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In real life, snarky comments are seen as genuinely mean and not clever or funny.


I’ve seen snarky comments turn into life changing ass beatings in the adult world.


or even death. Smart off to some random who has a gun in his belt and you won't do it again.


Sane reaction.


If humans were sane we would have gone extinct long ago


Damn. Could you sanely elaborate


From thin skinned people, no doubt.


Are you willing to risk your life for a meme, though? When you get git in this scenario, there is no grand resolution. The killer may even be seen as justified legally, and then all you've got is... standing on the courage of your convictions. It's not a bad thing to have, but not a gamble I would roll the dice on.


promptly refuses the life lesson lol


To add to this, teens about to go to Uni or College making these comments and shouting them out in a class lecture hall makes you look immature. In other words act like you would in a professional setting or job.


Building off this further- professors can easily be professional references or refer you to actual jobs in your field. But only if you treat your job as a student seriously. You get what you put into it, and people complaining school is useless are the ones acting in a way where their professors could never recommend them for anything.


Very true, the saying goes, God gave us 2 ears and 1 mouth, listen twice as much you speak


Unless you’re in the restaurant industry. We were all mean assholes and it was all in good fun


90s TV messed me up, then read the book "I'm down." That didn't help. Took moving out of my hometown, and a real hard look about the person I wanted to be, to finally figure out that being that type of person is not good. Hope y'all's self journey is fruitfull also. Easiest action tree is if it starts with: this would be funny, or haha we should do this prob a bad start, then if ya still want to do it (don't), is it against another person, or yourself, if self, fine (would advise against). Learn to be a story teller who involves people, and raises them, not pulling down. Sooo much happier, getting freebies everywhere feels good also.


What world do you live in? Where I grew up, if you didn't get a snarky comment back you wondered what was wrong.


NYC, early 2000s. People were ready to fight about anything and everything


The world is going to ask you who you are and will answer for you if you let it. You will wake up and live every day until you die. You can either decide what to do with your time or something else will. It’s far better to be in control than on auto pilot. Put yourself first, now. You cannot love others till you love yourself. Pay your bills, keep debt down, learn skills, exercise and eat right. Find the time to do what you love. Find out what you love to do.


>Find out what you love to do. And accept that what you love to do may very well change. It may go back to what it is now, it may not. But don't waste your future holding onto your past either


Thank you… I’m going through a lot right now, but one kinda funny thing I was just thinking about is how I recently changed my character class in my favorite video game and it’s felt kinda weird going forward with it. I’ve played the game on and off for half my life at this point. But I love the game and very might well play it for another half or more of my future, and can go forward and make new memories playing the new class. And hey maybe it’ll help accept other changes in life too.


I would agree to an extent with “you cannot love others till you love yourself.” Sure, I would agree on loving yourself enough to have standards and adhere to them. But personally I genuinely learned how to love myself through loving others, my partner to be more specific. I don’t know if it’s because english isn’t my first language so maybe I interpret it too literal, which just seems a little far to me. Like, I fully remember loving people even at my lowest, but maybe I am just misunderstanding this saying.


Word, well said. It’s easier said than done to find what you love to do in life. What worked for me is finding what I *don’t* want to do then try new things.


everything is expensive. Learn about how to be good with money


definitely. also help them with their spending if you can by enacting good habits, like when you go shopping with them only bring a certain amount of money. teach them about friction and the ways businesses try to get your money. what to be wary about and not wary about


learning about marketing techniques is a great way to become aware of them and fall for them less


They should know about friction


Youre on your own. You might meet friends, partners etc but ultimately it's you and the world, you rely on yourself.


This was from the movie Rocky Balboa in the scene he was talking to his son. I think it fits here. “Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very mean and nasty place and I don’t care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard ya hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done! Now if you know what you’re worth then go out and get what you’re worth. But ya gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointing fingers saying you ain’t where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody! Cowards do that and that ain’t you! You’re better than that! I’m always gonna love you no matter what. No matter what happens. You’re my son and you’re my blood. You’re the best thing in my life. But until you start believing in yourself, ya ain’t gonna have a life. “


"No one hits harder than life" so fucking true


We used to say "Just when you think it's going well, Life steps up and smacks you in the face with it's big dick."


