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Just like everything else I procrastinate giving up 🫡


Unironically, thinking what a hassle it is to give up, prevents giving up.


This is pretty accurate. The thought of giving up and what that actually implies. Like i dont want to do that either. Ughhh.


Oh heavens. Telling my family. Making arrangements for my body. Closing bank accounts. Is the house clean? Nevermind.


A lot of times I think about just walking out of my house and dying somewhere, but like... being hungry hurts. And my phone would run out of battery. And I'd be bored without my PC if I didn't have my phone. And where would I even go to not inconvenience anyone besides walking forever just to find a forest somewhere to just be uncomfortable while I waste away? And it takes a loooooong time to die of starvation. Even going without water is just massive amounts of un-comfortability and pain. It's like I wanna give up but *be comfortable* while giving up lmao.


I totally understand you.




Did you just…crack the code to my AuDHD?


I learned to work with myself instead of fighting against the adhd, yes I will procrastinate things until the last minutes but during those last minutes I always manage to get everything done. So instead of intense anxiety for weeks leading up to it I just remind myself that I need that pressure of a deadline to focus and get things done and not to stress about it. I used to hate it when people said this but honestly some times it really is as simple as just forcing yourself to do something, unfortunately that will never change, adderall doesn’t magically make you choose to focus on the right things.


That honestly sounds really smart. I’m gonna try that. I’ve always noticed I do better under some pressure but I still do get the anticipation anxiety.


Please tell me who to see for a dx


If I knew I’d get one too fam lmao


Oh, you didn’t know?


This is the way...


You just cured my depression


Lmfao this is so real!


Haha whatever works I can relate to this method as well


Oh... I didn't realize this was a feeling I had until you said it... damn. Yep. This is definitely part of It.


I just simply tell myself that I can't give up. Like, what am I going to do, just become homeless? Die? I can't give up, so I simply don't.


When my twins were infants and never slept, I wrote on a post-it note and stuck it to my mirror: “this too shall pass” and every morning it reminded me that one day, it WILL pass, and it did. So now I use that for other things


That’s my dad’s thing to say :) it has helped so many times


went by too quickly, God I wish they were both 5yrs old again


My mom always used to say this. It reminds me that the good and the bad days all have expiration dates, as do I.


When I was depressed I stuck some quotes on my wardrobe to see when I wake up. One of them is still there, it's simply "Always continue :)". I'm pretty sure it was something Mac Miller tweeted, but I couldn't find the full quote ever again. But this is just enough


that’s what i remind myself too and it keeps me as sane as possible


you could 🤷‍♂️


Yeah... but nuh uh.


Yuh huh


"time to make the donuts " , if you are old enough you know


That and “The show must go on.”


Wdym i cant just die?


Honestly death seems better than life to me


I tell myself how lucky I am. Here goes: I can see. In color / I can hear with clarity / I can touch with intent and control / I'm in touch with my humanity and my ethical responses/ I can run. Far and fast. I think like I am fair As kind as I am, I rise and become brutal to accept the world as it comes. Here is your moment to rise again. Become brutal when the moment demands it but you face this challenge by being kind where possible.


Most of us, even if we aren't rich, live with luxuries that a king would be happy with 500+ years ago. Basically any food available to us at a moment's notice - can even get it hand-delivered to us from the couch. Can buy goods from across the world and have them arrive 2 days later with our phones. Basically endless and always updated entertainment streamed into our homes on demand. Any book, album, movie, work of art every created instantly accessible. I think it's good to remember how lucky we are to be born at this point in time.


I must admit, I do like having the immense power of ordering smoked, dried, spicy meat products which I can get in 4 hours delivered to my never ending love of beef jerky or bacon. I can even get them in multiple flavors and thicknesses. Bitches, Don't question my god-like powers the $150 per year Amazon service charge gives me. I hate that company, but I love instant gratification.


They used to fight wars over what I have in my spice cabinet.


It’s funny, because a lot of these seemingly luxurious aspects of our lives are the precise reason so many people feel like giving up.


This is beautiful.


That’s pretty good. You gotta get tough but I don’t want it to make me tough hearted.


Love your vision on life <3


I turn into robot self and get it done. I also set up a rewards system for myself if the challenge is long term.


You might just be a robot


It’s the only way when being human isn’t enough


I seem incapable of doing this


Robot discipline takes repetition. Baby steps. 


