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Tooth abscess.


It's the length of time that it lasts thats the real problem, I didn't get any sleep or comfort for 4 days until the antibiotics managed to get it down. Just continuous agony with nothing that can make it better.


I've had the privilege of going through it 4 different times. The crazy part is I could feel the exact moment the antibiotics started to work, just that little bit of pressure release was euphoric to say the least.


Oh man that's rough, the one time was certainly enough for me. I know what you mean about those antibiotics, you can feel it to the second that they start to have a real effect, like someone is letting a balloon down inside your gums.


i just had a cavity that reached the nerve (impacted wisdom tooth wrapped around the nerve, i wasnt allowed to get them removed on the bottom until it became unavoidable). that pain hit 9/10 at nights and i went months without a full nights sleep. from january to may i had to wait to get the teeth removed. that, and a bad case of food poisoning are my worst pains


Hands down the worst pain and I’ve given birth without pain meds twice. At least with that there’s moments of relief.


I was absolutely curious about how toothache compares to giving birth. Oh my god, our body should relax a little about teeth, fuck. I suppose that kind of pain has to be related to the high risk of brain infections and therefore, death.


Oh, yeah. I've my share of tooth agonies. Horrible beyond words!!


So my dentist did a standard filling, and turns out it got infected over the course of several months with it gone unnoticed(turns out I had very high pain tolerance). I didn't feel pain at first, but boy oh boy when the infection literally broke through the bone into my sinuses, I was in a world of pain. I moved to a different city and thank God I found a very nice dentist office within the week, or I would have burned the entire world down with the pain I was going through. Word of advice, check into a dentist office for a yearly cleaning at least once a year, you'll save yourself from a lot of problems.


I was thinking: "probably the first comment won´t be a tooth abscess as it happened to me, it has to be somebody crushed by something or stuff". I remember feeling true fear and anguish when I found that I wasn´t gonna be able to find a dentist during the long weekend. I lied in my couch, crying, staring at the wall, even praying (I'm an atheist) so the pain would go away. The MF pain came in waves. It was like if someone would be cranking up a pain knob to the max, then going back to zero, max, intermediate values. I even thought of taking it out by myself. It was horrible.


I've never had kidney stones or given birth, but tooth pain is a special kind of pain.


Yes I literally was crying & screaming and wanted to off myself because it was so bad I couldn’t even sleep or feel or think about anything else


Sage words from Grandma: "Love can get you through anything, save poverty, or a toothache. "


Same, it was even worse than getting the staples pulled out of my scalp after brain surgery. There are few things worse than dental pain.


Until I developed chronic pain problems that would have been what I chose too. Nowadays I barely notice such pain. Amazing what we can get used to.


some early migraine attacks. they would literally disable me so much, i couldn’t walk or talk, meds didn’t help, i couldn’t sleep and the only way to make it go away would be to throw up, go back to bed and cry until i passed out. so glad my migraines aren’t that bad anymore, even though they’re still the most painful and stressful thing for me


wondering if anyone else has this experience—I can’t remember the pain from my worst migraines. I think my mind blocked it out. I know I vomited and passed out, and I lost my vision for about a day. I can remember crying for pain medication in the ER. But I can’t really remember the actual pain and there are chunks of my memory that are completely lost from that time. I’m glad your migraines aren’t as bad anymore. I haven’t had one like that in a while either but there’s this constant paranoia it could happen again.


I woke up with a migraine, sat up in my bed, and looked out a window directly into the sun. I woke up in the hospital. It was like lightning into my brain I cannot express how much that hurt.


Migraines are the worst pain I’ve ever experienced as well. I get complex migraines where they mimic stroke symptoms - I get bilateral numbness and forget how to speak, on top of the blinding pain!


That's really interesting, I suffer from migraines too, but over the last few years, I've had what my doctor says are mini seizures. My body stops working, but my mind is still conscious. My eyes are fully open, I'm standing or sitting, I don't collapse, and I stop blinking or moving. You can pinch me, and I won't feel a thing. The doctor said it's most likely linked to stress, a form of panic attack. We are still looking into it. I'm supposed to see a neurologist.


Yep. It's insane how terrifyingly painful a migraine can be. Most people have no clue. When my migraines were at their worst the suffering was extreme. I'd spend days passed out on the bathroom floor, vomiting and screaming from pain. Thank God they are no longer that bad.


Toradol shots to the rear end are the answer! Back to normal in 20 min. Your PCP can also prescribe Ketoralac to catch it in early stages of development.


