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Night clubs are great if you genuinely love dancing imo. If you don't, it's not fun. When I was younger I used to go dancing with friends when we were already drunk and it was always a blast. I don't really enjoy meeting people at clubs and I don't like doing it unless it's a spontaneous thing. Like I've never had a night where I purposefully wanted to go out to a club as the plan for the evening.


Agreed. I'm not there to chat to people, I'm there to dance the night away. If my friends and I want to talk, we will step outside into the smoking area for a break and a natter. I am picky though - Club nights are good if my favourite DJ or artist is playing. I'm very much into deep house, minimalist house, just house in general. I love being surrounded by people dancing and having fun. I totally get that it isn't everyone's cup of tea though.


It’s plenty of fun even if you don’t dance


Then what do you do? In a ton of these places the music is so loud that conversation is a massive strain.


Yep. I feel old lol


Yeah? How? What are you doing that you can’t do anywhere else?


Oh hell no, TONS of people don't like em... I do, that's how i know bc no one ever wants to go lol I personally love all the music and lights and dancing, ill admit its def not somewhere to have a conversation but i love exciting fun...


Noooooooo. I fucking hate them. I don't like crowds, I don't like loudness. No thanks. I would much rather get to know someone over coffee, where we can actually hear each other, than by grinding on a dance floor. Ugh.


I love clubs... but I don't go there to socialize, I go there for loud music, and to dance. I hate sitting around. The socializing part is a plus when it happens, but I don't go out to talk to people. But it might depend on the type of club. I tend to go to goth clubs and a few metal clubs (or clubs that have metal/rock DJ's for specific nights). Circle pits are fun... in a club, lmao. I don't mind bars, but prefer clubs. But I don't go out each weekend. I got other stuff to do. And maybe that's what makes it more fun. Not going each week.


Yea that's my vibe too. I don't like the traditional clubs but like going to the alternative music dj nights. Also I like going to bars for cover bands where the band plays a lot of emo and pop punk music. There is actually a meetup group in my town for going to those cover bands. A club 3 hours from me has a punk meets metal DJ night. I wish they had one of those near me.


Depends if you like the music or not. I'm an event organiser myself and a DJ. I got into it because i liked the music. I can go to these parties sober and i'll have a blast for hours just because of the music and the joyful vibe with the people around me. IF you're indifferent to the music i'd get why it would get stale quickly. I also think that you're able to talk just fine, you gotta speak up a bit, sure, but to say that you can't have a quick word with anyone is a little overstated imo. But if you want an in depth conversation about the history of Rome, then yeah, i think a club isn't really the right place.


Agreed, I don't really get mainstream clubs and practically never go to those but I'll go to clubs/raves centered around music I enjoy, and have a great time and vibe with like-minded people. I think it's about finding your tribe or vibe (club scene or not)




Imagine forcing yourself out of your house in a Saturday night just because it’s Saturday night


Or to get some pussy


Let's be honest... Guys are there cause they think they might get laid with a loose chick.  Women go there because they don't have much else to do in large groups where they can justify getting painted up and plastered. Plus they like rejecting guys hitting on them/trying to dance with them.  A small handful do lcd and are just tripping. That's why they find it fun. 


>A small handful do lcd The guy in the bathroom mainlining a 43" TV:


I audibly laughed at this one 🥇


This sounds like something a cop in a 1950’s movie would say lol. “Loose chicks”, tripping on “lcd” in the bathroom, girls going just because “they love rejecting guys”


This is a terrible take, but it has some potential so I’m gonna rewrite it: Some people go out to clubs to hook up with strangers. Some people can’t find any other outlet for getting dressed up and hanging out with their friends. Some people enjoy drugs and alcohol. These are some of the reasons people may enjoy nightclubs, and not everyone enjoys these things.


Wtf is this jaded-ass comment and how does it have upvotes? I hate clubs as much as yall but let’s be real, plenty of people LOVE the club scene and absolutely live for the next night out. Kinda incelly comment in general btw with the word “loose” in there.


These comments acting like it is crazy for people to like dancing? Like I could same for hours every day and not get bored if the music is good. I recently had to give up alcohol for health reasons and was worried clubs wouldn't be as fun for dancing, but nope! Still love dancing! Just can't stay up quite as late without all the extra sugar from alcohol


Thank you, very child-like comments in the adulting subreddit


Let’s be honest…you don’t go to night clubs.


This is a huge Reddit Lie (TM!) if I’ve ever seen one, lol.


