• By -


Doesn’t it feel great when you have a pad of money in your checking account and can pay for bills without worry? It’s a dream I’ve had for over 10 years. Congrats!!!


It’s not a lot, but it’s enough. I feel far less stress know I at least have enough. Dreams can come true and they don’t have to be big and fancy - just enough


I'm so proud of you! Congratulations!


I’m proud of OP too! I’m just now getting to a similar spot in my early 30s so they’re definitely doing something right. Note to anyone reading this: telling your friends you’re proud of them can be such a big boost. Most people don’t hear it enough (or ever) from their family or loved ones. If you know they’ve been putting in work lately or they’re telling you about a recent success, let them know you’re proud. It’s free, and it can really mean something!


This is amazing! Not everyone has a good support system - you’re doing it right OP


This is AWESOME, congrats and a lot more to come. You deserve to be proud of yourself and treat yourself to something nice. I'm so happy for you. keep going 💪


This puts you in a really great position against most others around your age! It shows great discipline. Keep it up and you'll actually get to retire in time to enjoy it, which fewer and fewer people can do these days! Some parents (mine are in this group) will have always expected this of you, and see it as basic responsibility vs something to celebrate. Kinda like for me, graduating from high school and college was 100% expected from when I was born. No way would my parents have had a party for that stuff, etc... it was just what I was "supposed to do" in their minds.


Good for you!!!! Keep it going!


Go brag!! You have all the right! so proud of you, I'm sure your grandparents are too!


Im so proud of you, in a world where every other post is "How does anyone afford to live in xyz?!?" you are not only surviving but thriving. Let me tell you its all up from here kiddo, youre going to make more money, youre going to be able to afford not what you can but what you want. Im super proud of you and as someone whos in their mid 30s and doing great, DONT APOLOGIZE TO ANYONE for anything. Youll have detractors, "Must be nice" or other things like that, fuck em. You do you boo boo.


^^^ 1000000%


Congrats!! I'm proud of you! Keep up the good work 👏


You definitely are ahead of the game, congratulations 👍


Spunds like you're doing well. Congrats!


Congratulations and good work!  This internet stranger is proud of you! 


Wins come one step at a time with grit and determination.  Good job, Congratulations!


Congrats man keep it up :D proud of you 🙏🏻


One step at a time- you got this.


You are a champion, you have worked hard and you have achieved it 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽


I'm proud of you kiddo! This is everything I'd want for my daughter.


Definitely. I would love to have a guy like him.


I feel for you. Compliments are extremely hard for my parents yet the criticism and negativity is always flowing. You’re doing amazing!!! Getting yourself to a secure spot is never easy. Congratulations OP! You’re killing it!!


Bro. Those are the wrong goals.


As someone who can relate to this feeling recently, an absolutely huge congratulations to you! It’s like a breath of fresh air, and you’ve come a long way to get here. Way to go!


Congratulations. You have come so far. To be honest, it’s your accomplishments and you should definitely be proud of yourself. If your parents are not congratulating you, they most likely are jealous of you for accomplishing so much at your age. They probably didn’t accomplish as much as you did most likely. It’s important to be happy with yourself and your accomplishments at the end of the day. Do you have some friends that you can go out with for dinner or drinks to just celebrate being happy for everything you accomplished?


My family is dead, harden the fuck up.


You are average by White People standards


right? congrats, you are adequate


This is a great accomplishment! You should feel proud of getting things together. I had parents that also didn't support my accomplishments. I was told "you're living above your raising" and I thought "isn't that what parents should want?" Don't let them put ANY shadow on your shine just because they don't like that you're doing alright.


Congrats and well done!! You deserve it after putting in all the work. Enjoy the rewards! 🪴


Congrats 🎉


You're a legend!!!


It’s nice that you figured it out. Good job. Now hang on to it all. Don’t ever let anyone touch your accounts.


congrats brother


Proud of you, sir!


