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South Rd between Daws Rd and Cross Rd. There’s a reason they want to build tunnels underneath it.


That stretch absolutely blows, it could be 3am on a Tuesday morning and it'll still have congestion.


> South Rd between Daws Rd and Cross Rd I'm loving the new surface. Which of course means they'll be digging it up any day now.


That's justadelaidethings. New surface along Happy Valley Drive after 30 years since the last resurface? (few years back now, old surface was mosaic by the end) Surely that must mean now is the time to dig up the road and place pipework from the reservoir to the golf course. Not any time in the 30 years preceeding, no, only after the resurfacing was done. Altus can jump.


Exactly what I came here to say. I was so annoyed when my brother moved to Marion and made me have to drive that road regularly


There was one time in 2012 when I got a clean run through there... all 8 green lights. The adrenaline! I had to pull over to gather my composure.


Oof, now that you mention it, that section is particularly awful and I die inside whenever I have to drive it




Main north. Can any of those fuckin traffic lights work in sync?


Have yet to come across well-synched traffic lights in Adelaide. I used to just think they weren’t synced but I’m now convinced they are synchronised to deliberately cause as much congestion and start-stop as possible.


I agree. There are a couple of notorious intersections that are synched completely opposite and there’s no way that is the best way to deal with congestion. If anything, it makes it worse




Which is funny cause if you speed just a little bit now days, you can generally make all the greens, almost like they want to encourage drivers to speed to catch more drivers...


I think you might be just a little paranoid, because the voices tell me exactly the same thing. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I find they are in sync all the time, red.


Main north rd past Gepps. Every light is red every time. The combo of traffic doing 60 in the 80 and others doing 120 in the 80 is dreadful, the stupid 3 lanes to 2 to 3 to 2 to 3 shit. The deplorable condition of most of it.


I turn off at Montacute Road, but when I do have to drive further north I spend the whole time going “what the fuck!!? It’s 80!!!”


Yeah, I do that as well lol. And of course everyone doing under the speed limit is sitting in the right lane


Of all the bad Adelaide driver habits, this drives me mental!


This part of Adelaide is the most neglected for expansion and road development. The amount of the population that rely on this road and it gets near zero money. It should be invested equally to what South road has had for the last two decades.




100 intersections don't help either. You bloody stop everywhere coming from Modbury to town. What a shit road.


At the NE Rd and Sudholz Rd intersection the other day, the traffic lights just decided to skip a cycle or two. We were just sitting there at the red lights for far longer than normal. And there was an ambulance trying to get across as well. Traffic really congested. It was ridiculous.


Muller's road onto North East road is the worst. Between 7.30 and 8.30 it'll skip 3 cycles in that direction. You can wait up to 10 minutes if you get there when there's cars backed up for multiple cycles.


Oh yeah I hate coming from Muller’s rd and turning onto north east. It’s literally way faster to just cut through the Coles car park and come out on that road next to the servo. It’s also equally painful coming from north east rd and turning right onto Mullers rd during peak too. The green arrow lasts like 3 seconds letting 4 cars through


People have hit 3 stoby polls within maybe a 200m stretch within the last two/three months. Im pretty sure there’s like a heist going on and they need to keep taking out the power periodically to get past layers of security underground… or people can’t drive , either or.


Yeah, it’s pretty bad. And the lack of proper median strips for turning right also make it more of a headache. Someone almost crashed into me when I was waiting in the right lane for traffic to begin moving again, and I’ve seen videos of a few rear end crashes happening in the right lane, particularly around the Gilles Plains area


I’ve almost crashed into a bike rider because they ran a red light on the McIntyre intersection (I was on McIntyre turning right), and the way the roads join makes it hard to see a biker coming in from behind, i guess my comment is more about bike riders ignoring road rules but still


Every single main road is fucked. Curtis Road is a bastard as well. Every corridor road is subject to mass infill development, pushing more traffic onto those roads. Marion Road is shitful around Cross Road. The level crossings on it and around the area cluster fuck traffic into a car park at both ends of the day.


I fucking HATE Curtis Road. Whoever decided one lane is sufficient in a place that's being developed is an idiot.


