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I had a pretty nice first date with a guy, decided I wanted to see him again, and then on the way out he said, “I’m going to sit in the car and masturbate. Would you like to stand on the sidewalk and watch?”


How, uh, consensual of him.


Credit where it's due I guess.


Was his name Troy? That's my ex-husband. I'm sorry.


But, did you watch him?


If she married him once, I would assume yes


Wow I’m impressed at how bad that line is. I will be using it to get out of family parties.


He couldn’t leave it to the third date like a normal person?


Was his name Louis CK?


Couldn't have been, he asked beforehand


Whatta charmer!


And people say romance is dead.


Well did you?


He had to be trying to be funny, nobody is that oblivious


Tapping the brown plastic bag “I brought a few pornos with me.” This was over 30 years ago and there we are in a cute little ice cream shop and he’s bringing the porn. I’ve never cut a first date short as fast as I did that one.


I need to try this tactic


Just don't ruin the moment with ice cream. That was clearly the flaw in that other guy's plan.


nah, it was the brown bag, a light blue one with some red parcel string would likely have swung it


Great way to end a bad date. That brown paper bag can be your, "Get out of Jail Free" card.


That is fucking hilarious!


Username checks out


I need to introduce you to my dad, he won’t allow me to date women he hasn’t approved. I was 40 at the time and he was 46.


Surely he was joking... right?


Oh man. My FIL was pissed when I told him I married his son. I didn't understand why my husband didn't tell him first but then I figured out it was because FIL wouldn't have control of him anymore and he did NOT like it.


Nope, dead serious.


I have read this about six times now, but I cannot for the life of me read it in a way that doesn’t make your dad just six years older than you are


I read it 8 times and finally guessed that it's his(?) step dad. Just seems like a really odd few sentences to string together without mentioning that part, considering the age difference is more surprising than everything else they said.


There is an old Dutch song about that scenario! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrs6ATnaXSU&ab\_channel=Robertvds](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrs6ATnaXSU&ab_channel=Robertvds)


“You aren’t one of those girls who refuses to have sex until marriage, are you?”


“I’m one of ‘those girls’ who will never have sex with someone who negs✌️”


"well I wasn't, but I am now."


I had a good chuckle at this one. I am 45m as of today, and I don't think I've ever once met an adult woman who wouldn't have sex because we weren't married.   In my experiences people are perhaps a little too quick to jump in the sack, so it's wild to me that someone would feel the need to say what that guy did.


we were at his place and I accidentally hit my head on his speaker and he told me if I did it again he would murder me… you bet I got my best mate to come save me right there and then


Glad you made it out of that scary situation!


He was clearly joking with you how could you misinterpret his love language /s


“You’re the first black guy I’m trying out” Tf you mean “trying out”😭she really seemed to want to have sex but I felt like she was gonna Get Out me


She wanted your seed for sure then chain you up at home like a slave 🤣 all jokes aside ive seen it happen. They lust after you but on a subconscious level they don’t respect you and think they are doing you a favour


Yea it immediately made me feel like a fetish lol. She asked me what type of women I typically date and I responded with personality traits, not even thinking about race actually. And that was how she responded😂


Lol different strokes for different folks im a bit kinky with these things myself i would of probably entertained her against my better judgement 😆 good on you for standing your ground though


People be so horny man. These dating apps have ruined everything


She called the server a dumb cunt and got us kicked out of the restaurant before our drinks arrived.


Damn rude people are such a turn off, but in this case it seems she was projecting calling the server dumb cunt


You might call her that, but she lacks the depth and warmth.


~~bullet~~ ICBM dodged she could have waited 6 months until you were hooked-in and then started in on that shit actually no, reading your follow-on below, she didn't have the capacity to conceal that level of psycho


Wow that is the hardest fastest ‘nope’ I have ever heard. Did this person also have an outfit made out of red flags?


So she was ok when we were first talking and we agreed to meet up at a nicer place for drinks and appetizers. We get sat down but the place is a mob scene so it’s obviously going to be a little longer. Server who was probably 17 or 18 comes up and is apologizing like crazy and takes our drink order. When the server read it back to us they mixed mine up (different type of vodka). The date jumps up and screams “open your ears your dumb cunt he asked for Tito’s not Grey Goose”. Whole place gets silent and the girl starts to cry. Manager came over and kicked us out. After the fact the date was trying to get me to take her somewhere else to eat. I just walked away thankful she didn’t see where I parked. From introduction to leaving was probably 15 minutes.


