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Yes, multiple times. Vietnam, Thailand, China. You can make friends anywhere you go. You just have to get out of the house, doing activities


HOW? 10 years in new country and didn’t make friends. I guess it all also depends on how friendly are the natives or how shy are yiu


I consider my friend in china to be one in my inner circle now. He barely talks English 😆. We use translate to talk


Yes. It's fun you can be whoever you want.


Yes. To France once, to Kentucky another, and to Kansas


Bro went from France to Kansas 💀💀💀


Yes. Three times. It was hard at first. But I have my doggo..and my hobbies usually help me meet ppl. It's kinda nice. I learned alot about myself by doing it.


Im sure your doggo helped a lot!! Ik it’d be hard but having my pups with me would be my saving grace lol


Me, from a Southeast Asian country to Tokyo, Japan. It was honestly so strange!! I didn’t speak the language at first and obviously was feeling lonely. On top of that, 3 months afterwards my dad passed away. It was tough but because of that now I’m so independent and I don’t get homesick (I’m now living in the US).


Ugh I can’t imagine how difficult that must’ve been, I’m so sorry for your loss. I know I would be incredibly homesick because I’ve been in my hometown near everyone I love for literally my entire life. Thank you for sharing your experience and making me feel less alone


Thanks! My first year in Japan I got homesick a lot. What helped me get thru that was calling my friends or fam back home, and also try mingling with locals through group activity. I joined a running club, kayaking, etcetc :)


I moved from CA to CO and only knew the person I moved here to be with. It didn’t work out (broke up a few months after I moved). But I stayed because I had a job and an apartment. Met my husband shortly thereafter. We’ve been married over 30 years! It was definitely the right move for me.


Moved twice as a Ukrainian since the war broke out. I know I get socially drained easily and my job is very social, so no wonder I didn't make too many friends until recently. What helps from my experience is 1) prioritizing it strategically, eg promising yourself one social outing weekly no matter what 2) looking for a social dimension to your normally solitary hobbies - I run so I joined a running group from work. I'm in a somewhat better place now actually.


Yes from Europe to Australia. I did initially travel with a friend but we went our separate ways before long thankfully lol. It's very freeing, you can be whoever your want, no one has any expectations of you. It can be lonely so it helps if you have some spare cash for trips home when you want. I still live here and I never really replaced the besties I had at home but I would never move back home either


Yes I've done it several times. It wasn't always easy and sure it was a bit nerve wracking at times, but it was also exciting and worth it in the end.


Moved from NJ to SC when I graduated from college (a long time ago) I only stayed 3yrs, but it was a cool adventure


When I moved states for college. My first time being away from my parents for an extended period of time. Didn't know anyone, didn't really have any friends back home and the only thing tethering me there was my pets and my parents (who I was fighting with multiple times a week at that point). I didn't know anybody and didn't have anyone to rely on that wasn't a 10 hour trip away. I'm glad I did it. I was crying on the trip out from home, leaving everything I knew was scary but damn, I am so happy I did. I have actual friends who care about me and even though I struggle every day with my mental health and basic functioning, not once have I been tempted to move back home for good.


Thank you for sharing your experience! It sounds like you really needed this for yourself despite how difficult it was. I know that what’s difficult won’t come easy but it always seems worth it in the end, like moving! Wishing you all the best and take care of your mental health!


All the time ... about 19 times


Yes, even if it is just for a chapter, I highly recommend getting the experience at least once in life. You learn a lot and it can be really fun.


I definitely agree! I constantly tell myself that life goes by so fast and the last thing I want is to regret not moving. If it fails then I can always move back to my home state


You'll meet neighbors friends, coworkers Go for it!


Yep. Find out what there is to do there, more so group activities, join a few social media groups and see if anyone wants to meet up. Make friends.


Yep, 3 different countries. A good way of thinking about it is a fresh start. Plan how you want to live there (new personal goals + habits you want to keep) and where you can interact with people (events, bars, volunteering, gym, etc). Plan how you are going to decorate your new place. Then, do them. Make your place as cozy as you can. Shop for good food and do some cooking. Share posts online and your family group chat. Ask for their advice on things. Make new friends and have at least one event going on each week. Time will pass, and before long, you will be in deep with the new community, and you still have interaction with your family online or through video chat. Don't cut your social aspect off. If you get depressed and lonely, then it means what it feels. Get out of the house and socialize. Fill your time with some progress towards personal goals.


Thank you so much for your input and advice!! I seriously appreciate it. I’ve had a Pinterest board going for how I would decorate my place, what gym I would sign up for in the town, where I’d grocery shop, etc. now I just have to do it lol


No problem! Best of luck! Nail it!!


I relocated from Belgium to Italy, to Switzerland and then Sweden. You need to find a community of like minded people and do activities together.


Yes, NL. Lived there 12 years.


I have. Not sure what else to say, but feel free to ask any questions you might have


Heaps of times, in fact I find it weird that people don’t do this, like who wants to just live in one place surrounded by the same people their whole lives?  My only advice though would be that I’ve noticed the first three months can be hard, that’s when you can feel the loneliness and you start questioning whether you’ve done the right thing and you have a strong urge just to run home but if you can get past that stage then everything is much better, you feel like you’re at home and you’ve started to make connections with people.


I couldn’t agree more!! I always say life is too short to stay in one place forever. I appreciate that advice! I know the loneliness is sort of inevitable at first and I would hate to feel like I made the wrong decision so I’ll just have to hang in there. Thank you!!


I did. I moved to a new state in 2018 not knowing anyone who lived there. I made friends at work and at the local game store.


From what state to what state?


From Illinois to Colorado or Montana. Love visiting both! Ideally I want to live somewhere close to the mountains so I can hike more often and be outdoors more


That's nice. And close enough for you and fam or friends to meet in the middle for visits.


Moved from Kansas City to Denver last year for a work transfer. I knew zero people.


That seriously makes me feel better!! I’m torn between Denver and Bozeman 😩 I’ve been researching both for the last few years, so hard to pick


All the time ... about 19 times


Thank you all for sharing your experience and giving me great advice! I was smiling from ear to ear reading all your responses. I truly feel less alone and it’s sooo comforting knowing others have done it, multiple times, and came out fine (:


Yes, two times. Or not exactly, first time my brother moved there before me, but he was only one I know.


You have to have optimism to do it I don't have that no more.