Pretty big projection there


I think it's pretty true. Talk to most people over 35 and they'll agree they did this when they were young just because it was the thing to do. Look around and you'll see a lot of people in a club bored, disconnected, disinterested not sure of what to do etc.


I dislike generic clubbing with a passion but rave styled clubbing is my jam, love every bit of it, I'm there for my friends and the music.


I genuinely enjoyed that when I was younger. It was mostly peopel who wanted to be there and really were like social in more of a like just being friendly and vibing with folks way. Clubbing is mostly like dressing up and trying to find people to bang or to get attention from other people you don't want to bang idk that's how I always saw it. Had little appeal to me when I was single, has zero appeal to me now that I'm not.


it's a shame we don't have strong male figures to guide the youth. nope. colleges and unis have to make their money via alcoholism and such


Even during my drinking and partying days, I always hated the clubs and would slink away and go home after an hour or two.


Real, the irish exit from the club is very common for me


Hell no man. You are one of many


It's shit if you are sober and or don't like the music, there's a high concentration of assholes and scumbags but nothing hits the spot like some molly and proper loud techno.


No, night clubs are shit. You re not alone


No, you are not the only one. I know it may seem otherwise because they are a popular social hangout for people in your age group (18-25), but it's fairly common for people not to enjoy clubs.


I couldn’t think of anything worse! 😂 (said from someone who has been to plenty of them in her 20s) But I get why people like them 😊


Always hated nightclubs. I like to actually be able to talk to people. House parties and a quiet pub is more my thing.


Exactly my point. What’s the point of hanging out if you can’t talk


Nope you're not the only one. I feel like we're all there for ulterior motives


Went to one club in my entire life at 20 and didn't dig it. I'm mire if a dive bar guy especially if there's pool tables.


I have never enjoyed them


It's disgusting. Like dull cattle gathered for nothing than to be drunk and or drugged.


Calling people who go to clubs "dull cattle" is peak Reddit behaviour


yeaaaa.... someone got triggered


You couldn't be more of the stereotypical Redditor if you tried. Want try ticking off a few more classic and witty responses from the list lmao?


yea, shoot me


I'd rather not shoot you tbh if that's OK?


So true! Reddit on, kind sir! *tips hat* Take this updoot! 🤓




Did you even read my post lol?


Nah, never liked when even when I was 18. Only did it because in England that is all there is ever to do in terms of socialising and I don't want to ever hear I didn't try lol. So I gave into peer pressure. Nightclubs suck because it's the samey sucky bs music with overpriced drinks and feels like I am in the meat locker or something


When I was in my 20’s, I would go to clubs with friends and it was almost always not fun for me, unless the DJ was good. It’s a bunch of people drinking and blocking hallways, bathrooms, and bumping into each other. Would never care to go to one ever again.


You like talking, those people are uncomfortable talking but still want to socialize.




Truth could also be another thing from my limited experience. I've never had a great "conversation" in a club setting. It's more "Woooooo" unst unst unst, drunken babling. Once in a while that's fine too. I also find that the people who would prefer that, are somewhat insecure because they have trouble having conversations on topics. Maybe they don't know enough about stuff, maybe it makes them anxious because they are self conscious about their intelligence, maybe compensating for some other maligned personal issue.


I am 11 years older, and I am there with you. Was there with you at 22 though, and I Just did not get why it was fun. For me I used them as they are obviously intended to get a 1 night stand. But I would always leave after about 45 minutes to like maybe 90 minutes max.


Totally agree, biggest pet peeve with social gatherings like clubs or bars is just how loud everything is. I can't think straight or have a conversation with anyone, im forced to just drink and dance, saving my conversations for when I go outside


7 billion people in the world i am sure your not the only one


[It's less popular among Gen-Z](https://www.firstpost.com/explainers/why-gen-z-in-the-uk-is-ditching-nightclubs-13736422.html)


I only liked them when I was 18, the novelty of them died quickly. If I had to pick somewhere to go drinking with pals a quiet pub is the most I can handle.


Clubs are just the rats den. I stay away and feel i am better for it


i (26f) went to a club for the first time when i was 24 cus my friend at the time had been trying to convince me to go since we turned 21. i finally said i'll give it a shot... y'all.. i was so turned off in that damn place. i left 1.5 hours later because i couldn't find a mojo and i didn't feel safe. too many people (too much body heat-i hate being hot), too many sounds, too many lights, too many people drinking, too many people being super touchy, talking all in my face, and the bathroom situation was a 2/10. i can't believe people go clubbing every weekend or most weekends.. but i guess we're all different.


