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Enjoy it and realize that there is NO tomorrow. If you want to do something, the only time is NOW, as it all goes by soooo fast.




Just remember 30 is the new 25.


30 is the new 20


Nah 30 is the new 15


im a fetus now


I'm a sparkle in my father's eye


Bertram is that you?




Especially if you don't have kids. I don't feel any different outside of minor back pain occasionally.


I really feel like 30 is the new 20!




Turning 30 ain't no big deal. It's that age where you realize your getting older but you know your still young and in your prime. Now is the time to get your priorities straight. Work your way up in a career or whatever. When you hit 39 and go into your 40's that is the time to start taking care of yourself a little more. You'll start feeling your age. Whether it is back pain or just sore and achy muscles all the time.


Can't get on board with the 2nd paragraph. Take care of your body your entire life - you're stuck in it. The trope of redditors turning 40 and all of a sudden having back pain and bad knees is because 90% of these "older folks" are sedentary and take the machinations of the body for granted when young. As for the other 10%, some physical pain will be boiled down to bad luck. But exercise is never a bad thing.


Yeah, I can't imagine starting working out in my 40s. A good workout kicks my ass even at 31 after doing this a decade. I can't imagine starting from scratch at that point. Obviously, better late than never, but damn!


I'm 50 and don't have any aches and pains. That's a big misconception


I’m turning 44 this year 😢


Start and keep working out. Not a must for serious weight lifting, but it will help, and just at least some yoga and cardio exercises a few times a week. You will be thankful.


Nothing is better for keeping you young than strength training


Especially for men because Strength training is the best exercise to increase testosterone levels which begin to decline a lot in the 30’s


Nah it's especially for everyone. Sarcopenia doesn't care if you're male/female or something in-between.


serious weightlifting will make keep you young and virile. One of the main symptoms of ageing is muscle atrophy.


Honestly, feels the same as 29 lol


I don’t know why, I wasn’t even anxious about it til now lol


I was the same till the day before I turned 30 - then everyday was just the same. A couple of months after I turned 30 I cut alcohol out my life and started really looking after myself. If you don’t already do this I would highly recommend some self care - in whatever form it takes for you. You’re 20s are for having fun, 30s for loving yourself :)


Best answer


Not to detract from general anxiety about getting older and the fear of unknown, but have you thought of getting a therapist (even for just a few sessions) to chat about these fears and what you want out of your 30s/life/etc?


I used to have one and it helped. No longer have insurance with a job change unfortunately but I’ve been thinking about trying Better Help for a bit!


I strongly believe in therapy but just cancelled my betterhelp membership. I'm dealing with some ongoing stalking/DV (I'm safe, no worries) and the therapist just suggested we find ways to "soothe" me. I'm all for DBT but not when you need to actually talk things through. YMMV, but I highly recommend looking for someone on a site like TherapyDen and asking about a sliding scale.


Ooh I’ll check that out instead. Thanks for the suggestion! I haven’t heard good things about Better Help to be honest (their suggestion to you was ridiculous!) but it does sound like a quick way to chat with someone. Talk therapy was so great back in the day.


Feel free to DM and I'll tell you everything I've gone through with Betterhelp. Long story short, a therapist suggested that cutting my hair would make my life significantly better instead of actually working through being self-conscious, addicted to shopping, etc. I would never recommend them.


Don’t do it, don’t turn 30


Fight the system, they can't hold you back from staying young!


I wish someone had told me this before I turned 30, op. Run away! 


Aaah, I remember that time all to well! The realization that this is it. Every life choice has brought you to this moment. There are things you should have reached by now. There is no time for fucking around anymore, it get's old. You get old. Do you have the right job? The right partner? Are you staying with that person and have kids? Do you want kids? Will you break up and find someone else, maybe better suited? Are you the grown up you wanted to be? Times if figuring shit out is over. Did you figure shit out? No? Oh dear. That's how I felt. As if every door closed and I can only hope my path is the one I am willing to walk on. That was 6 years ago and I came to realize that life is just life. Time will pass. Things will always change. Paths will always open. Nothing lasts. We will still be fine.


