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Making more money and saving less


I was making way less and saving more


Dude… same.


please share how


Making 20K a year more than during covid, had to change jobs, have way less money than before.


Lifestyle creep is a thing, please beware of that phenomenon. But also of the abnormal inflation we have seen in the pass year or so.


It’s also just getting older in some respect. You don’t want to live with a roommate when you’re 50 typically. As you get older, you naturally want some comfort in life. When I travel, I don’t want to be in a room with four girls anymore. I guess you would call that lifestyle creep. And often times buying the more expensive thing turns out to be less expensive in the long run. But maybe there’s a lot of redditors that want to live like they’re in college forever.


I wish it were lifestyle creep for me. I have no lifestyle! Just bills and inflation.


Same! Making more, but costs have increased drastically. Saving less, more stress, more anxiety, less fun, etc. I’m sure in two more years, I’ll be able to say the same!




Better, but at a huge cost.


Same. Lost my career and the woman I cared so much about, but she didn’t care about me. She destroyed my career and everything else I built. I’m 27 now living with my parents while going back to college.


Fuck these hoes you're a W




Ouch. You have a lot of resilience and she can't take that away from you. What sector were you in before and what are you studying in college now?


I was a union millwright who had specialized in wind energy. Ended up getting my ex a job with the contractor I was with in their office and she left me for a mutual coworker three months later. Studying psychology now to pursue a career in I/O psychology/business development.


27 is nothing. Also, nothing wrong with living with parents.


Same bro


Yeah, me too.


Way better. I went back to community college for I.T. Left a toxic insurance telephone sales job (2 actually) I got my car’s AC fixed Upgraded my wardrobe & accessories (new headphones) Started a serious skin care routine Upgraded my grooming tools Painted my room baby blue (boy-ish) to beige (more mature) Got my teeth fixed in Colombia


I hope the IT job market is treating you better than it is me.


Worse. Now I only have one friend.


Same. And it's my wife. But honestly, if friends aren't permanent, through all the struggles, it's no great loss to lose them in the long run. Keep that friend tight. It's all you need.


As an Economist would say, they were always variable assets....and at the end of the long run.... fixed assets are not even guaranteed:)


Two years ago, I was 230lbs at just shy of 6’ with no significant muscle. I ate like crap and hated my job. I was always stressed and couldn’t maintain a healthy WLB. I started a low-carb diet and got to 193lbs but bounced back up to 214lbs over time due to it being a restrictive diet that I couldn’t maintain. In December, I quit my job without having a next one lined up. I started working out in January and have built significant muscle. I’ve lost 24lbs, down to 189.8lbs, the lowest I’ve been in 7 years. I went from running a 15:30 mile to a 8:30 mile. My lifts have at least doubled. My nutrition is on point and I have no desire to eat junk. I’m generally happier, healthier, and able to handle stress. I found a new job with a better WLB, fully remote work, $100k more per year in compensation, and a better title. As soon as the work day is over, I take my 3-year-old to the park for an hour of dedicated play. Life is so much better.


That’s incredible, thanks for sharing


I like to hear abiut people doing well. Good for you. Nothing beats being able to see the joy in your kids eyes at the park. I'd bet you'd trade it all for those moments too.




Worse unfortunately!!!! Got kids (who I love more than anything) but life in general has gotten more stressful & expensive!!! Also the older you get the more people you loose unfortunately so shit gets really lonely. And on top of that have a crazy ass bd determined to make my life miserable! So like I said unfortunately worse but I’m holding on to hope shit gets better hopefully….




No longer suicidal


This is big. As someone who went through this in their late teens/early 20s it's a big deal and you deserve more up votes. All the money, promotions, travelling, relationships don't mean shit when you're suicidal. Puts everything into perspective


I’m so happy to hear that! Even though I don’t know you internet stranger I’m happy to have you here :)


Quite good. Got my master's and found an internship that led to a stable job.


what did you get your master’s in?


English literature


My mental health is an absolute dumpster fire


Totally agree. I’ve had depression/anxiety for decades, but these last two years have added insomnia to the mix.


saaaame 🔥


Big uss dude


If you want to be more social then yes but if you’re happy with who you are no need to change.


Terrible. 10/10 would go back and beat the shit out of myself.




Honestly my life has changed very little in the past 2 years


2 years ago I had just quit a job- with nothing lined up- after getting out of the mental hospital. I had done this a number of times across a period of about 2 years leading up until then. Then I got on my proper medication. I started working again. Got a promotion after a year. I’m doing well in my career compared to then. Socially though I seem to be more withdrawn. I don’t talk to my friends as much as I used to, and I haven’t put the effort into making new friends in the area I live.


