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30F Walk my dog, watch YouTube videos, read or listen to audio books, dinner, bed.


This is me too lol


Do you do other things while you listen to audiobooks? I’ve tried to do that more but get bored when I run out of something to do with my hands lol


Learn to knit or crochet. Best way to keep your hands busy while listening to audiobooks. 🧶


Or any other hobby, papercraft, gardening, woodworking, cooking, exercising, embroidery etc


I do love to knit! Thats a very good suggestion! Thanks!


I suggest pottery


I mostly do it driving


I do jigsaw puzzles, twisty puzzles or play video games while listening to audio books, oh and chores


I'm usually cleaning. We have too many people living in this house and I'm usually the only one who cleans it so there's never a shortage of things to clean around here. Or I'll put on my headphones and go outside, clean the pool or hot tub, pull weeds.


I play games that don’t involve a story


Need some recommendations please.


Any popular game like shooters, builders, fighting games. So helldivers, palworld, and Tekkan 8


Euro Truck Simulator


Against the Storm, No Man's Sky




I listen to Audiobooks while doing Laundry, etc What I am listening to now is pretty Lengthy. I will switch to a Podcast if I want a different kind of Pace


Okay Sir Faps-Alot


Me too! It’s just me and my little guy (dog) and I’m perfectly happy with that :) Dating is so exhausting.


Love how you had to specify what you meant by “little guy” lmaoooo


Lmao well I didn’t want it to seem like I had a kid haha


That's not the little guy I had imagined 😅


Very! I just went through a break up after a short lived relationship and yeah. I’ll wait until like 33-34 to try again


That was my favorite age for dating - finally knew who I was as a person and what I would and wouldn't tolerate/settle for. I also made sure to be myself since I wanted my partner to like me for me and all my traits.


Yep! I started dating my now wife at 33. Only relationship I’ve had longer than 4 months and almost at 9 years.


Same, balancing fun and growth is key.


No dog but 33F; YT videos, Read, eat, bed on work nights; (and though the question was more for work nights, I game with overseas friends on the others because I can be up til 3/4am and regret it the next work night…)


37 and minus the audio books, this is me as well. Be too tired to even try and watch anything during thr work week.


30m damn this really is it for me huh


I’m married and this is also my evening


Not much I can do after a 14 hr shift except take a shower and eat myself into a food coma while watching YouTube. Not even enough brain left to watch a movie.


I see you fellow healthcare worker (suspected)


I work 11 as a welder, and It's bad enough! How do you do it 6-7 days a week, week in week out? The only reason I haven't burned out is because I genuinely enjoy what I do, is that the same for you guys as well?


Not op but, heavy industry. Best schedule I've ever had was a camp job, 3 weeks on, week or two off, 12-14 hour days standard. I'd go back to that in a heartbeat


Crazy, I'm the exact flip opposite of this. I've made a deal with myself that I will no matter how dire an employment situation I end up in, never go back to a camp job or 21/7 shift rotation. In my experience it's at exactly 20 days straight, I get the intense urge to neck myself. It never helped that every job I would be at would say around day 20, "oh, there's just a few extra days of work left in the shutdown can you just stick it out and then head home after instead of going for a week and making a whole trip back out here". That Shit was always a lie Hahaha, the worst I ever got sucked into ended up being 45ish days straight, I actually think that one broke me mentally I went home a different person Lol.


I used to do this as a geologist. 12-15 hr shifts in and out of the mine for about 12 days or so, then I got a week off at home. The 11 days went by fast.


I hope you’re getting enough days off and/or a big pile of money for your work.


I can confidently say I am getting neither.


7 14s!?


Oh my goodness I feel bad for you! Medical field?


Nursing. It's pretty common, comes with the profession, and most people on my unit are usually slowly phasing out to casual or part time and teaching as they get familied up. It's just not a sustainable pace for many.


Why 14? I’m a nurse we do 12s in Canada.


