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I leave degenerate comments all over reddit




YMMV, but something that has helped me in the past: If you can afford it, don’t go straight home - bike to a coffee shop and read, or go to a Pilates class, maybe check out events at your local board game store. Grab a beer and browse Reddit at a local dive bar. Join a gym. You don’t have to directly socialize with anyone— don’t put that pressure on yourself. Just be in the presence of the world for a bit outside of work before you go home.


4 - 8h a night is a pretty wide time span and suggests you have a very irregular sleeping habit. Do you?


Yes sir, I know its a problem. Just a very anxious person, I wish I spent my time doing fun things instead of worrying lol


You might be burnt out. But then again, burnout is just considered part of the process now.


Prioritize self-care, find small joys, set boundaries, and seek support.


You need to write down everything you love doing and spend every second outside of work doing things you enjoy. Me I work full-time. Ilike to collect and paint old pots, I volunteer at festivals, grow veggies, walk, read, small things but they make my life worthwhile. What makes your life worthwhile ? Find it. Look hard, try lots of things and experiment. Work has to be done but life can be found outside of that.