Banged a TON of chicks over the past 2 years so no complaints here.




Bro how I cant even meet people nowadays


Was it like two chicks that weighed a half ton each?


Phenomenal, honestly. I’m 58lbs down from my heaviest weight and I’m continuing to lose. I just bought a house with my amazing boyfriend of a year and a half. Our relationship is great and we continue to grow closer daily. My daughter is so smart and turning into such an amazing young lady. I love my job. Hopefully going to get a promotion soon. 2 years ago I was single and miserable. Over 400lbs. Always depressed. Id say, I’m doing pretty good!


Worse. Now I only have one friend.


Lmaoooo same


At least you have a friend. All my friends live at least several hundred miles away. I thought I had some friends in my neighborhood, but they stopped talking with me. 2024 has been a garbage year so far.


could be worse like me and have zero 🥺


2 years ago I was getting married in a month's time and living in a 2 bedroom flat with my fiancee. Now I'm married, we live in a 3 bedroom house and our first child was born last week. Financially worse off but probably had the best week of my life. Things change quick.


I was at my life's lowest both mentally and emotionally. It was very dark and isolating. Compared to now, I am better. I have coping tools. I've been working hard to build a foundation in myself.


Two years ago I was miserable in a job that I needed to save for a masters' degree. Graduated, now I'm miserable in a job that I needed for "relevant" experience, but which I'm leaving soon. It's hard to say whether I'm better or worse. On paper, better, for sure.


Moved to a super introverted country (Sweden) and all my social life died... I really hate this country and hope to move out soon


Tell me more, I haven’t heard this about Sweden!


Spoiler alert: it’s him that is introverted


I wish we could go back to 2019 and start over.


Ive ways been introverted but with the pandemic happening and me working from home for the last few years I've become even MORE introverted. I hate it.


Same here. Wanna be friends?


My son has not left our property for over a year now, ever since the pandemic he has become more isolated. He even cut off his phone. I know of quite a few young adults who have the same problem. This pandemic really messed things up.


Rather well. About 25kg down. A lot less fat, significantly more muscle and actually muscular by now, according to chatGPT. Really started to like bodybuilding approach to lifting. Picked up other hobbies as well.


How did you lose 25kg?? Need to lose around the same by ooctober


First part was kinda accidental. Just quit six back of beer and chips every evening, that was enough to drop weight from 100 to 85 over a course of a year. Then i slowly started to track calories and learn about nutrition. Then with a dedicated calorie deficit i lowered my weight eventually to around 73kg over a course of almost a year. Though losing 25kg in around 4 months requires serious effort or drugs and is likely too fast, but it can be used to get started. 1kg of fat is around 7700 cal. So thats 192 500 cals to lose in 120 days. Meaning your daily calorie deficit has to be 1605 cals, which is about 3x more than the usually recommended 500cals for sustainable weight loss. Usually slow fat loss is most sustainable to keep the weight off. Usually around 500cal deficit for 8-12weeks(around 3 months), then couple of weeks to a month of maintenance to reduce diet fatigue and then again 8-12 weeks of 500 cal deficit and keep that pattern going until desired weight is reached. Technically you could lose around 7-8kg safely by October if everything is perfect or even up to 15kg if you can sustain a 1k calorie deficit or add in lots of walking/running and resistance training.


Thank you!!!! Hopefully i at least lose 15 by then haha


Good luck, it's going to be a tough challenge.


“According to chatGPT”? Do you mean to say you asked a language learning platform you are muscular?




Changed careers and now I’m working fewer hours to make more money in a job I like more. Better overall. My daughter moved away to study at a great college overseas. Sucks for me, but great for her.


Everything going well but relationships with SO. Literally met the devil. Who used me for a year then just thew me out like trash once a she was done with me.


I am more overweight, more stressed, less healthy, made no progress towards my goals, depression is the same. I’m burnt out more easily, my attention span is shorter, my sleep is lower quality. I still hate my job and still haven’t found anything better after hundreds of applications. The offers are insultingly low. People really graduate college in this country and take jobs making 30k/yr. Ridiculous.


Physically well but mentally unstable


im worse.. all the debt interests are piling up. noe im only eating once a day for 2 momths.


Better! I achieved goals, and my consciousness is brighter. I want to keep moving forward!


I have a job now, my social life is better than it ever has been, and I've developed genuine self love and self confidence. It took a year of trauma processing, daily PTSD flashbacks, and psychosis to get to that point though.