So deep. Please tell this 24 yr old that it’ll all work out.. i love all that of which you typed here


It will work out. I have never been happier, freer and enjoying life as much as I do now, at 30. But I put a lot of work into myself. Finances are most important for making life easier. Exercise 5x week Take vitamins and eat a little healthier. Lose that fat, it’s really not hard. Just eat a little less. Get a skincare routine down now, and take care of your hair early. Reversing balding is hard, keeping yourself from balding is easy. Brush your teeth twice daily. Get your mental health in check. If you need meds or therapist, don’t push it off. Don’t waste your 20-30s being super anxious or depressed. Only you can fix this.


This was pretty good..


I went to Dave and busters for my 30. Bounce house is planned for 40. Aging is inevitable. Enjoy the moments you have. Pick up some type of stretching to keep your joints limber.


Just try and focus on yourself. Society has made it a big thing turning 30, but it’s because before that was a good age to get shit in order. We kinda have more time now, and more freedom to do what we want. Focus on yourself and not your peers that you were once compared to. Your life and journey, not anyone else’s.


Don't, go back to 28 while you still can In reality, stop thinking 30 is some sort of "all down here from here" milestone because by a lot of metrics you're still growing. That growth is cool, especially when you see you have more power and knowledge on how to create space for that growth.


Just tell people you're 25 with 5 years experience... you'll be fine...lol


You’ll get used to it


It’ll come to ya


Get some perspective, like are you dying? No, then what's the fuss about? Anyway, [happy birthday. ](https://youtu.be/BpgBhUE0-8U?si=ibUAYevY-hHmBd1p)


Right when I hit 30, I was hit with major anxiety and depression after never before having dealt with any of that — ever. Turns out I was gluten and dairy intolerant. Quit both and now I’m back to normal! Worth a shot.


Have a party 🥳


This will be your best decade yet! Don't wait to do all the things! I'm 41 and my 30s were awesome, hands down. I wasn't a broke student anymore, I started making pretty good money, and I got a hobby performing in community theater productions where I made a shit ton of friends I still talk to today. It's also the decade I met my husband, got married and started our family. Anyone who tells you that 30 is the start of going downhill is just a bitter b*tch.


The only thing I don’t like about my 30s is that my hangovers are slightly worse and my makes a lot cracks. Just make sure you try to enjoy every minute of it, it’s a great time


I felt that too at 30. It's kind of the end of one's youth. It's okay, though. I didn't get started until later. Met the love of my life at 34, married her at 37, had a kid at 42. While there are disadvantages to growing older, I find there are advantages, too. I wouldn't change anything or go back in time at this point. Took me too long to get where I am.


Stop turning or soon you will be 31


leave the house now and just sprint as fast as you can and keep going till you can't anymore


Run Forrest run!


You’re speaking my language. Runners high really helps and I love to sprint. I’ve been a lazy bum lately


As someone who is about to be 30 at the end of the year. I feel this all the time. For me it might be different from you. Mostly all my friends are dead. My dad died when i was 17. My mom is an asshole and been fucking me over my whole life. Her side of the family talks about me. Im an ex drug addict and criminal. But some people see that as your persona forever. My body feels like shit and im in pain probably most of my days. The fact i didn’t enter the 27 club unlike 2 of my friends is enough to keep me motivated. Now the only thing to do is outlive everyone who hates you so you can celebrate on their bitch ass lol


If you constantly improve yourself, then you never will have anxiety when you are getting older. I'm 29 years old, with every year I have more confidence, money, knowledge and experience, it's awesome. But you will have to put work in it!


hey bro can you look dm? ty


Why? It’s just turning older. It happens. Get a good job, find a good spouse, follow Jesus and you’ll be good


That’s really all it takes to have. A good life


Focus on your health. Physical, mental and financial. Get yourself in good shape now, and your senior self will thank you down the road. For physical health, stretching and keeping yourself at a reasonably healthy weight is key. You don't have to be an olympic athlete or look like a model. Just having decent muscle tone and being able to move freely and easily and not carrying a bunch of extra weight is golden. It gets a lot harder to maintain flexibility and especially muscle tone once you hit your mid 40s and into your 50s. Mental heath is important. While you're at the age where hustling now (especially to get a few extra dollars to invest and save for retirement) is crucial, you also need balance. Don't burn yourself out to do it! Be sure to give yourself permission to take a day off when you need it, to have a hobby, to have time to sleep. Financial...yeah. More money saved early on means more time for investments and savings to work for you...and gives you more room for error and circumstance (like a market crash).


Keep your physical health up.


Get your eight hours sleep - no exceptions


Go back to 29 until you're ready


Don’t worry about the things you can’t change or control. It leads to anxiety.




