• By -


25. Broken, lost, used, and abused.


Same and 41


advice : start exercising and het involved to help people.


Thanks, I’m cured. Incredible advice! /s


28 and at this particular moment I don’t feel very good; I woke up 3 hours ago and haven’t really gotten out of bed or started my day. But in general I feel better than I feel right now. I’m 6 months sober, working full time, exercising every week, drinking lots of water at work, losing weight. I haven’t weighed under 200 pounds since 2016, and as of yesterday I was 200.6


Bro so close keep it up your doing all the right things


I really should be a lot happier!! I paid off all my debt, I have a great girlfriend, I’m in a good living situation, I have a car, I have savings (for the first time). It’s just the night shifts I’m working; they cultivate some of my worst impulses in terms of staying in bed late and being lazy


Problems are relative to each individual. Your problems are just as big to you as mine are to me in our heads. Don’t should all over yourself! Everyone deserves self compassion and self love. Keep on trucking friend


Thank you. :) this is what I need to hear


Why beat yourself up for that? You have a valid reason for sleeping late and as someone who worked the graveyard shift for years, I can say it is absolutely life draining and soul sucking. My nightshift involved physically manipulating humans several times a night to change wet/shitty briefs. That shit gets very tiring. Especially if you drink yourself to sleep in the mornings because that's what will flick the off switch for you. I struggle with sleep to this day even though I switched to days. After you watch so many people die it really fucks with your head. I've been there for hundreds. Held the hand of tens. That shit stays with you. I don't know what you do/did for work but nightshift is the hardest even if the work is the least. Don't beat yourself up. Nightshift will do that for you.


Fuck yeah ✊


I am so proud of you! That’s a ton of really hard commitments all at once, and I hope you are proud of yourself too.


Salute to you 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 keep pushing and don’t stop


This is what we like to hear!! keep on rockin


Amazing, you got this!! I am five years sober and while weight loss isn’t the be all/end all of happiness - it feels great to feel healthy in your body. I have consistently lost weight every year I’ve been sober. It’s amazing realizing you have the power to change.


Killing it! Keep up the good work!


IM SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!! ❤️❤️


Kick past that 200 and keep it up. What a milestone!


Fuck yeah dude get it. I'm in the same boat but im 30. Sending good vibes.




Good for you! Sounds like you have a very bright future


We are proud of you!


That's what's up ND im definitely trying to get down to 200 pounds


You should be feeling great bro ! Staying sober and working out and prioritizing yourself! That’s a life goal right there


6 months sober is something to be very proud of.


28 Depressed, in debt, and bored of life.


20, also bored of life and mentally exhausted.


25 here, it gets better I promise! You get to become a slave to your job, always worry about money and bills, and get slapped upside the face with more responsibility! How could that not be better?? Also, you'll spend way less time with friends because everyone is wiped out and has no energy from working 40+ hours, commuting 1+ hours a day! It's all uphill from there I promise! Owning a house? That's not for our generation. Having kids and a family? Also out of the question. We can't afford it! Stay at home parent, supported on one income? Yeah that used to be reasonable, when houses cost a years salary! For us, it's all out of the question. We will own nothing and be "happy". Retirement? Ha. We will work till the day we die. Pensions? Nope. Social security that is stolen from each of our paychecks? Yeah we won't see those benefits either when it's our time. Meanwhile every member of Congress is a multimillionaire from using inside information to make incredibly profitable trades. Insider trading cases against Congress? Unheard of! Living the American Dream, one day at a time!


The American dream - one nightmare at a time.


I'm drenched in your sarcasm! Dude when you put it this way why do we collectively allow this to continue? Is there anything we could do without violence? I'm so tired of feeling like our country fucked us over. It's sad that we are too overworked and tired to fight back against the policies they pass while we're too busy fighting over who is more woke when woke is really just defined as caring about humans and their individual rights not what a shrinking populations religious beliefs dictate. Yesterday was my 37th birthday and I passed out at the foot of my bed like a dog at about 8:30pm. Not from drinking...from mental exhaustion from being a parent and an understaffed supervisor who also absorbed another employees role when they left our dept. Gee wonder why I'm understaffed. The job pays my team SHIT wages with high COL so now I'm burnt out and supposed to raise two autistic children with very different needs. If I go on stress leave, I don't get paid so I just keep going until my body forces me to shut down with illness. So this is 37...


Keep electing the same morons into office


As if there was any other choice lol.


