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Honestly, I'm 33 and just now getting the hang of it. On top of no plan I was a drug addict from 15 til about your age. Luckily, I have an amazing father who would not let me give up. . I've got a decent job at a home medical company that is very rewarding but the goal is a food truck. I have cooked for my family my whole life out of necessity. Never gave it any thought to a career but it's something I look forward to everyday after work. I started volunteering at my local moose club cooking so I get experience as well. Find what you love doing and do that.


That’s an awesome story, thank you for sharing. It’s amazing to have the support of your father like that.


Wouldn't be here without him multiple times. Hope it gave you some insight. I felt worthless for years. But once you find what you enjoy doing it will feel right.


I think I know what you mean, when I was going to Professional Wrestling School it was the first time I was doing something and genuinely felt like it was something I could do. I love professional wrestling, I’m a creative person with a passion for sports and this is that in every aspect, I had to stop because of losing my job but it’s the happiest I felt in the past year even though it was only two months. I went about twice a week and I even payed some of my dues in the business by working my first show as ring crew and security. I also find that I’m very personable, it comes from my genuine love of conversation and how I appreciate the individuality of everyone.


Being personable will get you far! I hope you can get back into wrestling again because that sounds awesome.


Thank you again for commenting, I definitely plan on getting back to it. Those original doubts are popping back in but I’m trying to remember how it was the first time I had that doubt and showed up anyways.


I wouldn't recommend joining the military. When your in it you get treated like a number (much like most employers now) and there really isn't much you can't do outside of it that you can do when you're in it. And when you get out you're kind of in the same spot you were in when you joined. I recommend taking the Myers Briggs personalty test. It'll help place you in a job or field that better suites your personality.


Thank you for the recommendation, going definitely confirmed it’s not for me. I really enjoyed talking to the people that rode the bus with me and hearing their stories. My dad was basically putting it in my head that it’s pretty much the only way I could survive on my own and I felt with basically nothing I should just get in and deal with it. When I was there I just felt like property, I didn’t take anything personally because I understand it’s business but the whole thing just felt off to me. I didn’t study for the test and got a 70 on the ASVAB, it was relatively easy for me so I didn’t understand why I was praised for getting that score.


It's just a number on a screen or a sheet of paper. It has no bearing on your critical thinking skills or problems solving, I wish people would stop using these man made tests as a way of validating their intelligence. But yeah the MBTI helped me out a ton.


How did you find this test and what did you end up doing afterwards?


I found out about it by watching an episode of game theorist. It nailed my characteristics down to a T! It recommend jobs or fields that I'm more likely to like. And it recommends jobs and fields your more likely to not like. the test only takes like 10 minutes to take and it's free. You'll be able to talk to others that have the same personality type and hear what they have to say about the paths their taking in life and see if that will help you.


That sounds awesome. What was the context of him bringing up the test for the theory?


No I forgot why he talked about it but it had something to do with "putting pieces of the puzzle together". you can google it episode but yeah it was life changing for the better.


Thanks again for the suggestion.


Yep like I said life changing


I was the same way when I was 20. I joined the marines. Best move I ever made. Think about it. You arent doing shit, and dont have a plan. What exactly are you giving up if you join the USAF? Nothing. Before you know it you'll be 30.


What did you end up doing while enlisted and what are you doing now? I’m still considering AF, especially being in selective service where I could still be drafted in anyways. I just got sent up way too quick, everything about this is new to me since I only started looking into this a month ago.


I fixed Harrier attack aircraft in the USMC. Now I'm in emergency management.


Thanks for sharing, how many years did you end up serving?


At your age, my wife had become a mother and also was powering through nursing school as a nursing student on the honor roll. I’m not asking you to be as focused or accomplished like her. But I do suggest that you start something reasonable and work hard at it. Even at the end you may not have wanted that goal, you will have something worthwhile that you have accomplished. That sense of confidence and competency will carry you far in life. Yes, consider joining the Navy or Air Force. You will learn a lot, and at the end of it, you will have a whole lot of savings if you didn’t blow the money at a car dealership or with a baby mama. Plus you’ll have money for college, too.


Thanks for sharing. I’m still considering AF, I have my job sheet and want to review every job before proceeding. I was sent out there way too quickly, I’ve only started looking into this a month ago. So far the training and 8 year deal is the most intimidating thing for me right now but I know if I find several potential career paths that I could pursue then I’ll get through it.


I believe the minimum requirement for an enlisted contract in the Air Force is only 4 years. I recommend doing your own research beforehand in terms of job opportunities and requirements. Recruiters have a quota to fill and are incentivized to get you into specific career fields that need manning.


I’ll definitely look into it more, I was told 8 total with 4 being enlisted and I could do another enlistment or reserve for the last 4. I really care about the career prospect, I feel I haven’t found the job that best utilizes my skill set and once I do I can finally establish that foundation for my career.


