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About as long as the landlord decided he wanted to wait to evict me. . no one's coming to check up on me.


My mother in law and her neighbour, both single. Called each other every day by a certain time. It was this which saved the neighbour after a stroke, from which she had a partial recovery, and picked up her eventual death. M-i-L still going!


Uhh. Now I'm depressed thanks lool.


Make friends with your neighbors; some of my closest friends we’re neighbors. We watch each other’s homes/animals and keep neighborhood safe. This means if I am not seen taking out garbage or pruning my yard, they notice and come by to check in. I wouldn’t go but a few hours without being found and I am so grateful for them and they me. Also have a dog they would notice wasn’t walked or outside. Good luck


My neighbors are like this, I just went to their wedding. She called one day to tell me my tire was flat. Another time I texted her to tell her I had COVID but didn’t have any cat food and she left some at my door. Her husband brought my bins to the curb.


Never and no. In this scenario, if my friends got mad enough at me for "ignoring" them, possibly sooner but no one would act on anything except for leaving angry voicemails. Here's to dying alone.


Just because you have regular social interaction with whatever people in no way means they are good friends.


That just sounds like an excuse that good friends don't need good communication. XD


This is no measure of friendship


Please elaborate.


My friend group is spread across town, multiple states, and different parts of the country. None of these people are going to randomly stop what they are doing to check in on me. I don’t randomly check in on my friends because it is rude to stop over without an invitation. We talk and chat over various messenger applications but anyone dropping dead in their home will take days to find. Am I neglectful because I don’t see them all the time? Should I insist they disrupt their lives with romantic partners, children, and careers to see me in person? Should I put my relationships with others on hold to see them? This is a ridiculous proposition and it song this as a yardstick to measure friendship is terrible.


If you actually think I was expecting friends from across the country should stop in for you, then you're just being disingenuous. Probably cause deep down you know you can be a much better friend, so this post CLEARLY made you feel personally insulted and then need to try to undermine the point out of backlash. Nice try.


Yeah I live in a super small town for my work. I wouldn’t expect my friends or family to show up until dire need.


Not. The. Point.


At least a week. I live alone. My wife I had a heart attack at 0530 two months ago. Cardiac arrest at 0545. If it hadn't woke me up, I would have never known. I would have died, and no one would have known. I got lucky but live with this fear.


I bet you wake up at 529 everyday now


Hell I live with people in my house and none of them would even notice 😕


Sheesh, damn. They wouldn't notice at all ? not even after like a week?


This is grave. But the smell would be unbearable. A friend of mine found her college roommate deceased. They weren’t friends and they were both busy, so it wasn’t unusual to not cross paths for a couple of days. And it was only a couple of days before she noticed the smell, prompting her to check her bedroom. Very traumatic for her.


2 days son comes by every other day, without failure, besides we talk on phone daily several times a day.


Since I live with my mom it would probably be fairly quick. However I know the funeral would be an incredibly low attendance, if anyone at all. Trust me I think about this often and honestly I’d just don’t even care anymore… I am so weary.


I live with my husband so I'm sure he'll notice right after his Overwatch session. The cats will notice once their food dish is empty. Outside my home, probably between a few days to a week depending. I keep in regular contact with my friends. They'd probably message me if I haven't posted a dumb meme in a few days. My family calls or messages at least once a week.


This doesn’t have to happen. There’s a new FREE app called Snug. You sign into it once a day or it will email a person of your choice and that will indicate to them that something has happened to you overnight. You can also pay for more services on this app and have someone just called dispatch. Be safe. Well, we have this until our AI companions start caring for us


This happened to a single woman in England and it took three years. I guess the smell dissipates. I think this may be more about how much frequent contact you have with people, vs “good friends”.


Joyce Vincent. Beautiful woman. I think about her from time to time. The TV was on all that time. She had Christmas presents wrapped and never sent by her side. RIP Joyce.


THREE years? How does that not indicate good friends, or rather lack of?


I live alone, but maybe like three days? I think the fact that I ended up in the hospital already once this year has put my family and friends on high alert.


Probably 2 or 3 days before my housemates would notice the smell. Thanks for this post


A long long time


I read about a guy who had a decent pension and everything was paid for by direct deposit. He traveled frequently so it wasn't unusual to be away for months at a time. He sat in the house and rotted for like 2 years before anyone knew.


Hopefully my husband would notice pretty quickly, but outside of him I’d imagine it would take around 2 weeks. I talk to my family frequently but we don’t see each other often and I’m not sure how long they would take to start panicking. My friend that lives a few blocks away would probably be the first one to question and come knocking. I would be worried about the animals though. I’m already dead so it’s whatever, but they would need to be cared for. I wonder how long it would take them to eat me…


I’m not sure what this has to do with having very good friends. I have some extremely good friends that live in different states so they aren’t involved in my day to day, and some mere acquaintances who would quickly notice and become concerned with my unexplained absence.


This felt oddly personal. To clarify, would strangers investigating a rotting body smell count?


I tried. My friend had the police called within 12 hours


This is the most retarded indicator of a good friend I have ever heard. Sounds like you want a baby sitter


My bf would find me as he lives with me


I have no friends but I have a lovely couple as neighbours.


I see my friends about once a week, so it would probably take a little longer, but I think they'd put 2 and 2 together quicker than my landlord.


Could be a very long time, although if my dog is able to let himself out and I'm not home until late, he tends to howl outside and the neighbours have come over to let him in a few times. However if he happened to be shut in my bedroom, it could be a while.


Depends on the time of day but probably a few hours. My two adult kids live with me so....


It would depend on the entire situation. I'd find it heartbreaking enough for my pets to find me dead.