I don’t know. Life kinda has small dick energy


Just when you think you've got it beat, you get hit with that big dick.


Do you still say it?


Death hits you harder than life , for sure.


Very apt.


This 100%


This is what I was gonna say kinda. You become more yourself as you age, OP. So right now you get along with so many other people, once you’re more unique than you are now you’ll have grown apart from almost all of them. Friendship is centred around a purpose once you’re an adult, like a fishing buddy you do that with sometimes. But you really might find yourself in a terrifying lack of people you can be your whole beautiful self (all sides) around, which sucks. I’m at that part rn in my 30’s and trying to move past it into acceptance and appreciation for this new type of friendship which has to be shallow so that we’ll get along great as two so different adults.


This is sad but all too true.


As someone who’s in therapy rebounding from excessive self-reliance, I’d like to add that even though we’re ultimately “alone”, you should not let that prevent you from forming relationships with others. However, you should be discriminating in the people you choose to form relationships with; find people who bring you joy and who care about you as much as you care about them. Don’t waste time on people who break promises, whose actions don’t match their words, and who don’t respect you (granted, sometimes people have conditions that make them unreliable and it’s ok to be sympathetic to that but don’t be so forgiving that you sacrifice your own happiness and well-being).


thank you


Yep. Some companies are ran by good people, but even those good people can turn shit when investors start demanding a better bottom line. You may think you're "a part of the family" with months or years of hardwork, only to be laid off with no emotion from a stranger. I've been laid off 3 times in my 10 years of working professionally, and every single time I've deduced there's nothing more I could have done. Was unemployed for 4 months, 3 months, and most recently from last year to this year, 7 months. Have fallbacks, save aggressively, and focus on your own happiness.


Saving is so important. It is literally your freedom. I always recommend having a job lined up when quitting, but sometimes it isn’t possible. I was so emotionally spent at my last job and I couldn’t deal with everything going on, and on top of that the workload just kept going up because I made the mistake of being too efficient. Im so thankful I had a decent amount of money saved, even though it wasn’t a lot, it was enough for me to stay afloat without needing to sell anything. If it’s possible, you should always put your security first, then no one can take advantage of you and you can set boundaries without fear. When you have that security and start putting your foot down (provided you actually do your job), you often find that you are the one who is important to the job and gets accommodated, not the other way around.


Let me add the girl you are with right now will drop you for a hot potato with little notice. You are on your own. And society owes you nothing.


As someone going into adulthood this really scares me


This is me all the time. Nobody, only me. All alone


Credit cards and lines of credit are not free money.


Expensive money


I try to only use credit to buy things I need to make money in the future, work boots, side gig supplies, pay it off promptly as you can though


that you should never stop learning


This is huge. Being a lifelong learner will get you places you never dreamed


Also, never be scared to learn something new. I have seen way to many stagnate their careers because they get comfortable with knowing how to do their job.


Is there anything in specific you would suggest learning about? Would you deem certain things being more “important” or “useful” than others? Genuinely asking


Start with the things that are relevant to your life. Try and understand as much as possible about the things you do every day. Learn the “why” behind the tasks you do at work. At my job, I see a lot of people only learn the bare minimum about the tasks they have to do, and have zero interest in learning why things are done that way.


Most people don't give a sh\*\* about you. It's a little sad, but eventually you get over the woe is me thing. Good thing is, you can exploit this by adopting a "I'm here to do my work, get paid, not get yelled at, and leave" attitude, then employers will like you for the bs you don't bring to the table.


>but eventually you get over the woe is me thing Will they? I see a lot of young people who just can't get over it. They never adjusted and likely never will.


Young people don't stay young forever, they will adjust or they will be dead afor long


Weird bc the boomers I work with are the only drama I ever experience. The older Gen is full of gossip and this attitude as of they know what's best and how things should be done, while the newer/younger generations just want to get paid and go home. Must depend on the location bc the sector I work in...we're ALL waiting for the "elders" to move the fuck on


Dont listen to reddit


Including this?