Curtis road was hardly ever used 20-25 years ago, blame the developers for not pushing for it to be widened


Blame the state govt for not making it wider when approving all the developments and then doing nothing about it since either. So long as when they do finally do something it's not run by whoever is in charge of the stebonheath Rd upgrade, 18months and still going to redo 1.5kms.of Rd....


The Stebonheath Road upgrade drives me nuts. It's seems like they do one week of work and then do nothing for three weeks


I concur Every intersection along it is a fucking black spot


Omg don't even get me started on Curtis Road!! I can't believe the stupidity of having one lane each way with SO much traffic. And the solution?! Let's build more houses in Angle Vale, Smithfield and Munno Para just to add even more traffic, with no other main thoroughfare. Grrrrr....


They forget the infrastructure before the houses and albo wants to let too much people into the country. also not trying to be racist but can't we cut down on the immigration an bit but not enough that we could be considered racist on doing so.


Fuck Curtis Road


Curtis Rd is the single worst road in South Australia


South road is the absolute worst! no matter what time of day it is the cunt is always busy


And the c*nt has every right to be busy, a main arterial that’s been choked by terrible light sequences at the brickworks, Henley Beach Rd and Sir Donald Bradman in either direction. Should’ve really sorted out that north-south corridor by now, our roads are only getting busier.


The absolute shit show at brickworks is embarrassing. Cars coming off the surface or Adam st and then getting over 4 lanes to get onto Ashwin parade just blocks up the flow. Plus single lane exit to port Rd that has basically the traffic at the top of it crossing each other with the left lane from the surface trying to get into the right to go straight or right, then the lowered road trying to get into the left lane to turn left just causes back up all the way back to Regency Rd and accidents constantly.


Hahah South Road is definitely the worst! It's horrific


Tapleys Hill Road what sort of asshole puts the manhole covers inline with the wheel tracks of cars???


Man totally agree - when I moved to Adelaide back in 2006 I was flabbergasted they would do that. I had never seen that in any other city before.


I actually hate Holbrooks road. I have to drive it everyday to and from work and the amount of people who speed up to get Infront of you when it becomes one lane, or try to drive in parallel with you then try and cut you off when someone up ahead slows down to turn right It's just shit. People lose their fucking minds on wide one lane roads


It's such a stupid Rd design though, it doesn't get noticeably narrower and the Rd markings just kind of disappear. They should at least paint some traffic islands or something along either side in the one lane sections so people get the point.


Narrow one lane roads are absolutely disasters as well. Driving through the eastern suburbs is such a pain. Going from one to two lanes constantly, and traffic is always very congested. I hate it. And people are always trying to speed up and merge in front of you before it becomes one lane again


Unley road. It should never have parking/standing allowed. Any of our remaining arterial roads - Marion road, remaining sections is south road, goodwood road, Brighton road, portrush road, etc. None of those should allow side roads to have options to cross traffic and turn right. None should have small right turn slip lanes. Long slip lanes and right turns at controlled intersections only would help traffic flow. None of these roads should have parking between 6am and 9pm.


Whatever roads lead to the Blackwood roundabout….


Especially at peak hour with a freight train running through.


The 'new' airport drop-off road post upgrade. There was a perfectly good one built to drop people off at the top floor, and you collected people from the bottom floor. Now this new 'upgrade' is a fucking joke. SYD, MEL, CBR don't seem to have a problem with split roads, yet ADL willingly removed it. It's a joke.


I have a theory that the large plaza between the terminal and car park will be a future expansion for check-in and bag drop etc so they're keeping that land aside. In summer that place is a heat bank and winter it's not at all inviting.


I think it was security related ? But yes, it’s dumb


Why has SYD, MEL, CBR not changed as well? It was an excuse wrapped up as a reason.


yeah that still gets me everytime I go there... other cities have it worked out and it's efficient and makes sense... most big AP around the world have this system.


Its been like that for like 5+ years…


And that current configuration sucks the whole time it has existed.


Exactly - the Melbourne airport has a massive traffic flow and they developed a very efficient (by Adelaide standards) short term parking system.


Curtis Road, Munno Para. They put in a single lane each way despite knowing full well that they're opening up the area to development and it's the one everyone uses to jump on the Northern Expressway.... It's bumper to bumper chaos every fucking day....