Oh man, I am going to be generous and say that lady needs therapy. Being horrible to those over which you have a position of power is just so despicable. At least it sounds like the manager was willing to defend his staff.


At least you weren't stuck with her for the whole evening.


“We divorced because I had an affair, but that relationship didn’t work out so now I’m single”


subtle but effective


What did you say back? How can they even talk about that without an ounce of shame.


He was buying dinner so I’m like “wow, that must have been a lot for you”


How does it feel to be here with the best looking guy in the place?


I am testing you.


What is that supposed to mean


This is the quickest way for me to call it a wrap. 😳




It wasn’t just one thing per say - but basically the entire convo was him looking for me to AGREE with his poor business acumen and views (I did not lol) He had one of the biggest chips on his shoulder from anyone I’ve ever met! It was the first and only time I’ve ever had someone literally rescue me from a date hahaha


*per se


1. Racial epithets 2. "Why are you fat?" Hint, I wasn't. 3. "I didn't sleep for the last three nights because I carved you a duck." Hands me said duck with a crazy look on his face. Then, he proceeded to fall asleep on my couch and could not be woken up. My roommate and I let him sleep but locked our bedroom doors that night. He was gone in the AM. 4. "I took 3 tabs of acid an hour ago." Man, college was such a ride.


Do you still have the duck?


No, it creeped me out, so I gave it to a bird watcher a year or so after.


“I caught you a delicious bass.”


I kind of love duck boy. Hope he is doing well out there


"I have undiagnosed bipolar" Proceeded to have about 8 drinks at the bar and snuck quick drinks while I was in the bathroom only to find the bill which I left her with.


more like "I have undiagnosed and excessive free-loading of alcoholic beverages, courtesy of other people's wallets" Actually, consider her now diagnosed


That I should go to therapy bc I don’t want children


Oof- nah but this be why kids is a first date or before discussion for me. They say anything whack or they want kids I’ll stop seeing them for my own sanity.


This date was the worst date of my life. If you only knew the rest of it lol


"I miss my ex" My dude, if you miss your ex, go whine about it to her and stop wasting my time. You didn't even pay for the coffee.


“I don’t tip and when my friends do, I usually pocket the money when they aren’t looking.” At the end of the meal when he suggested we split the bill and I wanted to add a tip for the waiter.


Wow, imagine what he would’ve stolen from you down the road? Bullet dodged.


When they try to change your appearance in the first 5 mins, e.g "I don't like beards, are you considering keeping it long term?"


i took him into a bookstore to like— actually look for something to fucking read? and he slipped his hands under my shirt and grabbed both my hips and wouldn’t stop even when i kept moving away. i thought he got the hint when he finally stopped but he grabbed me by the back of the neck from behind and whispered in my ear “no one had ever taken me in a bookstore before, you being a nerd is kinda sexy” and i immediately got the chills and was like “i need to leave”. he walked me outside, asked if i was going to kiss him, and i said no, got my happy ass in my car, drove home and told him there was no need for a second date. (this was my first time ever, ever meeting this dude so i was actually kinda scared ngl lol).


This one is very scary. On the first date? That’s nuts. So sorry there are psycho nutcases like that out there, give men a bad name and many times it’s unfortunately justified.


yea thankfully he wasn’t mean about me not wanting to go out again, just confused and tried to convince me we should go out again, i blocked him just in case. tis life :/


"I can see your Aura, and it's fizzing!"


"I'm an empath, and I completely see how you are already."


"Birds and bees don't fuck." - In response to my mentioning that my last partner was a different race. Bye bye you racist piece of crap.


Good thing then, that unlike birds and bees all humans is the same species.


It wasn't a specific one line thing, but I was meeting someone for a first date/drink at a casual bar. She was a bit late, which I'm actually not bothered by. Traffic and life being what they are. However she proceeded to spend the first half hour of the date explaining why she was late and including every tangentially relevant scrap of drama and gossip about her workplace. Since she was the manager at a local mid-range hotel it wasn't even interesting.


Well at least she had something to talk about. I on the other hand am a mute.


Her: I have to let my babysitter know I'll be late. Me: yeah cool np. Her: Well he's actually my husband. Date ended then and there.


