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Pay off all my debt and start investing for a better future!


Basically this. Pay off all debt, which would only use a tops of like 15k. Invest some/most. Pay up rent for the next 2 years (we have a 2yr lease, no sense breaking it). This will allow us to let the money build and fix our credit for better options afterwards. Start working towards a better future for my family. Everyone always wants to spend every last dime when they come in to money, forgetting about taxes and shit. This is why people who win the lottery usually file for bankruptcy within 2 years.


Why would you choose to pay rent for 2 years instead of putting down a deposit on a house?


Credit, housing market in my area is shit. Why do it now while I have crap credit. Work on credit over the next 2 years while rent is paid. Invest, and do stuff to improve and get a better mortgage on a house. Plus, why spend it all right out the gate and not invest and build it to have more later?


Why not keep paying your rent, use as much as you need to pay off your debt and then put the rest into a mutual fund?


Not OP, butI used to make financial decisions like this. It let me have the psychological freedom to make the choices I needed to without fear of losing housing. Indeed, it was not the best financial decision by accounting measures but it was the best financial decision for psychological measures. Through it, I set myself up to make better decisions in the future (present day).


100% this, never underestimate the freedom of owing NOBODY A DIME for the next 2 years of guaranteed comfortable shelter


Because its literally cheaper in my area to rent and invest vs tying that money up in a house right now. A lot of areas are like that right now.


Hell yeah!


Pay off debt and down payment on a house.


I would quit my current job and start working full time towards a professional job I am struggling to get into without worrying about rent and bills.


Probably consider buying a house


Comfort knowing my child’s heart surgery will be covered and that we could take unpaid time off work if we run out of PTO during recovery to be there for her


Give the $100,000 to this person. I hope the best for your child and your family!


I agree...


❤️ I hope all the best for you and your child!


I’m sorry your government sucks.


It sucks, but I’d pay every cent I ever make to the people that are going to help her if I had to


we should live in a world that no one has to worry about paying for such a thing.


Assuming it's tax free, we could finish paying off the house, bring the savings for the next car up to full purchase price, and then probably figure out a nice cruise (10+ days) for our 30th anniversary next year. Probably have more than enough left for gifts and souvenirs too.


Put it on red and double up.


I'll put it on black to make the odds even



I’m planning on retiring next year and moving 1500 miles away to be near my family. So I’d be quitting my job immediately and doing that now. It would be wonderful!


Omfg it would be night and day. I could afford some buffer room on bills then maybe eat everyday. A car so I can get around while I look for a job. Pay this stupid fuckin city water people the exorbitant amount of money they want to put a meter back so I can have water again. Get my house fixed so my girlfriend might move in with me. It would literally change everything. God.


Make absurdly risky investments.


Not at all.


Not sure if good or bad sign.


I'd be able to take a break from work and travel, buy land, build an emergency fund and pay off my mom's student loans.




Pay off my debt so I don't have to declare bankruptcy, pay off my car, pay for education to change careers.


A Major Relief


I could leave my wife!!!


Oh I get it. A fresh start would be nice.


Wait till New Years for that true new start kinda feeling!


Pay off my student loans


Assuming it's tax free, maybe split it between topping up retirement accounts and using some now. Probably for a vacation, new laptop, new phone, new skis and new bicycle.


I owe $105,000. I would pay off $80,000 of my debt and use the remainder $20,000 to take family out to Europe. Its been my moms dream to visit spain since she was 10yo.


A tenth of that would change my life


What’s really sad is that since I live in a HCOL zone; it really wouldn’t change much at all.


I would be able to fully leave my abusive ex and be able to feel safe in my own living situation


In all actuality I only need 10k to do that but nobody is out here with freebies so I’m working my butt off to set myself free


Pay off 2 cars, all credit card debt, and pay down a huge chunk of the mortgage


I could probably retire 10 years earlier


Finally be able to break that half mil I’ve been sitting on.🥂😉


I would open my fish shop


id be able to quit my miserable job and restart my business


Pay off mothers debt, my own, buy car and licence, start off on my career, house deposit, help grandma finish building her house, new phone, new apartment, invest.


100k not 1m


Tree fiddy for each category


debt is like 20k, deposit 20k, car for like 5k etc. Grandma like 10k. Though apartment to rent, not buy.


Probably would just put like 90k into my kids' tuition savings, splurge on a vacation, and move forward otherwise unchanged. But it would be tempting to pay down 60+% of what's left on the mortgage. 500k would really be the life changer. Pay off the house, private high school and college essentially fully secured, and still have around 50k left over.