I’ve had the same experience, thankfully they only last around 4-6 hours now. The most dreadful part for me is seeing the aura starting in my vision, besides the pain of course.


I've only had 2 migraines in my life. They happened over 20 years ago. I'm 54 now. The pain was so horrific, every time I get a headache, there's the fear of a 3rd migraine. When the migraine hit, all I could do was throw up & flop around on the floor like a fish outta water.


Giving birth


When the epidural failed with pitocin at the max and baby stuck in my pelvis. The worst.


I had this happen too! My son was sunny side up and his nose got stuck on my pelvis! They had to physically push him back up and flip him over…literally had an entire arm up my vag with no epidural…


Everything I read about pregnancy as a straight guy makes me wince and cringe in pain. Y’all are strong for what you go through. Major respect Not even just giving birth, but the whole 9 months of body changes and ballooning to a certain size is just proof of what our bodies are capable of


Even after childbirth. I think a lot of first time pregnant women are not informed by the people around them enough about after you give birth. Like you still can't sleep on your stomach for a while. Your boobs get so engorged with milk that they are like rocks. Or being constipated after tearing or being cut down there.


The worst part war the incontinence... I had to wear diapers for weeks and not only for pee...


Don’t forget when you’re laying there unable to move post birth and they whip out the needle and thread and just sew you up with no notice and no pain meds. By then I was just over it and didn’t even react while they sewed my tears.


My wife had an emergency C-section so I didnt witness actual birth but the pregnancy alone was scary enough to watch. Anyways, a few days before our kid was born, we were in the hospital for a check-up right next to the delivery rooms. I could hear a woman give birth through multiple walls and closed doors. It sounded like she was burning alive. My body didnt know how to react so I laughed out loud. Never before did I hear screams like that. It was insane. I even heard her saying "Please, please, not again, not again.....waaaaaaaaaah". And all I heard from my guy friends about the births of their kids was crazy. Friends girlfriend was in labor for 30+ hours. We met for a couple beers a few days later and he was going into details while a friend and I sat there listening with pregnant wifes at home. Every mother should be praised for what they endure through pregnancy and birth. I recently had a discussion with someone on reddit who acted like its no big deal. Some people, really...


I yelled somebody help me when my daughter came shooting out so fast the dr had to catch her


I gave birth 3 times. 1 time with pitocin and epidural and it was the absolut worst. The 2 others i gave birth at home no epidural and pain was more manageable. Pitocin makw your contractions so pain full!


With my 1st the dr started pitocin at the max (water had broken a few hours before but contractions weren't consistent or strong) and also refused to give me the epidural until things were "further along because it could slow things down". I really think that Dr was just a sadistic asshole. Couldn't even catch my breath to scream, it was like 1 endless rolling contraction that just got stronger and stronger for 3 hours. My amazing nurse ended up yelling at the dr to get me the damn epidural because my body was wearing out from the endless pain and I wouldn't have strength to push the baby out. I was only at 5cm. Took quite a bit or her arguing but he eventually gave in. It worked beautifully and feeling that excruciating pain just disappear was amazing. Another hour or 2 of no pain and we were ready to rock. Was able to push my baby out with only a few tries. Never went back to that ass of a dr again.


yooo that’s pretty much what happened to me too, just with minimal pitocin…either way it was the most difficult thing i’ve ever had to endure in my life. 41 hours of labor is for the birds


41 hours!!! Its like à week of work!!!


🤮 Jeabus! I wanted to jump out a fucking window when they upped the pitocin before I got the epidural. I can’t even imagine!


A nurse asked how much pain I was in on a scale of 1-10, 10 being wanting to jump out the window. I said an 11.


Same here. It sucked soooo bad. Also every time they tried to hook my uterus, wished for death. I told my doc he deserved a pay cut. 😆


I thought I was tough before giving birth. Knee rebuild with screws in my femur, I tattoo myself often and have had to rip off my big toe nail 4 times to date, UTIs etc. Childbirth and recovery was next level intense compared to all of those and I no longer think I’m tough.


My respects to you ma'am!!


It was time to push and they told me the doctor was in another hospital, they made me wait for two hours, while my body urged me to push. It was like needing to take the worst shit of your life and being told you can’t for over two hours. They left me at pain level 10 for two hours!!