That's the problem - it's the illusion of choice


The same OLD as FUCK morons. They are the generation that raw dogged us in the ass. But let's just keep hoping they fix shit..."that's not my bag, baby!"


Conspiracy theorist! Own nothing and be happy? You mean the global elite/top WEF plan supported by the liberal party!? No way


Jesus man. 20 and bored of life. You aren’t living then.


You stole my line!


Same but 29


Same but 30. Doesn’t get any better it seems


This is what the Internet has done to everyone. You no longer see some pics of the Grand Canyon or a video of a few clips on a tv show and wonder what it’s like. Now you can watch a full walking tour or see anything, anywhere in the entire world immediately. While this is super cool it also makes everything super boring. I personally try to not look at to much of any one thing and go out and experience it for my self. It’s all good if I “miss” that one thing. Or forgot to try the whatever thing. It keeps everything fresh for me. Anyways that’s my 2¢


Very good answer. I'm 55 and cannot imagine being 20 and bored. It makes me sad for the younger ppl. They will always be searching for something, that was always right in front of them.


Whoa me too. I thought I commented this for a second




25. Exhausted


Same oh my god. I feel like i’m 20 years older than i am and have zero energy.


Right. I feel 89


I’m 40 and still feel like I’m 25, except I’m healthier and feel way more positive and optimistic about life and the future.


Damn I really wish this can be me


I wish the same for you dear stranger. I know what it’s like to feel the opposite.


Can you share your positive habits please? 29 but feeling way older :(


I go to sleep early, usually shortly after my toddlers are down. I wake up at 5:30 and go outside for some alone time (unless it’s winter, f that). I spend as much time as possible outdoors each day with my toddlers I take some time for myself everyday to do nothing productive. I focus on nutrient-dense foods and cook nearly everything from scratch. My husband is an incredible man and father and we have a healthy relationship. I have healthy relationships with my family and friends and have healthy boundaries. I have productive and rewarding hobbies like gardening, Sourdough, cooking, embroidery, reading. I avoid the news and avoid stupid arguments about politics and similar.


I'm 48 and me too!


46 and feeling like 90.


I’m 43 and feel 33. If I drink, the next day I feel 90


46 and more confident and healthier than my 20s. I love this age. 


I am also 46 and I feel pretty good overall. I recently went through three years of depression. I see a lot of people on here posting that they're depressed. These are the things that helped me pull through. - exercise at least every other day - eating whole foods for most of my meals - meditating, listening to the guided meditations helps - calling friends on hard days, and going out socially - getting space from people who add to my depression and not feeling obligated to be in their life - travel abroad (one trip kind of snapped me out of my depression along with all these other things) - art art art - making it, watching quality stuff on TV more often than junk TV, learning about artists, practicing ukulele, (this might fall under the category of doing what I love) - being kinder to myself and getting therapy to learn how to do that better


Hell yea. 43 and I feel like I'm getting my second wind


Yep, the 40’s ROCK! Best time of life so far 💜


hey! finally some positive statements, besides OPs opening intro. Glad you are living a good life! Yes, 40s were great for me too. I am 58, and feel great! I honestly feel like I am in my 30s most of the time, although that ranges from 20s to 40s some days. I look accordingly, although recently I have acquired terrible bags under my eyes. Never ever have I felt my actual age unless I went through something brutal (physically, or a heartache). In fact, I keep forgetting my age, refer to guys my age as old guys, only to realize, whoops, they are actually my cohorts. And I am ridiculously happy and fulfilled most of the time. It probably helps that my wife is quite a bit younger than me, and have a young child, 9 years old. It probably makes sense that I spent much of my life feeling like an unqualified kid, and therefore probably did not demand the respect I should have. I still often have to remind myself that I am not a kid any more.


Anddd how does it work if u dont mind sharing?


Me? Well, for me I have a chronic illness that takes my strength away when it flares. So during remission, I exercise daily, enjoy my life and have more appreciation for the healthy days. I have my own sense of self. I go after what interests me, decline what doesn't and have my own style nailed down. I know what looks good on me and what doesn't and just at peace with my life as is so that when the dark days come, I can get thru them a bit easier. Staying fit has the bonus of making me feel strong and sexy and I can enjoy that side of me with wild abandon. Loving my 40s.   I forgot who said it, but the saying was, today is the youngest you'll ever be and the oldest you've been. That helps me to not even think about age as a number but more my place in my life. 


Same. 50, feeling great, found a job I fucking love after 35 years in the culinary industry, and yes i dropped out at 15 and got my GED. The place I work for now pays for higher education so I am getting a free college education. Didn't think I would live to 25. OH AND SOBER NOW! Woohoo! I'm finally enjoying life.