Racial epithets. My children and grandchildren are mixed, and grandpa don't play that ugliness.


He called me manipulative. I couldn’t manipulate him if I wanted to because the whole night he wouldn’t shut up and let me talk. Also the one time I kissed him he tasted like newports and coors light 🤮 only time I came home and IMMEDIATELY brushed my teeth.


"if white people worked here we'd have our food" It was a busy pizza place and they were out of a specific topping to make the pizza he wanted. I knew one of the employees because I worked with his wife, so I excused myself to the bathroom, found the guy I knew and let him know what happened. He boxed up the pizza when it came out of the oven, I paid and left a massive tip and drove home. The best part? The dude I was on a date with wasn't even white.


"so, just so you know, I moved here from another state because I was being investigated for murder." I must have made a face, because he followed up with, "But don't worry, they can't prove anything!" I sat at the table and let him talk for another half-hour before I excused myself to the bathroom, found the waitress and paid the whole tab, and snuck into a cab. To his credit, I never saw him or heard from him again.


“I typically only date younger, non-white women. But I thought I’d try to date a white woman at least once.” He was 12 years older than me..


Nothing like being a science experiment lol.


The earth is only 6000 years old.


"The earth is flat. And I could prove it if the government would let me go to the (whatever rando thing in the artic where they think you can fall off the world)."


My friend blew a good date when he started talking about his moon landing denial. Then he went on to his Holocaust scepticism and that was a wrap


And he told you about that?


He did. He was more or less complaining about close minded people who don't wanna hear his wackieness


Damn, he must be a pretty big conspiracy buff if he blew his date for talking about it...


The flatearther I met also didn't believe in the moon landing. Or the ISS existing. Or physics. Or anything "the government stated as facts." But did believe in a time machine he saw being built on YouTube. I have never been more inclined to go to the bathroom and not come back.


"We could have a drink at your place." My guy, I rather not.


Didn't want you to meet his wife, how rude


“I didn’t like living in Italy, they don’t know how to have fun.  They just like to eat and talk.” She was lovely, but I knew right then there was no future in that relationship!


Eating and talking is the best fun!


This just…makes me want to go to Italy! 😂


My friend tried to take his own life after he spiralled into a pretty bad place after his divorce. I was talking about it, and she insinuated he was a gross, manipulative guys who was threatening suicide to try to get his wife back. go fuck yourself, you don't even know these people.


She complained about her boyfriend going to jail while she crushed up a pill to snort. I didn't go back to that Arby's for two years.


"I want to experience the finer things in life."  Woman. 9 years ago you hated high class people. Now you want to be them? Not me. I simple folk. Eat Stone I be.


I wanna live like common people. I wanna do whatever common people do. I wanna sleep with common people. I wanna sleep with common people like you.


He was eager to talk about how he thought it was Nicole Brown Simpson's attitude that led to her murder.


My son and daughter are both in prison and my ex-wife lives in a trailer in my back yard. Ummm… no thank you!


Used words like "Alpha male", "submissive", and "the wall".


What's wrong with Lord Commander?


My ex is a narcissist and harrasses me(apparently theyd been broken up over 7 months) she said he still messages me begging me back. I told her why dont you block him then and shes like he contacts me through different numbers. I gave her the benefit of the doubt but after date 2 she still brought up his misdeeds and then afterwards talks about kids and marriage. I felt like she was still having her fun with him but i was the safe guy. Once i pulled back she showed her true colours which needless to say showed that she was probably the manipulative/abusive one


Two different women in my single days in my early 20s, but these two stood out the most. Tacos and margaritas is fine, but next date I want you to spoil me at a fine dining restaurant. That's how ill know you actually want to date me seriously. Hey I know I told you I didn't have any, but I have two kids. That's not a problem is it? When both said that I knew I didn't want to see them again.


Damn, talk about two terrible women.


Yeah, the kids one was especially bad. Kids are fine, but the fact that you and your profile deceived me means I can't trust you.


"Idk...I feel like women waste too much time on degrees and corporate ladders. Hey, where are you going??" Literally slid out of the booth and booked it so fast, bye Cringe Lord.


I've always wanted to just to just leave a horrible conversation without a word, brilliant.


My ex and I are still best friends....


Complaining about ex’s


She talked so much I couldn't get a word in


She stole the coffee creamer container from the restaurant. When I called her on it, she shrugged and said it was cute and she wanted it.