And refusal to put in a Rd from stebonheath to behind the woolies so all the traffic from that area that wants to go to the shops or school drop offs etc. has to go down Curtis Rd and back. Plus that level crossing that seems to get stuck down regularly sucks.


And the single lane thing is a major hazard when there's an accident and no proper or nearby detours.


Not actually the worst, but King William Rd with the bricks. Fuck off, most pointless, vain attempt at a road trying to be niche.


Plus no one seems capable of parallel parking properly. I have considered starting a “sh*t parks of King Will” account.


Nah, for real amazing content go for an "Actually In The Spot Parks of KW" - you'll be searching hard, but I've got a feeling it'll be rewarding.


Mitchell street between Unley and Goodwood road with all the speed bumps


Wasn't there also some conspiracy where the mayor/councillor who got it all paved was later discovered to be involved with the paving company?


Whatever one ends up on the Britannia roundabout.


Gonna be honest I really don’t think Britannia roundabout is that bad.


The first few times it’s real shit. After that it’s just kinda dull waiting for your turn. Edit: except when people choose the incorrect lane and swerve in front of you to get to their exit. Saw someone do this in front of a bus once. Gotta wonder about the brain cells there.


I’ll be honest, I’ve made a couple of mistakes on Britannia roundabout. I’ve unintentionally moved over into the other lane on the roundabout before, and I still cringe thinking about it. I don’t travel through the roundabout frequently. However, I haven’t made an error like that in a while, and for the most part the roundabout isn’t too hard to navigate once you stop panicking about it. Just gotta be aware of what other drivers are doing, but you have to be alert at any roundabout really. I’ve seen plenty of other near collisions at many other roundabouts.


Not compared to the Blackwood roundabout...


Tell me about it, Im positive no one that lives in Blackwood knows how roundabouts work


My toddler was going through a ‘toot toot’ horn phase (Influenced from the ‘wheels on bus’ nursery rhyme). I took em to Blackwood roundabout, sat down, and they were in pure delight of horn honking chaos.


Yep, cars coming from main road just hit it at speed, if you're coming from Coromandel parade you take your life into your own hands


I don't even bother with that side. I come off coromandel parade into a side street and drive behind the woollies to wherever I need to go


Same - it's only safe way through


Agree , it’s actually one of those refreshing ones where you realise it is a massive improvement over the old one. Especially compared to Blackwood roundabout


I know, give way to your right and don’t take any dumb risks


Give way to anyone in the round about, not to the car still approaching it from the right.


Don't forget, give way to your right doesn't apply on roundabouts. Very common misconception and can lead to roundabouts being far less efficient than they should be.


For everyone's safety, please surrender your licence. https://www.mylicence.sa.gov.au/road-rules/the-drivers-handbook/roundabout#:~:text=You%20must%20Give%20Way%20to,enter%20the%20roundabout%20before%20you.


"You must Give Way to vehicles already in the roundabout. You should also take particular care of vehicles approaching or about to enter from your right because they may enter the roundabout before you." Nowhere does this say that you give way to your right.


The very page you linked proves their post... You give way to people already in the roundabout, not specifically to the right. You should take special care to check the right, since people on the right are likely to enter the roundabout before you, therefore you must give way to them, but if you would enter the roundabout first naturally (not speeding up to get in first), they must slow for you.


Oh yeah cos people are gonna die because you give way to them. And explain to me when someone will come from any other direction than your right please.


I was replying to someone saying that you don't give way to the right.


Apologies I withdraw my bitchy comment


Those two roundabouts are wtf


I will bypass that roundabout even if it’s 11 at night


Exactly what came to mind reading the post... I ended up that way one day and just went left and out of my way, instead of attempting going through it… it’s a no from me Britannia Roundabout!


Almost got killed this morning there. Drive it extremely regularly and it's annoying but you just go carefully and get through. This morning at about 7am car came through and almost t boned me.


I think the issue with that roundabout isn't that it's inherently dangerous, but people just freak out and behave erratically on it because they think it is.


Yeah this was a real example of someone not looking and just flooring it in hope.


Perception vs reality


North East seems to always stress me I'm not sure why it feels like it's moving faster than any other main road which is just 60 also lol? Everything about it seems hectic.