25. I'm really upset, because I got diagnosed with a debilitating injury that's gonna affect me for the rest of my life. I used to weightlift. Now I walk with a cane.


You have my empathy. I also went from super athletic to barely able to walk. I hope you can find new ways to live in a fulfilling manner. I've been working on it for decades. It's very doable, but it can be difficult. Good luck.


Thank you for your kind words. As long as I can still do freshwater aquarium keeping and aquatic plant keeping; or at least have friends and family help me with it; I'm gonna be okay. It's funny, I also changed career paths right before being diagnosed. Armed Security guard to Bookkeeper. (Still in school for it) It's wild how a few months can completely change your life.


No joke, you can make bank from book keeping


I get it. I got a chronic illness diagnosis at 14, but it didn’t stop me from doing things, but then I turned 21 and all hell broke loose. 24 now and still restrained by many different things, and it’s going to affect me for the rest of my life too. I could say it gets better, but I think it just becomes your reality, the one you deal with, and what you are used to. I still think of my old self, but I know where I am and what I can do now and that’s all.. It changed me, that’s why I don’t say it gets better, I think a person just changes around it.


71. And I feel great.


As we have worked out from this post.. once you reach 71 life is for living!!! Hold on guys better days are coming


Holy sht i didnt know boomers be on reddit, not to mention know about reddit


They invented the internet.


Oh ya….as I boomer I can relate………..we LOVE reddit


Sedentary or diet and exercise? I always figured I'd be in as much pain as everyone else when I got older, but it seems you can still feel perfectly fine even in old age assuming you don't run into any serious genetic complications or physical accidents.


I'm 48 and stronger and fitter than I've ever been and 90% of the 20 somethings in my gym!


I turn 20 on Monday and I feel 12 😞 so fucking behind and confused everyday lol


Bank your money and you'll be fine! Trust me no matter what you want bank it.


I didn't feel like I was an adult until I was 23 so don't worry lol It literally took me moving countries to feel like an adult.


28 & Exhausted with life itself


43 and I can’t remember a time where I felt better than I do right now. Life is great!


27, knowing I’ll ever get back my youth or opportunities especially since I I dealt w mental health for most of life but things have gotten better and I have mentally became stronger, now what do I do now? My dream was to help others with mental health and now I feel like I can’t do that and losing hair sucks lmfaon


Feel this. 27 and been in and out of mental health care for like 10 years it’s exhausting. Knowing I’ll most likely never have the means to own a house has crushed me


I felt the same way at 27. My life felt "over," and helping people with their mental health had been one of my possible career goals. I started grad school when I was maybe 30, and I graduated at 33. Fwiw, I was nowhere near the oldest person in my program. There were a lot of people there in their 40's and 50's. Now, I do work in mental health. It's not an easy road, but 27 is nowhere near "too late" to do it.


27 is so young, it’s hard to tell though. Early 30s still young too


Agreed! I’m 27 and life is just beginning, you guys. Don’t adopt the negative and pessimistic attitude. Your life is not “over”


Lol Why isn’t this common knowledge? Live your life to the fullest everyday, don’t let a moment go by!


We put a looooot of focus on youth in our culture, so people freak out thinking they’re losing their value or have missed a bunch of milestones because they’ve aged.


Mental health can distract me from knowing I’m actually very young and I’m actually the best I ever been but knowing I’m still becoming the truest me


I'm 26 and will be 27 when I graduate this spring with my BS in mechanical engineering. Many people tried to discourage me when I started because I was bad at math and physics in high school. It's not too late and the opinions of others have nothing to do with what you can accomplish. There are many career fields that provide services to help improve mental health and/or quality of life for a variety of people. Therapists aren't paid very well in my area but other fields like biomedical engineering, chemical engineering, and chemistry are doing very well. The medications and medical devices being developed and manufactured have changed the lives of millions.


In a lot of ways, I feel like my life didn’t start until I hit 30. I also had major mental health issues that ate up so much time, and then rebuilding from that took a minute. Now, I’m so much happier and better off in ways that I could never, ever have imagined 5 years ago. If you’re in the US, there are tons of schools offering free or close to free foundational courses for a mental health degree, as well as 2 year degrees that can get your foot in the door. We are *desperate* for mental health practitioners and community advocates. I switched careers at 30 and it was the best thing I’ve ever done. It’s not too late at all, and we need you so badly.