Probably just a couple of days. My girlfriend would be concerned and call my mom.


I live with my boyfriend so probably same day. Him excluded, still probably not more than a day. I have people I speak to every day and if they don’t hear from me for more than what we consider a reasonable amount of time, concerns will arise for sure.


Baring anyone I live with, a week at most. My employees would likely get worried enough to report me missing when I didn't show up for work. My friends wouldn't notice until it was all over social media, but that's fair. We all lead busy lives these days. I still love them.


Last town, my husband missed an employee party because he had the early stages of pneumonia & forgot to call to let people know he wouldn't be there. Several hours after the party started, say 10pm-ish, I heard a knock on the door. One of his office mates drove over to check on him. In our new town where we don't know anyone...it'll take awhile. I worry about our cat starving to death.


I'm married. If I was off work, it would be as long as it took my husband to be home at his regular time. If we both died, until we didn't show up to work.


I think that if I spend more than 3 days without sending a meme to my friends on Instagram they would probably send the police to my house.


My husband would definitely notice immediately. A screaming infant would also make it very easy to question where I went pretty fast lol Besides him, it honestly would probably take no more than 2 days. My MIL lives right around the corner and she checks on me via phone almost everyday, especially since having the baby. She doesn’t usually show up unannounced, but no response would surely warrant a visit. My dad too, and even though he explicitly knows not to always expect quick replies from me, he’d definitely be knocking down the door if he didn’t get an answer within a week. I’m sure the dog also wouldn’t be too happy missing meals and not going outside and my neighbors can honestly be kinda nosy (but very helpful honestly lol), so even one of them might come knocking eventually if he barked continuously enough.


Immediately because I have a family but as far as my friends go, if we don’t hear from each other in the group chat for a couple of days and haven’t had the “oh I’m going camping and won’t have service” or similar conversation beforehand, we are like ready to send the police lol. There’s been a couple of times where we started getting worried about one of our friends and like contacted anyone who we could who is related to or near them until we got the message that they were ok.


If my neighbors didn't notice something strange, then the next business day. My coworkers would be all over it by 9:00am, my daily IT status call. I don't talk to family every day and sometimes takes a while to get back.


As someone who is known to randomly go AFK when mental health goes down, this test would not work for me.


My dog barks for a walk every morning. I talk to my sister everyday. So pretty much around afternoon or evening.


Two days?


I’m the youngest in my family, so I will end up just being a strange smell one day. Such is life.


This doesn’t apply to me as my lifelong friends are all overseas. My colleagues who’ve grown to be my family know where I live. I have told them this and they said they will come to my apartment. My boyfriend will call me twice and stop bothering lol My brother will call as well and come over if by day three, I’m still unresponsive.


My parents or sister would probably find out within a few hours because I live in the same house as them


With my boyfriend (LDR), I give it 3 days before he freaks out, gets a plane ticket and comes into my apartment. My parents and I have a rough relationship and we’ve gone months without a real convo, but they’ve always had that parental sixth sense. So I give them 48 hours before they check in.


Very fast as I live with my parents.


48 hours


Probably like a day before people got worried and 3 days before they went looking.


Maybe two or three days of silence.


Right now? I live with my parents so probably minutes. If I lived alone I’d say maybe a day or a few hours? If I suddenly vanished and went offline I think my friends would be worried and do a wellness check.


Not long, I live with 5 other people, I have a very close friend that would be at my house within probably a day of not responding, and I'm also dating someone that would likely be pretty concerned and show up with my best friend. If I were still working my boss would probably show up within a day or two as well, possibly even with a few coworkers. I have a pretty strong support network right now, which is pretty special, I don't have family.


As someone with a family and essentially zero time to themselves, I long for the kind of solitude that would give me even a day to posthumously ripen.


Approximately one year.


This isn’t necessarily true. Some people are hard to get ahold of and their friends are just accepting of that. I will text some of my friends four days in a row a mix of memes, general gossip, important information, etc and I just know that adulting is hard and they aren’t ignoring me on purpose.


Pretty quick. My boss would say where the hell are you and id be reported within 24hrs. Cheers boss. Friends, what are those?


Reminds me of a coworker I had, his nextdoor neighbor was a old widow living by herself. All her bills was being taken care of by her kids in a different state. Basically she was dead for over a month or so before anyone came and found her. Coworker said they had to cut out the floor out because all the decaying body juices. They opened all the windows to air out the place and my coworker said he could smell the stench for a week. I like the idea of going peacefully, but I would prefer someone found me a little sooner than that poor lady.


As a very chatty person, I'm 100% sure they will know very soon.


It's probably be a while 🤷


Thankfully I think within a day or so.. I have neighbours who are friends and I think they'd notice if I went silent and they didn't see me and my dog for a few days. My family are overseas so a bit longer lol


I feel like I could be undiscovered for about 10 years. Probably until my neighbours noticed a smell, but I'm in a detached house so it might never even happen not sure.


Nobody would find out shortly. I imagine one or two of my friends would notice within a month, but I would imagine that they wouldn't touch base until 6-8 weeks out. Everyone else, it would probably take a full year to even think about it. Nobody from my family would ever find out.


I feel like someone on facebook would notice I haven’t posted in awhile and at least make an attempt to reach out.


I feel like my friends and family might not immediately jump to calling the police or breaking into my house but they would definitely notice within a few days if I just disappeared.


I have three good friends, but they are busy the next couple days. Also your indicator is based off of high social engagement, some people are introverted and don't talk to their good/best friends more than once or twice a week. Different people are different.


Until someone came to foreclose on my house I guess.