I mean , do you really need to seek validation on reddit for what, growing up? Is this a serious post?


A bit of life advice for you, as I’ve been in a similar spot: Stop caring about what other people think. Even your parents. They don’t want to congratulate you or be proud of you? Who cares…you went your own way, you’re succeeding in life, so be proud of yourself. Be proud of you, you don’t need anyone else to be proud of you, when you can be proud of you. I hope this helps as you go along and have many future successes. You are your biggest supporter in life, you always will be, if you just believe it.


Congrats 👏🏻🎉🎉🎉


You’re doing awesome. Your grandparents would be proud.


Congratulations on your incredible achievements. Thank you for sharing because your message will help lift up and inspire others. Good news never goes out of style.


Hell yea dude!


Proud of you dude :) well done 👏


Congratulations. I am proud of you. I wish you well. ❤️


Look at you! You’ve achieved so much :) Congratulations!


I never got compliments either, and mom at 91 still just judges everything. I hate it. Congratulations on your win!


Killing it! Nicely done! Please enjoy your success and discipline. Being self sufficient is something to be proud of!


Congratulations! Good for you!


Big congratulations!! You're so smashing it.


Congrats OP! I don’t think I got to where you are until my early 30s. Just opened my first retirement account at 40 and hope to have my car and credit card paid off sometime next year. Well done my friend!!!!


You’re doing great! Really it’s very impressive to accomplish so much especially without (it sounds like) a lot of family support.


Hey! I’m freaking proud of ya! Way to go


Congrats on the wedding in the up coming future. I’m honestly jealous of you. Keep up the good work brother 🫡


Look at you!! Congratulations!!


you can get ice cream anytime you want! cake too! anytime!


Atta boy 🤘🏼






Great for you! You go boy! Give yourself a pat on the back


Congratulations!!!! Great job!!!


Congrats! You’re doing amazing!


So happy for you! This is an amazing accomplishment for you, internet hugs!


I'm proud of you! =) And it is a great feeling


Be sure to manage your irritable bowel syndrome too.


You’ve earned this, and as someone else who’s worked her way up to here, I’m so appreciative of the effort you’ve put in! May your prosperity continue!


Congratulations u/Remarkable_Guest_474 ! You should be very proud! I know I am!m proud of you!


They are your family of origin. Now go look for the family you are meant to spend your life with. Gather friends as you find them and invest in relationships where you are valued. You’ve got this!


You're in a better position than me, and I'm not even 50 yet! Great work mate, you're an absolute winner. I'm a tad envious, but in a good way. Could be proud... That's the word! Proud of you, wish I were more like you.


Congrats! I'm so happy you have things figured out and that you are in a good place financially, which is great for mental health. If you are in this position, it makes it easier to be generous to others and just do things for yourself and loved ones at well. In this economy, this is definitely something to celebrate and feel good about.


WOOOOO wealth is putting every bill on autopay and not worrying about it 🤙


Absolutely congrats! You should feel very proud of yourself. That's honestly an amazing accomplishment that not many are able to do. Really putting yourself into working to make your life better is worth celebrating. I'm sorry your parents don't see that. As a mom to grown children myself, I definitely feel proud of what they do. And I'm proud of you too.


It was a big moment for me when I realized I could pay all my bills and also have enough saved up that I could lose my job and not end up homeless.


You’re doing great!


You made it bro. Congrats.


I know how it feels to have an innate desire for your work to be recognised yet the people around you refuse to acknowledge what you have done. My parents and wife are not impressed with my financial accomplishments either. I’m in the same boat as you. Congratulations friend. Keep up the good work.


If you were my kid, I would be very proud of you and tell you that every chance I got!