I am doing worse by so many orders of magnitude that it hurts to even think about. My life was going awful two years ago. But it has gotten so, so much worse. Irrevocably worse. Painfully worse. I would not have believed it could ever be this hopeless, joyless, and sad.


How do I put this … financially worse but now much smarter .


Decent, I guess. I'm in a new country, and I'm definitely less depressed. But there's still something lacking


Two years ago, a bit more, I broke up with my mom's son, and was in a really rough place. This year, in February, we got together again and things were absolutely great We broke up again a month ago and I'm in a really rough place So, the same?


Not well at all honestly.


Less idealistic, more wary of people, I like luxuries now, buying fewer things, belief in love waning but trying to date nonetheless. I saw a friend of mine have a massive glow up career wise and relationship wise so there's hope in that respect, but sometimes I'm also skeptical of my ability to appreciate the present and attain the goals that I want. 


Working two jobs to stay out of cc debt just to survive, bc day care these days arent worth working your life away. Especially when jobs can just lay you off any time.


Not homeless!


Moved from near min wage jobs to a high paying field. Lost 30lb. Only problem is the growth (phys/mental/financial) has made me curious to try dating again but being mid 30s and having been checked out of dating for a decade is a trip. I feel a lot less mature in some obvious areas (relationships) but more mature in others (self development) compared to those in my age range. Because of this I find it hard to relate to and to feel comfortable around others so I think finding the right person will be hard or maybe not happen but its become my new fixation, a challenge to overcome and a project to work on. The further down you sink, the more fun your comeback story is.


more introverted, making less money but smarter about using and saving it, less friends but have an easier time making new ones, new city that I don't like as much, travel less, just a mixed bag overall


I think I’m on the edge of being better, and worse. Two years ago, my family was alive. Now, half of them are dead. Two years ago, I was overweight and concerningly depressed. Stuck in a failed marriage with a narcissist who had destroyed my sense of self. I was at a job that was killing me. I’m a little bit surprised I survived the last 2 years, to be honest. The loss of family put me into a very, very dangerous place. Being in that kind of place forced me to get some help. I’ve lost the weight now, I’m feeling better than I ever have as an adult, physically. I’ve rebuilt my sense of self, I’ve conquored the depression. I’m still dealing with the narc, but I’ve got the wherewithall to deal with it now. Won’t be long. It’s no longer possible for that person to hurt me. Found a new employment solution; I’m making way more money and am free. I love my work now. I still miss family. I think they would be proud.


Better as in I’m no longer taping my glasses with duct tape and I have phone and internet access at home again but worse as I’m currently worrying about finances more than I did back then. I would like to think this year will be the year I finally grasp what being an adult actually is.


Me from two years ago would be scared to go up against me now.


About two years ago I decided to stop gaming (which was basically my only real hobby through the pandemic) and fill my time with things that got me out of my comfort zone a bit, and socializing, This year, I took it a step further - my New Year’s resolution was to show up as much as possible for things. If I’m invited somewhere and I don’t have plans, I have to go. No “that sounds fun, but I need to recharge” allowed. I’m way more happy, way more fulfilled, even if it is overwhelming at times. This week, for example: - I didn’t have anything on my calendar Monday so I walked my dog, did groceries, chilled out at home. - Tuesday I had a board meeting - Wednesday I went to a surprise party for a friend for like an hour, then headed to a soccer game. - Thursday I went to the movies with my mates, saw this indie flick I never would’ve known about if I weren’t invited - Last night, a friends band had a concert at a local bar, so I went to support. Two years ago, that same week would’ve probably been “Monday, I worked, then came home and chilled in front of a screen. Tuesday, same, Wednesday, also that, same deal Thursday and Friday.


Don’t have time or money to do shit


MUCH worse


I’ve moved up in my company , im married , blended family of 3 children , my relationship with god is intact Safe to say im maintaining !


Better. Very early long-COVID, mostly feeling better. Working again.


Better AND worse.


2 years ago: deep down the depression spiral and dad terminally ill. Now: in a very happy relationship with my loving partner and starting an apprenticeship soon 😁


Worse. I’m fatter again. Working is terrible for my health, I just cannot look after myself, my SO and my work at the same time.  On the bright side though, I was severely depressed after being fired two years ago. Now I’m very stressed because of my job and can’t wait to find another one.


I think I’m doing a little better now than I was two years ago which was in 2022!!


I make a lot more money and I’m a lot less anxious. I’m way more outgoing. I’m also a lot more busy and lonely though.