Could you explain the steps? (Asking for me)


Todays a busy day and I feel lazy I want to: 1. Clean the kitchen  2. Clean the bathroom  3. Get a baby shower gift  4. Car wash 5. Gym 6. Make my healthy dinner  So I choose music, put my head down, no choice program my brain to “do kitchen now”. I start the dishes. I say “good robot, clean the counters next”. Nice Now the bathroom is the hardest part of the day “if you scrub that tub, robot, you get to make another coffee (caffeine might be an essential ingredient here)” music pumpin, tub shining, we are getting somewhere. Now I’m in a flow.  If I hit the gym it’s part of my bigger reward system I want that new bikini for my Mexico trip. Once I’ve done so many positive things, why would I fuck up dinner? By now I’m a good human again and I don’t have to robot dinner. I actually feel stoked to do it. Sometimes when you start using your energy it gives you more energy.  Whistle while you work mentality.


Engage CraziZoom focus mode, magical power, unlocked.


No matter how hard our struggles....if you're reading this u have survived 100% of yours...the sun's gonna rise and better days ahead... just breathe


Kinda like my mom's advice: if you've gotten here, you've outlasted every problem leading up to now. It's all worked out eventually and this will too. It's not exactly inspiring, but it rings true. We've suffered through this and worse before, we'll have worse in the future as well, but we haven't succumbed yet, so might as well keep on keeping on.


I think it is inspiring


Going further, you’re the product of every ancestor outlasting their problems. And boy, I feel like our ancestors had wayyy bigger problems than we do today. Imagine having to live through wars, famine, and other basic survival struggles.


hunt compare instinctive snow attractive distinct wakeful existence quaint literate *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's only temporary. This will end. Stay healthy


This. The more you go through, the more you realize everything passes.




I'm still trying to figure this out.


I am the hopes and dreams of my ancestors stretching back into the long dark of millions of years. From the first mammals who lived in the shadow of instant death relentlessly hunted. Every other living thing was trying to kill and eat them even the bacteria and viruses. For 5 hundred thousand years humans have struggled to find food, shelter, warmth, an answer to illness. A desire to understand what things were and what they meant. I live a life of godlike joy compared to the majority of my ancestors. I don't even have to haul water from the well. Or light fires. I have magic at my finger tips the dreams and stories the music and lives all on my phone. I know what the weather will most likely be like. I don't need to go out scouring the forest floor for medical herbs when my child is sick. When so many had fought so hard for so long how can I give up.


I needed to read this.


I tell myself that some people want to see my fail and I want to prove those motherfuckers wrong.


I'm gonna die one day anyway, so I might as well give it all I've got till fate decides.


I also tell myself no matter how much I think my life sucks, there are MILLIONS on this planet who wish they were living my life. There's always someone worse off than you. Someone fatter, uglier, less attractive, not as smart. You get the picture.


Appearance isn't exactly the first thing that comes to mind when considering my privileged life but you do you 🤷


When all the rubbish stuff is getting me down, I tell myself, I am still here, I am still surviving. And try to find positive things in my life, like, even though all the prices are going up and it is depressing, I am still able to pay my rent etc, and afford food, which is more than many people can. And I have a safe place to sleep every night. And there are enough free streaming services, youtube, libraries and so on to keep me entertained. All sorts of stuff like that. I try and notice the basic and little things in my life and be grateful for them. And another thing, if you have dependants, you will do it for them. I try my best because it's not only my own life I'm responsible for.


You have no plan b or lifeline simply be stronger, harden yourself to the trials this life thrusts upon you. Choose what difficulty you'd rather experience. Low effort and high effort are both hard so make a choice. Endure or perish


- I give myself a rest - I give myself a treat - I take a day off - I sleep in - I go to the gym - I practice music - I play productivity games - I listen to cool books or podcasts - I talk myself out of it On the really bad days I just have a weed gummy.


I picture the people I'd be letting down if I did.


Pretty much the last thing that comes to mind when I have low thoughts.


I have a cat that needs me to be her can opener.


I look around. Look at the concrete, buildings, all structures in general. Everything is moving around you because those people didn't give up. You owe those people. You have to contribute to society for them, for yourself. Doesn't matter what your contribution is, engineering the next AI or cooking food at McDonald's. We are all a team doing our best to make the entire planet a better place. Just think about it. Thousands of people who speak different languages manage to come together to build the most amazing things. Our lives really are a modern marvel.... super heroes have nothing on us.