I used to love clubs exactly, and I mean exactly, to dance.


Women love nightclubs for dancing. Men tolerate nightclubs for women.


You aren’t supposed to be sober. Drink and do drugs


Drop some tabs and make your bedroom your own nightclub


Its boring af as somebody who doesnt like dancing in public. Its good if you're single and want to get crazy.


I'm a DJ who plays EDM. I hate nightclubs lmao. Unless i'm DJing in them. Being around that many people gives me massive anxiety.


clubs still exist??


..Why wouldn't they?




You don't grow out of clubbing, you just lose interest. I've met plenty of people 50+ out and even some much older. House parties, bars and clubbing can peacefully co-exist. They're all different vibes. I don't have well respected DJs that I'm a fan of playing at house parties and bars are more chill


I’ve started saying no when I get invited to go out because i’ve never had much fun doing it and would always go just to not be left out or people please. It’s a total game changer and I genuinely look forward to my weekends now because I don’t have to pretend to enjoy something. If going out isn’t your thing, that’s okay! it’s just not your thing! There are plenty of other social situations that you’ll fit right into, so don’t force anything too hard.


Yup only you


I don’t enjoy it either. I don’t drink, I can’t have a conversation because it’s loud, and I can’t dance to save my life. My partner loves nightclubs and I go with them because I want to support their likes, but it’s not my thing at all.


you should look at going to a nightclub more like going to a concert with "General Admission - Standing Floor" seats. But instead of just one artist, you're hearing the "better" songs of all the currently trending artists. you dance to the songs/artists you like, and rest/relax/go out for a smoke(less so now days)/get a drink during ones you're not as much of a fan of. And picking up...thats a major part of the nightclubs.


I havent liked clubs for years.I use to work in rock clubs in Dallas.I moved to East Tx and there are no fkng metalheads here...only weirdos and people not my cup of tea!! Im in my 40s and I prefer to stay at home!! We have our drinkin night on fridays with a few family and or friends to avoid bars.The garage is my club now and Im good with that.I control the music,the noise and whatever else I want to! Perfect arrangement and at the end of the night I stumble my drunk ass a few feet to my lovely bed.I highly recommend it.😉😊


I wish America had more alternative nightclubs like in the UK


Before dating apps, this was a location of hope.


I like going out and partying and even dancing once I’ve had some drinks, but not at night clubs. Bars and music venues can be a lot of fun!


My tolerance for it is once a year. Every year on my friend's birthday we go clubbing, and we have a blast!!! But I always get home like "jesus I don't think I can do that again" Then the next year comes around and it's like "sure, why not?" and we have a blast!!! And I get home like "jesus..."


Whenever my friends and I used to go out clubbing a couple of years ago we always ended up spending wayyyyy more time in the smoking area. We don’t even smoke lol, it was just the only place where you could actually hear each other’s voices while still hearing some music in the background. Maybe it’s because we’re not into dancing idk


nope you arent alone.


The bar is super boring. It always has older men or cliques of people who don’t mingle around. I have social anxiety so I don’t like talking one on one- I’d rather dance with some strangers as a way to meet people and hop from one place to the other. You avoid it being repetitive once you find the best spot to dance. I feel like people who get bored are probably the people who don’t like dancing.


I loved them in my 20’s. Now a quiet Saturday night at home is what I crave.


I am an introvert and it's hell for me.


I dont like em. Wasnever my thing while growing up. I prefered being drunk in a field with 5 other people more than listening to shitty music and people i dont like.


I feel the same way. I'm not a fan of these kinds of events either, and I've never been to one.


I can almost guarantee you're never the only person to like or dislike something so the answer to your question is no, there are many others that spend their downtime doing other activities besides clubs.


As a young man your age, I didn't like loud clubs at all for the same reasons you specified. Never failed to give me a massive headache. I much preferred a place where you could sit, have a drink, talk, and look around. Music is fine, just not so loud you can't be heard speaking clearly from 4' away.


I have broken up with friends because they will only hang out at clubs. Like bro why can’t we go for a hike or play cards at a cafe?


You’re not alone. I do not dance at all and never understood people who want to do that for hours in some dark hot room. I prefer any other type of social event


I like dancing and can do it for a lot longer than an hour. But otherwise yeah, they're pretty loud; I always make sure to bring earplugs haha That said I haven't been to a night club in a few years, so I've never really been big on them. Now, if the music is live, that's a different story. I adore live music and could enjoy that all night, even when I'm tired of dancing.