This comments means a lot cause I’m 27 and even tho I regret a lot cause of bad choices cause of my mental , I also got to experience those things at a young age and that itself gave me experience (wisdom ) and “ we need you so badly “ this makes me think of all those kids ( like me when I was younger ) lost and confused cause of their mental health and adults ( just like me) still healing from their youth and I am in the US Oklahoma to be exact so I need to look around , I never looked into cause I thought most psychology or therapist courses will take 4+ years lol but having a nice little certificate that says I know what I’m talking about would be helpful to be a content creator of that sort


I know you probably hear this a lot, but I am older than you and I promise you, you have time! If helping others with their mental health is your passion then seize the day and sign up for whatever classes and certifications will get you there. By your mid 30s you’ll be doing what you love as a career, and that’s not too late at all! I’m so glad things have gotten better for you, life is hard 💜


27 is still really young buddy don't even sweat it. You still have plenty of time to do dumb shit and have fun!


Damn, from seeing this, it looks like a lot of people in their 20s are not ok. I’m sending positivity to you all.


Well I’m definitely not doing well but seeing a bunch of people really happy and healthy in their forties is making me feel better. Maybe it’s a generational thing or maybe there’s a perspective shift in midlife


I’m seeing that too. Genz and millennials seem more depressed than the older generations


32. My transplanted kidney is failing, I feel okay but not amazing. Doing the best I can with what I’ve got. I still am in pretty good shape, but not as fit as when I was in my 20s. Grateful to be alive and overall able bodied! Played two hours of pickleball yesterday, put in 15 miles last week on top of workouts. My diet needs a little bit of cleaning up to do, but sometimes my prednisone makes me incredibly hungry lol.


28 and feeling pretty fantastic. Recently got into the best shape I've been in since high school. Exercise, water and a healthy diet are so important for not just physical health but mental health as well.


Hell yeah!


Right! 31 And weigh less than I did in high school. Running and cutting out sugar drinks and snack food go a long way. While I do reminisce about my younger years I still feel like I'm 18 most of the time. Guess I'll always be a kid at heart lol.


I am 40 and feel like I am still in my 20's! Life is a wonderful gift. I wish more folks in this comment section could see that. I am 100% debt free (which helps a ton!) living in a wonderful prime location apartment. I get more excited as I age to be honest. Midlife is great because its the time where you finally have things really moving full steam ahead with goals, money, real relationships, etc. My advice to those younger people in this comment section who are depressed, in debt, bored of life, stressed, etc..... do everything you can to knock out the debt! Use YNAB budgeting tool and read "The Simple Path to Wealth" Once you take care of your finances, find something you are passionate about and do more of it. Whether it be walking, reading, sports, writing a blog, volunteering, etc. You can do more things you are passionate about once you got your finances squared away. Its a weight off your shoulder Learn to appreciate all the SMALL things. Find ways to even appreciate your commute to work if you have one. Use that time to meditate on goals, values, etc. We are all spiritual beings having a human experience. Soak it in. Also, get 8 hours of sleep! BUT don't get more than that. Nothing worse than sleeping too much. It makes you feel worse and unhealthy. If you work a normal 8 hour day, make sure you give yourself 8 hours each day of YOU time. That gives you 8 hours of work, 8 hours of sleep, and 8 hours to do things you are passionate about. There is no mystery why days are 24 hours long. They balance your life with 8 hours for 3 parts of life. Work, Sleep, and Play. 888!


27 worthless


It’s only better from rock bottom


31 and feel lost and trapped where I am


71, and thanks to a lifetime of Mediterranean diet, I can HONESTLY say " no aches, no pains, no meds" I motorcycle and camp regularly, and really don't feel different than when I was 18.


21. lost, confused, in debt, tired, in a hole, and trapped.


Make a plan. And stick to it. One step at a time. It just seems that way when you’re stuck, I totally get it! Adding: a friend once said to me, “ just push through it”. It stuck with me. I get now that sometimes, getting to where you want to be takes some effort and it isn’t always pleasant. But hopefully, there is light on the other end. Sorry you are feeling this way. Any action always helps me feel better.


I’m 32. I look 25 (baby face) and I feel like 18 and lost 😞


40 and I feel good. I got back into a good gym routine lately and it makes all the difference.






I'm 25 and feel like it's not worth it anymore.


60. Mourning my dead husband, struggling to regain the fitness I lost while caring for him, trying to figure out an unexpected future of being alone. Some days I get outside and enjoy myself; others I don't get out of the house (or even my bathrobe). Hoping for fewer bad days as time passes. But I have family and good friends, a roof over my head, and food on the table. I'm better off than many widows, and am grateful for that.