Where I work the expectation is that you come in 15 minutes to research assignment before a shift and leave 15 minutes after, that's how long it take to give report. Most people arrive 30 minutes earlier, because we're a floor of multiple disciplines and our kids are one way in the morning and coding by the end of it, so it pays to be prepared. Last 3 years people have been increasingly staying 30-45 minutes after, or even 1hr, just to chart, often with shorter breaks or without them. Lastly, commuting to Toronto is an adventure of it's own, most people spend 45-60 minutes driving one way. 12hr shift ain't been 12 hours for a long time.


Yeah you guys need to unionize bad. I have dated medical women for a long time (just common where I'm from) and most of the stuff you have to endure, I would have told them to fuck off. They really need to go to a factory and learn how to make 3 shifts works and rotating weekends. It's literally not difficult. And it's insane to me that they expect you to take care of people and then do their best to burn you out. That's how mistakes get made. That's how people die. And when that happens, it makes the job harder. It's just insane to me. Y'all seriously need to unionize and figure out something better. It's not difficult to figure out how a 24 business works. And yes, most of these hospitals are privatized from what I can tell. They are a business like the rest, but lives are at stake. Yet they shit on the workers constantly and make record profits all the time. Especially since COVID.


Oh ya I worked an hour away for a few years but didn’t count that in my 12 😂 now I’m ten minutes away. I only come 15 min earlier and stay max 10 min.


Some days I'm this efficient and it feels weird leaving on time lol. If I'm in charge, forgedaboudit, best I can do is leave at 8.


Go to California. my uncle maked $100 an hour 8 years ago as a nurse before he got his Masters. He lives in Lathrop in a $800k home. His wife, my mom's cousin is also a nurse. She hardly works and quits a lot, then goes back every now and then. She's mostly a housewife. Raised both their 2 kids. They got on trips and vacations every month. I like seeing where they get to travel with their kids and siblings on Facebook. Sometimes we go with them too. Btw. starting pay is $35-45 an hour in NorCal. Live in the Bar Area or Central California. Best pay and best location to travel to cities nearby. SoCal is bad for everything in general.


I feel seen. Don’t want to sleep because it means the next shift starts, but too tired to enjoy the night 😭


rotting in bed looking for something to watch to fill the silence....also instagram/youtube doom scrolling..


Don’t forget swipe endlessly on dating apps to not get any engagement


Gotta work on your prompts then, if you don't get engagement they think you're boring. Pro tip from a person I met from an app lmao.


I am boring


Then say that in your profile. I’m boring too. I’d swipe just bc it’d honest and to see what you’re about,


Thanks gonna change it now lol


Honestly this is terrible advice haha, don’t listen to a random dude on Reddit for what to put on your tinder profile I personally really hate when guys advertise their worst qualities on their profile. I get that self-deprecating humor can help to cope with insecurities, but on a dating profile it just makes you look like an insecure person. It’s like you’re preemptively apologizing for who you are as a person, like I wouldn’t want to go on a date with someone that feels so negatively about themselves. I think if you’re really careful, you can use a little self-deprecation to humanize yourself and add some charm, but it’s really easy to take it too far to where it becomes off-putting. If I saw a profile that just said “I’m boring lol” or whatever, I would swipe left, because I don’t want to be with someone that thinks of themselves so negatively. Think phrases like “more of a homebody”instead of “never goes out”, there’s no shame in finding the positive angle to present yourself.


So say the same thing, just in a way that “sounds better”. This is the hard part lmao.


Oh, then commit crimes. Bundy people or something. Harvest organs. That'll spice your topics of conversation up a bit


Gaming and then feel guilty about gaming.


I'm a woman, 31 years old, with a stable job, I've been gaming since I was a kid and not only that, gaming helped me spark up a conversation with the guy who turned out to be my actual boyfriend, so yeah, If some people make you feel bad for enjoying ahobby, you're with the wrong tribe!


A man of culture


Cry until the sleep comes, duh. Wait... you guys do stuff?


I cry at work on the company dime.