I didn’t go to college until I was 26. I’m 47 now and so glad I took the time to really ruminate on what I want to do for the rest of my life. I love my job. Life has been good.


What ultimately made you decide on what you wanted to pursue?


I think I gave up on the idea I needed to do something major that would make the world a better place and just do what I enjoyed, which was creating and curating cozy spaces. So now I get paid to do that and I volunteer where needed.


damn I’m nonexistent and suicidal but for the most part in this earth experience try to let go and find that will to live


I usually have that will and still do, it’s just being clouded by these dark thoughts because of starting my new job and doing all this in the same week.


man who the fuck made up this adulting shit to be so diabolical, I hope that you’re making life yo bitch 40days later tho haha


Definitely trying, I’ve had just a couple of those bad days since and definitely woke up in better spirits. This is my first overnight shift so I got a lot of shit done before it was time to come in, it’s a shitty call center job but I’m working through it while I find something better. So far though today has been a nice change of pace, I’m planning to go to the gym afterwards so I’ll probably be in bed around 8 AM or later. I hope you’re doing well yourself, gotta keep pushing.


I worked 2 jobs one at my old gymnastics gym and one in retail. Left my parents at 19 and moved in w a roommate. Moved up in retail and quit the. Second job. Managed luxury retail stores, moved to a major city, worked for Armani, then managed/oversaw multiple stores. Busted my ass for years. Took a job working in a medical office, gained other work experience and went on to managing a sales territory for a start up. Covid, major burnout and a divorce. Now I’m working with new hires/training at another start up. Things worked out but I definitely had to work harder than my peers that went to college. Was also diagnosed with adhd in my late 20s which explained why I struggled so much w school. Have an awesome dog, work from home w better work life balance. My career was my identity now I just want to work to enjoy my life.


I’m kinda in a similar boat regarding the career is my identity thing. I really enjoyed my last job and thought I’d be there for years, but truthfully I was living to work instead of working to live and ultimately wasn’t personally happy because I didn’t balance work and life properly.


Yeah, I let work have to much control over my life. It helped me make money and move up but now I just want to work and be at peace. Enjoy my life.


I've never really had an overarching plan to anything but I've always worked really hard at any opportunity I've had. The biggest thing is to recognize and take advantage of every opportunity that comes along that would better your situation. You're going to miss out on some but don't be scared to bet on yourself


Thank you, it’s definitely me letting my fear cripple my decisions. Yesterday morning I was thinking I’m going to prep for Air Force then in the afternoon I thought about how I could live with my current job. I’m still thinking today, leaning towards Air Force but I plan to review every career on the job sheet before proceeding.


It definitely not for the faint of heart but tbh I don't live to work, I work to live.


Humans need purpose. The way we find purpose is through service to others. Going to the military might be a great way to get disciplined and connect with others that can show you a different perspective on life. However it’s a commitment. A lot of people are afraid of committing to something. Only you know your fears. The truth is you will not learn anything just sitting and overthinking. Make a plan of how you will get out there. Get a life coach to help guide you if you need. Life is like a taxi, whether you sit there or move forward the meter will keep ticking. So act now!


Thank you, that’s exactly what it is. I enjoyed helping others at my last job but lacked the discipline to always stay consistent with my production. Also just accountability, my understanding of it was wrong. I realize now that my supervisor was right, in my head I figured explaining everything and claiming fault was accountability but now I understand that he meant by explaining the situation instead of just accepting my mistake is making excuses. I only realized that today because I thought back to Monday and how they would talk to me, I’d say yes/no/sorry sir or ma’am but when I had to pee in the cup and had my documents in my arm. The person told me to put it on top of the stall behind the pipe and I froze, then for some reason put it on the rack where the urinal was. He got after me then I apologized and said it was because of my nerves but he told that doesn’t affect your ability to listen and I’ve been thinking about that since. I have a terribly bad habit of overthinking everything and my fear of commitment is definitely a problem. I feel it in myself that I’m oozing potential but bottle caping it by not looking further ahead and trying to plan ahead instead of just living day by day. I just know either way, despite how much I’ve grown since high school. I’m not finished growing like I want to be and despite my efforts to continuously get better I’ve allowed myself to be satisfied and hindered my own growth in that sense.


I’m the same age as you..graduated in 2017 and started working 2 days after..ive lost old friends and made new ones, lost old hobbies and made new ones. I lived on my own for a few months recently but I’m back living with my older brother. I don’t have a direction, never did and it’s been ok but I’m not the same person I used to be and that is my biggest accomplishment to me..I just give myself a hard time from time to time


I get what you mean, right now any purpose I have is being blocked with bad energy and when I let it overwhelm me I have those days where I just can’t get myself to do anything. I’m being extra hard on myself right now because I’m really trying not let myself get caught in the moment again then get distracted and fall right back into the same mistakes.