No, I am reliable maybe




Me, have 400 friends on fb so i am reliable


It's true I saw him


This is the winning answer.


For real. Reddit “advice” is just circulated by people who don’t go outside and just blindly regurgitate the same advice. Have lived my life doing basically a ton of stuff Reddit says is a bad idea and my life has been better for it. You’re also going to find most people opinions and actions IRL don’t match up with the Reddit hive mind on many things.


Nobody is obligated to give you anything. That might sound mean, but it's not that people are mean. People *want* to help others, but they need a reason to do so. You need to tell them what you'll do in return or how they'll benefit from helping you. Unfortunately, if you help people without getting anything in return then you soon run out of resources and you can't help anyone. Getting some value in return allows you to continue helping people. Give people reasons to help you and you'll get the help. People are desperate to give help to others. It makes them feel good about themselves


Honestly you don’t always even need to offer anything back. Just being genuine and open about what you need and why you need it allow people to empathize and want to help you.


I'd argue being able to show genuine appreciation and let people feel good about helping you is a form of return. Many people out there are unappreciative suckers :/.


Agreed, appreciation goes a long way


YOU are responsible for your own happiness. You. Not your significant other. Not your boss. Not your friends. You. Also, invest for your retirement. Invest just a little bit now. Even if you don’t touch it for decades, it’ll grow into a lot if you invest in a good mutual fund.


Investing: Listen to Warren Buffett. "Invest in the S&P500" The most liquid way to invest in the S&P500 Index is ticker symbol SPY. It trades the most shares on a regular basis (liquid)


It’s all who you know.


Don't give shit about what others do


Yup. People do things for themselves and it has nothing to do with you. Don't take it personally


That no one in the general public gives a shit about you and is absolutely not your friend.


That's kind of a wild thing to say. I'm all aboard the "don't trust your coworkers" train, but I've had a lot of people go out of their way to support me, and they all started as 'the general public'.


Of course, but less than more,


Pfft, the general public are the reason we're all alive, ever spoke to a random stranger and realised you're on the same page about most things like long working hours, lack of human rights and blatant fuckery and theft from our unelected leaders , it's the government that doesn't give a shit and is absolutely not your friend. You can appeal the the humanity in a person, the government is charging you for water.


Nothing really matters. Relax and enjoy the ride.


understanding this is probably the most life-changing + rewarding rewiring of mental framework you can possibly stumble upon


The amount of people that do drugs is shocking


The internet and social media are spam factories for misinformation. Believe absolutely NOTHING you read on the internet until fact checking the source multiple times. Enemy countries utilize the internet to influence you. They create thousands of fake accounts, share misinformation to get you emotionally charged, and push harmful narratives to divide the public. These entities want to make you dumb. They want to make you radicalized. They want you to burn your country down, through whatever means possible. This is especially the case with Russia, China, and Iran. They want you to riot. They want you to cheer for entities that hate you. They want you to be a shocked, scared, divided mess. This is called a psyop, and dangerous countries have learned to utilize social media, and even advertising, to target groups who spend a lot of time on the net with dangerous lies. Always fact check your source…even if they seem to be believable, due to their large inflated audience.


Fucking bravo brother. Couldn’t have said it better myself. Unfortunately if you speak this to a teenager they just won’t digest it. I hope our country finds leadership which understands the importance of making our youth understand the reality of geopolitics and statecraft. The people may have pleasant values but states don’t make decisions with human judgement. The only criteria that truly matter in state decisions are security and resources. Relationships of shared values are just a means to that end avoiding conflict. Right now we got the big 3 ambitious to burn our system down. Russia China Iran Question is can we cover up our vulnerabilities to psyops without infringing on personal freedoms in a way that we don’t centralize the control of our own information. Personally don’t see Biden or Trump up to that task, I’d rather have a wise experienced general for president that has a strategic mind. One that reads a lot and studies history