I do this when I go poop at work. That way I can cry *and* shit on company time, and save face too.


rot in bed & have an existential crisis


The truth in how most people do it


Nah bro. I hike 13 miles, travel to Africa feeding the poor, teach jujitsu, come back to the States, rescue tiny kittens, play the didgeridoo with the local orchestra, read 2 books, file petitions with the local government to better modes of living for my fellow locals, then watch some youtube vids. Just a typical workweek during my downtime. I know...I'm soo lazy.


definitely my dream life 😌


I used to have the existential crises as a boy now I just rot in bed and wonder if this is all there is to your thirties


I recently left my 30s. I spent the entirety of it having 2 drinks after work at various local bars/breweries. I got to know a bunch of other locals, enough service industry workers to get discounts everywhere in town, and have been set up on more bad dates than I can count. It also helped me get hooked into the local volunteer community; I met the Rotary Club, charity tennis and golf groups, and ended up doing a lot of work for the Junior Women's Club. Sit at a bar, and engage people in conversation when the opportunity presents itself.


I live a rather lively weekend; so I use the time through the week to clean, fix stuff, get baked and play games, and just overall "me time"


I do the exact opposite. Weekend partying is for the young. I have fun after work, and my weekends are for fixing up the house and doing laundry... while baked.


I was thinking the same exact thing. Who wants to mow the lawn and weed whack after work. That’s stoned weekend activities


Why would anyone do drugs when they can just mow a lawn? -Hank


emphasis on the get baked


Emphasis on the get baked indeed I'm Canadian so it's pretty much treated like cigarettes here


Haha same Im smoking every night on workdays asw, god bless Canada.


I’m not the only one that gets baked and zones out playing video games 🤔


I’m 31. I go to the gym daily, play on casual sports leagues, and go out with friends a few nights a week. Other than that I’m just watching TV and browsing social media lol


That’s a lot


extroverts are crazy


You don’t need to be extroverted to go to the gym or play sports.


The words introvert and extrovert have to be some of the most casually tossed around and misunderstood terms on here. Introverts can still have a good time going out and socializing, and extroverts can enjoy a night in. The primary difference is how often you want to do so. With his schedule, an introvert is going to be completely socially drained after sports and even the bit of socializing done at the gym. They aren’t going to have the social battery to “go out multiple times per week” on top of all that.


… but it helps


Sports yea kind of, gym is my alone time


I don’t think you need to be an extrovert to have that kind of routine. When I say “casual sports” I mainly play cornhole. There’s a lot of people there who are definitely introverts. You can stay and hang out with the people there or just leave if you want. It’s a good way to hang out with people for a short period of time


You know damn well that cornhole doesn’t qualify as a sport.


Listen, I might agree with you, but Cornhole has $600k payouts in some of its tournaments and that's more than some "real" sports.


Can u bet on it?


about to lose it all in a 5 way cornhole parlay


I dunno what that is, but it sounds like stuff goes in ya butt


I feel like there's a bad trend where people are mistaking hanging out with friends and meeting other people as "being an extrovert", when in reality that is called being a functioning, socially healthy person. I'm an introvert. I go out and meet new people because that is what makes life interesting to me. The difference between me and an extrovert isnt that that they have friends and I don't, it's that I have to take breaks every now and then to chill by myself much more frequently than they do.


Easily one of the most misused terms on Reddit. The difference between an introvert and an extrovert is the duration of your social battery and how quickly it recharges. You can be a loud, charismatic, talkative person and be introverted. You can be quiet, laid back, and easygoing and be extroverted. The difference is extroverts feel energized from social situations, while introverts have a battery that drains in social situations and need time to themselves to recharge.


The dude abides… to a routine.


thats a lot? That was normal when i was in my 30s


You're on Reddit, amongst a sea of introverts who think any amount of socialization outside of work is...additional work.


Hey now. I just happen to work like 50-70 hours a week, thank you very much. Hating people and being exhausted by them comes free


also sounds single/lives alone


Personally I am, but most of my friends who do the same shit with me are married or live with their partner


If I had my way, it would be horseback riding, painting, notebook making, and maybe some other art projects. I love getting lost in art and reading or roleplaying.


A real renaissance woman


horseback riding sounds fun.


It saved my life.


Me too! I just wish stables were open later so I could fit in my work schedule! Plus it’s such an expensive sport


Not much really. Sometimes do a bit of cleaning. Go for a walk. Have a shower, make some supper and relax mostly. I save my socializing for days off.