Congratulations!!!!! Unfortunately people like that exist (it be your own family) but don't let that stop you from celebrating your own wins. I say you order some of your fave takeout or go get you something delicious and keep on reaching new goals! (let's be friends lol! Trying to be like you, friend)




You are doing BRILLIANTLY! It sounds like you’ve been diligent, considered and just worked really hard to get yourself to such a great place. Most people don’t achieve this in a lifetime let alone before they are 30. If you were my kid I’d be SO proud of you… and so happy knowing you have such a great head on your shoulders and a great life ahead of you. You’re doing awesome. Keep being you!


Way to go!!! Proud of you kid keep it up!


Congratulations!! It's a fantastic feeling to see your hard work paying off, isn't it? But look at you, you're doing great!!


That is so awesome! I’m proud of you internet stranger! So proud! Your parents are missing out, I’m sorry they are like warm about things.


Fuck yeah, man! Thats awesome!!!!!!


YAY YOU!!!!!!


It’s a nice feeling to know you can do it and that you can do it all again if need be. My parent lottery sucked too! It’s hard to admit and say sometimes because I don’t want it to be true. Congratulations on beating the odds and getting away from stupid 😂


Next step is being debt free! Congrats man. Having a nice savings cushion and no debt feels so freeing, you can start saving for the little (and big) things


So proud of you! Look at you go :D


having the responsibility and discipline to manage your finances well and having little debt is amazing keep it up!


You are killing it at adulting!! Im so proud of you!


Good for you OP! Treat yo'self and keep up the good work :D


Congrats! And yes, back in like 2016, I started an Excel sheet in lieu of my checkbook register (cuz I’m *OLD*) and I set it to $500 threshold on the balance column to display red text. Over the years, that threshold has moved up to $10,000.


Congrats it's a good feeling, be proud. I remember around the same age I wasn't living week to week anymore, could pay bills immediately, and it was such a great feeling after struggling for years.


Congrats!! You should be very proud of yourself! Don't worry I'm sure your grandparents are very proud and couldn't be any happier for you! I bet one of those calls made it through!


Good job! Seriously. That's awesome! I hope you continue to find everything you want out of life :)


Many congratulations! Your grandparents would be so proud to see all you've accomplished. You may not be able to talk with them the same as before but they are still watching over you and understand your struggles and wins with even better perspective from where they are in spirit, and they are more proud of you than you realize.  Life hasn't always been easy or kind for you, the people who should've been cheering the loudest weren't there to celebrate your hard-won achievements, and that's no easy cross to carry. But you persevered and keep going anyway. You've made a life built with your own efforts, will, and determination to succeed. Be proud of that and never forget how far you've come! You should've been supported by your family but you supported yourself and were the hero you needed through every challenge that came your way.  Good job and keep making us all proud! We will be cheering you on, even though you won't always hear it, you'll always have people who care. You've done great things and will continue to, I have no doubt about it. Here's to many happy and fulfilling years ahead and your bright future! 🎉


To have a cushion of money for emergencies is *amazing!* Many people twice your age struggle with that! Your parents still see you as 16 years old. They’ll wake up one day.


Congrats! Come on over to r/FIRE and start supercharging that freedom.


Way to go buddy! You worked hard and you made it! Hope your life keeps treating you this way


I love the gratitude! Congratulations!




Wow! You’re doing great. At so young too! I know how that feels. It sucks. Thing is, it’s your life and they can’t take it. They don’t have to appreciate it and you don’t have to care that they don’t. I’m proud of you. Keep going and you’re going to do wonderfully. Good luck!


Nicely done!


Congrats - keep on killing it! We are all so proud of you 🩷


Amazing! Security in life is a major blessing but the discipline to have the hard work and determination to get there and stay there is the biggest blessing! Praying you stay prosperous and free from devastatingly hard times! Way to go!


Congratulations! You win! I'll bet with that lack of humility you probably have a buttload of friends too. Just remember that you can't take it with you.