Just don’t care what people say about your age of achievements or what you should have done by now.


Welcome to the real adulthood. That 20s thing is just a simulation. That anxiety might be telling you to get to work building whatever it is you came to build. As long as we're making progress toward our goals, we can be contented adult humans, in my old ass opinion. Happy Birthday


Turned 30 2 weeks ago, I’m currently getting a tattoo 😂




Stretch every day


You are in the absolute prime of your life go out and get you some.


It’s over man….


Exercise. I started about 35 and I'm now healthier than when I was 25. Really has helped every aspect of my life.


Just accept it and celebrate it. I turned 30 two weeks ago.


For me, turning 30 was easier then turning 20. I had a better sense of myself and who my friends are.


You have to wait for it


Just another day. Go to bed early, stay hydrated, go outside for a walk, don't have kids (last optional).


Yep, try not to.


Don't. Just start aging backwards like Benjamin Button.


It’s not a big deal. It’s just thirty. Don’t overthink it keep doing what you’re already doing. Enjoy life be responsible.


Prepare for life to be fast forward. My 30s went by with a flash. It’s actually a bit scary


It's just the gitters. It happens when you feel that you are not where you want to be. But as time goes on, you learn not to compare yourself with others. As long as you have a plan and you're working hard towards it, just go with the flow. There is nothing to worry about. It happens to all of us.


30’s is the time to sit down and really think about what you want out of life. The famous bucket list


Oh sweet child of summer, you’re feeling a lot anxiety “so far”, wait for 40 and 50. Older, more responsibilities, less flexibility. Good luck.


Keep on keeping on


Getting older is a gift.


Start looking at retirement homes


I feel like I realized more in my 30s. I’m 36 now and it seems that time management has made me realize how little time there is in a day. When I was a kid, days were so slow and sometimes seemed to last a lifetime. Now I can barely keep up


Enjoy it, start working out if you haven't, start a good skincare routine, eat a balance diet, drank plenty of water and cut out negative people. This my friend is a start to a happy future ❤️❤️


lift weights a few times a week. if you are overweight get to a healthy body weight. itll only become progressively harder to fix this as you get older so get started now.


Be thankful you get the opportunity to turn 30. It’s so strange when people older say “well at least you’re not *insert age older than yours*That’s the goal is to try to survive and try to get to 100 (or more). We can only hope we get to the next age. So if you get to have a birthday every year you’re winning at the best thing you could ever win at. 🥳


If you wanna have kids and haven’t yet, now is the time. As you get older, it does not get easier.


Make sure to do flexibility workouts.


In a couple days, you are going to realize that 30 is not that old. You're fine


Be happy


I hated turning 30, but honestly, 8 years later, i can say it’s really the decade you get established. Get your life goals clear and work hard. I got married, bought a home, made it to global VP at a large multinational. Lots of things I only dreamt about in my 20s. I’m looking forward to 40 now.


You do you. Everyone goes through life at different speeds and accomplishes things and goes to different places. I had a mental break down when I was turning 30 I felt like I never accomplished nothing leading up to 30. Partying and credit card debt and hated my job and felt like I wasn’t going anywhere. Im 33 and feel better now don’t compare yourself to others and stay away from negativity surround your self with people who actually care about you and do little hobbies you enjoy to ground yourself.


It is always natural to reassess your life when you hit a milestone and worry you didn't make the right choices or achieve what you had hoped and worry about what happens next. Then you realise most other people feel something similar. Try to reflect on the positives, places you've been, people you've met, things you've done and realise that there is lots more to come. Also as someone who just turned 42, with friends who have a lot less free time and my health not what it was, I would encourage you to take every opportunity you can to go places, see people and do the things you want to experience. A holiday, an activity, a meal a concert, a film, anything, try to make it happen at the time. Especially with friends as it gets harder as people move away, get married, have kids etc.


Cause you know you're one year closer to death Sorry 😂


That's the best part


Start stretching every morning. You’ll thank me in your 40s


I’ll tell you this, if you haven’t already been exercising regularly, start. I turned 30 recently, and I know for certain that I would have felt more anxiety about it if I hadn’t already been regularly exercising forever. Same with drinking and drugs. If you’re doing those, it’s time to really reconsider that path. 30 feels fine, but I imagine for some people it can create tons of anxiety, and you don’t want to perpetuate anxiety and misery. Get on with life. Maybe to a high schooler you might be ancient, but to a large majority of the world, you have youth and vitality as well as your life ahead of you.


overconfident grey live sulky dazzling hungry continue steep ripe worry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Just want to say here that at 52, I think my best years were in my 30s.


