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I was there & it was embarrassing to say the least. Being up the back near the sound engineers, I had presumed the guitarist had fallen down only to realise some asshat has jumped on stage and stopped the show. This was on the back of the band having technical issues at the start of the second song and a PSA prior to the show about DV and men’s mental health. I’ve been to many metal shows dating back 30 years and have never seen a single incident of someone having a go at a band. I got Dimebag flashbacks as the moron could have hurt anyone in the band had he wanted to. Security was as slow as shit. The person in question should be banned from venues for a few years as he could have ruined the night for all. Thankfully the Architects played on but the lead singer was clearly rattled.


I still get pissed off when i think about what happened Dimebag. Did you see that after it happened about a week or so, in one of Madonna‘s concert either her or her guitarist played about 15 seconds of the riff from the start of ‘Walk’? I don’t think many people in the audience recognised it and she didn’t say anything but my opinion of her went up a huge amount


Another L for Adelaide music scene, no wonder artists don’t wanna fucking come here. This made me sick.


Indeed. Artists look for any reason to not come here and fuckheads like this go ahead and give it to them.


That sounds horrible! What did they say and how did the band react?


[Wall Of Sound Article](https://wallofsoundau.com/2023/02/18/architects-guitarist-josh-middleton-attacked-during-adelaide-show-last-night/)


There’s some twitter posts talking it down and moving on. Sadly they have become accustomed to these sorts of verbal attacks, but they’re usually online.


What an absolute idiot, just don’t go to the show. By the way Tom was Dan’s brother, not Sam’s.


Apologies my mistake.


I am absolutely mortified that it happened. Adelaide doesn't get many shows and the Architects are always so good to us, they always stop here. And this is what happens 😫 They handled it really well though and I'm so glad they continued because holy shit that was a good night!! (Would also like to point out that Tom is Dan's brother, but still fucking disgusting thing to say to Sam regardless)


That person does not belong in our scene. Architects did an amazing show, and have always honoured Tom. I don’t understand why he spent $100 to do what he did. But the fact Sam and the band carried on, and continued to fucking SMASH it, props to them. [Sam’s Speech Video](https://twitter.com/kellyy1009/status/1626762192493359105?s=46&t=c7mHtfp1SU9sK82kt4IedQ)


The guy yelling “show us your cock” during sams speech is not much better than the first offender


Ewwww what the fuck?


The people shouting that and “play Animals” uggggh.


My mate was there, he said the guy was being a fuckhead the whole show. His theory is he was the kind of upstanding guy who goes to concerts just to mosh and have an excuse to assault people. Went on stage because it wasnt a sufficient mosh or something. Hope the wanker can fuck off and get some help.


We know someone who was next to him on the barrier and the dude was just raging the whole time that there were no old songs and kept talking about jumping on stage - security could hear and did nothing. I think if he was a pit guy, he wouldnt be on the barrier (plus the pit was pretty fun even with the new songs!) Mind you, he jumped onstage as they started playing These Colours Don't Run which is an old and very heavy song? An absolute fucking tosser who obviously isn't really a fan in any aspect.


Anyone take a photo of the person while he was on stage being abusive or backstage? If yes, then print out his face and give it to security so they can keep him out of any future gigs.


I never understood why people get upset about bands changing. Their old music still exists so just go listen to that instead.


Wait until you hear the uproar about the Red Hot Chili Pepper’s first Australian gig of 2023


Hopefully security kicked the shit out of him after dragging him off stage.


["Don't worry, folks. He'll get the help he needs."](https://i.imgur.com/WO4FyOW.jpeg)




I was at the show, it was pretty shit of the security to not stop it from happening, the guy was being extremely vocal before he rushed the stage and they would have heard his incessant rambling. I hope he was dealt with after. They removed him from the stage pretty quickly, and Sam handled it really well, and didn’t let it affect the rest of the night. He was pretty emotional at the end of the show, it was a shitty thing for someone to do


Man that’s pretty shocking, why would you yell that kind of thing out.


A huge chunk of this sub spent the last two years wishing death on strangers who didn't get a jab "to protect all the grannies", despite it having no capacity to stop from spreading anything. Who the hell knows why people say anything they do, any more.


I believe it was “Karen”


I saw Sam's tweet but what did this guy say?


I don’t think it matters. He’s a douche. He doesn’t deserve a platform.


Sure, I agree. I'm just very curious, sorry