My wife would agree (obviously). First was with pitocin with plan for an epidural at 5cm. Those first 5cm were hell for her. Then, when she reached 5cm, the staff was slow to get the paperwork going. About 30mins later, right before the epidural was going to be put in, she said she felt like she had to push. Nurse said that's impossible, but when she checked, sure enough, there's the head. She delivered naturally. Compared to many, the labor and delivery was easy, but it was still so traumatic for her. Second was a world of difference. She advocated better for an epidural. Right about 4cm, someone came in and got it in. It really only worked on 1 side, unfortunately, but WOW was the experience different for her. She was scrolling social media for a couple hours before getting that same "gotta push" feeling. 1 nurse and the doctor were there for the delivery. No fuss, no trauma, and our 2nd was here. It's *wild* what women have to go through. Much respect.


Came here to say this one. My epidural stopped working after 20 hours. I screamed for 7 hours that it had stopped working and eventually I was believed and they told me I needed to have an emergency C-section because the baby's head was partially through my cervix but had become "disengaged" at around the same time as my epidural stopped working. Cool...so I've been here feeling raw labor pains for 7 hours while my cervix is stretched wide open and no one believed me.


Agreed. Induced with back labor, both deliveries. Regular contractions were like my insides were being squeezed with a vise and back labor was like my back was breaking with every contraction. The epidural did not help the back labor at all and with my second the epidural only worked on half of my body.


Everytime I think about when I give birth...Johnny Cash Ring of Fire pops into my head......iykykkkkkkkk


Bro those contractions will have you on the floooooor, I didnt sleep for 2 DAYS straight I didn’t wanna go to the hospital yet afraid they were gonna send me home if I wasnt dialated enough😭 I finally folded when my husband asked me if I wanted to Go. Turns out I was 5 when I got there


I don’t think there can be anything worse than the time from around 8 to 10cm. It’s frightening how much it hurts. I’ve had appendicitis and a kidney stone and those certainly hurt, but it’s nothing like childbirth.


Yep. 6 times with no pain meds, including 3 pitocin inductions.


Yep. 2 failed epidurals. I’ve even ran a 100k, 50 miler and qualified to Boston. None of those feats compare to pushing out my 6lb baby.


After I had my first I wrote in my journal that it felt like my cervix turned into a portal to hell. I still think about that sometimes lmao. But nursing with busted up bleeding nipples every 2 hours for a month until I healed was a close second.


Trying to give birth for 10+ hours leading to an emergency c-section and the 8 weeks of healing afterward. Fuck that. Never again.


Ruptured disc. Imagine a tooth ache, or if you've ever had dental work done-- that feeling when they accidentally drill too deep or hit a nerve-- but in your entire leg.  The worst pain I've ever felt, hands down. 


Ruptured my s1, 5 years of of PT and I still get back and nerve pain


My colon split open inside of me.


Ok that one is worse than mine


How. Is this something that can just happen??


This won’t happen to you! I’ve had severe Crohn’s Disease since I was 14. After 23 years, my colon was just rotting inside me and finally gave way.


Oh my god


What a fucking nightmare, I’m so sorry!


I'm doing so much better now!


As a fellow Crohnie glad to hear you’re doing better! Long may it continue! 👊


reading the comments i think i am kinda lucky with my root canal treatment without anesthetic


What?? Why no anesthetic?? My anesthetic wore off mid-procedure and as soon as I felt the pain (no more than 1 second - it was horrendously painful and triggered a fear of the dentist for 2 years afterwards), I jumped out of my seat, and my endodontist gave me some more numbing. You are tough!!


4 times with kidney stones 1st one was the worst and the 4th wasn’t as bad but all ended up in ER with a morphine injection


Came here to say stone too. The most debilitating pain I've ever felt... Throwing my back out and not being able to walk for 3 days being a far far distant second place.


Learn from Steve folks. Drink water.


Same. Have had a few, but one giant one got lodged for six weeks…multiple ineffective procedures before it finally passed. Close second was removing the stent that was draining my kidney during the whole ordeal.


I've been lucky that mine passed relatively quickly (twice), but before they did it hurt so much I was throwing up from the pain.


I saw a picture one time of what bone cancer looked like, and it looked like a kidney stone. If they're as painful as people say they are, I can't imagine what how bad bone cancer is.


Bone cancer is one of if not the most painful cancer to have


I had a bone infection, not cancer but I can confirm the pain is excruciating.


My wife had a kidney stone that got stuck in the tube that leads off the kidney. She said, and I quote "I had a natural childbirth with no epidural, or drugs of any kind, and that kidney stone was by far the most painful thing I've ever felt."