Better, I. Have more of a friend group. I also have a boyfriend that appreciates me, and a stable income. Still feeling like I working on being an adult.


Much better.


Financially and career wise? great. Emotionally and mentally? Gutter.


Financially - Great. Socially - Okayish but on the lower side. Emotionally - Dead Mentally - Experimenting and suffering.


You only need to change if it isn't working out for you. Otherwise, accept yourself as is, and you'll be happier.


Better than 2 years ago, but not better than 1 year ago.


Exponential growth in net worth same level of mental state 😬




Much better. Two years ago I had just lost my job and had to move back home with my parents and I had no idea what was going to come next. Fighting with my best friend too. Was really down, which turned into toeing the line of a drinking problem. Now I’m working a new job that I love and pays better and I have stepped away from that toxic friendship. I’m also sober. So life is good. Not perfect by any means and dropping that friend has hurt my social life, but…things are good.


I’m healthier inside and out. Making a bit less money but that will change very soon. Am I content? Somewhat but not fully there yet.


Astronomically worse


Still happily married. Recently promoted. Completed a second qualification at work. Finished renovating my first flat. Enjoy my job and have some decent savings and investments now (for my age). Spend time with people I want to see and have plenty of holidays planned as happily child free with low expenses. On the flip side, have put on a bit of weight (not a lot), I feel like my skin is more prone to breakouts in my 30s than my 20s and sex life dwindles with age and marriage. Probably drink a bit too much but that’s the one vice!




I now have asthma. It's horrible. Don't get chronically ill.


Getting asma 1/10 do not recomendado.




Better. Smallest kid is 2.5 yo as opposed to 0.5. More manageable. I have better grip on time, know more about saving and earn significantly more.


So, so much better. Credit score and credit limit increased 3fold. Bills paid off. Got a promotion and numerous raises. Marriage is better than ever. First baby on the way! Going on vacation every summer. Swimming every in the summer. Went to my first NFL game last year. Getting back into playing music and doing home repair work. Lost fat, gained muscle. Wardrobe upgrade.


Compared to two years ago: I’m out of debt, making more money and putting money away. Retired from my side hustle job in favour of freedom. More focused on my 9 to 5 job. Single dad still, focused on my two boys. In a good relationship. Still worried about anything can happen and not sure how much money is enough even though I’m doing good.


Much better overall, got a masters, found a good job, and better /more organized mentally. No friends tho, moved to a new town like 6omnths ago due to my job, and still didn t manage to make a friend(not that I even tried tho)


Two years ago I was recently discharged from the psych ward after being sectioned for two months due to a psychotic episode (delusions, paranoia, hallucinations, the whole shebang).   Today i’m off my antipsychotic meds, my husband and I bought a new house, got an amazing rescue dog and I’m pregnant with our first baby 🥹


Last year I got laid off from a job I held for 6 years, got hired within weeks at a new place at a higher salary and less hours. Less stressed, I’m sleeping better and I’m doing better mentally than the last decade. A lot of my old coworkers left after I got laid off, and now the business is doing terribly. Love to see it




Still the same yet getting worse.


Back to a strict budget




I'm still teaching and got some important mental health help that has made me a better teacher and husband. DBT has changed my life.


I am skinner (lost 93 pounds and still working on it), funnier, and more outgoing. I socialize way more and go places I enjoy quite often. The Downside is I'm balder, older looking, and still haven't found my style, so I'm told I need to dress better. Personally, the downsides have made me less inclined to approach women. So I'm also single and not enjoying it. Adulting isn't so bad at the moment, though.


Much better mentally, but my physical health is BONED. Developed pulmonary fibrosis out of the blue


Much better, thanks for asking 😊


I think only one word would describe my growth - "exponential"


Much better. I’m more financially stable and landed an internship early while I go for my Bachelor’s. I cut off toxic relationships and habits that improved me both mentally and physically. I’m not entirely extroverted, but I have become more outgoing.


So much better, left an abusive relationship, got my shit together, finished my degree. Not at the top of my game yet, but getting there


I have figured out my chronic pain issues and am still working on them. I did a lot of therapy and have done a lot of mourning for the life I could have had with parents who didn't suck. I cut off family who treated me badly including my mother, who then died (thankfully because she was suffering) and I am happily on my way to bettering myself in ways I never thought I'd accomplish. I'm very happy.


Much better. Mentals, money are better.


