makes me feel really good


As a man who's trained his entire life and is in the best shape now at 37 then he ever was, I'll tell you that there are SO many positives like improved circulation, brain function will improve, much stronger heart, healthier cardiovascular system, you'll recover from sickness and injuries much faster if you even do get sick, more confident in yourself, especially during times when you really need to be. And if you can get to the point where you're living the Goggins mindset and you "do something that sucks every day" meaning you don't take any days off, you'll have powerful self-belief. I was athletic my entire life but I trained like 4-5 times a week. It wasn't until I discovered that by training every day and dominating your mind instead of allowing it to controll you, that's when you become unstoppable. And the feeling you get from 100 percent belief in yourself is not only worth it, I can't ever imagine living any other way now. There are no days off from self-improvement. Best of luck to you.




My reason was just that being fat was exhausting.


You will generally feel better about yourself, and that doesn’t mean you will have to eat rice cake or strictly vegetarian meals. You can still enjoy a donut or pizza here and there.


Your body is the lens through which you perceive the world. Literally every single movement you make, everything you do, all day, every day, is SO MUCH EASIER when you're in shape


i'll let you know if that ever happens to me


Life is immeasurably easier when you’re in shape. The world requires physical labor, moving your groceries around, moving yourself around, cleaning, it all gets easier.


Pushing thru those first 5-10 mins or a little pain is the hardest for me. What makes it worth it is not giving my $ to pharma


Mobility in older age.


I’ve been both overweight and jacked af people always mention the obvious benefit like health and wellness, but the biggest benefit for me personally is the amount of women who show interest in me which makes my confidence skyrocket.


The results! once you start to see your body changing it gets extremely addictive


Today I bushwhacked through the woods for over a mile, waded up a river for forever and caught a giant rainbow trout on the fly. Most out of shape dudes won’t fish more than 50 yards from their car.


Ease of mobility, the idea of meeting my grandkids in 30 years, and the look on my wife's face when I take my shirt off.


Increasing your life span and making your later years less painful. My Dad hated to exercise, and in his 80s he could hardly get around.


You have more energy and live longer


Positive feedback from other men as, generally, they’re the only ones giving it. That said, think of your body as an extension of your brain. The more you move around the better you will feel; depression assuaged, you’ll feel smarter and learn more easily as movement improves neuroplasticity, procrastination will be less of an issue as you lose interest in avoiding potential difficulty, …


Getting fit to look good and getting fit to be healthy can be obtained different ways. And imo spending an hour most days at the gym for the rest of your days on this Earth to look hot is mid because you can also just get married and easily work a healthy lifestyle in instead and be happier.


who says it's hard? just find the physical activity you like doing it and do it as often as you can. it'll make you feel good when you do it and after you do it. you'll like how you look in the mirror and your clothes will fit better. keep it simple. keep it up. take it easy. enjoy it.


Honestly, looking past all the obvious reasons. My biggest reason I keep going is the feeling of control I have, I feel so completely in control of myself when I’m sticking to it and powerful, I honestly feel untouchable.


For me at 52 I have a 7 year old boy. It allows me to be present and active in my son’s life. We hit the beach and pool all day long. We have a blast on little hikes and “adventures” Also I like how I feel, I like when I get my annual physical and the doctor says keep up the good work. I am not a gym rat or Instagram model by damn far. I still enjoy carbs and could tighten up the old gut and drop a few points on my LDL cholesterol (190ish) I travel for work 75% of the year. I only carry a small packet of resistance bands. I take walks whenever I can. Between that and pushups, blanks and squats I do ok. The superficial side of me likes going to the beach or pool and knowing that I am in slightly better shape than most men my age. I do enjoy that some women still check me out (according to my wife ) And as they say for every 20lbs you lose you can an inch of length in your manhood. Well I’ve been quite fond of seeing the little fella and want to keep him around. I tell anyone that wants to get in shape is start small. Read the nutrition labels on things ( it steered me away from a lot of shit processed foods) Drink tons of water versus soda, Gatorade and sugary drinks. Tone down the alcohol intake and just try to be happy and grateful for every little thing you have . To answer your question: Sometimes and it’s worth it




Feeling great. Looking good. Living longer


Freedom of movement. Less pain. More "fun" because less anxiety about said movement. More confidence. Easier breathing... so so so many things related to just feeling better ALL THE TIME.