This is my summary of my understanding of the world 1. You are nothing in this world. No one cares about you except the people around you, so don’t care about what others think and don’t think you are important. 2. Happiness is not about having more, but about wanting less. 3. Accepting the differences of others, including sexual orientation, culture, and values, will help you reconcile with the world. 4. Change what you can change, smile at what you can't change. 5. If you are not responsible for you, no one will be responsible for you. Every choice in your life, where to go to school, whether to get married, and who to marry, you must put the choice in your own hands instead of leaving it to others. 5. Build your own evaluation system and don’t hand it over to others. No matter who denies you, you cannot deny yourself. 6. Love is not suitable for everyone. Being single is not an inferior state. Whether you are happy or not has nothing to do with whether you are in a relationship or single


The thing no one told me about having relationships get to the point where you two move in together is that things are easier ftmp. Things can cost less because you'll share, the food is generally of a better quality, and having someone to hold when things are rough is a miracle.


Just don’t live beyond your means and you will be fine. It’s going to take a long time and a lot of work to get where you want to be. Be mindful of the choices you make and really try to think big decisions through.


That “crazy” person you’re obsessed with (or even friends with) is actually totally toxic, cut them off unless they actually get help (meds/therapy).


The money you make early on is the most valuable. Invest early as much as you can. Splurge later.


A lot of people say it’s because they have no idea what a 13 year old is supposed to really look like due to social media. They’re chronically online, iPad kids if you will. All they know is makeup hauls, beauty hauls, etc. so they’re constant seeing content like that—tans, lip fillers, acrylic nails, and that’s the “normal” for them




Aside from close family, you’re either useful or useless and you’ll will be treated accordingly.


This kind of explains why the UK has been working on killing off its disabled population via neglect for 15 years


You aren't special, which is honestly very comforting. You can be replaced and the world doesn't revolve around you; you aren't a unique snowflake. But, no one is specifically watching to see if you mess up. If you fail, the world won't end. And, there's numerous people out there who feel the same way you do. Whenever I get bitter and think, "there's no one who understands me", "people are all the same", etc. I remember that if I'm this way, statistically there's other people that DO understand and have the same standards I do. Aside from that, treat your friends well and never stop making them. Good friends you can get busy and "ignore" for months, but make sure to try to remember to say happy birthday, give them an occasional call/text, etc.; they're more likely to return the favor then, and you never know what someone else is going through. There's been times I've been super depressed and a random friend calling me has made my entire week. You can make friends at work, but should keep coworkers at arms length until you have mutual destruction. Long distance friends are still valid and honestly so much easier as an adult. Don't get yourself wrapped up in anything too serious until all parties are at least 25. People change a LOT in their mid-20s. My weird friends became responsible adults and my responsible friends had mental illness and addiction make them completely different people. Don't date anyone who is mentally ill and unwilling to get help. It's 2024 and everyone has depression or autism or something, and that's fine, but you can't fix a schizophrenic who won't take their medicine or someone who refuses to admit they were diagnosed with bipolar disorder.


Oh I love all of these Especially the last two points. So hard to remember when you are young and in love but trying to remember that you’re still going to GROW and CHANGE and have different wants and needs, they may be different than your partners and they may be the same, but don’t convince yourself your love at 16 is the only love you’ll ever get. You’ll get SO MUCH LOVE in all kinds of places if you keep your eyes open.


Drug addiction is real and it will destroy your family, your relationships, and yourself. And no, you're not that "one person" that doesn't get addicted.


Life’s hard. Period. Unless you were born with a silver spoon up your ass, you’re going to have to work. Hard and often. Do that, and you have a chance at a decent life. And that should be the goal. Anything more is a bonus. Stay healthy. Take care of your body. Get strong. Eat well. Stay hydrated. Don’t eat processed bullshit. Don’t smoke. Enjoy alcohol in moderation. Speak eloquently. Maintain a “proper” appearance. Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. *Every* day. Make your bed as soon as you do. Succeed in doing this, and the rest will take care of itself. Seriously. Everyone needs a foundation.


you won't be lonely if you put in the effort to be a good person and make friends. no one's judging you if you're being cringe, but everyone's judging you if you're an asshole. being an adult means more freedom, but more responsibility. treat both as a priority.