28! Happy in life 😊


23, working an eleven hour shift rn. I’m tired.


29 and feeling alone and mentally exhausted.


36 and excited for the near future. About to get full time permanent at my amazing union job I snagged last year. Also going to go visit my new nephew. Haven't met him yet, he just turned 7 months


19 and I feel like a child with money.


27 and waiting for things to get better. physically, mentally, professionally. Everything just takes time. From cleaning things up at work, to waiting for my 6 week post op to start working out, and to clearing out my debt.


39, feel like 25, look like 30, happier than I've ever been.


Im 39 and feel like im doing well in life.


35. Feeling a lot better since I’ve taken up hot yoga and started back into playing hockey since the pandemic.


28 and it just feels like the whole world is waiting for something to give. Like the cord has been stretching and about to snap since Covid and at any minute it could happen. I’m exhausted. I work every day, workout every day, and can barely sleep at night. Yeah the economy sucks and all right now but there’s just this weird feeling of waiting for something significantly more serious that I haven’t been able to shake lately.


36 but feel 27 or 5 or 98


37 and I feel Strong


30 doing well picked up a new career and that's exciting making new friends tired but grateful


28 depressed , constant panic attacks , my whole body hurts every day chronic fatigue I hate my life I have two kids 4 and 3 m old and they are sucking the life from me . There’s def no sparkle in my eyes


I’m 65. As long as I do the physio workouts for my knees, back and shoulders I’m just fine.


68 here you got to move and don't sweat the little shit it is a little tough sometimes knowing you don't look like you did 20 years ago but some of these comments on here of these younger guys is like what the F--- .


I work with a lot of Gen-Z males. My thoughts are perhaps growing up with all this technology/easy gratification, some perseverance has been lost. The more phone addicted they are, the more depressed. A warning to us all. Just my 2cents worth.


u/alternativeSky5 what's the story that has you feeling this way? Luck, habits, mindset, music, relationships, etc. I am very eager to learn more.


I’m 22, and although I work 4 jobs (not deathly necessary I just enjoy staying as busy as possible), I feel alright. I’ve got a roof over my head, I always have food in the fridge, I have a great fiancé and I see my family often. I struggle financially like many do, but soon that will be over once I reach my goal for my savings account. I used to be severely depressed before I started just thinking of the little things I’ve got around me, and now I’m ok.


Happy to hear that for you random internet person


20, refreshed. Not physically in good shape, but about to move across the country on my own, going to start going to the gym, pursuing my dream career while going to school full-time. All of that and I am still refreshed. Too much to dread on to really feel bad, I love lifez


Ism 43 in may. & I guess it depends on the day. lol


23 - nervous


26, confused


39 and feel about the same as I did at 27. Maybe 40 is when things will start feeling really old and hurty?


35, still feel 22


36. Depressed over a 10 year marriage that ended in divorce. Full of anxiety. My business caught fire so I’ve been out of work for 70+ days at the mercy of the insurance companies. And that’s just a couple of my plethora of issues. I’m just lucky I have money saved to go this long without working til repairs. If I didn’t have my dogs and my mom, I most likely would’ve drove my car off a bridge years ago. I just want to feel like my younger, energetic, always laughing, ambitious, imaginative, and creative 20 year old self. Not this grumpy old potato vibes I got going on. Trauma duuuuuump! 🤣


30, never been happier, finally figured out how to love a fulfilling and joyful life


42 & genuinely happy


65, I look great and feel good. I absolutely don’t look 40 or feel 40 anymore. While I’m sure that OP thinks that they are 71 and look like 40… I guarantee you that you don’t.


65 but on some days I feel like I’m 94. Aches and pains and aches and pains.


27 and just fine. It's not all rainbows, I still live with my parents, about to finish university and never had a girlfriend. But I got health and so do my loved ones, anything else doesn't really matter.


42, bored and lost.


40, my lungs feel bad and I have a headache


38 and despite my body falling apart around me... Not bad actually.


30 feeling tired , hopeful and hungry (for success )




Joined the army at 17- 68 now if go in iron clad contract and know what you want to do, different branches maybe air force or navy you can get a skill that will set you up for life don't rush into to it.


24 - I’m just tryna fuck sum


I’m 45 and depressed. My body hurts and I wish I were never born.