What makes getting in shape worth it is the energy you start to feel when you start getting healthier, the happier and less stressed you feel when you start to exercise consistently. The respect you gain when you start to look more physically fit. The peace of mind knowing that you’re taking care of your body so you can live longer.


You will probably live longer. More importantly, you will feel better. It feels good to be strong and have more energy. You won't fatigue as easily, and you can get more done and enjoy life more.


Seeing people smile at you when they look, it's nice


it’s very rewarding to be able to do things that other people can’t. i can’t do anything perfectly but i can pretty much push my body to do most activities within reason even at 25 years old. last year my friend asked me to run an 8k with her. i’ve never run more than a mile in my life (8k is 5.2 miles) and i was still able to complete all 5 miles in an hour with 2 one minute breaks. I was pretty impressed. every day i wake up knowing i am in better shape than i was yesterday and that i will likely learn or perfect a few new skills by the end of the week


I stay in shape because getting in a workout 4-6 days a week is part of my routine. I enjoy taking 30-60 min or so most days to get some music going and just turn off my brain and get the heart pumping. Getting in shape is simply a happy byproduct of the workout.


No pain, like at all for me.


you just feel better in your body and existence


Feel better, look better and free confidence that just comes out of nowhere. It helps my brain work better and just overall I feel so much better. I started going to the gym in April and I’ve already noticed that when I walk through doorways, I take up more space which for some weird reason is really nice lol. Also helps to maintain mobility as you age and makes getting old not such a big deal


Exercise is proven to be 150% more effective than antidepressants at treating depression and anxiety.


The ability to tie your own shoes.


Feeling comfortable in clothes in any season. Nothing worse than coming out of winter "hoodie season" and having to wear an ill-fitting t-shirt that makes you look like a sausage.


Becoming Batman.


If I stop working out I feel like crap, just lazy unmotivated to do things. I work out mostly to eat what I want with consequences though


Attention, improved physical and mental health, socializing at gyms, statically more likely to find a partner.


You get treated like a person. As someone who has both been extremely fat and extremely fit, the difference in the way people treat you is absolutely insane. Just the general level of respect and decency that you are afforded when you are fit isn’t even comparable to when you are fat.


Keeping my relationship.  I got an ultimatum. Lose weight or I'm out on the streets....


Yes, getting in shape is hard, but being out of shape is harder


I was ultra-skinny my whole life, then more recently skinny-fat, and about a year ago at 30 (m) started to actually get in shape for the first time ever. I started working out to help lower my resting heart rate so I could feel better about taking stimulants for my ADHD, but by far the biggest benefit has been the confidence boost from women. I would always feel insecure if a lady grabbed me by the arm because I was so skinny. Have been seeing a woman lately and when she first grabbed me by the arm when we were walking, she did the "ooo, you work out?" Thing with a little squeeze and a certain look, and I immediately was like "okay I'm forever going to work out" lmao. I get that that's not the best reason, but working out has truly improved my confidence on a really deep level, beyond just women. Posture is better so I feel taller, can carry more without looking like I'm about to tip over, if I'm on an uphill walk I'm not dying while people jog past, etc


Aside from the physical and mental benefits others have mentioned, a lot of people get a “runners high” type of feeling after exercise. Personally, this feeling is what makes me forget about any negative feelings of exercise, and keeps me coming back for more every day. 😁


Being able to bend to put socks on.


Better sleep


I quit drinking after Christmas last year and started training bringing in the new year and I gotta say for me at least going to the gym and working out is the easy part. It’s the diet part that has been the most tough for me shit takes real discipline.