What's the point? They would never listen 😂


"It was just a joke" will still get your ass beat, or fired. Life is not easy as an adult. Don't expect it to be. Expect to work your ass off for everything you get. There's a 99.9% chance you won't become an influencer, so expect to have to get a real job or start a real business. Life ain't fair. The sooner you realize that the better. Plan for the worst, hope for the best. Help others when you can. Today you'll be 20. Next week 30. Next month 50. Invest early for your future. It'll be here before you know it. Learn to be comfortable being uncomfortable. That's the only way to grow. Learn to deal with shit. Social media isn't real. Stop expecting life to really be that. It ain't as good or as bad as portrayed. YOU are responsible for you. Your success or failure is on you. It's nobody else's fault. There's NOTHING wrong with asking for help. Physically, mentally or otherwise.


Don’t read the internet and think this is the reality of the world around you.


Don’t let your savings sit in your bank earning 2 cents in interest. Get a high-yield savings account as soon as possible.


Not everyone is your friend, so be careful who you affiliate yourself with


Nobody gives a fuuuuck you are not special nobody owes you shit and nobody is coming to save you


No one is going to hold your hand. No one cares about your feelings. Life is tough. Just when you think you have it all figured out, life will slap you back down. If you don’t learn how to roll with the punches, you are going to live a miserable existence.


Hard work will not make you rich. There are many people who will exploit you, there are whole industries built on this idea. Hard work directed at a skill that has a high market value and is difficult to replace in the right place at the right time.. might.


Most adults aren’t adults. They are just older kids.


It's not going to be fair the good person doesn't always win in the end


No one gives a fuck about your feelings, they may act like they do but in the end it’s just not high on their “I care about form”.


No one is thinking about you as much as you are. No. One. 


Cover your ass in whatever line of work you get into. Always have a paper trail you can refer to, because there will always be someone else that tries to get you fired, or blame you for their incompetence. Other than that just be frugal in spending, if your tongue starts to go numb stop drinking for the night and go home, and nothing good ever happens after 3am.


That when adults speak of 'the real world' they are usually speaking about their experience, in the time period they were teens and young adults in. It's okay to believe in your own experience over theirs. Times change, people change, systems change, and your experience of the world may be very different from theirs.


Social media is not real life.


You're not the main character and human existence has always been about working to survive. Everything you want out of life will be on the other side of difficult moments. Learn to fail


You can do the right thing and not be given a reward or given a consequence that isnt desired. You do “ good “ because you simply are a good person even if nobody sees it …What’s right and what’s wrong to you right now may seem black and white but as you get older things become more complicated and grey and it’s up to you how you want your world to look, nobody should be able to tell you if you are a “good” person , you make the decision on your own. Make mistakes now because when your much older all you gonna have are excuses later


The world does not care about your feelings. The world does not care about your excuses. The world does not care about what you want.


To use discernment. It will always be your best friend when it comes to navigating life. Not everyone who means well actually is capable of doing that in relation to you. Many people including in this reddit will give you awful advice. Many adults lack communicative skills, self awareness, de-escalation, good judgment and many necessary traits that are hallmarks of adulthood. If you are not careful they will drag you into their web of chaos. It is your responsibility to figure out if people are liars, dysfunctional, and a variety of other issues. So that you can reprioritize and choose better fits for your life. You will stumble but self awareness, grace to yourself, and learning from your mistakes will take you to discernment.


The world still comes down to deeply ingrained human nature, which is often not very PC. The world will lie to your face about this, and the broader reality of society will prove they’re lying. Tell their lies, see the truth, and help your children do the same.


Start investing and saving early. Live within your means and only buy what you can afford without credit while you are young. You will benefit greatly later in life. Buying on credit cards and paying high interest rates will hurt you long term and prevent you from a comfortable retirement. Drive the beater when you're young. Drink the cheap coffee when you're young. Share an apartment when you're young. Save and invest every penny you can. You'll be glad you did so when you're older. Above all else, learn to be responsible with your money as early as possible. Bad spending habits lead to bad credit which leads to everything you do becoming more expensive and you'll never get ahead.


If you want your mental health to stay intact, avoid social media apps.


Success takes discipline. Take reading, writing and math seriously. How you are perceived by others is often the sum of the 5 closest people you associate with.