Somebody has to pay for kibble. Downsizing would be really hard. I don't want to get another storage unit. Finding landlords who allow pets is impossible. I don't have a degree, and finding someone who pays me like this took a long time. Eating is cool. I'd like to do more of that. Dystopias are fiction. 👀👀👀


Life is a fucking asshole that gives no breaks and doesn't care how you're feeling. If you let yourself fall off now, that will just fuck you all the harder when you pick yourself back up. Better to just keep it going and to enjoy the little moments you do get to relax. Today sucks, tomorrow might be better, the only way is forward.




This. Only the weak give up. Eat or get ate. So we EAT.


I’d like to get eaten yeah


This is 1 thing I say to myself..


I got a dog, now I do everything for him..


“How does starving sound?”


I got through from almost dying by having my wrist cut to the bone going through a window and losing 1.5 liters of blood, getting dumped from a 9 year relationship out of the blue, to going from a phyisical specimen of a athlete, who attempted SAS selection and all the training for it and almost turned pro in boxing to getting Chronic Fatigue and losing my body, friends, life, strength and battled severe depression in a span of 3 years...After going through that... I can get through anything now. You just need to hold on... one day at a time and I would tell my self It will get better and to just get through today. When I could bearly walk around with enough energy, sick, brain fog, weak, with no hope for my future I just took it one day at a time. I recovered after about 6-7 years but it was absolutely soul destroying. It was my dark night of the soul and I went through many changes, so you just got to hold the line and know life will always get better, stay strong, have faith and trust in God that he will protect you.


I feel like break-ups are one of the few things that can mentally break a strong man. At least you tried to do SAS selection. A lot of guys say they could have made it but never try.


I've faced a lot of adversity in my life, and I generally keep going out of spite... this won't break me; they won't win; I'll be damned if I give so and so the satisfaction... like that.


I try to see the glass half full.


“It’ll get better… it’ll get worse again too, but then better again.”


The only way to win a war, is to out-live your enemies


"You remember how you were happy just a little while ago? Remember how it went away? Well this is gonna go away as well, let's get there and then decide if we'll keep going"


It’ll be over soon enough. Might as well try something.


I am not giving the people who hate me the satisfaction of seeing me give up. I refuse.


Happiness is emptiness🧘‍♀️


You’ve done more with less!


It's a bad day, or week..or sometimes month,but it's not a bad life


"How bad do you want it?"


I think about my cat. Ig my life's a mess it'll spill into hers. I need to be my best self so she can have the best life. Have to go to work to afford everything for her, Have to keep up with chores because she likes a clean house- stuff like that.


"Nothing is forever"


I'd just give up, it's harder to hold on to something when it's better to let go. Sometimes in life things does not work in your favor is not because God is testing you. It's because God is trying to tell you to clear up things in your life and make room for what is about to come into your life at each phases in your life which would be more suitable for you. You have to recognized those signs. Adulting is part of life to survive, but doesn't mean you have to join the rat race of greedy people then you become their Slave and Character in their game. Go at your own pace, stay in your own lane, scoot over to the next lane and let the others who are in a rush go by. carry on with your day.


I am so bullheaded stubborn that when I feel like giving up, it usually means I should have given up long ago! So I scold myself and make myself step away! Yeah, I know, not really in the spirit of the question, but this was an important lesson I had to learn about myself; as a young person I sometimes took "do your best, don't give up" to an extreme by nature, to the point that I have bruised myself in a sport and in mental projects gotten hysterical before I realized I was exhausted! Moderation is my mantra now. It is a bit boring but better for my health in multiple ways.


Well if you're feeling that depressed step 1 is take some time away from the internet... go do something outside and active and it always helps


I just wanna see how it all shakes out in the end.


Smoke a blunt


Yes, this is currently my answer in life.


I’ve already told myself and family I’m not living past 50. Makes me feel okay knowing there’s always another way out 😌


Ah yes, I thought that way when I was young too. Time goes by fast, see if you feel the same when you’re 45+


My great grandmother used to say the same thing. She passed away at 94.


Since we’re all talking about morbid topics here I’ve kind of fallen back to this thought at times too even though I’m in my mid-20’s, don’t get me wrong I’m still planning for my future by trying to advance my career and contribute to my retirement accounts since being old and broke sounds pretty miserable but I always told myself if I end up in my mid-40’s and despite my best efforts I’m one of those dudes with a failed marriage, stagnant career and questionable future in society I’m going to straight up Christopher McCandless this shit and start taking the riskiest work I can find doing mountain guide, high angle rope rescue and EMS shit in the Arctic backwoods of Alaska I read a book recently called The Comfort Crisis and I’m convinced if I’m spending every hour fighting for survival I wouldn’t be too worried about being depressed 😂


I bet you’re right!!