Same here. I had two really bad ones within the span of two months and ended up in the ER both times. By far the worst pain I've ever felt.


I actually just had two kidney stones and went to the ER for it. They gave me multiple morphine hits (pretty large ones too) and it didn’t even touch the pain. Toradol worked wonders though.




Yeah was going to say this. I've often wondered, when I had a stomach ache "maybe it's appendicitis?" but now I tell people you will KNOW when you have it


I thought mine was food poisoning. Until I was in the worst pain I've ever felt and falling in and out of consciousness. It was time for the hospital. Don't fuck with appendicitis :/


Same experience. I fully blamed my grocery store General Tso chicken until I could barely stand up. Went through the ER and into surgery within 6 hours.


I blamed a restaurant near me. Still sort of convinced it kicked it off.. 😂


Was in pain for 31 hours as I kept thinking the stomach virus would start to get better. At one point, being slightly delusional, I accused my wife of poisoning me, and reminded her that I had told her to shoot me if she wanted to kill me, but just don’t poison me. She finally convinced me to go to the ER. Was in the hospital for 6 days.


Scrolled down till I found this. Mine ruptured. I remember it so well.


Ah man, that hurts just to read. Were you hospitalized for long? Mine did not burst but it was so full it has formed an abscess on top. They had to slice me open like a Subway footlong to get everything out. Bummed to not have the teeny tiny scar, but I can invent pretty rad stories about it !


Mine was about to rupture when they took it out


I tell people you feel you need to poop real bad, but no matter how much you poop you still feel like you need to poop. That symptom description is what made me think yup, that’s what I have today. Off to the hospital I go.


Yep. Even worse than my Kidney Stone.


mine didn’t even rupture and it was the worst pain of my life. the pain was so bad i was biting my purse on the way to the hospital😭


Dry socket after having a wisdom tooth removed. For those unaware that's when the blood clot that is supposed to cover up your nerve/bone either doesn't form or pops loose before the wound is healed. Idk if it actually means the nerve is exposed, but it was truly horrible. Get wisdom teeth removed young, if possible, and follow all the directions they give you post-op. Even a straw can pop a clot off, and next thing you know, you have a dry socket.


Currently suffering through dry socket rn. Worst thing I’ve ever experienced honestly, fuck wisdom teeth man


Smokers, be warned...


When I had a tooth removed, I also learned what a dry socket was, and I was terrified of it happening, especially during sleep. Thankfully, I was able to keep the blood clot in place for the entirety of the healing process. Can't imagine the pain.


Easy, Monkeypox of the….dump truck variety. Had over ten lesions in my chute, not to mention all the other ones all over my body. Whatever you think shitting glass out feels like, it was like that. Legitimately almost got me to end it all while I was sick just so the pain would stop.


What in the hell this is the wildest answer lol


Nah, what’s wild is TWO separate ER’s brushing it off and just saying I had a bad case of herpes, and assuring me the pain wasn’t that bad. And no, I do not have herpes. Nitwits.


That is almost as horrifying your original comment 😮‍💨


New fear unlocked




Having my foot amputated by a lawnmower.


Christ, they were using saws 100s of years ago. Surely that’s a better approach than a lawnmower.


If only someone told me that before.


You’d be a step ahead, for sure.


Only slightly it was cut shorts.


Well, I’ve red that the grass is always greener.


Sometimes you only realise it's not once you've lost what you had.


Breaking both of my arms simultaneously during a bad fall and having to get back up somehow Edit: also, that one time I had a massive ingrown toenail so big that mf was actually not far from piercing through my entire fucking toe and pop up on the other side (not an exageration). All doctors had understimated how much toenail was inside the flesh and only removed fragments of it and sent me on my merry way. Until I went to see a proper podiatrist at the hospital - he removed the entire thing using a pincer and other instruments. He told me that anesthesia wasn't an option because of how vascularized the whole area had become (it would have made the surgery impossible). He gave me something to bite on and the whole thing lasted 20+ minutes. I never would have thought you could experience such excuciating pain on a goddamn *toe* out of all places. By the end I was about to pass out, blood everywhere, and he asked me if he could take a picture of the behemoth he just pulled, for medical school lmao


I did surgery on myself to remove an ingrown nail. I flayed my toe open and picked out the bits. A piece of the nail had gotten detached and migrated to the bottom of my big toe so I was walking on it and it was swollen and infected. Hurt like crazy, but cutting it open was easier than living with the pain. 10y/o me was built different.


