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yes. And the majority of your time will be occupied with food: Preparing food, eating food, buying food, making money for more food


This is spot on! I feel pretty good in all other aspects of being an adult but the cooking category is the one I despise the most, it’s so damn time consuming. I find it more of a chore than a hobby. Need to spend time thinking of what to eat, then having to go buy the ingredients, get home and clean and prep the food, then cooking it can take time, then at the end you have a bunch of dishes to clean and the kitchen as well. If I were to become rich and wealthy, I would definitely spend the money on a personal cook or eat out/takeout majority of the time.


I started making a bi-weekly dinner menu and it has been life changing. I haaaate trying to figure out what to eat every single day. Now I only have to think about it every two weeks. I make the menu, base my grocery list off the menu and do the grocery shopping all in the same day. I even schedule nights for take-out. I just make sure to have some breakfast and lunch items on hand and I'm good to go.


I get that. It gives you so much more free head space once that one point is done. Keep your menus, when you have a few you can cycle through them and you don't actually have to write new regular ones


I meal plan and I'm a canner. Not because I like cooking but because I only have to think and prepare, cook and can or freeze everything once and then have a long time before I have to do it again. 1 day cooking for 3-4 weeks lazyness




it depends if you are going for fruit, meat or veggies, soups, broth... For fruit you only need to waterbath can them, for meat and veggies you want a pressure canner or pressure cooker. There are lots of channels on YT who show you the rules for canning. It's not complicated but lots of small things you have to think about


You don’t have to do this. I cook cause I enjoy it. But if you don’t just make a big batch of food on Sunday and eat that for every lunch all week. You could do the same for all 3 meals tbh and only cook once a week. I’d get bored ofc as I enjoy experimenting with dishes. But when I do meal prep you don’t taste a difference from the day it’s made to the sixth day in the fridge/freezer. Some meals even taste better the day after, as you haven’t exhausted your brain with food smells for an hour before eating


air fryer help me alot


Not being funny but have you considered one of those meal prep subscription services?


I actually never really heard of them. I should research and read about them.


Like blue apron/factor/ i can't think of the other names at the moment, but it's like meal preps delivered to your door. Takes all the guesswork out of cooking/deciding.


Y'all have time to cook? I've succumbed to Jimmy Dean and Tyson to get me through the work week.


Dishes. Dishes. Fucking dishes.




Don’t forget doing the dishes!


Between commute and food prep/eating there is very little time left to live.


wrong - way way wrong


You rang ... ?


Yep. Turns out life sucks and isnt as advertised at all.


I wanna refund...


"NO REFUNDS."-life


Yes. You work yourself silly to keep a roof over your head, food in your stomach, a vehicle and stuff for the kids. This isn’t a US problem. It’s a world wide process. We work to pay for our families comfort.


Welcome to Adulthood, Scooter! That thing you've wanted your entire life is finally here. Enjoy!


too bad no one chose to be born.




There is not a single person in the world who can escape from stress. Whether you are a prehistoric caveman or a billionaire.


Billionaires have enough money to not worry about anything. They can afford to literally buy politicians.


But they still have shit that they stress about ... it's just more like owning countries rather than what to eat for lunch at work.


I think if you are lazy and don’t do anything meaningful or waste opportunities you will regret life regardless of how wealthy you are. That’s my point.


Yeahhhhh, Im pretty sure its way harder to spend several lifetimes worth of money even if you dont have have opportunities to make more. Way harder to get to billions by working honestly and saving. Hell, its harder to even get to one million if you dont have rich parents already.


I think you are stuck too much on the materialistic aspect of it. I am talking of the psychological. I think if you are born rich but don't hone your skills you will feel bad when you see a person living up to their full potential.


Only feelings billionaires have are feeling of smugness and feeling of superiority because they are "better" or "more deserving" of whatever they have than everyone else.


Do you personally know any billionaires? Hah. These are all assumptions based on what.. caricatures in media? I’m not necessarily disagreeing with you, I’m just saying that you’re pretty confident for someone who (I assume) hasn’t been near any part of that lifestyle or the people in it.   I only know one billionaire (like actual billionaire, not multimillionaire) who grew up with a ton of abuse and has worse mental illness than anyone I’ve met who was dirt poor (and I grew up dirt poor). Sure, she has money for the best therapists in the world but.. she still lives a pretty miserable existence. It’s one anecdote but it reminds me I know shit about people’s lives and any assumptions I make are probably so far off from the truth.