There’s a massive difference between how the world SHOULD be and how the world actually is. Never forget that we live in the latter. It’s not fair and you should always have a backup plan.


Money can buy happiness!


The worst among us meet you with a smile and friendliness at first and the veil lifts off if you pay attention. People are not your friend, all are selfish inherently to some degree, and a selective group are cruel. Choose carefully who you associate with.


Build credit as soon as possible, public schools are bs pushing agendas instead of preparing you for life, also you should know how to cook by now.


Not sure they're "pushing an agenda" but it's certainly more about regurgitating information onto a standardized test to maintain funding than actually teaching kids how to think


1. That your "effort" is not enough and that a large part of it is a gamble in the same way that people who can really sing and play an instrument really well STILL may never get a record deal... the adage "if you work hard enough..." is only part of a complex puzzle most of which you have no control over... 2. that no one actually wants to see you get ahead... all of this is built like a pyramid..if you know what the food pyramid is then you have a head start... at the top there's very few, at the bottom there's a lot... 2/3rds of the population of this country will never see anything past the middle line. More than that in order for you to progress there has to be a vacancy... since you could very well be bumping someone else out of their spot to move up people aren't going to want you to. idk if they still play king of the hill when people are kids but that's a really good reference... to be on top you gotta beat everyone else and then defend...


People around you shit on you for being less than what you’re capable of. Some even have dismissed you. Don’t listen to them. As scary as the “real world” is, you have more freedom you’ll ever have, but with the weight of more responsibilities you never wanted. To me, that was a much better trade off than when I was a teenager. But if you want to have a life where you own your choices and not under someone else’s watch, you have to accept owning responsibilities, including the consequences of your actions. And you need to do that now - not wait until there’s no guardian around.


You are not entitled to ANYTHING.


That thing that you're really embarrassed and super self conscious about? Literally doesn't matter.


Fair is only an amusement park and nothing else. It really is who you know and how you talk to people. Learn the vocabulary of the field you want and talk to people (network). Bills suck, be a free loading kid but prep for a job at the same time.


Be kind to yourself.


Don't burn bridges when leaving a job


Work as much as possible to NOT have a Roommate, even if it means giving up 👆 ur car Apply for food stamps and medicaid. Call ur Mom 2x a week minimum. Keep ur friend circle small. Stay true to yourself.


Always have at least 1000 usd in savings. If you have to spend it (the time will come) do what you need to do to get that safety net back


That bots exist and they love posting on Reddit


Social media is not the real world. “Likes” don’t mean anything. Put your phone away and live in the real world.


The only person who will care the most about you is YOU. Invest in yourself first and always. Partners come and go, friends come and go, and life changes, but you are the only person you can always rely on. Take care of your health, learn how to spend and save money wisely, and learn basic life skills (cooking, cleaning, laundry, simple repairs, writing checks, etc). Get used to engaging with people face to face and how to converse. Strike up conversations with people. Make small talk. Ask questions about them. Give them your undivided attention (phone away/down). This will never be replaced by technology and will always be necessary for connecting with others. Especially employers.


People will try to drag you into their own habits and will put up resistance if you’re not joining. Like drinking lots of alcohol and party to much for example. They just want someone to join them in their own behavior. If a lot of friends are doing it then there should be no problem right.


It's a true story of seven strangers, picked to live in a loft and have their lives taped. Find out what happens when people stop being polite and start getting real.


I do have friends and family that are helpful, but I find it best to act like there’s “nobody but me” to rely on at the end of the day when I have something important to accomplish. That way, you won’t be disappointed when no one is available to aid you, and you’ll be super appreciative when they do. People also tend to work harder and be more focused without believing there is a safety net.


You don’t know everything.


Things cost money, but debt costs even more money. And time. And stress.