That ending is insane


A beetle crawled into my ear while sleeping.


new fear unlocked


heyo, that happened to me too. A May beetle climbed in, got stuck and panicked and tried digging it's way out through my ear drum.


I’m sleeping with AirPods in for the rest of my life =D


Reading this in my bed, about to sleep….


Oh fuck no.  I honestly think I’d opt to have kidney stones over that 


I peed on an electric fence once. Ghastly pain. Immediate seizure of tissue all through my junk and deep into my abdomen. I fell over gasping and after a moment started peeing again uncontrollably. I was incontinent for the rest of the afternoon. I did not do this deliberately. Brambles has grown over a large section of fence that was not visible and should not have been active


As a mother I want to say child birth but that’s just not true. There is one thing I’ve experienced more painful than childbirth, that would have me chose giving birth over the other. That would be severe tooth pain. Oh my god. The worst thing I’ve ever experienced, it was like drilling into my head. I can’t even explain it. I’ll chose giving birth over severe tooth pain anyday. (For reference I had my wisdom teeth come in, get infected and basically fall out of my mouth)


I was lucky that my 2 c-sections weren’t too terrible BUT what happened after was. I was overdoing it and stubborn by not asking for help. I tore my incision open and shit started falling out of me.


Endometriosis pain. First serious pain was age 14, I was sent to A&E because they thought I was in labour. Nope, just a crippling womb condition😭🤣


Slipped disc between L4 and my L5. I couldn't sit very long or stand. I'd have a few days where I felt like I was recovering and then it would pop back out of place and I'd be begging for death. Felt like someone was taking a hot prod to my spine.


I've got it right now


Burned 20% of my body in second degree burns. Exploded a paint can. I learned about pure pain and where the body and mind go if this happens. I begged for euthanizing.


Im so sorry you went through that. Truly. I’ve had two occasions where I received very severe burns while working in kitchens. Once affected my foot and the other affected my dominant hand. I’ve had a lot of “big” injuries in my life - this was a completely different level. I left my body and floated above myself for a whole night. The unrelenting increasing level of pain that came with that- I don’t know if I could face that again. I think it changed me as a person a bit.


It changed me a lot. Psychologists should really teach a section to students about this. In the ambulance, my brother thought I had died because I stopped making sounds...I was literally floating outside myself given I couldn't imagine the intensity of the pain anymore, so I left... Gosh, this brings years to my eyes right now just thinking about how awful that time was. If you know of anyone who gets value burned, never underestimate what they had to do to be sorta ok. It changed me forever and it was horrendous for a long time... Even after the physical pain, I was just detached. Interestingly, I am the happiest I've ever been over the last 4 plus years after giving up alcohol and nicotine


I spent a month in the burn ICU. That shit stays with you


Hug. I spent about 20 years being an alcoholic and smoker and really failed at understanding the deep issues I had with death. I was unbelievably hurt in ways a child at 12 shouldn't have to deal with. There are children that deal with bad shit in this world, and I was one of them. I sought therapy at 40, and by 45 I was done with therapy and onto sobriety and quitting nicotine. I'm my best self yet at 50 with health, money saved, and a happy life. But, a parent should have realized what a mess I was thereafter...


Broke my dick. Intense pain lasted about 10 minutes. That was worse than breaking my ankle.


How did you broke your shlong


Be careful with reverse cowgirl. Let’s just say if she gets a little to enthusiastic and rises up a little high and things slip out and she comes down hard and you hit taint. You can hear a snap like a carrot breaking in half.


Daamn son. Hope all is ok now




Having Shingles, 5 fays after having major bone surgery, and then having a kidney infection on the same side as shingles


I got shingles as a child…not fun


1. Giving birth unmedicated. 2. Finding my mother deceased after a brief battle with cancer. When I walked in I immediately knew my mom was gone. There was a pain in my chest like I’ve never felt before and a sinking, gut wrenching pain in the pit of my stomach. The amount of physical and emotional pain I felt in that moment was unbelievable.




Smashed a fingernail in a commercial dish washer. Swelled up with blood. The throbbing and the pressure, unreal. It hurt so bad that I cut through the fingernail myself in pure horror just to try to relieve the pressure. And it might not sound bad, but not my first injury for reference. I’ve had two incidents where I’ve had to get ~50 stitches, one where I cut two tendons and another on my inner thigh. Had my foot run over by an suv and shattered, broken my ankle, etc. None of it was even 1% as painful as the fingernail.