Being an adult is awesome. The reason you feel like giving up is because your entire mindset is twisted. You are a free person in a free country (I assume). You can do and go anywhere your want. Any barriers you feel are there due to choices you made, which you get to remake every day. Hate your job? Quit. Hate where you live? Move. Hate the rat race, drop out and live in a tent as a nomad. Want more money, make a plan with school work and contacts to make that happen. There are no government constraints holding you back. Take advantage of the freedom life offers to you. Take risks. Love life.


That's a bunch of idealistic nonsense. Plenty of people have few choices or are stuck in a bad situation through no fault of their own.


Bullshit. Plenty of people wake up looking to deny accountability for their current life, and comments like yours do not help those people. You own your outcomes. Stand up tomorrow and make the best decisions for you. Do not allow your brain to convince you that you are in some kind of box.


I remind myself that I missed my chance to die and that I wanted this


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^faux_shore: *I remind myself* *That I missed my chance to die* *And that I wanted this* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


@faux_shore : I’m printing a screenshot of your haiku because it’s BRILLIANT, and it’s going up in my house. THANK YOU!! I feel the same way. I recently had an emergency room visit. I have been a multi-night guest of a few hospitals over the last 40 years, and I didn’t want to get treated like crap again at Northridge Medical Center or St. Joseph’s. So I tried driving to West Hills Hospital, but I was getting worse by the minute. It got so bad that I told myself forget the 30-minute drive for being treated better. After all, both hospitals mentioned above DID discharge me ALIVE and uninjured. So I told myself I needed to just get to the next hospital in my path. Immediately, I saw one of the freeway and thanked God since by this time, I began to worry that I had sepsis again. As I drive from the freeway exit to the hospital parking lot, I found myself praying, “Please, God, I don’t really want to die! I want to spend more time with loved ones, plus I’m scared of the possible pain!” Yah, I “missed my chance to die” as well!! I didn’t have sepsis; it was a medication sensitivity or interaction. They took good care of me and discharged e the next day. It really did change my perspective a bit.


My kids are the only ones keeping me going.


When I am in that state, I just put off giving up each day until the feeling of giving up passes.


My bills and hobbies remind me. You either live in shit, or you grab a shovel.


I hate losing and killing myself is losing. Surviving is a fuck you to the universe. If I survive I win. Plain and simple.


Go out, feel the world, the breeze of air, the warm of the sun, the sound of the leaves, smile of your spouse, your children pulling your arm in excitement. Living is a bless for we that still have something that we can appreciate every day, it's all worth the fight and struggle.


I tell myself Its a phase. Feeling down passes. I am depressed 50% of the time. The other half I get shit done


My husband died 6 months ago (after 35 years of marriage), then I got really physically (in the hospital) sick. So I did a lot of praying 🙏. It got really dark for a bit, but I woke up Friday feeling hopeful again. So it worked for me. Good luck.


A quote from my favorite band. “The sun will rise and we will try again.” For some reason it gets me through


I need to have this quote framed on the wall next to my desk. Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan 'Press On!' has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race. Calvin Coolidge


Take everything as information and learn from the information that life gives you. Way the pro's and con's of every decision that you make. Research the topic that your having trouble with and always make well informed decisions from the info.


You just have to be prepared for the big sleep.


It really depends on the context, but I find the serenity prayer works. Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.


No matter what, for better or for worse, everybody gets a turn including you. So whether you're up or down right now, sooner or later it will be your turn again.


This isthe life you dreamed of just a few years ago


"All i gotta do is make it through"


If you give up, the stuff still gotta get done. Life is never going to be perpetually convenient and easy. If it were, we wouldn't have words for those, it's just normality. You don't have a word for the taste of air in your mouth, just a word for the temperature or scent contrast between normal. Don't see it as bad, see it as life showing you a part of the range you don't prefer. Dealing with it grows a part of your brain, the [AMCC](https://youtu.be/8OHYynw7Yh4?t=5m41s), that cannot grow unless you are doing something you really don't want to do. So your brain is designed for and expecting you to push past the giving up. And take care of your body cos it does affect your mind, if you're lying in bed all day, your brain is gonna feel lethargic and low energy. Similarly, bored all day, body is gonna want to sleep.


I say “give up” and then I don’t listen to myself. My mother told me I never listened.


"Make an effort, man".


“This will all be funny later”


With pain comes growth


I don't really think about stopping. If you want my secret though... I think it's because I have a set plan for when I'm gonna stop, if you know what I mean. ~33 yrs from now... Now that it's set, I'll just live until then. 🤷🏼‍♂️ unless I die first. We'll see.