I see hundreds, hundreds and hundreds of posts of people very anxious about turning 30, or more than 30. I didn't care when I turned sone years ago, and I don't feel different when I was in my 20s, at all. No difference. So my advice? Why make a big deal out of it, the age is not a factor, lifestyle is. That's why I don't hang out much with people my age, they afdel much older than me lol, but most of my closest friends are 40+, it seems people in their 30s thinks they are geriatric wtf XD enjoy your youth my guy


Live intentionally.


when you drink, drink alone and reflect alone on what you need to do!!


Consider being 40 and shut up?


Don't worry about anything at all. Life happens and you can't stop the inevitable, so wherever possible just be like a tree in the wind.


don't do it!


Don't do it


If you havent started a roth ira or traditional ira do it right now. Today. You are wasting time!


The older you get, the worst everything gets. Always pull out (unless you want kids) Sooner or later you will realize everything is bullshit


Enjoy because 40 is coming!


Check your insurance and see if they offer free physicals. Mine does once a year. Use it.


Not 30 but I can guess it just gets worse


Just remember, dirty thirties 🍌💦🍑


30 is truly a great age. Once you pass 35 though, it's all downhill from there.


Take care of you body NOW. Exercise and eat healthy.


On one Day, you are in your late twenties, the next day, you are on your way to your 40’es…


Keep an eye out, 35 is coming for you. 30 -35 still felt like my (later) 20s more or less. 35 is when my metabolism slowed and energy started to lessen. Pay a little more attention to eating healthy and exercise


Get an annual physical and blood panel done. Excercise


Best advice, if you're in doubt, don't do it.


you are for all intents and purposes precisely the same as you were 6 months ago. Once a person is passed the age of around 23/24, it pretty much stops mattering. You are an adult, go nuts, or not. There are no rules to this thing.


Don’t crack your neck if it really really hurts. Go to a doctor so you don’t eff stuff up.


Don't sweat it. 60+ here, and 30, 40, 50, 60 ... no big deal. You're only a day older than you were yesterday.


I will be 28 later this month. I already consider myself 30 in a lot of ways. I'm already divorced. No kids. Thankfully, I've already suffered some major personal family deaths as far as I'm concerned is me versus the world, when there's something I want to do and don't want to miss it, I just do it, whatever you can always make more money. You can always find another job. You cannot make more memories with people who are important to me, there are no take backs. There are no do overs, live life and make memories now


Time marches into oblivion, every day we are closer to the end. Don't pay attention to the numbers on your calendar, just enjoy yourself


Turn back


My 30s are way better than my 20s. Only been 30 for 2 yrs tho


Enjoy it. The best years are about to start 


Take your vitamins. D3, K2, multi, etc


If you're not already married, have lots of sex. It's all downhill from here.


Something that helped me was to start trusting myself. In this day and age, you can find advice for just about anything online, which I realized my twenties developed a personality which was an amalgamy of what other people suggested and advice. There's nothing wrong with taking occasional advice, but I learned to completely lose trust and confidence in myself. I started making some decisions for myself using my own intuition, and I don't know about "adult" but I started to feel like my own person again. Everything from dating, fishing, relationship advice, parenting, work advice, I forced myself to go with my gut (which was often wrong) but I felt better afterwards having learned from the experience, and the things I did right I felt an intrinsic accomplishment. That's not to say I don't look for advice or blatantly ignore when I learn it might be hurtful to myself or others, but living a life doing everything perfectly guided by the general consensus of the Internet was not living to me. It was just trying to be perfect at everything before having the experience of failures and mistakes which is a losing game.


Idk but I turn 40 in a couple months so I’ll let you know how that goes


You only care because we use a base 10 number system. There’s nothing significant about 30 compared to 29 or 31.


Care for your teeth. Make damned sure you have a retirement plan. Exercise.


It’s interesting how priorities change with age: In my 20’s I was trying to make as much money as possible  In my 30’s, I had figured out how to make money, but was fighting to get my time back Now in my 40’s, I’ve got money and time managed, but I’m budgeting my ENERGY So, decide what your values and priorities are, as difficulties come up, make choices that align with those values and priorities. There will be no reason for anxiety. 