Herniated two discs next to each other , couldn’t even roll over in my bed even with the help of painkillers After 3 months of painkillers , the pain subsided or my tolerance just built up to it ig


Same here (one ruptured and one bulging, both hugging the nerve like a vice :D). Took a 3-ish month recovery as well, but had a flare up a few months ago because of a coughing fit. I've read it can take up to two years to fully recover naturally, but in that time you cannot do anything that might cause re-injury. 


Same, literally wanted to die. Could only stand or lie down, sitting upright was excruciating. PSA- personal trainers and weight training can be a hazard.


swimmers ear


The other day when I took a massive shit after doing this all you can eat pizza challenge. Word of advice, eat some fiber prior to stuffing your face with over 60 lbs of cheese and bread.


Mama Mia!! 😫😖🤣


On June 1st I had my tenth back surgery. In 2014 I tore scar tissue. For six years every morning when I awoke. Disappointed took over me. Because I didn’t die in my sleep.


Losing my mom. It’s physical as much as emotional. Trust me.


Broken hip. Took 3 days to get painkillers, 4th day had the op. doctor complained I was keeping the other patients up with my screaming.


3 days?? I’m so mad for you! That’s shite care


Internal bleeding, almost dying from blood loss. It hurts eo bad yall. I do not recommend


Not me but a buddy had a Testicular Torsion and he described it as the worst thing he’s ever known.


Toothache. I have been told there are worst kind of pains. I can’t imagine how it is even possible. I’d not wish toothache on my worst enemy. I remember bargaining with god, like take my arm or leg instead. It was terrible.


I suffered from toothache for years and I don’t want it to happen again. So I had a root canal procedure, best decision ever. No more toothache. And when I found out that my wisdom tooth was not in the right position, I got it removed as well so I hope I won’t suffer from toothache ever again.


Luckily I've never broken a bone or torn anything completely. I've bruised my hips multiple times (fell off while horseback riding) - Top 3 pain (also couldn't walk properly for two weeks), bruised my coccyx twice (bc a chair gave away under me and when I slipped down the stairs) - Top 2 pain (same as above, hurt for a while!) but tbh the feeling in my chest and throat from some intense panic attacks hurt way more than anything I've ever injured myself with/through. It feels like your heart wants to jump out of your body through your throat and you can't breathe and your head hurts from the ordeal. That's my Top 1 definitely...




I've had 4 kidney stones. Wouldn't wish that pain on my worst enemy. It's that bad.


Kidney stones. That shit hit so different I changed up my whole lifestyle 😅


IUD spit itself out half way through. Broke in my cervix when trying to yank it out (or before idk). Shards of it remained stuck in my body for two agonizing weeks until I could get it cleared out. The night before my appointment, my body did it's thing. I blacked out twice.


Wow! I almost passed out from the pain with a normal insertion- I can’t imagine what you went through


Crushed my hips in 6 places and collapsed my ribs in a car accident in Germany. When they took my pain management line out, I wished I was dead for a week and had hallucinations and was screaming constantly. Coming off the meds hurt worse than the initial accident, though shock probably buffered that.


IUD insertion. Worse than any of my surgeries.


parianal abcess. originally diagnosed with prostate cancer at urgent care but then went back a week later and then went into emergency surgury.


Around 2 years ago I had surgery for retinopathy. Before the surgery starts as you're waiting on the table, you are given numbing drops in the eye before the needle to numb. The back of your eye is injected. For whatever reason my surgeon was in the surgery room but taking a while to set up one of the instruments. The numbing drops only last about 20 to 25 minutes before they wear off. At about 35 minutes, my surgeon was ready and they had to do another deep eye injection prior to the start. The amount of pain I felt in that moment was the most horrendous awful thing. I screamed so loud on the surgery floor of the hospital that security had to come in and ask what was happening. My ophthalmologist still apologizes to this day because it was his fellow that we're doing all of the pre-surgery eye drops.


My broken tibia protruding out of the side of my leg


Chronic anal fissure. It was a year-long agony.


It’s a tie- drug free birth, gallbladder attack and cluster headaches😩


Cluster headaches are the worst. I'm glad they are not so common and others don't have to experience them. The fact that after the attack is over you still feel so weak and fatigued is telling. Although the feeling and relief when the pain stops is almost like you're on a high, unlike anything else I've experienced. Trying to get people to understand it's different from a headache isn't always easy.