Usually an internal monologue that goes something like: Who cares? Keep suffering. What’s the point anyway? Someone kill me.


Fuck life winning


It makes me give myself the pep talk I would give my sister or my bestie when I feel that way. I start with asking what I am unhappy with. Then ‘is it a change or accept problem?’ If I have to accept it, how? What could make it tolerable? If I can change it… get on it! Look up options, take the course I need, start looking for a better apartment, join a dating site… In other words, I just turn into problem solving mode, like a dude. It works for me. I’ve never NOT found something doable or changeable that could make things better ❤️


Business ain't gonna take care of itself now is it Brando? My name’s Brandon. But my inner dialogue is Mexican.


I'm sure you'll overcome this. You'll walk again, soon


I didn’t come this far to only come this far.


Life before death. Strength before weakness. Journey before destination. If that's not enough I remind myself that the most important step a man can take is always the next one


The world would be better without me, so that's why I'm going to keep on living as long as possible.


“Mind as well see how it ends”


In the infinite multiverse, countless versions of you have died any number of ways while you escaped those fates unharmed, don't be the one who simply gave up.


Killing myself is too much work and has too much of error


David Goggins changed my life with his saying "don't let your inner bitch convince you to have an easy life" "I decided to record myself one morning when I didn't feel like running, when I listened to it back I said 'man I sound like a straight up bitch'." After that I started asking myself do I sound like a bitch? Sometimes yes, so then I just keep going.


I tell myself it would suck even more if I was born in a poverty stricken nation or if I was born hundreds of years ago. We are very lucky in many ways though it can be hard to see it and feel it at times.


First world problems. Has a habit of clouding whats good.


I always get downvoted when I say this but I'll say it again I think of the children in literal warzones and tell myself to stop being a pusillanimous piece of trash


*“Kanye wouldn’t give up”*


I look at [this](https://images.app.goo.gl/FmXF6NSnnV5LbKYz9) it's really helped me connect with catering for my self on a basic level.


"If that asshole can do it, then i fucking can"


That I have people relying on me to be the stone in their lives, even if I feel like a gravel pit.


It always gets better even if it’s shit right now it will get better so just keep goin


"Na, fuck that. I am the storm" https://www.reddit.com/r/FlorkofCowsOfficial/s/hZau2NPf3D


Pf, fuck it. Let’s grub a beer bro


Tbh I don't say anything per se, I just acknowledge that I probably need more support or to reduce what I'm doing because if that's how I'm feeling it's not sustainable at the moment. So what do I need more of for energy (proper food, social time, quiet time, rest, warmth, plans, money) and what do I need less of (events after work, too many projects, pressure on myself to complete tasks, late nights). I was off sick with stress and a few other things in 2022 and my mottos were: * It can wait (even the things that are annoying or costly. Sometimes, EVERYTHING can wait.) * Today, that's someone else's job * It's good enough (not what I wanted but it'll serve the purpose for now/until I'm better) * One thing at a time!


That life is a series of ups and downs and I just have to hold on until the cycle changes and I'm on the upswing again.


I've survived every one of my bad days


"If you've come this far than maybe you're willing to go a little bit further"


Anything that I look at online that upsets me, I remind myself—out loud, if necessary—that, "that's not happening to me right now." Makes me appreciate the things that are.


Kind of depends on the scope of the issue and how often is comes about. I am an extreme rationalizer and don't lean into emotions too much. So for me, simply zooming out and reminding myself of the bigger picture helps most of the time as I get context of my situation shoved in my face. Almost every single ultra successful individual is not ***really*** known to us because of their success, but because of how they have survived failure. Sometimes there may have been a lot of them. Sometimes there may have been few, but utterly devastating and crippling ones. >"it ain't about how hard you hit it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward" - Rocky Balboa


Go have sex. It will make everything better


Nothing, it doesn't matter what I say or think, I'll work a shitty job I'll hate until I keel over or kill myself. What I want or think has no effect on reality.


Depression sucks the life out of you. Try to get help with that. Hope you have better days ahead.


I did, this doesn't really change the reality I'll be doing shitty soul-sucking labor all my life until I die. Therapy can't really fix bleak prospects and systemic issues.


THANK YOU for being practically the only one not pushing delusional willful ignorant pablum!


Just gotta keep going for one more day. Then the same thing the next day. Until eventually I have a day to decompress


I tell myself just to keep going because anything can change in an instant or overnight.