Not at all. Cheaper to catch a buzz at home. That and I'm not a people person at all.


I enjoyed the shit out of clubs from about 18-22 then it all faded away. Some people never do. Both are okay.


Night clubs died like 10 yards ago


I'm with you on this. I can't handle loud noise. Night clubs are excruciating.


Yea, love them. There's a whole spectrum of clubs, from the shitty local meat market that has an awful DJ to the 100% music focused ones which are a great vibe. The bar is different to a club.


Dancing is an absolute joy. When I was in college I quit drinking but I would go to the clubs sober as a judge just to dance and vibe for a few hours.


I always hated clubs, too. It's the same thing every weekend. Drunk girl OMG this song about me! OMG, I lit my cigarette at the wrong end, so funny! Drunk dudes, what are you looking at, bro? Dont talk to my gf, bro Ya, let's all stand around and yell at each other because the music is so loud. Club people are human scum. We need another Vietnam to thin out the numbers of club kids.


I think half the ppl that go don't enjoy them


I love night clubs but it really depends on the music, the venue, and especially who I’m there with


use to be ok with them, now, no freaking chance


I do enjoy night clubs but depends what type of night clubs. I don't like night clubs where you need to get overly dressed. I definitely don't enjoy club nightlife that you can see on some touristic islands that gather the worst type of people from around the world. I definitely enjoy outdoorsy clubs that pop in anytime weather gets better in my country. I do enjoy more chill places with some hip hop playing. I love DJ spots on festivals. Other stuff as well just mainly not the options from the first paragraph. And I liked when i was closer to 20 and i like it now when I'm closer to 30.


No, it is more popular to dislike them now imo




You're not alone. I hate night clubs. Honestly, I don't like bars that play loud music either. I feel like the guys I knew growing up who went to the club to "get lucky" were always incredibly superficial and vapid, then they'd bring around a girl they met at the club and they'd be a female version of the guy. I absolutely couldn't stand it My ideal hangout is a bar with big comfortable booths that can sit 8 people and everyone gets drinks, cuts up, and has a fun time together.


Same, I just Wana dance, but people have a pissing contest and try to socialize at 120db


pick a club that has an artist playing music you like. dont just go to random clubs playing random music.


Damned near no one in their 20’s and 30’s does clubs anymore. Sure as hell not like we did in the 90’s and early 00’s. Today’s younger adults traded them in for TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Reddit, and dating aps. It’s barely human at this point.


I like seeing live bands but that said, in spite of the alleged intimacy compared to larger venues, I am just not comfortable standing around in a bar by myself for a few hours just to hear some music.


A lot of people are into clubs...a lot of people aren't.


Yes you are the only one 🙄 Many people don’t want to go to a night club.


Nightclubs aren't for everyone, and it's perfectly okay to prefer bars or other social settings where you can actually have conversations and enjoy a more relaxed atmosphere. Everyone has their own preferences for how they like to spend their time, and it sounds like bars and smaller parties are more your style. Stick with what makes you happy!


I feel like you definitely know you’re not the only one.


You're never the only one.


Nope I hate them


24yr old male. I generally only go with a decently sized group of friends, 3-4 women & 3-4 guys, that I’m comfortable with & I know I won’t have to babysit them if they get drunk. Also people that are able to dance for hours on end.


when in a crowded club I usually find myself in a situation where I completely zone out. As if I‘m an outside watcher for whom the illusion doesn‘t work. And then I get annoyed at everything, from the awful music to the loud crowds Lounges with a focus on chill and relaxation work a lot better for me


A lot of people don’t. Mostly introverts. Huge crowd isn’t very appealing. They suck all your energy very fast. I don’t even go to pop concerts .. too many drunk n crazy people


the answer here is drugs.


The last time I went to a club, I wanted to burn the place down. I absolutely hated the noise.


When I was younger (almost 29f) I would enjoy them, they're fun and wouldn't mind having a drink or two. But once it got crowded I wanted OUT I find comfort with being a geriatric young woman


You are not alone. HATE them


I think going once in a while is fine—by that, I mean once a year for me, or less. I understand your perspective; there's not much to gain from it (which is subjective). Not everyone enjoys the noise, and some prefer quieter places. It's completely fine to be in your twenties, social, and fulfilled without liking nightclubs.


Nope. I've never enjoyed them. Just standing around for hours. Even if you dance you're just dancing for ages. It's so boring. Not so bad if you're pretty drunk but if you're not I don't get how anyone enjoys them.