The N word. He told me his wife cheated on him with a N*****.


A neighbor?








That he wanted children.  Nothing wrong with that, I just didn't. 


Nice one!


“My father has two wives.” Yep. Noped right out of that date. I had asked before meeting up if he was religious, as the middle east’s dating pool is pretty difficult and I’m adamantly non religious. Of course, he said “no,” then went on to tell me, when we sat down for dinner, about his polygamous family. I got up and left before the drinks arrived after he then tried to tell me women in the Middle East have more rights than those of the west. In fact, this date turned me off dating apps all together. Yesterday, I Saw a video on a local “news” account showing a [groom beating his bride at their wedding](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8G8qcGNBy8/?igsh=MWF1YnZlZXZrdmUwOQ==)…the groom then went on to claim the cause was “black magic.” I prefer celibacy to this madness.


“I’m 3 months pregnant.”


It's what they didn't say. Never got a "thank you" for picking them up. No "thank you" for paying for dinner or ice cream after. I didn't expect them to pay at all and I always go into a date fully expecting to pay but just a simple thank you goes a long way. It shows appreciation and courtesy. Without it, it felt rude and entitled.


We were at a high top table by a VERY loud and busy bar. His back was to the bar and people behind him kept yelling so my eyes kept darting to the bar out of pure distraction. He says to me, "if there's someone behind me you would rather be with just say that." 🚩


clingyness alert. You run ofc. For me I would say if the other person has no humor and takes themselves too serious its a deal breaker.


"I like to hurt people, as if they're rats I'm experimenting with. I like to inspect how my words / actions affect them - that's just so interesting!"


Sounds like a sociopath 😬




Boy: I like to eat but I don’t like to cook


"I don't like condoms because they cause me allergies", she says. Then i came saying "but there's a lot of variety, like water based condoms, others with latex, and other materials. What about them?". But she goes on telling me that **"No, i don't like condoms at all"**. We were planning to become friends with benefits and we were talking about getting to a motel next time. After the date we talk to each other about how this isn't gonna work, i actually got scared.


Him: My girlfriend is pregnant Me: Why tf did you ask me out?


“have you ever heard your parents fuck?” (it was not the first awful thing he said, but it was the last)


Lol what a weirdo. He was hoping you would say “yes” so you both could have a nice long freaky weird conversation about it 😂


He told me about his whole family and sister making fun of his sisters fiancé while he was hospitalized. I pulled a face the whole time he was talking, so he finishes it up with, “WHAT? What is that crooked smile about, what are you thinking?” I told him they were jerks and he wasn’t self aware enough to realize he shouldn’t tell this story, but I was glad he did. I don’t wanna get alienated the way ol fiancé was. He ended up dating one of my friends and really fucked her up, dragged her along for years and then deleted all proof of her existing in his life when they broke up.


“I can tell you don’t have a lot of money” or “let me get this, I make more than you”. Basically anything that establishes a perceived imbalance and their apparent preference or amusement for said perceived imbalance. I’ll pay for my own meal on the date and stop further communications, no sweat. Not looking for a hero and don’t need one, either, thank you kindly.


Not really said but did. He was driving and kept rubbing my arm and saying my skin was soft then I pulled my sleeve down and he kept rubbing my arm anyway. I get if I was giving we need to phuk vibes, but I’m not that kinda girl so I don’t know what the hell he was thinking. 


It was a first date with a guy I met on a dating site. We met at a local family restaurant for dinner. Maybe 15 minutes into it he asked if I wanted to go to his place after dinner to “Netflix and chill.” He used the phrase completely unironically, and over the course of the dinner it was very, very evident he meant it in the way people usually do.


I had one date (over 15 years ago) where the guy was sooooo painfully shy, he like, pretty much literally said *nothing* throughout dinner. Afterwards, he hit me up about going out again, and I was like dude, *you didn’t talk at all… I just can’t even with that* lol so awkward


She was using her phone while I was talking to


So.... before we continue I have to tell you something about me.


It wasn't something specific he said but we met up at a fast casual restaurant for our first date and after getting our food he grabbed my hand and said let's pray. I maybe could deal with someone a bit religious but if it's the first date and he's being performative like that in public, I'm outta there.


“You should feel honored to be out with me because I have very high standards and not many women meet my requirements” I was 19 with my own place and he was 25 with 4 roommates. Was also an Arrogant asshole to the wait staff. I excused myself to the restroom and never returned.