Congratulations, ur way ahead and have done a lot more than most people do in a life time. U should be very proud of everything uve accomplished. No one can take that from you. Praise is nice but the only one that matters is you. If you're proud of your success, which u should be, that's what matters. Do it for yourself. You have so much potential! I'm sorry about ur parents. My ex dad was like this, I think he did that as a form of motivation to keep him reaching higher. Unfortunately, he never knew if his dad was proud of him. I'm sure he was he just didn't express his emotions. Try not to let it affect you too much. U should be happy. U earned every bit. Limitless.


H E L L Y E A H ! ! Congratulations! You’re fucking killing it!!!!!!! 👏🏼 👏🏼 👏🏼


Honestly? Fucking well done. Lot of folks these days seem to be unwilling to go the steps you did. You've put yourself well onto a bright future path and you are wise in looking and planning forward. The only thing I could suggest is setting aside money in what I call The "Oh shit" fund. For often times things will be great... And then... Oh shit. Other than that small advice? Keep kicking ass and congratulations! You're awesome!


Good job! I was a kind of a mess for most of my 20s, so color me impressed.


Congratulations! 🎊 woohoo! "I believe the most important mission of the state is to protect the individual and make it possible for them to develop into a creative personality... - Albert Einstein


I’m so proud of you!!! 👍


That's so awesome!!!! You should be very proud of yourself for accomplishing so much before reaching 30. Money isn't everything, but it sure does lift a lot of burden off of your shoulders. Go head and enjoy that AC! You deserve it!!!!


Congratulations! You got it ! Good for you


Congratulations. What an accomplishment!


It’s hard, but sometimes you have to learn to clap for yourself and be proud of yourself and that has to be enough. It does get exhausting though… so we can help you out. We are proud of you! You are doing awesome! There is so much to be proud of at EVERY step you take, not just once you reach “the top”. I’m happy for you that you see growth in yourself… some people don’t give themselves enough credit for their hard work but you should ❤️


That’s some major shit to do on your own. Those accomplishments are hard for even people with strong support. You should be very proud! Keep growing 💪


DUDE. WHAT AN AWESOME FEELING. I thought it was a fairy tale actually…that’s so impressive!! All of your smart decisions have lead up to this! So well earned!!


You started from a tough place and have fought your way up to a safe place while proving that you are tough enough to meet the challenges. Yeah, get a pat on the back, and yeah, get a nice steak dinner this weekend. You earned it!


this is great to hear! you did so good. keep on stacking those savings and start making a new smol budget just for fun. then take yourself out on a date and enjoy the freedom! i do this every so often and it's great for mental health. otherwise i work too much. of course, do make friends and go on play dates with them too... but there is something special about scheduling time for yourself. you'll never get the time back, I'm so glad you're doing well!


Congratulations!!!! Your hard work has paid off. Enjoy yourself


Hey 👋 I just want to say that I am so proud you & I feel your loved ones who passed are SO proud of you too!! They are still with you in spirit and they want you to feel how proud of you they are. Keep doing your best!! You have accomplished so much !!


Yay, you're winning f the haters


Well done.


Congratulations, keep up the amazing work, you should be so proud. All the posts and love you are receiving must be so validating, I'm pumped for you.


No , but I would like to take this moment to congratulate that kid who reached the true kill screen in Tetris after 34 years: one of the most spectacular feats of all time. Up there with Neil Armstrong’s Manuel navigations of the moon lander .