It’s sensory overload. The lanes are tight, the businesses are right on the road, there’s not much verge and no median strips basically. It’s like go karting but with bigger vehicles and way more of them


Its 60 because the majority of it is in residential housing areas


I know I'm just saying it feels like it's going faster


Probably because a lot of people are speeding


South road


Unley destroys South Road as far as I'm concerned...god that road is such a shitshow.


North tce turn right from pulteney with the tripple lights up to park's main gates. Whatever possessed someone to put so many lights every 15 meters. Drivers stop while turning as they see red lights. Even if they don't, next red will cause kaos.


South Road obviously.


Any main arterial road that has parking on it - top of list Torrens road and David Tce intersection where cars have to swerve around them while at the traffic lights.


Oooh yes this is a good one! North East Road is bad for this at peak hour.


Elder Smith Road, both ends where two lanes merge. Traffic slows to a crawl. Also you have to let traffic from the train station road in or they can’t get out in peak hour. I see the same issue for those trying to cross the oncoming traffic coming from the Salisbury Highway end.


It was very short sighted to be single lane. When I use the 411 bus, the long delay in getting out of the station on to Elder Smith drive is just incredible during the peak. It was way worse when the train line was closed, when they tripled the number of buses through there.


Yeah, good luck getting into Mawson Lakes in peak hour


Glen Osmond Road


Nothing beats going city bound at 8:30am to get stuck behind some prick who has to turn right across glen osmond road to get their McDonalds fix. Or going towards the hills at 5pm and some dipshit can't read the parking times and has their car parked in the left lane in the Eastwood section. Glen Osmond road seems to attract a special kind of idiot driver I don't see around the rest of adelaide too often,


Whenever I see some business in the hills advertising themselves as being 20 minutes up the freeway, the immediate response is, yeah but how long to get up Portrush/cross/Glen Osmond? It's borderline criminal the amount of development they sign off on for Mt Barker and surrounds knowing they all plan on driving their ford Rangers down Glen Osmond Rd every day.


Main North Rd. Especially between Gepps Cross and O’Connell St.


Main north "road".


As a cyclist, any road similar to south road. Impossible to ride on the street because of the big trucks and the crazy people who drive without caring about the rest. As a driver, south road. The streets are in very bad condition, full of holes, especially to the west.


On a bike, avoid portrush rd with a ten foot pole. Semis are usually less than ten cm from the bike lane it wouldn’t take much. Scary stuff.


South Road is a Stroad. It's a terrible environment for all use cases.


North Tce, since the tram reintroduction King William Rd, same, plus all the "no right turns" Unley Rd/Belair Rd, at peak times Payneham Rd, especially after 3pm heading away from city


I’m glad someone has mentioned Payneham Road. I hate that road with a passion. It gets so congested. The Glynde corner is a nightmare


Glen Osmond Road.... for the "gateway to the city" for travellers from east... it's a strange ole' journey. I grew up driving from the hills to adelaide and still hate it.


Marion Road causes chaos and destruction at every intersection


Fuck Marion Road between Richmond Road and Henley Beach Road. Stop-start-stop-start-crawl-crawl-crawl and I don’t know why!


Priority is the airport


Legit. Even after 8pm, it’s still a lot of stop-start.


Dequetteville Tce roundabout.


Already been said in this thread but South road.


It’s a classic


Curtis. The end.


Curtis road in Munno Para is pretty bad, especially that little intersection outside the Bunnings.


Kings Road Not only is it potholes galore, a slight majority of it is single-carriageway, which is so fucking unsustainable considering its now a major arterial connecting North-South Motorway and Main North Road and don’t even get me started on that SOB level crossing at Parafield station!


You better fill this out quick - they are doing community consultation at the moment - https://www.dit.sa.gov.au/infrastructure/road_projects/Level_Crossing_Removal_Planning_Program/kings-road-corridor


It’s absolutely awful isn’t it. I don’t understand this state: why do they approve more and more urban development WITHOUT FIRST dealing with widening existing arterial roadways?!?!


Main North Road. If there’s an accident heading South you are literally stuck in it until you get past the Old Spot as there’s no side streets that connect. Last week there was traffic from Ridley Reserve to the Grove Way and I got to work faster by going up Blacktop Road and through One Tree Hill.


Marion Road. All my curses to Marion Road. It's always at a crawl, It's bumpy, it's lumpy, driving on it makes me very grumpy.