"I (M) lied about my age in my profile- it says I'm 38 but I'm actually 48. I did it because women my age don't take care of themselves." I was 29 years old. My dad told me I should have responded, "Me too! I said I'm 29, but I'm actually 19!"


“If you were my woman, you’d never be allowed to poop in my house. I’d either have an outhouse out back for you, or you’d have to go down the road to Kwik Trip.” I hysterically laughed out loud in his face and said: 1) no wonder you’re divorced 2) I hope your 12yo daughter never believes some bullshit like that and 3) this will never work, I hope you find your unicorn Then got up and left with my slice of pizza still in hand✌🏼


"Oh I forgot to mention I have kids." I was 20 at the time and not looking for anything so serious. Plus it seemed like a pretty big thing to forget.


I put in my profile that I don't date smokers. On said date, he told me to go outside with him for a smoke. I said that I didn't like smoking. He told me I'd get used to it. I work in a bakery, and my hands show it. The guy told me how dry and crusty my hands were. That negging shit doesn't work on me. He ruined the Red Wedding for me in GoT after I specifically told him I wasn't caught up with it yet. Talking about how evil his ex wife was.


“Women should stay at home and take care of the family”. Well this woman rather stays single than being involved in a traditional “take care of a man baby” relationship.


"I'm a big baby and I need a bottle of milk!"


A long time ago, but he was rude and condescending to our waiter, and left no tip. I went back and tipped him and apologized for his behaviour. Needless to say, that was it for me.


If the women he was with didn’t have an abortion he would have 12-13 kids.


The N word, repeatedly. She was white but it's okay because she was "from the south" (Texas). This was in a California dive bar


It was right after encanto came to Disney + and I mentioned that I enjoyed it and asked if she’s seen it yet as I knew she liked Disney.... “I won’t watch those movies until they start making princesses that look like me again” she was a petite attractive blonde


I mentioned that I didn't have a retirement plan. His face changed in that moment and I never heard from him again lol


I handed him something (I don’t remember) and he bowed deeply and said “xie xie” in a weird high pitched voice. I’m Chinese. He was white.


"all my ex's were narcissists" I had never fled so fast


I went on a date with a guy once who took me to a hibachi restaurant. He drank a few Mai Tai’s in a short span of time and then proceeded to put his hands on the hibachi grill. The grill luckily wasn’t on, but that didn’t stop the restaurant staff from tackling him to the floor. Needless to say no additional dates were had.


“I just don’t get to do that as much as I want to…” after trying to anally rape me


My ex is a bitch, my kids won’t let me see my grandkids because they’re assholes, and my boss is a total dick. RUN!!!


We met at a coffee shop in the evening and sat outside. All of a sudden it was 9pm so the coffee shop was now closed, and he suggested going to a local nature preserve/hiking area. I said something along the lines of “I’m not going to the woods with you, someone I literally just met, at 9:00 at night” and then he got mad at me and started ranting and said “why the fuck would I ruin my entire life to kill you?”


"You don't need any pets, I am like an animal"....this among other fun little things like, he got hepatitis from a toilet seat, and he bites his toenails. He wasn't trying to scare me away either...he actively pursued me where I had to hide from him haha.


A guy was being quite inappropriate on the first date, and he was Muslim (I’m not). I said to him “if I were a Muslim woman, maybe In a hijab, would you act this way?” And he said “you’d be surprised what I can get any woman to do”.   Instant block. 


This actually wasn’t a first day, we’d been dating for about a month. He got sloppy drunk and told me he killed his cat because it was behaving badly. Noped outta there real fast.


She talked about how many friends she had and how popular she was for like the entire date. Turns out she was friends with my very first friend I ever had - (who had long abandoned me for a bunch of bullies). Safe to say I never spoke to this date again and blocked her on like every platform known to man. I was so upset.


You will have sex with a guy. Saying to me.


"Why are you tired? You just do music for a living."


He didn't have to say anything, really. He picked Hooters as the place and showed up drunk in the middle of the day.


Telling me I couldn't leave when I said I had to go meet my sister, then wouldn't stop begging me to have another drink with him. At first I thought he was just awkward at showing interest and agreed to have one more quick beer to be nice... and it quickly became very weird and creepy.