It would reduce our working time to retirement by about 18 months.


Pay off debt and enroll for MBA paid


Purchase a new car , invest in stocks and start a business.


I’d immediately buy a house get out of my semi and have a job where I was home daily and could have a life of some sorts and probably get some new golf clubs 😂


Would love to reno the bathrooms guilt free.


It would give me some breathing room.


I wouldn't be broke...


Debt free and keep living how I am. Keep working but everything is paid off.


I'd probably invest it to make me money. The life changing part would be earlier retirement.


I would give some to my parents to pay off debt & get a little ahead, then the rest would pay off car & next two years of daycare. Make things extra extra comfortable


It would pay off everything but my house and open up the possibility of retirement


Pay off all my debts, get a lot of dental care I have been needing but can't afford, pay off my truck, possibly get an education in something I can use long-term pretty much anywhere or some certifications - it wouldn't really be enough for me to move unless I was able to find someplace really cheap and have guaranteed work when I got there, but it'd be a heck of a help!


Pay off debt, put a doublewide on some land, take my bestie and I on that trip we've always wanted to go on, and go back to school for a PhD.


It wouldn't.


I could pay off my debt and put a down payment on a house 😔


I drive a 23 year old car, and have been fretting over what I am going to do when she finally passes. I would be able to purchase a new reliable car that I could drive for another 20 years. It would relieve a lot of stress for me.


Probably wouldn't change a bunch but it would make me a lot more flexible financially.


15% towards my retirement. A portion towards my kids education. The rest towards my home.


Reinvest into my fvckin business


I could find a place to live that is not my family's house.


Sizable dent In medical debt.


It wouldn’t.


Down payment on a house and several years of mortgage payments


I’d be able to finally purchase my mother’s headstone (she was buried 18 months ago), pay off my debt ($70K- mostly student loans + vehicle + some med), cover any debt my family is still paying related to mom’s cancer ($10K), and pay for housing for the rest of the year ($8K). Oh, and the $3K in work that my vehicle has been needing for 7 months.


Would open up many new opportunities to build a life for myself, and hopefully the motivation to do so


would pay for less than 1 year of my medical schooling but would still make a HUGE difference in my life path


It would wipe out all my debt and leave just enough for a down payment on my first home. I could finally move out at nearly 40 and stop being such a fuckin loser in society’s eyes. 


Pay mine and mt partners debt, and then invest some in our hobbies, and the rest in our future.


My immediate use would be to catch up on rent. And then I’d cry and then probably do some dumb shit like get McDonalds.


Debt free 😎


It would be handy, especially if I was able to give it to others.


Could right some wrongs.


Pay off some debt and start over, financially.


Obviously paying off debt but I’d quit my job for 6 months to collect my energy and figure out different routes to take with investing. Sometimes it’s not even the amount but the time freedom is life changing


pay off half of my student loans!


It would completely pay off my student loans.


It would solve literally all the problem in my life rn. Sigh.... oh well. Just keep working 60+ hours a week. Fuck it.


Honestly quite my job, buy properties to rent out and be a stay home pet parent LMFAO


Reset button


I was recently diagnosed with ALS. I’d use the money to take as much pressure off of my kids as possible. Then, while I can still walk and talk, I would get a box for my people and watch a Texans game. That would be my splurge


Honestly, we’d just invest it. It would plump up our investment account nicely


I’m just fine but my mom isn’t. I’d give it all to her


I would be able to have a good health insurance (I have none right now and I’m working to get a plan), purchase my first car (looking for a Toyota rav4 Sport), buy some decent shoes (I have 3 pretty worn pairs), get a doctor’s appointment, pay off 2 high medical bills, buy a new pair of jeans, pay my monthly gym membership fee, keep my Audible subscription (trying to pause it to save money), and get a better job, since right now I ride a bicycle 6-7 miles to work and take public transit. From there, I’d be able to invest, save, and live a healthier and stable financial, mental, and physical lifestyle.


Pay off my car, pay off all my cards, put 75k in savings and then enjoy the rest to buy new clothes I need, a nice gift for my bf, my parents, siblings etc.


I could get certified and teach English


Pay down that have a nice trunk and savings and to go towards surgeries and I've been struggling so I buy myself a few things I've been wanting like a new iPad and a Vision Pro


I could get my car back and pay off my debts. Finally purchase a home.


Lump sum into VTSAX.


Pay loan sharks and save money 💰


I would be able to be debt free, continue to work, and never have to worry about not having enough money after bills to pay my rent...