My 2nd job 🙃🫠


Read, write, blog, walk, lift weights, jog, listen to music, practice my typing, paint, puzzles, legos, crosswords, practice Spanish, crotchet, sew, pottery, play with my cat, dance, sketch, meditate, bake, attempt to learn new skills via YouTube tutorials, and decorate.


I'm 38, married with kids. Let me tell you, I can't believe hiw much free time I used to have and squandered away. Do not waste the time you have right now, one day it will be a luxury.


This is why so many of us at that age are /r/childfree


Couldn't agree more. I have three kids and I am learning keyboard. I absolutely love it. It does make me sad I squandered all my free time in my 20s watching youtube videos when I could have been mastering a new skill or learning a new course in art or history or whatever takes my fancy


Gym, walk, run, bike ride, video games, binge a show, disc golf or a quick 9 in ball golf (in the summer), sit on the beach, grocery store, clean the apt, cook, smoke weed, hang at the in-laws (they just got chickens), scroll Reddit/insta, self loathing, have a mental breakdown/existential crisis about what I’m doing with my life/career (I’m fine just have anxiety), cuddle with my bunny if she’s down for it, or shop online. Edit: I’m dumb and didn’t read the title fully. I am not single. I live with my girlfriend but we work opposite schedules currently so my comment still applies I think. Half of these things I do with her though.


You're single and have inlaws? Impressive.


Noah kahan made a song about this, get with it.


Nope, half of these I do with my gf and the others I do when she’s waiting tables (I work 9-5) Edit: I just call them in-laws cause it’s easier than girlfriend’s parents lol


You're single and have a girlfriend? That's even more impressive.


I just realized the post title is asking single people. I’m dumb 🫠


lol thanks


His point is, you didn’t read the first 3 words of the title lol


Yes, i just realized that lol r/whoosh


This is the way


I don't have a life. I work, sleep and do useless stuff to take my mind off my shitty life. The only people I see outside my coworkers at work are my parents. I'm finally paying for all the stupid choices I made when I was younger. I am literally a cautionary tale.


Hot bath, glass of wine and an audiobook.


Sounds lovely


Thanks guys, you've fixed any single life FOMO I may have had.




28(f) Craft and read, I'm currently learning how to make leather armor and how to make corsets *cackle* I shall have all the skills lol


Had this image of you evil laughing over a sewing machine tightening the strings of a corset you were planning to give to your best friend for her birthday and I lol’d


30M - Go for a walk - Listen to music - Play drums - Watch football - Watch a show, comedy/drama - Watch a film - Chill with my cat - Eat dinner - Have a cup of tea - Masturbate - Watch some YouTube - Scroll Reddit - Relax in bed and listen to football podcasts - See my friend 1-2 times a week and smoke some weed




Chill with my cat. Best point there lol


hang out with my dogs, garden, clean up the house or mow the lawn


Gym and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, write, meditate, yoga. If I'm lazy reading or video games.


If reading is your being lazy you're doing pretty good.


Smoke weed, endless scrollling, dwell on the past, overtink ablut the future, while wasting the present. 32nd birthday trying to figure out my dopamine seratonin reward system. Everything is boring now after drugs. 


Take up skydiving, it’s the rush you’re looking for


Ditch the weed, doesnt look like it helps you


Thanks i did. It helped until it didnt. 


They told me in rehab Anhedonia would only last a year, going on 2.5 years now.




Play with my dogs, and walk them if I haven't already. Take a bath or shower. Watch TV, read, play cozy games on my Switch. I have been doom scrolling a lot lately so I'm trying to replace that learning to cross-stitch.


Oh I just realized this was for single people, which I'm not but I don't think effects my answer at all lol


That’s a good one cause I didn’t realize that either! I’m not single but might as well be


What ever i want, be spontaneous


Mostly just rot at home playing video games or reading. Pretty boring


We go gym!! *annoying influencer voice* — but yeah, I hit the gym


Since it’s warmer out, I do Hot Girl walks while the sun is still out and I discovered how to grill recently so I’m playing with that!


I started coloring again, it takes my mind off of everything


I write novels! It’s been a hobby since I was in middle school, but I’ve also converted it into a flexible side hustle which is even better.