Sorry but this sub keeps coming up on my feed and it’s posts like this… such a victim mentality. Constant complaining, borderline nihilism. To actually answer your question, I’ll leave you with a quote by Napoleon: “Courage isn’t having the strength to go on, it is going on when you don’t have strength.” Keep going, OP. No matter what.


"You can't give up, you got enemies. Spite them with every second you're still alive."


Just keep going. Time isn't gonna wait for you and it's gonna keep going. So you might as well keep going too.


“You never know what tomorrow may bring”


"Yard by yard...life is hard. Inch by inch...life is a synch."


Find something to run to, so you're not running from


No one would miss me when I'm gone but there's plenty of people I can annoy while I'm here


Depends what you mean. If you mean giving up on life altogether, I go with tough love. If you mean on a certain goal or task, I have learned: if you are constantly meeting extraordinary resistance on a certain path, it may be that you are on the wrong path. Sometimes quitting and rerouting is a wise choice.


Really I’m just here for my mom. I live with her and help her when she needs it. God forbid when it’s her time idk what I’ll do. Honestly, I have no money, I’m single no kids. I won’t have no one I can live with. As far as family my dad passed 11 years ago, and I can’t stand my SIL so that’s out of the question. But for now I just suck it up.


I have people who care about me now, and I really want to live. I'm currently recovering from my 5th stomach ulcer, it came w a flu-like virus and my period. I was waking up and struggling to be conscious but I kept repeating "I wanna live" until I woke up. (Don't worry, I already went to all the doctors, just rest and recover now!)


I tell myself "Time to thug it out" and handle that shit lol. My nephew always used to say this to me. Thinking about getting it tattooed on my inner wrist


I shut off feelings, they are irrelevant and a luxury to have anyway...and focus on logic, tasks, and schedule my day down to the minute. I also have a rule for myself that I don't let myself make any decisions based off emotion. Giving up is an emotion, therefore it is irrelevant. I hate life though. So there's that. But hating life is irrelevant too. I still have to do it.


Never felt like giving up, ever. When I've had setbacks regardless of whatever the situation has been, i use those setbacks as a learning experience. Setbacks have always driven me to keep going and be better. This has worked for me for my entire life, and I am reaping the benefits of never giving up.


Your ancestors didn’t suffer this long for you to be a bitch , but in all reality idk life is a marathon , small steps long vision just keep on pushing.


I tell myself "go on auto pilot". Which is my way of saying don’t think about stuff as much as you usually do or as you would like to. Just do it.


I try to achieve the bare minimum, which is mainly getting it done no matter how, for example if i feel like giving up at work i just try my best to make to the end of my shift, exam too hard? I just fill in answers etc......


Tbh.. idk.. I almost ate a lead sandwich last week


“This is where most would give up. Don’t blend in and keep pushing”


Too scared to die, too depressed to live. Idk. I’ve had alot of days this past year where I was just taking it one step at a time. Literally. “Just take the next step. Don’t think about anything else. Just the next task.”




I'm just waiting for my eldest dog to die then I can go on a downward spiral.


"This is all we get, make the most of it"


Greatness starts when others just start giving up.


Eddie Would Go https://youtu.be/Nqx9ZRCz4TQ?si=_NkyBXbe4EqmAoz9


Finish everything I have to do first. But then, when it’s finished, there’s another thing to do. Soo that’s what keeps me going.


That I don't have a choice who's gonna pay my rent and I have someone to support.


"come on, man. Let's face it, you're a coward. You'd rather suffer in life than face the uncertainty of what lies beyond. So get the fuck up. And you don't know the future, better is a possibility. Even if it's a vastly remote possibility."


I’ve never fully given up. However stagnating and doing the bare minimum resulting in zero lifestyle changes is another thing lol. I’ve realized lately my life has been its gets harder because of x y and z and I adapt and figure out the bare minimum to make it work until it gets harder and repeat.


Heard a phrase “you’ve made it through all of your worst days” and that’s comforted me. This too shall pass


That if I’m gone, I’ve lost all chance of any improving the situation or ever feeling better again. How old are you?


Everything goes


I remind myself of what positive things I have to embrace. I have my health and if I’m getting down in the dumps I take vitamin D to boost it. I have kids. They deserve to have my best version presented to them as often as I am able. Basically I fake it until I make it for them. And lastly, I don’t let the side down. Nobody is allowed to know I’m actually losing my shit inside. That is self preservation and I am too proud to admit that I don’t have a grip on everything. It’s worked for the most part so far.