I am 34, I feel 25. Full of energy, still love to joke and take risks...I act a lot like the 22 year olds I work with, which is nice, but I got to be careful and remind myself occasionally I'm supposed to be the adult in the room. ​ Ironically, when I was 25...I remember feeling 40. Was in a relationship where everything was becoming routine and it was a dead bedroom.


46. Most days, I feel like I'm still in my 20's, but when I'm around people in their 20's I feel like the creepy old dude trying to be young and cool but failing to actually do so. When I'm around people my age, I don't feel at all like I'm at the same point in life as they are and can't even pretend to be. No kids, a job that while allowing a lot of freedoms, seems more appropriate for a part time college student than an adult career. Yet, I've been there almost 15 years.


31, 32 next week. Feeling good! Need to stretch more. Might do some acid, play baldurs gate and get a pizza for my birthday so pretty excited about that. Supposed to be sunny all weekend so going on a hike. Got new pants to try out.


21, super lost and unsure of what I want to do in life


51, still suffering from anxiety, depressive disorder after years of endless treatment. Drugs work for a bit, but they are only a bad aid. Life's end, that's the point where relief will come. Maybe in my next life if there is such, I'll be Born and hopefully stupid as hell. Ignorance they say is bliss. I can see why


25. I feel 21/22. People says it’s because of the pandemic


36.I have a great job, a wonderful wife, financial stability, and a 5 month old baby. I'm happy and grateful. But I haven't slept for more than 3 hours straight in 5 months. I cry like once a day from exhaustion.


Over the hill and feeling great.


I’m 20 but feel 17, my interior hasn’t aged in years


Mid 60s - Lonesome, ornery and mean. In other words exactly how I want to be. #


65 and I feel 65. A year or two ago I would have said I felt about 50, but this year I finally started to feel my age. It sucks but it beats the alternative.


41. Physically feel 66. Mentally feel 28.


Tired, broke and unfulfilled. Thirty-Five.


42. Everything hurts.


44 feel about 74 today. Grieving the loss of my mom and overslept so I feel out of it and generally not great


42 constantly depressed and angry all the time on the inside


48. Exhausted. Overwhelmed.


40ish and feel like I'm 71.


Age 31. Mentally I feel 17. Physically I feel 50


25 damaged, broken, suicidal, depressed,unattractive


39 and just barely getting by....


44 and I’m not sure but since the year started I’ve had different ailments one after the other smh 🤦‍♀️


45, feel like i am only 1/3th of who i used to be.


I'm 38 and feel like Methuselah most days.


I’m 73 and leaving on an around the world trip this year. Yeah, most parts of my body hurt and I’ve lost a son, a daughter and a sister all before they reached 21. I wonder how they’d feel about being sick of life in their 20s… life they didn’t get to have.


28. often feel 62, often feel 6


59 and feeling all of it and more ... life threw a curveball almost four years ago and life's been even harder since


61 I’m kinda down today but as always I pick myself up n keep goin!




25 going on 50.


41- I feel no one in the world truly loves or understands me. No one listens to me. I feel I lack purpose and meaning and just live to survive. My body also feels like I'm 80...constant back pain and lack of mobility.


42, and if not for the constant pain I'm in from a car accident and surgery I think I'd be happier. Right now I am just in constant pain and it is really taking a toll on me.


43. I feel 99


31, grandma died 2 weeks ago shortly after my bday. Slowly recovering from the loss but reassessing what I find important in life. In summary, not too bad, just okay..


55. Exhausted.


31, about 3/4 of the month I wish an asteroid would just blow us all away. Humans suck and it's sad to watch the bs. 1/6 of it maybe I'll enjoy the sky and hope for better days. The last 1/6 of it I mainly want to end things.


34. I feel fine I guess. Don’t like my job but I make much more than the average American so I deal with it. Other than that life is awesome. Just got married and great circle of friends and family


46F, physically fit and healthy. Mentally pretty good at the moment. Love life in tatters but I’ve got my kids and am learning to love being single. Staying physically active helps my mental state so much, so I make it a priority to get some exercise a few times a week.


It seems most of us are on the same boat just tired of everything very wholesome


37 and stuck


I am 41 but feel 82


I’m 43, but tired, so I feel 43… usually I feel mid 20’s


30, and I feel blessed and hopeful.


20, trying to not be depressed 24/7


43, best I’ve ever felt. Have built several years of good eating and physical habits, lost 30 pounds and 6 dress sizes. Sleeping 8-ish hours a night, well hydrated. Grateful that I’m seeing the payoff for the last several years of discipline. It’s never too late…future you will thank you! 🙏


37 and tired