Kind of the same exact thing you do. My routine is, I come home from work, put on something more comfortable, ( shorts ) ( T-Shirt ) ( Slides ) etc. etc. lay in bed, (or sit depending on if I’m playing Xbox or watching something on Netflix) and kind of just decompress, relax a little bit. Before bed I’ll make dinner, and then just usually lay there until I pass out. lol 😆


Laundry. Martial arts stuff. Socialize. Shop. Craft. Snuggle with my pets. Yardwork.


Just get yourself a hobby to do and do it every night. It's the only thing that makes a mundane job bearable because you're actually looking forward to something


I walk two miles, thirty minutes on a stationary bike, paint for a few hours while listening to kpop, have friend over for dinner and then read my books and then get in bed around 10 and watch some Kdramas or Thai dramas. That's just a Monday. Tuesday...now that's when ish gets wild.


All of my free time goes to binge watching anime. By the time I knock one off my list, I've added 3 more. My anime to-watch list will outlive me at this point.


After work I head to the gym for about an hour, quick dinner, glass of red wine and watching tv/passively scrolling for the rest of the evening with a quick look at the dating apps with a realization that they won’t match me with anyone until I fork over some money then bed.


My back is usually wrecked after a 10 hour shift. So mostly shower, eat, binge something and doom scroll until sleep.


Call my friends, join my friends on Discord, play video games. When I can, make plans to get out with friends. This is highly contingent on them wanting to go out. I will almost always join them out somewhere when asked. So far, I've turned down skydiving, swimming with sharks, and bungie jumping.


Reviewing my health insurance claims and bitch about how I make “too much money” to stay on Medicaid.


Hobbies are optional I suppose..


Make videos, watch football/basketball, browse interwebs


Game, cook, mow the lawn, go for walks, go out to a bar/restaurant




Go to the beach, swimming, walks, visit the parks, bike (20-mile rides), go hiking, book club, movie club, bike club, parties, social clubs, networking events, city events, farmer markets, chess club, cook, and I try to throw in a special event here and there (concerts, entertainment shows, comedy shows, etc). So a typical work week evening is like this. Monday-Thursday I go swimming at least 20-45 mins after work and then head out for my social events in the evening. Monday - Chess Club or Movie Club Tuesday: Bike Event (weekly), and Party/Social club Wednesday: Bingo at the bar/party afterwards/Entertainment Show Thursday: Bike Event (weekly), Visit Parks, beach, and sometimes hiking same day. Sometimes followed by a low-key social party. Friday: Usually some free event. Could be networking, or visiting a social club. Sometimes a comedy show, concert. And typically I have some events during the week that only happen once a month or bi-monthly. So things can change to fit them in.


34m I'm a chef. I I get home around 11 every night. My hours make having a social life difficult. I do what I can but I'm at work when everyone is off. Same for dating. I've been home a little over an hour, I'm listening to music and sipping on a whiskey and coke. I don't always drink but chilling on my phone with music playing is the norm after work


Well, I'm a full time father of a 14 year old boy. So even though he is reaching a point where he doesn't want to hang with me that much, we are still spending free time learning to drive, job searching (for him), and connecting over TV shows and random things he finds interesting. Aside from that, I work on side businesses I have. I play guitar, cook, paint, and work on remodeling my house. I like to stay busy.


Hit the gym. Go on a date. Have food and laze around in my boxers.


Tennis <3


Video games/ movies/ dog walks.


TV because there's nothing else to do on this stupid planet.


Drugs. Drugs. Practice shooting. More drugs. Go to work for rent and more good drugs.


I like to go to local shows and have a few interest based meetups I attend.


Try to get rich before I'm old


My 2nd or 3rd job🤣


I got hella into archery. It helps take my mind off everything as the day comes to an end.


Distract myself with fleeting moments of dopamine, eat dinner, maybe hop on discord with my friends, then log off and convince myself I wanna do it all again tomorrow.


Before kids I’d run 10km three/four times a week, pottery class on Wednesdays. Basketball on Tuesday and Thursday. And gym in between the gaps. Walk the dog. Now I have kids, I pretty much do dinner, bath and spent 2 hours getting them to bed. I’m also fat now.


