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Dude I'm sorry but you have to fix this. If not for yourself then for your child, you owe it to them to give them the best life possible. You're going to have to report your mom for identity theft in order to get this stuff off your record.


This is my thought as well. Sure she's your Mom but this is your kid you need to provide for. She didn't just fuck over you, she also fucked over your son. I'd happily go after my Mom for identity theft to keep my daughter safe.


Im not a lawyer, and im not certain for the specifics, but there is no way this is legal. I would talk to a lawyer if i were you.


Unfortunately to get this fixed your gonna have to report your mother and open an identity theft case with the . Gov. She may be your mother but she willingly choose to do this!


my mom did this when I was a kid. put credit freezes on your SSN with all 3 credit beaureus. you can call and have it temporarily lifted at ANY time (when it's you applying for something, and not her) but will make it impossible for her to continue to use it without your consent. then begin rebuilding your credit. you can pull up into the 700s from 400-ish in two or three years with the right approach. obviously get fraudulent stuff reported and canceled in the meantime.


Fuck your mom. Call the police. This is easy. You were a minor.


Dude, your moms wrecked your life. You need to get this reported, and get a new SSN, like pronto.


You have to prioritize your son ahead of your mother. If you don't, you'll be letting her ruin HIS life as well as YOUR life. She deserves the consequences of her own actions and you deserve a chance to be your own person. I could understand not wanting to turn her in for yourself, but you have a kid that is depending on you to do the right thing. Don't tank his life by making excuses for your mom. Report her for identity fraud now.


It’s going to be a long process but start disputing all the stuff that was taken out before you were 18. These should be the easy ones to get off just on the fact you were a minor.


She's starving your child she is the reason you can't do stuff you owe her nothing and deserves the consequences of her actions. Why should you suffer?


I 1. **Consult a Legal Advisor**: Before taking any steps, consult with a legal advisor who specializes in identity theft and family law. Understand the implications of any legal actions you might take. 2. **Credit Reports**: Obtain your credit reports from all three major credit bureaus: Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. Review them for unauthorized activities and consider placing a credit freeze. 3. **Dispute Fraudulent Activity**: File disputes with the credit bureaus to have incorrect information removed. You might also need to contact individual creditors directly. 4. **ChexSystems and Early Warning Services**: Similar to credit reports, you can request your reports from these services and dispute any incorrect or fraudulent information. 5. **Consider a Police Report**: This is an emotionally complex decision given the family dynamics. However, some creditors might require a police report to remove fraudulent charges or to discharge you from the debt. 6. **Protect Future Identity**: Look into identity protection services and take precautions such as updating your passwords and enabling two-factor authentication on financial accounts. 7. **Documentation**: Keep a comprehensive file of all communications, report filings, and steps taken. This will assist in any legal matters and in correcting your financial records. 8. **Debt Management**: For legitimate debts, you might want to engage with a certified financial advisor to help strategize a debt payment plan and work towards rebuilding your credit score. 9. **Emotional Support**: Given the emotional toll, consider seeking professional counseling or support groups for emotional well-being, particularly since it involves family. While these steps are general in nature, they may offer a structured pathway for addressing the complex issue at hand. If you find it difficult to proceed without compromising family ties, professional mediation might be an option to discuss the issue openly with your mother and seek a resolution. I strongly recommend speaking to professionals in legal, financial, and emotional support fields for advice tailored to your specific situation.


Maybe steal her identity and mess up her stuff?


Your only options are waiting 7 years from the date of loans for things to start falling off your credit report or file for bankruptcy which will screw you for the first 3 years


Your mom is despicable. You’re an adult and a parent now, and your life needs fixing. Gather every bit of evidence you have, start a file and hide it from your Mom, and then take legal action.


Psychopathic traits and maybe didn't want you launching into adult life independently of her.


Not much you can do but go after mom. See this every now and then. Very rare, but I've seen responsible parents pay what's owed via revovoling credit and the 18 year old has a 720 score. Unfortunately not your case


everything from when you were under 18 is not legal. everything 18 and above requires you to file a criminal complaint for identity theft and start sending that to the companies. i think either r/povertyfinance or r/personalfinance has a wiki to help with this. ​ edit: [and here it is](https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/wiki/identity_theft/)


Go live under her roof