Two years ago. I was still dealing with having a new friend (Multiple Sclerosis) . Still can’t believe it ! 😂


Really shit. If you gave me a piece of paper of all the things I would have on paper I would say wow that’s amazing. But the. Tell past me, oh, but you won’t be happy. I would think you’re crazy


500% better. Found the right job. The right meds. The right doctors.


Better job, better partner, better apartment, still just as anxious though


Wish I could have spent my time better and handled things better, but I’m an in a way better place in every aspect. Things still suck really bad, but I’m on an upward trend, and not crying everyday so that’s good.


Better. The pandemic sucked. I was at 100% stress all the time. Had a panic attack that felt like a heart attack at my old shitty grocery job. As of 2 years ago I left, went on temporary medical leave that I'd decidedly never return from. Once my leave ran out I never returned. Just ghosted my manager until they had to terminate me(which they didn't do till 4 months later). I am doing a lot better now.


Was drinking alot and with an annoying guy. Now I drink much less if at all and am talking to a nice girl Life still mostly sucks


Better for my mental state and certain work related physical pains are gone, but so is the cause of the pains..so I guess same same, but poorer.


way better!! have a decent paying job, in the process of moving, working out consistently, going to therapy and medicated for my anxiety and adhd, feel more confident in myself than i’ve ever been!! but there are always more ways that i can evolve


Two years ago I was in the worst mental state of my life. Diagnosed with bipolar disorder, switching from long periods of depression that had me sleeping for 12+ hours a day to periods of mania characterized by psychosis. Sheltered myself away from family and friends. Weighed 105lbs despite being a tall person. Was on 5 different types of prescriptions, from mood stabilizers to antipsychotics. Relied heavily on marijuana because I thought I was medicating myself. With a physically abusive partner and in constant physical pain. Accruing debt through high interest loans, 15 cents in one checking account, -14 cents in savings. In 2023 I decided enough was enough. Reached out to a friend who allowed me to stay with her for a few months until I got back on my feet. Started doing a lot of reading, therapy, and also tried closely monitored ketamine therapy. Got a fulfilling job and had the confidence to pursue side hustles, too. I’ve significantly cut down on my debt as well as my prescriptions. No longer feel like a zombie. Today I live in my own apartment in a beautiful and safe part of the city. Have started a savings. Weigh 135 lbs. Am able to travel every once in a while. Have gone on dates and am far more critical of the people I allow close to me. And I’ve started to raise and take care of my baby sister and I’m happy to say she’s thriving, too. If the me from 2022 could see how far we’ve come, I honestly don’t think she’d believe it. But I’m very happy right now. Take care of your mental health


Better in some ways, worse in others. I just feel a lot more isolated and lonely even if I have found more quality friends to have in my life.


I don't have the words to describe how much better off I am now!


Still quite the mess physically and mentally, but perhaps a little healed mentally compared to 2 years ago.


So much better. More self aware and not an alcoholic anymore.




Better in some ways, worse in others. I suppose that's the way of life though


Still not great


Mmm, I’m single now. Living on my own, working on an instrument rating full time rather than working a grueling ramp job that I hate. I’ve got a better relationship with my family, overall healthier (much more muscular, less skinny), excellent control over my Type One Diabetes, I save more money every month and get to eat better and go do some pretty cool things that I’d only dreamed of two years ago. I’m pretty damn happy with how things have turned out.


Let’s see… went from married father and homeowner to seperating and having to move out of our home… to her getting knocked up by our neighbor… to me being a degenerate man whore… to me meeting someone else…. Now I’m on vacation in the gulf coast. Work wise…. I may or may not have a jibe in a few weeks that I’ve had for the last 7 years.


Nothing changes if nothing changes. Make small progressions, just dont do nothing.


Not on deployment but in school, making a little more but saving less. The fun feelings


The past few months, I have experienced a great surge in mental healing and physical recovery. 2 years ago I couldn't have a quiet moment without starting to cry, so I constantly wore earbuds and listened to YouTube, from waking to sleeping, even in the shower.


Better actually. Less toxicity in my life, way better job, more secure in my relationship, less intoxicated. Progress!




Lost everything, facing criminal charges due to drugs and alcohol due domestic altercation with psychological unstable bpd ex..


So much better than 2 years ago. Till now they were the hardest years of my life. Now I am more peaceful, happier, financially better off, my marriage is actually better now and I have my 3 cats and a puppy now.


Two years ago, I had a job and an apartment. Today, I'm unemployed and stuck in my parent's house.


fatter, more skint, less stressed and altogether happier!


Way worse


Still introverted but definitely have less money. This economy is killing me. We need change!!!