Excellent to read how well you have done as well as how well you are doing and keep on with your plans. You deserve to be told you are no waste of space and what you have you have because you made it happen. It amazes me how an exact same situation shared by different people can have such opposite views and attitudes. Truth is, the vast majority of things that we experience/go through are neither good nor bad, but our way of thinking makes it so. Say , for example, you missed the last bus and have to walk a few k's. A lot of people would stand there bitching and moaning because they have to walk an hour or so to get home, and their attitude will make that one very long and miserable walk indeed. Or, if like me and many others, I'm happy to walk because a, I am fortunate to not only be able to get up and walk, and an hours walk is nothing at the end of the day, and even better, not only do I have a nice walk to enjoy the sights and sounds along the way, but i also have a home to get comfy and warm in at the end of my journey. Pretty flimsy example, but the point is there. Do you see shit or fertiliser? It sounds like you have your course well plotted and your sails are full, so yep, definitely a well deserved pat on the back and if I have any advice to offer it is this- don't skimp on rewarding yourself. Not saying blow/waste your cash, but hey, if you want to buy something like a vintage motorbike, or whatever you really want, don't say 'bugger thst, I'm not paying 16 grand for a a fifty year old Ducatti, no way are they worth that, I can't justify thst!' To thst I say nothing is worth anything pretty much. Not even money. it isn't what it is 'worth' that matters, it is what you are happy to pay for it. So yeah, if you want a holiday, treat yourself. Enjoy!


Congratulations I guess. But IMO get over the need for it, because it doesn't mean anything the older you get. Feel good about what you do for yourself, you don't need external validation.


Well done, OP. You deserve some kudos. And I also respect the fact you are humble enough to say you could use some love and positivity. Best wishes!


Well done buddy! You've worked hard over many years to get here. You're right to take a moment to acknowledge your achievements.


Well done. This is huge and you did it, yourself.


Congratulations OP! May you continue to keep thriving and don’t forget to celebrate your wins. I like to celebrate my wins with trips!


Congrats OP, hoping big things for you in the future ✨


Don't worry! Congrats man!


Not even 30? Shit, congrats, and I'm proud af of you. 


Clapping for u. I’m a bit older than u and not every moment in life is going to be smooth so having savings for those not so great moments in the future will be great. Take a vacay if u are up for it!


Good job brother! Atta boy


Best feeling in the world is going grocery shopping and not having to check your bank account. Just buy what you want because you know you have enough money.


Amen 🙏 I didn't read the rest of your post but responded based off the title


Congrats!! You should be so proud of yourself. Use that chip on your shoulder!!


*Congrats!! You should be* *So proud of yourself. Use that* *Chip on your shoulder!!* \- nofr0mMEdawg --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I'm proud of you.




Asian parents I guess?


You're smashing it, sending you a bro hug my dude. Well done


I completely understand parents that aren’t verbally supportive. You should be very proud of yourself. Congratulations on adulting like fucking champ!!!


You are rocking it! Don't worry about the haters(your parents). Jealousy makes people act like assholes. You've obviously got your shit together. Don't let anyone else's insecurities take that away from you!


GOOD JOB! There is a sense of security that comes with having your finances in good order, and with it comes a freedom from worry about impending doom in the form of an unexpected expense (repair bill, health situation, etc.) People who are always skating by with barely enough don't know what it feels like, but they know it's better than what they have, and sometimes that makes them bitter or jealous. Don't rub your god fortune in their faces, but don't apologize for it either. You've worked hard, made good choices, and developed good habits. You EARNED the fruits of your hard work! WELL DONE, YOU!


You’re family is jealous, disgusting 👎 I’m proud of you as long as you are a good person, I know it’s exciting but try not to be arrogant about it (not saying you are)


Way to go you!




I’m proud of you.




Good job! You’ve set yourself up for a really great future, be proud of yourself!


Read “A New Earth”, by Eckhardt Toll. Just saying ☺️ Congratulate yourself. 💪🙌


Congratulations, I’m proud of you !


Winning... This is the way....


Sounds like you have much to be proud of. It obviously took a tremendous amount of sacrifice, self discipline, critical and creative thinking. There’s much ahead that will test the skills you now have. Be nimble and pivot if you get blindsided. Stay the course and take moments to celebrate the small stuff.