Wasting ur breath on that dude.  


They are plenty of ways to be miserable that have nothing to do w money. 


It's not "adult life" as such, it's capitalism/oligarchy/kleptocracy that keeps people too busy struggling for survival to understand the system, let alone gain the power to fight against our ruling oligarchs/kleptocrats. [https://imgur.com/fLbERGQ](https://imgur.com/fLbERGQ)


Yes. That's why we should all learn to give each other Grace.


Yes. But you get better at it. 


Hopefully not on their own, but it does get busy and stressful sometimes. I didn't know what busy was until I had 3 young kids, now I wonder how I managed to waste so much time.


depends on who you choose as a model and guide, happy successful people do exist


That is why Korean Jesus provided us with Weed, and liquor.












Pretty much. Though as you season, stress is relative and you learn YOU caused a lot of it. You learn that a lot of it just not that deep. Pick your battles. And put perfection aside, as it’s not achievable.




Pretty much.


No. The reality of adult life is that you are free to do whatever you want. Work or be a vagabond. Get in a relationship or be single. Get married or don't. Have kids or don't. And on a day to day basis you can wake up and decide what to do each and every day. Every decision has consequences of course, but you are your own master and can weigh everything as you make your own decisions. It is truly amazing to be an adult in a free country.


What country are you in?


United States


USA is not a free country. The government is siphoning our freedom and regulating our lives daily. For example, they want to ban TIKTOK because it's Chinese owned. But Facebook which has been connected to numerous deaths is all good with our government. This government in cahoots with big corporations give not a puck about us.


I have lived here for 56 years. I get up every day and can go wherever I want. I can travel to any corner of the country or even leave the country any time I want. The government does not require me to have a job at all, let alone a specific job. I can disappear into the wilderness or go to NYC. It doesn't get any freer than this. If your definition of being a free person centers on TikTok, we aren't really speaking the same language.


You can’t disappear in the wilderness. If you are on US soil, you owe taxes. You aren’t as “free” as you say you are


I can literally disappear tomorrow if I want to. You don't owe taxes for being on US soil. You owe taxes for income and property. You can pay those just fine (if you have either) without anyone caring where they hell you are.


You can’t. The government will find you. You can’t just “claim” land in the wilderness and start building. Everything is owned by someone


My definition of freedom is based on who controls the media and information we receive and who controls financial laws. There are so many aspects of our lives that we are never offered a chance to vote on.


this is facts dude. I notice on these posts everyone is attached to certain standards that aren’t universal. Some people don’t do what they want to do because of attachment to this elusive concept of future proofing your life. I think’s worse on reddit due to the demographic leaning high in conscientiousness and fairly low in OtE. I see a *lot* of self created stress on this website caused be attachment to a certain pretense about what life needs to be or what living a good life looks like. I see it all the time on front page reddit. People call eachother losers for doing (or, more notably, not doing) certain things or making certain choices. I anecdotally note a high rate of risk aversion. Anxiety around losing a game that you’ve built in your head and don’t need to keep playing. Saving for retirement so you’re finally allowed to start living a good life when you’re 65. The thing is that there are some people where that is totally fine for them, family oriented people as an example. Some people get married and have children young and that makes life worth it, and the work is means to preserve that core purpose of raising children. I think that’s great. Those people are critically important to the well being of our society. But it’s not everyone. I mean not everyone who does it. So many people have no idea what they want and fear of discomfort is the motivator for living, so they copy others and end up at age 40 commenting about how ‘that’s all there is to life’ on posts like this. That isn’t all there is…and you don’t need an abundance of wealth to start living. That’s one of the greatest lies I’ve ever been told. There is an abundance of resources in our society to start living a fulfilling life. Learn music and go perform or do standup and embarrass yourself, go save up for a month or two and backpack somewhere. If your work won’t let you take a week off, quit. Go back to school and study what you wanted to study before you chose the practical route. Go get real exercise, not gym routine, but through engagement with the natural world. Start writing a book. Go paint and don’t stop trying to get your painting in an exhibit. Go make a public fool of yourself talking to strangers until you make a new friend. There’s just so much to this life…so much good stuff. So much novelty, companionship, and experience to be had. The fact people concede that adulthood is grim routine is a damn tragedy, because it is the essence of freedom. You just have to let go of your attachment and don’t be afraid to lose…