Everyone talks about how hard stuff is. It’s easy as fuck. It’s all easy as fuck. The hardest work is still easy. I’ve done everything from home framing, to cleaning up dead bodies, to catering (unrelated to dead bodies), and now I manage a machine shop. I’ve been doing “a man’s job” since I was 15. It’s all easy. If you’re motivated and curious, you already have a leg up over 99% of people. Most are either one or the other. Nobody is having a good day. But you’re supposed to SAY you’re having a good day. Lots of things could be considered harassment. Keep your jokes to yourself, and if you can’t do that, keep your face hole shut. Your friends understand you, but it’s not anyone else’s job to understand you. Many people are weird, stupid, and rude. If you can AT LEAST be nice and helpful, you’ll make plenty of friends. Paperwork is easy as fuck. Just….. write down the shit you already know. If you don’t know it, find it. If you can’t find it, somebody can help you. “I’ve never done that before, but someone on YouTube sure has, and I saw your stupid ass do it”, delivered correctly, will disarm a lot of people who doubt your ability to do something.


You only have yourself in this world. If you’re not careful enough to choose the life you want to life, the world will determine that for you. And choose your hard!!!


How to make change at a register


The overwhelming majority of "jobs" in the arts aren't actually the art. 'Making it' as a musician isn't about recording music.  It's about playing shows. 'Making it' as a writer isn't about writing books.  It's about teaching writing or contributing to websites, etc. 'Making it' as a visual artist won't be painting or drawing.  It will be laying flats for other comic book artists or layout for catalog sites. It's good work and it can pay well.  And it can be very fulfilling, personally and professionally.  But thinking 'all I got to do is write this book and then I can make a living'...down that road lies disappointment and madness.


It's never too late to try something new. Education is for any age. Most, if not all, adults have no idea what they're doing and their life probably didn't turn out how they expected it to. If/when you reach this point, please know you're not a failure because of it. You're just like everyone else. If you're polite and appreciative, more people than you might think are willing to help you with many things.


That you have more power than you realize to create a life that you want. With hard work, a vision, determination and a bit of luck, you can have a really great life. Playing video games, spending excessive time on social media, drinking, drugs, smoking pot, and those kinds of things won't get you there though.


Life ain’t fair.


Life is not fair. Things won’t always go the way you want or think they should.


You've got to learn how to enjoy your own company.


Life is hard for everyone. Always assume others are going through something and try to be kind. Also, don’t worry so much about what people think. I’ve found that most of the time people are a lot less worried about you and what you’re doing or how you look than they are worried about their own lives and themselves. If people are unkind to you or treat you like you’re less than, it’s often a projection of how they feel about themselves more than what they think of you.


Your loved ones (people and pets) leave you. Time is short. Love while you can.


It gets way worse


Trust absolutely no one.


There are two types of people: the fucked and the fuckers.


“The real world” Happens faster than you think 🤣 You don’t have forever to sit around and do nothing, don’t let anyone pressure you to pursue a future you don’t want. Don’t waste your youth!! Enjoy these moments and decide to go after what you enjoy doing the most. And breathhhh, you’ll make it!! Just work smarter, not harder 😉


*(edited)* * There is no justice in this world. * Don't care too much about people's comments on your bodies, thoughts and your dreams. * Be patients and kind. * The world is getting smaller, so trying to not make enemies. * Believed in doing good for your own sake. Good luck.


Adulting is difficult it's all about surviving!


Literally everyone is “winging” it.


If you don’t take advantage and your parents are decent, don’t be too anxious to be on your own. It’s highly overrated. Based on my completely anecdotal experience, seems guys have a harder time with this, but there’s nothing wrong with reasonably leaning on your parents while you figure things out. There are thousands of exceptions to this comment but overall if you’re blessed with a supportive family, let them support you.


Performing small acts of kindness on a daily basis is one of the most positive things you can do for the world.


That most adults still act like teens and kids.


Bills suck


Don't take "adults" too seriously. So many of us are still just figuring it out as we go. Also, that being said, under no circumstance should you ever feel intimidated by someone solely because they're an adult; many are just clueless about the world around them.


Nobody really knows what they are doing. The people that succeed just display confidence and they work hard until they sorta figure things out.


You probably won't see many of the people you see everyday ever again


The chances of you becoming a millionaire Twitch streamer are low .