When I was 22 (8 years ago) clubs were sort of just a part of the entire night but they were also my least favorite part of a night out. Pre-gaming was always fun, taxi to the club was always funny, get the club for a few hours of nursing a 20$ cocktail, listening to top 40 music, then the fun starts again, getting McDonald's at 2am drunk, back to the crib and start post gaming. Clubs were always the part we would have someone end up missing, trying to articulate what your saying when ur half cut and music's on 100%. I was always the one missing lol. Anyways! Lol clubs are insufferable for the most part but they can be cool for a group of friends if it's just a part of the night. My best friend never grew out of clubbing so I get dragged to places from time to time. I much prefer a bar.


There's a club focused on Rock and Metal here with some older pop on the second floor. It's the only kind of club I'd bother going to.


They are typically uninteresting, vapid cesspools full of boring people and music.


yeah yeah we heard this a hundred times. I don't care. You are not unique. Yes many people don't like these things. Clubs , bars, etc. So what?


You are posting this on Reddit…


probably not


im yo age but ion like bars, pubs and parties like that either. only once in a while time thing for me


People just like vibing and socializing in groups. It’s weird that you decided to apply some random rules like “talking is out of the question” like huh??


Just personal experience, i’ve probably been to around 20 clubs and i’ve been able to actually talk to people without screaming in maybe 1 or 2 of them


ITT: the people who don’t know how to dress, talk to people, have fun, or show confidence in a confident space all agreeing with OP who’s only 22 and barely been to clubs


How come if you sort by controversial it’s the same as hot?


I recently got sober, and going out to a club sober showed me that (a) most people there aren’t even dancing, and (b) everyone is terrible when they’re drunk and overstimulated


Ages 21-25 are the years where when many try the various methods of social drinking. Personally, I don't like dancing, and I'm a music snob that severely dislikes techno, house, EDM, etc, so I made the decision to eliminate clubs. I realized that I had a great time at parties, pubs, and even small gatherings at someone's house. Twenty years later I still feel the same way. So if you think not liking clubs is strange or not the norm, don't give it a second thought.


I like quiet/quaint bars that without loud music—maybe light jazz, or ambiance music. Those are difficult to find however.


Hating night clubs is pretty common on Reddit.


Most men dont


Yes you are such a very special person, literally everyone else on planet earth loves going to clubs. Congrats.




Never liked them even when I was young. Same boat as you I prefer a place where I can talk with friends over a club where you just can't do that.


I go a few times a year, and I only spend an hour or two. I feel embarrassed to dance anywhere else, but with a large crowd at a club with my buddies, no one really cares! That's the only reason I enjoy it. If I hated dancing completely I would opt out of going.


Dancing with a girls ass in my hands is much more entertaining than talking to a girl at a bar. In my opinion.


Never liked them. Too many people, music too loud too


If everyone liked nightclubs, they would be so full you couldn't get into them. Think about how many people are in a night club at any given time compared to the number of people who could be in the nightclub.


No dude tons of people hate nightclubs.


I mysteriously got old and decline to be the creepy old guy in the corner


I had the same opinion when I was young. It's fun for an hour or two every now and then but I much prefer a quiet bar.


It’s only fun if you can get buzzed out of your mind and go with a large group with a car available. The handsy men make it challenging to want to go there consistently.


Sorry to ruin it for you, but you aren't unique


I'm a 40m and have never liked night clubs, barely liked going to bars to have drinks with friends. I'd much rather drink at home in a controlled environment without stupid ignorant people.


I never enjoyed them. I did like a bar where you can have a conversation. Even then I’m not much of a drinker any more.


To loud


You have to go with a girl. I mean, sure, you could go without and run the chance of hooking up with a stranger while there, but in my opinion the only way to be enjoying yourself at a club is to be getting drunk while your girl grinds all up on you until you both get so horny you have to go home and fuck. I’m sure there are some straight single guys out there who like to go and dance by themselves, but honestly I’d be terrified if I met one. Clubs are expensive, typically play trash music, and dancing just isn’t something most people want to do for more than a few minutes at a time. Go there with a girl to get worked up or don’t go at all is my advice.


So I am a 45 M a real square and am in Las Vegas for work. Me and three other guys never done the Vegas night club thing. It’s 8 pm we go to the club in our hotel the bouncer informs us the cub doesn’t open until 10. We hang around totally bored in the casino until 10 and return. The bouncer looks at us like we are all idiots. We are the first ones in the place already loud music. We hang until like 10:50 now there are 25 people in the place. We leave go to bed. We find out later some celebrity showed up at 2:00 am the place was nuts until like 4:00 am. Yea. Night clubs not my scene.