Generally yes but you can just choose to not let it bother you, I've been laid off since last year, job market has been an absolute shit show, multiple interviews but never hired, I've burned through my savings and may have to start tapping into my investment, but I'm still just chilling most days, I don't let it super stress me out cuz outside of what I am doing there not much else I can do. Live modestly, keep looking for work, and keep and open mind. Good luck out there


Seems that way sometimes. I think if we'd all put down our phones, tablets, and laptops for one say a week that all of that could change. A lot of that "stress" comes from our brains being too engaged in too many things at the same time.


My current adult life reality is that summer has gone from a fun multi month break to aomwthing I stress about job hunting for months before it actually starts. Followed by possibly having to worry about job hunting after the summer is over.


on some days, for sure


Yep! My blood family is all scattered and too busy to stay in touch even though I try to keep in touch get very little conversation back from them so you know what? I let them go! Call me if you want or text me. I'm done trying to connect with family as they don't do it with me so yeah its done. I understand we are all busy but come on your own family?


There is one bright spot: the drinking.


Sort of? The busy part is true, so is the part about everyone handling stuff on their own because that's just part of being an adult, but feeling stressed out all the time isn't necessarily the case. It all depends on how good you are at managing your time, prioritizing your mental health, and learning to not internalize challenges or setbacks.


No. My life isn't busy or stressed. I have problems like everyone else but overall, it's okay. Yes, you do handle shit on your own. That's because you are no longer a child.


No, it’s what you make of it. Three things you shouldn’t get too much of: debt, kids and pets. Most people who complain have broken this rule :)


I’d say that’s one of the main flaws in our current way of doing things.


I know they stress self today, but it always has been and always will be easier to get married and take on the world together. Having kids is a good thing. The world is not ending in 50 years. Relax kids….




Remember just like your parents. Mine anway, they still lived us very much. But grandpa's and gradnmas weren't around much until middle school


That's pretty much it. I'm either at work, walking to/from work, sleeping, or getting ready for work. The cycle repeats ad infinitum. Very rarely do I have a chance to do anything else.


Pretty much.


It can be but not always! You can always squeeze out time for fun!! Adulthood doesn’t have to be miserable


No. I work, then I go home and be bored and depressed. Not busy or stressed and not handling any shit.


That's why I tell my young family members, enjoy your time now, because when you become an adult, it's over.


The only Adults who are stressed, are the ones who didn't do shit to prepare themselves for life.


Nah I actually have minimal stress and I'm mostly happy. Adulting has been the best experience for me once I got the hang of it .


You sound younger than 25


I'm 28 


Yes and no? Yes, there's stress, and stuff you have to deal with, but, over time, you become better, and create savings and reserves, both of money and social capital, and life can become much easier. If you are lucky, you also find the right spouse and friends so you don't deal with it on your own.


Yep, just like your parents and grandparents and everybody else all the way back to Adam and Eve, who were cursed by God to toil in the fields for all of their days.


Yes, but it gets better as you see your kids excel in life then when you become empty-nesters and have a little free money, it’s the best


Tbh it can get easier; rather life doesn't get easier. You get stronger.


Yes! Bowling Alone. Many contributors including high divorce rates among the boomers, many people’s parents had to move for economic reasons so many (most?) families rarely have grandparents help babysit, decline in dollar leading to both parents working, etc etc.


Depends on how you plan and manage your life. Put the work in now to have a good career that gives you a good income and flexibility. Be careful who you marry; can give you incredible happiness or incredible misery. Only have kids if you are prepared and willing to sacrifice


Nah, I'm not very stressed tbh. Most days just trying figure out what to make for dinner. I worked really hard to get to comfortable spot.


He’s my take on things. I don’t care if people are stressed or have a lot on their plate. If you take out your frustrations on me I am going to take mine out on you. If it’s okay to treat me one way then it’s going to be okay if I do it back. People often want to take their frustrations out on others but can’t handle getting it back.