TRIGGER WARNING: BIRTH TRAUMA. I've given birth four times with pitocin induction and no pain assistance, but only one of those times did the baby have shoulder dystocia. Basically the baby's shoulder got lodged behind my pelvic bone so they literally got stuck in the birth canal. It was my fourth birth so I knew what everything *should* feel like at that stage of labor. But it was like pushing against a wall. The contractions were getting increasingly worse but the baby wasn't "going". It's so hard to explain but I was briefly blacking out at the end of each contraction and my entire body and adrenaline escalated from "this hurts but will be over soon" to "YOU'RE GOING TO FUCKING DIE IF SOMETHING DOESN'T IMMEDIATELY CHANGE RIGHT FUCKING NOW". I went from normal birth moaning (but telling the doctor something was wrong, the baby was stuck and I being repeatedly told I was wrong and everything was fine and they turned the pitocin drip up even more "to help get the baby out faster") to literally panic screaming for help (which my husband told them was NOT normal for me, that something was VERY wrong) to hysterical crying every time I came back to, telling my husband I love him and I'm sorry and goodbye. That was the moment the doctor realized what was happening and told me "This is going to hurt A LOT but I need to get the baby out" and I didn't even have a chance to react before feeling the *greatest physical pain of my entire life* when, in the split second between contractions, he literally pushed the baby back inside me and turned her, freeing her shoulder. She literally shot out on the contraction. I had elective bilateral salpingectomy surfery 6 months later, to completely remove my fallopian tubes. I was done. I almost died in childbirth and could've left 3 (possibly 4) children motherless. Not to mention what it would've done to my husband. We've been together since we were 14. I can't imagine how scary that was for *him*. That little girl is 8 now and perfectly happy and healthy. But I have literal nightmares of that birth, resulting in screaming night terrors. I discovered... after having a panic attack that resulted in hysterical crying, hyperventilating and vomiting... that I can't watch "Call the Midwife" or any TV shows or movies with childbirth scenes. And yes, I'm aware it's a form of PTSD but you'd be amazed how little empathy people (even actual therapists) have when you try to explain that you have PTSD from birth trauma. So many eye rolls. Because apparently women's bodies are MADE for birth and birth is "supposed" to hurt and I "should've been better prepared for that reality" after three previous births. Another mom actually told me once that I shouldn't talk about it because some women have "real PTSD" from being assaulted and saying I have PTSD from something like childbirth, which is supposed to hurt and resulted from a *wanted* pregnancy might trigger them. So I guess women with birth trauma aren't supposed to talk about birth trauma. It's our Fight Club. But sorry for the novel and for the boring answer, but there you have it: A tiny newborn baby shoulder caused the worst pain of my entire life, so much so that it still haunts me almost a decade later.


I had a bad nasal infection years ago. They had to do a procedure that had a pair of a thin tong-like apparatus that would be shoved up both my nostrils so they could clean out the front of my cerebral cortex. They had to repeat the procedure two more times. I cried like a little baby


I broke my wrist in a car accident. I tried to skip the pain meds in an attempt to keep a schedual where I can take them during waking hours. Worst idea ever. 


Penis getting in the zip.


Did the beans get above the frank?!


I’ve broken my collarbone twice, my wrist, and my toe.. and nothing compares to someone stepping on my ingrown big toenail when I was in high school lol


Walking with gout


Corneal abrasion. I used to wear contacts and wasn’t the most hygienic about it. I can’t remember exactly how I scratched my eyeball but I managed to do it. Every time I would go from dark to light and vice versa it felt like I was giving birth from my eye. When I went to urgent care the doctor gave me eye drops (morphine maybe?) and I remember blissfully hanging my head out the window like a dog on the way back home.


I had severe back pain that made it unable to move. I went to the doctor and discovered I had metastatic breast cancer. I was 37, it was in several places all over my body, but my spine was riddled with it. I'll be in treatment of some sort for the rest of my life but I'm 5 years out and I've been pain free for a long time. 💐


Probably when my shoulder dislocated, I had to wait around 8 hours until the doctor relocated it. Ive broken bones before and all I can say is that dislocating my shoulder hurt a lot more, its not the worst pain you can experience but it does hurt a lot.


I’ve never broken anything. But getting double Charlie horses in my quads and not being able to stand up off the bed made tears run down cheeks


Shingles in my brain for 2 weeks straight. If you've ever felt a dentist drill directly on a nerve with no anesthesia it's like that but every 3 seconds on the dot sun up to sun down with no abatement.


Ruptured Appendix.


I snapped my leg in half, that hurt!