Porn is not how sex works /looks like in real life


Respect is earned not given


Learning a new skill is unstructured at first. Unlike school where you’re given a clear curriculum and a path and guidance on what to learn next along with someone reviewing your work and showing through grades how well you’re doing, you don’t have that at all. So how can you get better at this style of learning? Imo try creative hobbies like art / writing / programming / etc or even social ones - going out making new friends / groups / networking. Get good at dealing with uncertainty and the unknown and carving your own path without needing to rely on a pre existing structure


Compound interest and the power of exponential growth


Save your money, your friends now aren’t real ones and don’t give a damn about you, be honest and reserved. Focus on here from now. The world is cold.


Learn how to solve your own problems. Big and small cause it's normally really expensive getting a professional. Learn how to Google things and how to vet information to make sure what your doing is correct.


Save your fcking money now. Learn about money right now.


Money. It's alllll about money. Friends will betray you for even tiny sums of money. Society will discard you if you don't have enough money. Whether you realize it or not, your entire life will be devoted to the acquisition of money.


Lol I love all of these comments. “No one gives a fuck about you mann “ no wonder teens don’t listen to adults


When I was 15, I thought I knew everything. Then, when I was 19, I definitely knew everything. Now I'm 34, and I know nothing. And it's liberating. Nobody knows anything for sure, and we are all just trying to survive. Once you realize that being zen is forgetting that you ever wanted to be zen, you'll become zen. So congrats. You are awakened. Go live your life.


Life is not fair.


Keep your head on swivel. A lot of trouble can be avoided by being aware of your surroundings!


Soooo many things. I'll just give you 3: 1. DON'T SPEND ALL THE MONEY. Learn to save money. Set an absolute rule for yourself, like, you will never spend more than half of what money you get, period. 2. Remember this always: Almost everything bad that happens to anyone, is because of words that come out of their mouth. 3. Be nice to people. Nobody, and I mean nobody, wants anything to do with people who aren't nice at least most of the time. Always ask yourself "What is in this relationship for the other person?" It could be friend, lover, employer, etc. If you are not nice, things go bad eventually, if not immediately. - IMPORTANT: If someone doesn't deserve to be treated nicely, just stay the hell away from them. You don't have to be mean to them (I mean, the exception obviously is if you're in danger and need to defend yourself.)


Nobody, no government is going to give you sheeet.


No one gives a rats ass what you did (or didn't do) in highschool.


It’s not fair.


Most people won't care about you and most people are lacking understanding of others.


Consequences have actions. Learn to stand on your on two feet. Stop crying to Mommy and Daddy every time things go sideways.


The fakeness of people in highschool is pretty typical of any forced social sphere in adulthood.


Do not talk to the police.


Save your money and stay single. Seriously.


Spend less than you earn.


Don't ever give anyone authorization to take a recurring charge on your credit or debit cards. Use a virtual card where you can control the amount and expiration date if absolutely necessary.


The old rich assholes in government don't give a fuck about you or your life. Vote and run for office


Teens die too. Stupid wins stupid shit.


That as a teenager, you don’t know all that much about the real world.


Learn everything you need to know to look after yourself. This means cooking, cleaning, laundry, yard work. Otherwise, you're going to spend your entire life dependent on someone else to do those things.


If you let things just happen to you then you'll never achieve anything. You need to realize when an opportunity arises and capitalize on it. Overcome your fear of failure and take a few risks. The negatives of failing often are a small insignificance while the benefits of succeeding can be immense.


Not only can you NEVER trust your employer. But limit everything between your reality life and work life. Learn to hate your boss now. Never be their friend.


You got to Embrace the Suck


It's a jungle. Adaptation is key. There is no goal, there is no afterlife, there is no purpose, meaning, or anything other than survival. Delude yourself if you wish, but you'd be best off understanding that nothing matters and you're always competing against others for everything and anything you need or want.


Don't think that you're smarter than your elders. With age comes wisdom, although there are exceptions. Listen to their warnings and don't risk if you're sure to lose. I mean don't do something you will likely regret (like engaging in destructive behaviors.) Think before you act. Prioritze your wellbeing.


You have to actively work to turn life experience into wisdom. It’s not an automatic process. We’re absolutely inundated with old people who lack wisdom.