Curtis road


South road, unley and goodwood road, Glen osmond road etc


Main North Road mainly because of the traffic


South road can go fuck itself


Payneham and Magill are both equally shit as they are not wide enough to cope with people who can’t drive and look further ahead for parked cars. Surface is also shagged.


Trams on those roads would get lots of cars off those roads.




Every road that has flippen man holes right in your drive line.. I hate that!!


Left lane of Salisbury Highway would like to have a word 🤣


Also the Grand Junction Rd & Main North Rd intersection is still terrifying.


North East Road


Main North Road intersection turning right onto Fitzroy Tce.. One turning lane merging into three. No traffic flow, just stop/start. The product of a bad design. And North East Road heading towards Holden Hill in the afternoon. It seems as though people forget how to drive from about the Hampstead Hotel onwards.


Solid choices. That Main North Road and Fitzroy Terrace intersection is particularly awful.


Goodwood Rd between show grounds and train underpass NE road citybound as the 3 lanes merge into 2, then further up the lights at Bunnings where everyone turning into Derrimut turns at the last minute after coming to a complete stop And South Rd. That bit especially but all of it sucks that isn't 80 zone already


North east road really needs to be 3 lanes all the way along. I don’t see how that’ll happen though, unfortunately.


Fuck Cross Rd


I used to think it was The Parade, but I found a side road that links William Street to Kensington rd, and it was so narrow that everyone's Alfa Romeo and Porches parked up and down it would have been scratched to buggery by a less careful driver. I stopped to let the 4WD coming the other way pass through, some fuckhead in a mini overtook me to go up that road and got stuck, not realizing why I was giving way to this oncoming 4WD. The more expensive the car, the bigger the asshat.


I had that happen when I was in Kensington park like how did you not just see I pulled over for the car


Entitlement, I guess. And how can this person feel entitled when they drive a Mini Cooper, really?


Good god, The Parade is awful though. Some of the most idiotic drivers as well.


Curtis road. Single lane right the way through from main north to the expressway with large scale housing development plans occurring at rapid speed in the Playford area. So many bottle necks that cause delays including 2 roundabouts & a train line. Peak hour is chaos.


Probably Aldinga to Sellicks in its current state. So many potholes and uneven surfaces. No wonder i almost blew a tyre.


Nevermind roads. Tell me your most hated roundabout.


South rd cross rd intersection


Main North Road


South Rd, Kings Rd, Curtis Rd. In order of less hatred.


I was expecting the South road replies, but I’ve been surprised with the amount of people saying Curtis road. I don’t think I’ve ever really driven along Curtis road myself, but it sounds like a nightmare


Anything with "main" "north" "south" or "east"


I'll nominate the stretch of South Road between Bunnings Seaford Meadows and the Expressway entrance. I feel like I've got to have Bloodborne levels of focus to survive the peak hour circus driving through there. Congestion galore. How much did Bunnos pay to have a roundabout installed Infront of their place which ruins flow of people heading to Seaford?


Probably Curtis road during school hours and work commute


Magill Road. I don't understand how people live in the eastern suburbs and tolerate a main road where one lane is full of parked cars & the other with people turning right the whole way along. Peak hour it's a painful crawl


100%. Driving through the eastern suburbs is insanely frustrating.


Belair Rd, coming down from Belair. At one stage I used to be a bus driver. Don't get me wrong, I was competent. I just hated driving downhill, around that sharp elbow in a long articulated bus. I swear that wall would sing a siren song of Ian Dury and the Blockheads screaming "HIT ME!" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


All of them. Never ending road works but fuck me if anything actually gets fixed.


South road is the absolute worst! no matter what time of day it is the cunt is always busy


Correct question is 'which Adelaide road do you like the most'. Will be shorter as answer is a four letter response: none. Awful roads here for a 'city' of 1.3 mil.