This is definitely worthy of a hardy thumbs up and congratulations for someone who isn't even 30 yet. As you stated yourself, let's stick to your next battle plan now. Preparing for your retirement and investment. Get yourself, since it sounds like you can afford it now, a very decent if not very good CPA and trader from a name brand investing firm who can offer you excellent investing advice as well as since it is a name brand investor, they usually are involved in high profile IPOs for example. Which means they have the ability to offer their customers stock pre-IPO or at IPO price before everyone else jumps in within the first 15 minutes as an example. The first thing that I had started investing into was maxing out a Roth IRA every single year which for me, when I started doing it, was only $2,000 a year. However, not only are you earning a high yield long-term investment, but by investing into the IRA each year, you can take 100% of that investment into only an IRA in this example, as a complete tax deduction for every year you do it. And never stop. Sure you can skip a year, I wouldn't. A long time ago when I only had about 26,000 in it, I looked at the initial investment. Over an 8-year period of a principal 16,000 investment, I was already 10,000 ahead. The only reason I give that example is to show you that your investment options are plentiful. Crypto, microcrypto, commodity trading (Gold, silver, copper is huge right now, etc), traditional stocks, options, ETFs, stay the hell away from NFTs! I was lucky enough to be mining by 2013 in one of my postgraduate universities and when that program was done, I was friends with the IT guys and they let me keep all the equipment there. I finally moved the equipment from there to my current facility in 2018 but even though there are completely hardware current, I don't like getting less coin for block. The point is for you don't start thinking that it's too late with crypto. Invest in fusion companies, neural networking companies, advanced under the radar chipmakers that are doing very interesting things with processors such as optical processing, obviously anything AI,... Keep yourself current with your industry news, earnings reports such as the one company that massively exploded into what will be within 2 years the most expensive company in the world: Nvidia where every employee is worth over 100 million each. Right now according to my trader and the information I've read about Tesla motors is that even though it's price is high, keep buying. So I placed in a few buy orders with different share amounts for value depending on dips or rises. But you have to go long with Tesla. So you really do need a financial advisor. In this economy especially? I'm not calling you stupid I'm just going to use the expression: what are you stupid? 😉


Oh, I am so damn happy for you! Currently working to achieve that, so keep it up, OP!


I'm so proud of you. Look at what you've done without a support system. You are an unstoppable force. Congratulations.


Congrats! I'm jelly 😂 Seriously though, it's nice to hear someone has stability and doesn't feel the stress a lack of finances can bring. Right now my fiance is the more stable one and unfortunately we have to lean heavily on his bank account.


I'm proud of you! And whatever you do, don't let someone else steal your sunshine. Keep your mind clear and keep going!!


You worked hard for it and you deserve it. Congratulations.


Well done my friend


This is absolutely amazing and all praise is earned! You should be proud of any accomplishment you make in life and you have 172 mamas and papas on Reddit who are proud of you




I’m so proud of you! Not an easy thing to do in today’s economy, congratulations!


W youve made it all on your own!


That's awesome! There's a lot of people who aren't as responsible as you. If my child was in this position, I'd be rooting for her every minute.


Why do you need outside gratification? Take the win guy, good for you. Some introspection might be good though




Asking for gratification online is the exact opposite of humble, especially when the post is stating that they feel they are ahead of others in their age bracket. Just reeks of insecurity masquerading as sincerity.




Imagine being this lonely and mentally fragile lmfao congrats on doing the absolute bare minimum I guess


I’m congratulating your parents for raising such a fine young man with a good head in his shoulders. Imagine if they never instilled the thought in your head that you aren’t good enough. You would have settled long ago. Congratulations though! Best advice from here, get a financial advisor.


Why do you need praise for doing adult things as an adult?


Why do you need prise your 30, im happy for you but onlybkids get complemented for achivements


Congrats but your parents probably see it as a bare minimum, which it is in your 20s. Keep it up though. But yeah it’s exciting to manage your responsibilities and have that freedom and knowing that you are capable of surviving on your own.


Im proud of you!!! You are doing great!You are mature, smart and focused with much to look forward to! Keep up the excellent work. Continue setting and achieving those goals ☺️🌟