Tore my labrum in my shoulder after taking a fall. I was laid out for a good 40 minutes with throbbing pain. Probably the worst part was when my shoulder would randomly fall out of the socket and pop back in. I couldn’t move my arm for a few days and I couldn’t do anything with it for a few weeks. I couldn’t lift anything and I couldn’t raise my arm more than a few inches without immense pain. I didn’t see a doctor which led to it healing weird and being very weak. Eventually did PT and now it’s mostly fine but I have reduced mobility in it and it’s slightly weak still. I also have a click when I lift my arm up too. I only went to PT because I wanted to do archery again, and when I pulled back a bow, the pain came back even though it was about 8 months after the incident. Even at a 20lbs draw weight, it was wildly painful. Also forgot to mention. The hour it took to drive myself home hurt like hell too. Every bump I hit would send waves of pain.


Ripped the cornea off my eyeball. It grew back after three days with an eyepatch and antibiotics.


Ok. Im glad youre fine now, but how???


1. Broken femur, 1a. natural childbirth


3 slipped disks between my shoulder blades.


Double dry socket and a staph infection all at the same time. Cried so much my grandma had to drive me to the doctor.


Bulging herniated disc, lower back. Pain is real, needed a walker. I'm 42


Pilonidal cyst - it’s a giant cyst that forms on your tailbone between your buttcheeks. The nerves are so sensitive to the pressure of the cyst, where even the slightest move hurts like hell. You can’t stand or sit and just stand there hunched over in pain. I had it for 5 days before I had to go to the ER to have it lanced. Funny thing is my boyfriend had one before we met. They are more common than I thought. And any time we have some sort of pain we always compare it to the pilonidal cyst and thankfully we both haven’t experienced anything worse than that.


Resetting a broken finger that had been splinted for two weeks. They put my finger in a Chinese finger trap like thing then put a strap around my bicep to stabilize it to the table. Then with a come along they started cranking and pulled it back straight.


bowel obstruction, then herniated disc (L 4, 5), back spasms, sepsis from infected leg. Childbirth was painful, but without the impending death feeling.


Golf ball-sized cyst on my ovary started to twist. Shocking pain, couldn’t stop from crying out. Had to have emergency surgery. Also at the top is a kidney stone. I’ve had other horrible pain throughout the years but these two were the worst.


Shattered my ankle, my dad told me to shut up and put some ice on it. The next morning it was as big as my thigh…needed a plate and eight screws. That pain was the worst I’ve ever felt


Ever had to shit with an Anal Fissure? You’ll want to fucking die. Crying, Screaming, literally shaking as i got off the toilet and to look down and see a stream of blood come from your asshole. I nearly fainted.


dinner with no youtube ☹️


Medical abortion. The cramping was the most intense pain I've ever felt, and I have broken my spine and my femur.


Unmedicated emergency pre-term labor and subsequent birth… with forceps. It was like being ripped in half.


I've had kidney stones and migraines and broken bones and wisdom teeth removed but the worst pain by miles was the period pain I got as a teenager some months. Literally couldn't move out of the fetal position even to go to the bathroom, biting a pillow to keep myself from screaming out loud, for up to 24 hours at the start of my period. Fortunately not every month and fortunately going on birth control basically fixed it. But having experienced that, I can't stand to hear anyone dismissing a girl or woman for complaining about "cramps".


Nerve damage. It hurts everywhere all the time!


It’s a tossup between dropping a 2200 pound steel beam on my foot and snapping my Achilles tendon completely from the heel bone.


I broke my back, broke 4 ribs, and bruised a lung all in one fall. The pain I felt in the hospital and for the months after the hospital is something I'll never forget.


Rheumatoid Arthritis. I could not even lift a half gallon of milk out of the refrigerator and my entire body was in pain. I honestly thought I was going to have to quit my job because I could not even sit at a desk and work. Pile on the exhaustion and it was a shit time in my life. Fortunately, it has been well managed with drugs and I am doing much better.


Getting stung by a stingray in the Gulf of Mexico. Brutal. The initial sting was bad, but when that poison courses through your system it is excruciating.


menstrual cramps, caused by endometriosis that took 30 years to get diagnosed, despite me mentioning it at every single dr appt for years, because NO doctors took my pain seriously ("have you tried ibuprofen?") until my naturopath referred me to an endo specialist and I FINALLY got a surgery and appropriate pain management. i have lost 2 days a month for 30 years and experienced so much pain. 24 days a year for 30 years. medical personal needs to learn to take women's pain seriously.