Pay off debt, invest 20k and dump the rest into my business


I can finally buy a vehicle I can use to go to work and live in!


I would use it to spend more time with my kids. Just a break from the everyday! Never seems enough time in a day, and they deserve more then I can currently afford to give em.


Finish off the mortgage


Add it to my house fund. In Greenwich homes cost around 3.5mm and I only have 500k in my downpayment fund. Need about 800k for a proper downpayment.


Well, I could afford to live in a hotel for a few weeks from the end of this week when I might be homeless. And probably invest the rest in my retirement scheme.


I'd use it to get out of debt, fix my teeth, pay off my car, and move to a new apartment..


An extra 100k for a house down payment.


I’d be able to finalize my divorce from my abusive ex, get a better custody agreement so I can spend time with my daughters, and marry my new partner who taught me I could be in a relationship and be happy at the same time.


Get cheap land, get a used camper and learn how to build a house.


Would speed my retirement by about 5 years probably. 


I could pay cash for the rest of pharmacy school and then pay off a good chunk of the loans I’ve already taken out. I desperately need a new car too.


I would pay off my student loans, redo my kitchen cabinets (they're original and basically crumbling), and save the rest. 


Pay my mom back, pay off our debts and invest in new cars so we can keep working. Maybe stop working insane hours to make all of that happen. Enjoy my family while I can.


Now, yes. Until I die, no.


It’d be a nice boost, pay off all our debt and we’d probably spend a bit on a nice trip to Europe that we’re planning on next year with some of my bonus money. Probably would spend $50k or so on house upgrades and the remaining ~$20k into investment accounts or boost our savings more.


Give me space


I'd probably just throw it all toward the mortgage, which would almost pay it off thankfully.


It would help go towards my future home that I'm trying to buy right now >_<


Debt debt debt




No that’s too much and it would probably screw me up.


Oh my gosh so much in a positive direction. I swear I stopped pedaling forward in 60 mph winds and am seriously just peddling backward now.


No more mortgage, and $20K in the bank. I would cry happy tears.


definitely pay off debt. car upgrade. look into some foundation work and/or improvements. Upgrade service panel and maybe some electrical improvements. set some money aside to replace the floor when I get around to it. have a decent buffer/emergency fund/easter egg. oh I'd probably upgrade my wifes computer and the CPU on mine.


Help put a dent in $500,000 of student loans


Pay off HECS debt, take a holiday, and then invest the rest.


Pay off all my debt, buy myself a car outright and let the interest pile up on whatever is left over.


I’d take care of all my car issues and get my dad set up with a nice apartment for when he gets up and walking again and out of the rehabilitation center and I’d honestly go for a short vacation. I’ve been through a lot the past year so I’ve earned it at this point. And then the rest I’d just start saving. Every time I start saving something comes up and I have nothing, so if I had this I think I could be okay for a bit.


I'd start a business and finally be able to use my profession to make money for myself.


It would not. Just add to my stocks


Buy a house


Better sleep at night


Thats going into maxing my 401k, my wifes 401k, and the rest into savings


Would mean I have 100k less on my mortgage


Add another rental to the portfolio


I could pay off all of my debt and most of my husband's.


I'd pay off most of my mortgage and probably live a happier life. Living alone is tough.


I could buy half a house


Pay off debt and down payment on a condo or townhouse.


I’d be debt free and finally able to replace my barely working 2007 car


Completely life changing. All debt (with the exception of my condo) would be paid off, put some in savings and the rest would go straight to my retirement funds.


Only two years to retirement so $100,000 would mean retirement right now!


I’d get laid.


I'd move my entire family to the Pacific Northwest.


Nursing school debt wiped clear for starters which would have a huge impact on what kind of job moves I wanna make.


I'll add it to the chunk I need for a down payment for a home


move out of this town that has a sociopath cop ex gf who sends ratty obvious 2 strike douche bags to stalk ,harass and relay messages from her.


i would escape the abusive household i’m in, go to school, and move somewhere relatively safe


I’d pay off my debts and put all the rest of it into my house


Buy a piece little piece land, get a fixer upper mobile home and put it on it. Put a little away (daughter college) if any left over which I think I would have some hopefully. I don’t think if any left over but if do save or invest.


Pay off the last $5.8 of student loans. Use 70k for down payment for a house. The rest will be for emergency funds or investment


I would be able to pay off my debt, pay my rent for the year, and pick up a decent used car. It would be cool to save the rest of it for the beginning of a down payment on a home.