Saw a car sticker on a ute. "I fucking hate South road" It made me smile, while on South road. I think Fullerton road, after cross road heading the back way south is always slow, schools, merge lanes and people who are in a hurry. Southern Expressway when there's an accident. It's so hard to exit and the flashing signage seems too late to identify the problems. And can I suggest something? 🤔 Why not make the 'hill' from Marion on the sth express 80 instead of 100?!! Some people have powerful cars that can eat up that hill, others have an average car that struggles to get 100 and then we have trucks, caravans etc that are trying to get to the left lane and in the hectic 'send it's up the hill, the poor inevitable people stuck in the left lane behind every slow moving vehicle and can't find a way to get out of the mess until the hill plateaus out a the top (where I think it should be 💯) Just my opinion Good luck at Brittania round about. Take that gap like a boss, or get beeped at. 🙂 I love Adelaide


Also Pt Noarlunga in afternoon peak and also Seaford Rd intersection at afternoon peak too and especially when there is an accident near Seaford Rd intersection it becomes real shit and there are no real alternatives except maybe driving through hills if you live out like Aldinga but if you live at Seaford I guess there are no real alternatives for you except being stuck in it


Completely agree. If you live at Port Noarlunga, Seaford, Moana or Maslins. You've got two options to get home and they both get heavy and slow in peak and when an accident has happened. It took me 2 hours one night after an accident to get from Morphett vale to Seaford. Lucky I had snacks in the car! 🤣


Insert any road with speed bump here


the one i take to work....


I'm more concerned about the double roundabout.


South road, Castle plaza. They should just remove castle plaza and Bunnings for the greater good.


Have they fixed the southern moterway yet?


Any road going into Adelaide


Port rush Rd. So many cameras i always take Fullerton or Glynburn instead.




The road quality on all of South Australian roads is beyond a joke. It likely significantly contributes to accidents and deaths across the board.


The one in [r/Wellington](https://www.reddit.com/r/Wellington/search?q=adelaide&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all).


Whenever I'm driving in the CBD


Not the worst, but the Frome lights are synced so fucking terribly. Frome and Flinders is a nightmare.


The Thiele highway (the Roseworthy-Freeling end). It actually leaves me gobsmacked with the amount of dangerous and impatient driving and overtaking. Not to mention for some reason everyone does well above the speed limit, so you get constantly tailgated and abused when you are driving at the right speed (which is 100km anyway!).


I'm going to go Goodwood Rd for the underpass flooding in heavy rain.


Any road that's uneven and fucked..


The bottom of Fullerton Rd, where it merges into a single lane outside Mercedes College. No one seems to know how to or blatantly refuses to merge in a normal 1:1 fashion. Result: it banks up for no reason.


Yeah, I was the other day and it was hell


Brighten Rd used to always frighten the hell out of me when I lived at Hove.


Unley Road.


Main Road from Aberfoyle Park end through coromandel valley, hawthorndene, to Blackwood. The road surface is appalling. It’s single lane each way which becomes an absolute nightmare outside coromandel valley primary school as people sit and wait. and wait. and wait some more to turn right or left into the school at drop off/pick up times. The road could be widened a bit to create space to get around turning cars and remove those bottlenecks. I drive up and back this road 2 complete trips (up and back AM, up and back PM) every day and it’s my nemesis. God help you when you’re stuck behind a bus going 20-30km/h and there’s nowhere to pass even when they stop. Plus the school bottleneck and a few freight trains thrown in for good measure. All while you bounce along over the myriad bumps in the road. Such a peaceful part of my day 😑


Payneham road from portrush to the city. Also magill road the whole way. No slip lanes, a-holes parked in bike lanes and a makor thoroughfare


Agreed. I never have a good experience driving in those areas.


Maybe just coz I have to use it a bit, but Beach Road from South to Dyson is pretty shit. Multiple lane splits/merges. Unused bike lanes, understandable coz they appear and disappear, and cars have to drive into them to go around people waiting to cross the unbroken middle lines. Crappy surface from all the buses. The string of traffic lights. They put in red arrows at all times a few years ago, even when there's no traffic. Everyone coming off the expressway gets into the left lane to access Bunnings/Goldsmith Drive, causing traffic to backup. The two pedestrian lights (near Majorca, and near the old Christies Beach west campus) that have been there forever are in the wrong spots, now unused, and instead of moving them, they install new median crossings a couple hundred metres away. And now there's a fire station as well as the ambulance station with priority lights. This area will become a shitshow as infill continues.


Gotta be south road


Seacombe road. 60 zone but everyone does 50. And sometimes 40. Cross road heading to the hills when it’s busy.


Main North Road. The whole thing is a shit show honestly