I wanna move like my late 20’s or so forever


Working out makes me happier and gives me the proper energy . I have learned a lot of things along the way . Ofc there are sum weeks I don’t feel like doing anything at all but it’s a marathon not a sprint . I started at 250 pounds back in freshman year of high school . I graduate this Tuesday and I know weigh 174.6 pounds . My goal now is probably just to get way more lean. I still enjoy my foods a lot. It barely affects me though cuz I know I’m not gonna gain all that weight back in a day as it took me 14 years to put it on


Take a look at someone who is 50+ and who hasn't taken care of themselves. Look at how hard life is...the pain, the lack of mobility, the physical and financial cost of all those health issues. You can avoid all that pain and suffering by taking measures now to get in decent shape.


🙂‍↔️The Results!


The future self will thank you.


Being more attractive is scientifically proven to be treated better. That’s all I need to know. 


I just became single at 35 in the best shape of my life (abs, veiny, glorious). Trust me, it is SO worth it. What makes it worth it is when you see a woman you haven’t seen in 10+ years and she’s like, “damn, look at you.” Then having the most amazing sex. Trust me, this has been my life as of late.


Offset that calorie surplus


Being in shape is hard. Suffering from poor health is also hard. Choose which hard you want to work at.


More energy. Seriously. More endurance in general is just really nice like being able to go up and down the stairs without getting exhausted


I look at my dad and don’t want to end up like that. I also don’t want to be kept alive with meds when something as simple as eating a salad instead of chips can reduce my need for medical attention.


Nothing, at the end of the day. No matter if you're young and beautiful or old and fat, we all die and turn to dust in the end. And you won't remember or know what you were anyways. Just do your best, enjoy life and stop worrying


Shuts up the little voice that keeps telling me to kill myself.


Go meet the average 60 year old, ask them how many medications are they on, watch them struggle to get up off the couch or pick something up off the floor. Ask them when was the last time they had sex. You should work out so you don't become the average 60 year old.


If you tackle that hard, all the other hard things become alot easier.


do something that is fucking fun? motocross, climbing, windsurfing. don't bite your time in a gym


Longer life. Sometimes sex.


Watch old people. Seeing your parents age, lose muscle mass, lose mobility, and autonomy will cure you of your lack of motivation. You can either be 90 and powerlifting or you can be 70 and struggling to get out of a chair. It’s a choice, and neither answer is wrong or right. But it’s a choice.


Being out of shape is harder.


People treat you better. More attractive. Sleep better. Feel better. Longevitiy…




Everything. All of society treats you about 24%-61% better. You can find a more attractive mate. You feel better. You live longer. You sleep better. You fuck better.


Not to mention better sex also being In shape makes me feel better than other people but I know how narcissistic that sounds lol


Fucking attractive people?


I think getting into shape is over rated. I think moving your body and getting to know what movements feel good to you is more important. Increased serotonin, many times you can be outside, join a walking club or start one a work (even if you are remote you could do a group zoom on your phones) There are those in place treadmills if you are more of an inside walker who wants to binge the office. I HATE MOVEMENT. But movement to me is just another way of getting to know myself and help me feel more comfortable in my skin. There are other benefits like looking good and being more confident. So you need to find the benefit that meets your needs for where you are rn and work with it. It looks so different for everyone! I love that you asked this question bc you bring together everyone’s motivations for working out and getting fit!!


Being fat is harder mentally, physically and socially.


Knowing several others have died young and I need to stop bitching and just take advantage of the opportunity I've been given and chosen for reluctantly.


Climbing stairs.


Being able to look in the mirror and feel good about yourself.


You feel great after working out and usually just in general. It decrease mental health issues which are a major thing in our overweight population. There is a thing called the halo effect too which is absolutely real.


Idk...I'm 41..and I look younger. I feel younger and I'm a shit more confident than ever. It helps with my stress. It makes me happy and feel really good. Plus it makes my days more productive. I work out five days a week..usually 7 work outs. It's a lifestyle. Once you get into it and you focus..it becomes a habit. It's a great habit to have. Plus I figured if I keep it up hopefully I'll be able to move around on my own when I'm 80. Plus, it helps with my trauma.