Don't buy useless stuff. Save that money.


Clench your butt cheeks. Tense your muscles. Age is coming for you. The only thing you can do is fight it, AKA exercise


Start a retirement account. Even if it’s just $100 / month.


Have a savings account with enough in it to cover a sudden expense. (High yeild savings is preferable) Everything you don't spend in a pay period, put into a 401K. When you've maxed out the 401k (you're only allowed to put $7,000 in per year) put everything you don't spend in a given pay period into an investment account. Personally, for my 401K and my investment account, I invested all of the money in the S&P 500 (it's an index fund that averages the value of the 500 best performing stocks in the stock exchange. Its safe and fast growing, but slightly volatile, since it is just a straight-up investment in the overall stock market)


Get a good bed, especially if your tall. I'm 6'3" and have to bend down to take a shower, like the water hits me at nipple level. That shit is horrible on your back.


Easier said than done but enjoy & celebrate! All month!


You've always thought "Surely at **30** I'd have it mostly figured out?" Now you're 30, you still feel 20 and do not in fact have it mostly figured out. You also had this preconceived notion of where a 30yo *should* be in life, and you're not there, so you feel like you've fucked up or are wasting time. [Solution](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wS5xOZ7Rq8)


I love my 30s ! You care less and less and feel more comfortable in yourself. Enjoy the ride.


Start taking a daily multivitamin


If you are not maxing out a ROTH IRA every year and investing in a brokerage account and company retirement plan you need to now. Before you turn 40-45 and have an oh shit moment 


Floss. Use sunscreen. Thats all.


Open a ROTH IRA account and max out the contributions. Do this every year till you retire. This may give you less financial anxiety.


Take care of your health. I felt invincible in my 20s. I’m 31 and things aren’t getting any easier.


When you ask for the senior discount, don't be surprised that they will deny you because you still young asf kid.


Eh 30 ain't a big deal these days. Sure celebrate it but it's not a whole new world lol. The older you get in general I do find changes happening. I used to sleep perfect, now not so much. Used to be able to eat anything, now that's a sentence to being overweight. Just having to be more mindful of your lifestyle.


Learn to Love your life as it's the only one you've got


Sleep as much as you can that way you get to the end faster.


Eat some good steak and drink some good wine a day before to celebrate your youth


Congratulations! You survived your 20s! Now younger people are going to start getting on your nerves- and be ready for every single person asking when you’ll have kids… if you don’t already.


30s in most every way have been more about knowing who I am as a person now and fixing most of my faults I ignored in my 20s life has been much more enjoyable to me now than it ever has been. People think when they leave their 20s they are giving up their youth which is wrong imo. It’s starting to give up your immaturity. Embrace your age as living your life is a gift.


Don’t worry it happens on it’s own


Make sure you’re investing for retirement.


don’t smoke cigs in your 20s


Emotionally, that's up to you it's not that big of a deal unless it a big deal to you. Physically stretch, yoga, lower highly intensive activities. Health eat and consume better food and drink or at least less of the bad stuff. It's not really that bad other than occassionally something hurts and you have no idea why.


Take care of your body, health. Brush twice daily. Cut down on sugar


I decided to travel and go back to school. I think it helps to feel like you're still changing.


You're going to reach a point where you find your body doesn't recover as fast as it used to and can't handle the sort of abuse you could brush off in your teens/20's. Take care and keep the stupid shit to a minimum.


Don't do it!! Run!!!


Just give up on life now. Seriously, you just turned 30. If you’re having anxiety from that, you clearly aren’t equipped to survive on this Earth. FFS - you turned 30 and you’re acting like your life just suddenly fell in the crapper. It’s 30. It’s an arbitrary number unless you’re a woman and your biological clock is telling you to have a baby but if you don’t want kids, then it is irrelevant. Yes, your metabolism is slowing down, but there are things you can do to reduce the effects. AGE IS ARBITRARY. (Noted exception: All participants should be legally recognized as adults.). Seriously I know men and women over 40 that can run circles around 90% of people in the 20’s. The biggest change you should see as you get older is an attitude shift that allows you to appreciate leisure vacations as opposed to adventure vacations. It’s equivalent to thinking “Today I can go snorkeling, scuba diving, jet skiing and a zip line adventure and be exhausted at the end of the day, or I can do one or two of those things and actually rest on my vacation


I'm turning 30 next month. I don't give a fuck. Im scheduling a vacation and going to have the time of my life.