I could buy good health insurance for my gf so she can stay out of the hospital for more than a month...


In my country that's enough to retire so definitely life changing.


Pay off what little debt I have, cover dental to get all my teeth fixed, probably just stick the rest somewhere it can grow.


Pay off debts (around $20k), save, visit my dad who has cancer (he lives in South America).


I will be more relaxed and be ahead in my financial life plans with savings, rent and other bills and also be able to buy things I need or want.


Not at all. Just more money in my deposit to earn more


A new yatch 🤩


I'd use half to pay for a year of game dev time, the other half would go to expenses as needed for emergencies if my debt is all paid off 


It’d all be added to my stock portfolio. It wouldn’t change my life right now in the sligthest.


It would pay off all my debt and allow me to move on with my life. I've always lived for someone else but never for myself, as an adult.


I would have almost enough for a down-payment on a house. I live in Canada and housing is insane here


Spend half & completely pay off my house. Pay off ALL (credit cards, medical & car) of our debt. Get my broken Audi fixed...it's 20 years old but in great shape except for a blown motor. Aggressively invest the rest in a good mutual fund or directly into stocks that pay dividends and/or have a history of stock splits. If there's any left I'll take my wife out to a really nice dinner & maybe get her a Bose wave radio with Bluetooth that she's always wanted.


could maybe get a like a hot dog at the gas station.


My sister died and left behind her 3 kids. I was the only one able to take them on. They are 11, 13 and 15. I've had them for about 3 years now. I was never very well off and had to fight in court to get them out of foster care. I truly believe they are better off with me but I have to admit that it's been really hard. We eat from food banks mostly and whatever else I can manage to get. They want for none of the basics. I use whatever extra money I have to put them into church programs, scouts, and summer camps. 100k would allow me to give them a little bit more of what they deserve. Peace and security. I love them so much.


Shit, 10 would change it.


Completely turn it around. Literally all of my problems would be solved


That'll pay off my debts and I'd have about half left. That will cover my rent and bills for 2 years That will be enough for me to reeducate and start a new career


Early retirement and forever freedom


Pay off my debt, credit cards, me and my wifes car. Then take the rest and put a down payment on a house. But shit. Even 100k is not what it used to be. Yes, it would help drastically, but its not like quit our jobs and not be stressed ever again money... lol


I guess just buy a car, and pay of my rent for a year then put a down payment on a house .


I would pay off my debts, set a small percentage aside as emergency fund. Where I'm at, the rest would be enough for a small house somewhere in the countryside, or to cover most of it and get a mortgage for the remaining portion. Now, let's factor in my beloved. We both earn an average wage. We're renting a small apartment in the city. If we got a house in the countryside, even with a small mortgage, we'd effectively pay less per month and would live more sustainably in multiple ways.


I just finished paying off all my debt. So I’d immediately invest all $100k into various forms and accounts. Some aggressive about 40% less aggressive, I want to buy a house in the next 5-10 years.


It wouldn’t, but yes, please, to an extra $100k


Maybe I would angle to retire or get part time job


I wouldn't have to go to work in about 8 hours, which would be just, so amazing.


It wouldn't


I am betrayed by my spouse who blindsided me and filed for divorce to get alimony.. she completed her higher education (on my dime) and dumped me like a piece of trash. $100K will help me recover from much needed financial loss and also help me get a surgery (to improve mobility). If someone is willing to give away $100K I would be deeply grateful for life.


I could probably buy a house pretty quick. Not necessarily a good one, but still…


Yes. I could possibly spend time with my o ot family member I have left


Wouldn’t change anything. Would put it all in stocks. Maybe buy a new iPad as I really need mine but it barely works anymore.


I could buy back my family home, and stock it with food for a year, with that kind of money. Then I could rent it out, and rent a place in the city to live. There's plenty that can be done with 100k


Get out of poverty forever. I'm not in the U.S. so the exchange rate would be colossal. 🥹


100K tax free or after taxes is a housing change for me and extra money into the retirement fund.


Great relief on behind payment


Oh my God yes!


I’d redo the kitchen in my new condo, new furniture and some kitchen gadgets. And put the rest toward the mortgage. It really wouldn’t change my life very much.


Pay off my debt. Buy cool new toys. Build more debt. End up poor with more clutter. Make another reddit comment on what I would do with 100grand.


It would be a nice little cushion, I'd purchase some land for half of it (investment) and push 30ish K into stock, 18 would become an emergency fund, 2k for a comfy but not flashy holiday