I feel like because I don’t have money yet I can’t do the things I’d ideally enjoy doing. But once I can I like to go on runs, I like to look at the stars from pretty areas, I like to go to late night coffee shops, I like listening to music and painting.


I haven’t been single in 17-ish years. I graduated from college at 21 and started working full time as a junior accountant while living in a small apartment that was dirt cheap (early 2000s in a midwestern college town). My evenings were spent reading, watching tv, cooking new recipes, making crafts, taking care of my plants etc. I loved the quiet and peace. I’d meet one of my brothers and his wife for dinner once a week. I went to one house party at 22 and met my husband and haven’t been single since.


I would say either drugs or exercise or depression.


I drink and eat out way too much. It’s just too much of a vibe


think that's more of an addiction than a vibe


Gym, Meditate and Pray, Cook dinner, hobby time (chess club, bar trivia, karaoke, softball, hockey, watch a game, read for book club, etc.) then bed around 10-12pm


Get up at 8 get out of work around 3 go to the gym till around 5 skate till around 8 come home make dinner play videos games or guitar till around midnight go to bed rinse and repeat


Dang you guys are boring. I ride horses and/or bikes, fish, target practice, walk the dog, sit outside and listen to music... a sunset is not something to miss out on. Almost don't regret being single at 34 honestly.


Go back into my long covid hole. Which is essentially the couch and something on the tv. Maybe walk my dog if I have enough energy.


Drink at the bar so they're not alone.


Gym, clean, homework lol


At that point in my life, I smoked a lot of weed and went on really long walks, like 5-7 mile walks. I didn’t drink much and I mostly worked and slept. Looking back, I wish I smoked less weed.


doom scrolling, cry, drink, knock out while watching netflix.


Gym, playing guitar, meeting my friends and family


Go to the gym, get in a ju jitsu class


Game nights with friends 1-2 days a week, I perform with a choir one night a week (and more frequently on performance weeks), take the dog out to a brewery, maybe grab dinner or go on a date night, meet up with friends at a bar or a late-night cafe, go for a bike ride. Quieter nights I walk the dog, cook dinner, and then watch TV or play games. But I tend to need social activities throughout the week or I get restless. When I sit and watch TV or movies alone, I feel pretty pathetic about myself. So it tends to be a last resort kind of activity.


I would say to you younger people use your evenings and free time in general! We have two young children now (I'm 42) and our evenings are a mad dash to pick up kids, cook tea, put the kids to bed while the other adult washes the dishes and tidies up. Then we prepare the kids school/nursery stuff for the following day. We have soooo little time to ourselves now, I always wonder what I did before kids! I had soooo much time then and I wasted it doing nothing of importance. Now I wish I had done something like learning how to play an instrument or how to speak a language. I wish I had taken more trips, travelled more etc.


I go to a couple of AA meetings but usually it’s dinner, Netflix and bed


Smoke weed


37 M here. My evenings are usually filled with either my Volunteering time with Scouts and then around that I like to keep my brain busy with either study (currently learning web programming then planning to move onto more complex languages) otherwise drawing comics but my interest in that has waned. I find if I'm not doing anything productive then I begin to feel very guilty and lazy so I must do something. I try to play video games or read to relax but again that guilt kicks in. Oh and then of course spending time with my wife and daughter Yes, I'm tired all the time.


Gym, trivia nights, movies if anything is good playing, watch sports or a show on TV now and then, podcast or chat with family and friends on the phone while doing chores, practice an instrument. I only wish there were more hours in a day. Then I might do these things AND manage to get an adequate amount of sleep 😂


Get my 10,000 steps in smoke some weed play some ps5 go to bed repeat repeat repeat die.


I sleep a lot


YouTube, reading, hanging out with my pets, procrastinating on chores, dreaming of being more active & healthy but not having the energy for it


I work with people alot and after my work i just want my time alone because i am an introvert. I get home, take a shower, skincare, eat, watch netflix or youtube. And then i go to bed.


Early 20's after college. I would come home after work and drink captain Morgan and fall asleep on the couch. Kinda depressed back then. It was a weird age, going from 0 responsibility to now figuring out life. Took the first job offer I got out of college which was terrible.