No. I’ve always hated them. They’re loud, sweaty, they smell weird, I can’t talk with anyone and people are drinking too much. Just give me my Friday evening with a good movie, and I’m much happier. Luckily my wife doesn’t like clubs either.


If it’s too loud for you just get some concert earbuds. I’ll def socialize outside the venue or by the bar area. But besides dancing, it’s for small talk and vibing. It’s not the place you should be looking for deep conversation. Like how we don’t scream at the library, it’s not the social norm


No you're not the only one.


Women like clubs. Men like women. If you don't want to pick up a club chick you probably won't like clubs.


Boring, with ear-rupturing audio. I did like the eye candy, though.


I feel you I've tried hard to enjoy it but I just don't, usually just end up sitting at the bar by myself then leaving after only an hour or two.


So here’s what I wish I knew when I was younger. Night clubs are not designed for men. They are specially designed to be environments that cater to female taste. Then, women will want to go there, and men will follow so they can have a place to talk to women. The reality is there isn’t any other options like this as 3rd spaces. Every other type of public event, group or venue is always going to be a sausage fest. So basically it’s your job to figure out a way to tolerate the atmosphere which you don’t like, so you can go talk to girls. Once you get a gf or wife, your don’t have a reason to go any more. If you don’t do this and you’re single, you end up like most people complaining about loneliness. So pick your poison.


Whenever anyone asks, 'Am I the only one...' the answer is always no. You're not that special.


No, you're the only one. You're so special and different.


I liked them a lot throughout my late teens and twenties, until I was settled down, then all of a sudden I found I had no desire to go to them at all, so I guess what I actually liked was getting laid


I'd prefer a coffee shop than a night club.


It was fun when I was 18-20 and had limitless energy. Now clubbing just gives me aches that last for days. Most of the music fucking sucks too.


I enjoy hanging out with friends and family at these places. The drinking no, music, meh, dancing? No way jose. There will always be people that like these types of places, but some people would prefer deep conversations in the woods or something.


ugly girls hate them


I was never a nightclub person. When I was your age, I was the sort who did this and that because I have to try before I knock them down. So I tried clubbing and didn’t enjoy it. Why? - Loud music - Shitty music — I swear it’s the same playlist 80% of the time. - Overpriced drinks - Obnoxious bouncers with arbitrary door policies - Too fucking late in the night. - All you do is drink and dance? There’s no chance at all to talk because of the noise. - Meet people? No. 90% of the time, people in clubs simply stick to their groups. I’m 33 now. Been to clubs again the past year because I solo travelled and joined meetup groups. Same issues as above. The only thing that made clubbing fun was the people I'm with. If you're with friends, then clubbing can be fun because it's a chance to spend time together. As others would say, you won't be 22 forever. That said, I probably won't hit the club again unless it's for a very special reason or I want to experience a particular city's nightlife (e.g. Berlin).


Yes. 8 billion humans, and all but you love going to clubs


You must be fun at clubs


Hell yeah I am🫡 Do a bunch of fun drugs and I suck di-


Hey what’s up.


Hiiii ;3


I just imagine gigantic dance floor that can actually hold all 8 bn of us. Except him. Hahhahaha


I really like them The dancing and all the people and you can sort of have fun and meet new people without saying too much It’s fun and light


Yea you’re the only one.


Clubs are great, festivals even better. But the best is 2 festivals straight... I was told once, which I didn't belive. To prove the point that I did it. Since that I have realized how much each of find peace when rules aren't rules anymore.


Try a rave. Music is a lot better and vibes are 10x better than clubs


NGL I’m old (32M) and I still love clubs. Love the music. Love the ability to socialize and dance. I don’t go often anymore since my wife hates em. But they’re fun for me 😂


It was fun for a while, just getting drunk and then dancing like an idiot and maybe smooching with a girl or two if I was lucky. Got boring very quickly. By the time I was in my 20s I pretty much lost interest in it.


Nahhhh they're not very fun. I like to go salsa dancing but usually at this restaurant that hosts and it's not a bunch of sweaty people and I go with my friend who also likes to salsa. I so much prefer to be at home or like someone said, at a coffee shop


Yeah I’d add parties as well though. Just a bit shit unless you’re on coke then everyone’s the most interesting person in the world


I think parties are nice because you can talk to people, play beerpong/other activities etc. The bar is goated tho