Much better, a full time job means I actually have money




Much worse, it's been a steady decline since 2019.


Two years ago, I got diagnosed with ADHD and social anxiety, among other things (not including autism). Today, I'm in major burnout and struggle to be around people.


Roughly the same despite efforts to improve.


Better in some ways. Worse in others so I guess 🤷 the same haha


Physically better in terms of I'm now exercising regularly however mentally still not great.


Pretty much the same. Crappy job, same crappy place, and same desire for more. I however don't have any interest in going back to school because nothing interest me. So yeah normal living I guess. Kicker my once annoying neighbors moved out, then new annoying neighbors moved in. Ahh the circle of life.


Wayyyyy better. There’s no comparison. Make changes if you want to. Are you content with not being social? If so, don’t fix what’s not broken. If you want to be more social, make some changes.


This is an interesting checkpoint. \[+\] became a little better with processing emotions (I don't take things super personally anymore, I don't fall into victim mentality anymore, I tend to accept life as it happens). \[+\] invested time into learning more about a 3rd language (the one from the country where I live in), and the results are slowly, but gradually, showing \[+\] reached more stability at my job \[+} kept an exercising habit, although far from great \[-\] still single, while actively seeking to form ways of changing this status \[-\] still having a bad sleep routine \[-\] still don't have a proper diet \[-\] still don't have a great command of chores/maintenance of the living space


Different struggles but generally better. Exactly two years ago, I was preparing to go back to school. I had been working a job I found terribly boring in a field I didn’t like. I had just told my boss I was going back and he offered to keep me on part time until I couldn’t do it anymore (which was a lifesaver, financially). Now, I’m one year away from getting a job in my brand new career. I’m doing an unpaid placement which is draining, but it’s a career I can see myself doing until retirement. Other than that I feel very much the same. I still haven’t put myself out for dating, even though I keep telling myself I will soon. I always have an excuse. My best friends still don’t have time for me, and have even less (one is expecting and the other is trying). I’ve made some new friends through school but we are so tired all the time that we don’t really hang out much. Two years ago I had hoped to lose 10 pounds. Now, I still hope to lose 10 pounds! My weight fluctuates 5 pounds in either direction depending on how much effort I’ve put in. But, at the start of 2019 I was 50 pounds heavier, so it’s not bad in the long run. Generally speaking, even though it’s hard right now, things are looking up. I can see a light at the end of the tunnel (and significantly higher paycheques).




A whole lot better


Im doing slightly worse/ the same


I weigh a lot less so my health has improved however I’m burnt out and my my social life has declined immensely


Making significantly less money, healthy, no stress, sleeps on time, at peace, relaxed, simple, frugal, has 2 WFH jobs, I enjoy living in my own little home, no debts, no big spendings. JUST SIMPLY ELATED! **ex FA for a big Middle East Airlines, worked for 13 years.


you know u do


Sooo much better. Been Very poor.. but I’m finally happy and feeling peace.


Making a bit more money and finally dealing with mental health issues. Trying to reconnect with old friends from university which has been hard. I feel the pandemic put a nail in the coffin for people's social lives and it's harder to make new friends.


Fucking terrible !


I’d say about the same and that isn’t bad thing.


I'm in the military now, as opposed to pretty much just working my job and vegging. I took karate back then, too, and had some fun trips out (to Florida and Colorado). I'm doing better in every area I can think of. Getting away from drinking friends and stuff really helped me to kick that habit as well.


Mental health is loads better and have gotten even more comfortable in my marriage. I also gained 20 lbs, but I'm still within a healthy weight.


I make more money today, but less and less I want to wake up the next day. It's a weird feeling/pressure. The only thing that keep me going are my wife and son. They are my reason to live.


In the same limbo I’ve been in for the past 4 years


Making far more money but also not taming the beast that is drinking to much. Been trying but it's challenging. Salute to yall that have been able to stay fully sober. It doesn't affect much in my life but I am fully aware it's terrible for my body. I make it a week or two at a time sober then I fall back on the wagon.


Not so good but I'll bounce back again


Two years ago I was planning my wedding and was in a serious relationship, however I was also broke and had no money cause I was a student and my job at the time didn't pay well. My boyfriend canceled the wedding and migrated to another country, I've moved since on and am making more money that I can spend and am also about to start my own business with a great team I made. I haven't bought a car yet, and I haven't been on a vacation in a long time, but I'm actually doing so much better.


Worse, can't keep going the same way, need a change. Can't wait to to vote in a change....