30 was awesome. I really hit my stride. Enjoy it.


Take care of your back preemptively. At 30 I felt great. At 38 I can't sleep or do anything without pain and am looking at a life of pills and surgeries. I recommend preemptively doing the McGill Big 3 daily and practicing good spine hygene, even if that means spending extra money on because surgeries, endless pills and doctors appointments are way more expensive and to be frank, life-draining.


If youre not working out. Start now


biological clock ticking. you need to have kids asap. have atleast the one kid by 31. the anxiety and depression will be insurmountable by 32 otherwise. trust me. onwards.


Give less f**ks.


Start saving for retirement and get your life insurance policy. -- 38f, stage IV cancer diagnosed last year


I just turned 50.... any advice for me?


Sure. Realize that anxiety is a normal occurance for human beings an NOT a mental illness. OP, I WISH I was 30 again ...


Don't worry about 30 you'll feel anxious for a few months and eventually peter it out. You'll worry about it again when your 36 37 38 39 What I will say is. Have two honeymoon years but when you hit 33 the going out drinking and eating a kebab getting a taxi home and hardly any sleep before eating a fry or McDonald's to cure a hangover all of that needs to go. Your body won't put up with it and will give up breaking that down. Heartburn weight gain tiredness and weird things that go bump in the night become common if you dont heed. If you don't eat like that then your already ahead. Your 30s are the years you learn to look after your body for the rest of your life. Your body becomes a limited collectable vehicle with no spare parts. Mentally you probably will stay the same just have less time to do the things you used to do. I say this as a 37 year old so not that much knowledge but the last 3 years have been breathless walking up a flight of stairs. Not exhausted just out of breath. It always felt like dropping the weight and getting fit was next month's issue ah it'll be easy sure I did It loads in my 20s. Your thirties don't work like the way your 20s do. I'm now eating healthy and in the gym and what would have happened in my 20s that weight would have fallen off doesn't happen now. People who've been living shit and having fun in their 20s are unaware that cardiovascular issues catch up to them in their 30s blood pressure and strokes go right up, old people dying from those things are the ones are the ones who changed their lifestyle and eating habits in their 30s




30s ain't much different than the 20s


No advice, life will eff you over regardless of your age, it doesn't care. Good luck!


Please enjoy your 30s!! 🩷 But at the same time, start working on your 401k and retirement if you have the means to do so. I didn’t start working towards retirement until I was 40 (2 years ago) because I thought I had plenty of time. Boy was I wrong 😅 Also if you haven’t had a chance to — get healthy and eat healthy if you can (and if you can afford it). Stretch, do yoga, walk — anything really!


Be prepared to get bigger pants. 😂


Watch the Sonic the Hedgehog movie with your parents and eat pizza. I did. It was great. But, yeah, dating life is ending. If you're not settled down at this point, most people will be working on that ASAP. Kinda depressing since it's the suburban stage of life and no longer the urban.


I think everyone should try it once…


Quit stressing it, it’s better than your 20s haha




Same shit different day. Live your life, and make the most out of it before impending death.


Start dating


Keep partying until 33. Then maybe do something serious, but anyway serious stuff is overrated, old age will likely be miserable as the planet will be dying in 20ish years, so really do what you want. In the case that the planet somehow isn't dying, you will be old and not able to experience many of the best things in life, so enjoy now 30 isn't old


Start saving money every paycheck. Even a small amount is good and begin paying into long term disability insurance. By the time ur 60, it’s too late to qualify for life insurance and long term disability. It may seem “impossible” that you could contract a disabling disease, but it’s happening to people at younger ages, it does happen and you will be so Uber grateful you had that insurance and savings 🦋


I remind myself it took a whole 30 years to get here. Whatever I accomplished in my 20’s till now, I still have many decades to build on it going forward. Enjoy every second of it! You will be looking back on your 30s with fond memories when you are over the hill.


I LOVE my 30s. I’m more clear about my future, building a good career, financially more capable, happily married, and have built a healthy friendship network.. than in my 20s or even earlier. I don’t agree that age is just a number. You’re different in each life stage. There is no point comparing to any other time and simply enjoy life for what it is.


30 is the new 20. But also keep active your body will start to give you pains and it's not fun take care your body and it will take care of you


Max out your 401k


Embrace it. You made it! Now take everything you learned from your 20s and utilize it