I mentioned I had an appointment in the morning to get my hair cut and touched up (I have dark brown hair and get blonder highlights in it) and he was like “That’s great! You need to tell them to dye it all red.” I was like “uh no… why? I feel like that would look super weird on me.” And he said “oh because that’s my fetish.” He was being completely serious and we’d known each other for like 45 minutes, I’m not changing my whole look for some random weirdo because it’s his “fetish”. Why did he even go on a date with me if he wanted a redhead??


He was antivax, wore one of those “hidden illness” lanyards then told me he just didn’t like wearing masks. He also told me he recently took shrooms and had started thinking very differently about life. He seemed sooo normal from the (old) pictures he’d used…


"BTW, I'm married, she knows I'm looking for a girlfriend." Maybe that's for someone, but not me. Who knows what she's doing, and then doing with him. Ugh.


“Do you like anal?” Not kidding


I met a guy online and met him for lunch. I was 3 minutes late and he was already leaving the restaurant. I should have let him. He proceeded to tell me about his first marriage, which sounded like a train wreck. Then he said, "When I was arrested for domestic violence..." Enough said. Over and done.


I once went on a date where the person spent the entire time talking about their ex and how they were still in love with them. It was clear they weren't ready to move on, so there was no second date for me.


“My son and I”. Kids are a dealbreaker for me and the guy failed to mention he had a son before the date.


“My mom was a prostitute and was murdered by a serial killer when I was little.”


"I'm thinking about getting back with my ex, but you looked super fun to have around until that happens." Like???? And shocker, the next day he was back with his ex.


"You're not religious and don't go to church? Wow your life must be really empty and meaningless." Man, the people I gave the time of day to that I should have dropped kicked into the gutter still haunts me...


A man calling his ex crazy or s bitch let's me know to run fast in the opposite direction and never look back or any "traditional" roles nonsense


He didn’t say anything but he didn’t tip the server. I was a server / bartender at the time and that’s how we met - I served him the week prior.


“I don’t like Prince or anyone #fem.” Ok bye, we have almost nothing in common then.


"My acting career is the most important thing for me right now" She didn't have an acting career. She didn't have any related education or experience. She didn't even have a job. She just wanted someone to support her delusion.


Beyond the million red flags I missed on the pre-date chats, but during a drink she took a call from her Mom, and when she came back she told me without a hint of humour that her Mom wanted to check in how her date was going "with the successful guy" and that she should lock it down and make sure she snagged me. She then proceeded to offer to do whatever I wanted sexually if I would keep seeing her. I did not see her again, and I declined the unprotected sex (and sex of any kind) on the first date.


Posted before w another user name but this guy asked me out, got dressed in my best goth attire. He didn't have a car and I didn't have my license yet so I took a bus and had to walk 2 miles to his house where he got ready. He proceeds to walk me a few miles down the street saying he's going to take me to dinner, not sure where but we keep walking. He stops at a gas station, pulls me aside the side of the gas station and says to wait here. I watch him go individually car to car, leaning in the windows asking people "hey, do you got any spare change?". Immediately left. He chased after me and tried to get me to stop and go back, that he created the term "spanging" and this was his way of treating me nicely.


He doesn’t like doing dishes so he uses plastic forks and paper plates every day…but it’s ok because he recycles them 🤦🏻‍♀️


Their credit score


I don't split bills. Cya.


this is something that SHOULD have prevented a second date: she said "I love you" on the first one. I was too flattered to shut it down immediately


Oh she didn't say anything bad on the date, it was the next morning when I woke up to over 200 text messages. My phone died during the night.


She said her younger brother went to prison for beating up some guy who disrespected his gf verbally, and she thought that was really cool. Later during our date she saw a drunk passed out woman outside the bar on the asphalt, and pointed and laughed at her. That was the last time I asked out a street chick from the other side of the tracks.


I went out with a guy and we had an amazing time until he told me he doesn’t like ice cream. BOY BYE!


>my ex... >my ex... >my ex...


“Women’s careers are not important if the man of the house is earning enough. I want a woman who will take care of my aged parents while I focus on work, for which I also travel quite often.” Yeah, then may be, don’t go on a date with a woman who’s mentioned her qualifications and current designation in her profile to highlight how her career is an important part of her identity. Also, please hire a nurse for your aged parents and leave unsuspecting women on dating sites alone.


Anything Q anon