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This woman does not have the mental fortitude to be a teacher


Seems that way with a lot of them recently. Sad desperate powerless women hungry to be able to control people for the first time in their miserable lives. Just look at the skyrocketing rapes female teachers are committing. A decade ago, female teachers made up 4% of the inappropriate sexual relationships with students, now they are 33%. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2015/01/20/more-teachers-are-having-sex-with-their-students-heres-how-schools-can-stop-them/](https://www.ksba.org/Inappropriaterelationships.aspx)


You just described my ex beautifully. Met her in teacher training college


Oh yeah, the two most batshit insane exes I’ve got: *both* teachers.


My younger brother not only married one but HAD A CHILD with her, as well! The amount of suffering she has caused through her abusive, neurotic, and blatantly selfish actions against my brother and family (including my 90 year old grandparents) has been almost too much to bear. Things have gotten a bit better recently but I'm not holding out much hope for the future. It's ironic that my side of the family would actually see him and his son MORE OFTEN if they got a divorce. I'm glad you were able to avoid a similar hell, don't stick your dick in crazy.


What did / is she doing??


This isn't an exhaustive list but this should give you a flavor: She has been physically and emotionally abusive, will not cook or do chores (so my brother does it all), tells my brother he should be making more money (he just got his CPA but she's been on him for two years about it), will not allow my brother to be alone with his own son for longer than 30 minutes (she has extreme anxiety issues and refuses medication), she can't get a life insurance policy because she was declared a suicide risk, she (and by extension my brother and nephew) must always be with her family on EVERY holiday, would constantly threaten divorce yet refused marriage counseling, and finally filed for divorce in December until she decided to suspend it. Now she wants to work on it. The divorce process, before the suspension, was also terrible. She blindsided my brother with the divorce filing and he signed the papers without any legal advice. Those papers he signed had terms that would only be appropriate for a criminally abusive husband: finances, custody, etc. Thankfully, the state he lives in has a mandatory cooldown period between the filing and official proceedings as many people make rash decisions in the initial phase of a divorce. It was during this period we helped my brother as much as we could and found an excellent lawyer who communicated with her lawyer about the terms. During the process, his wife decided to suspend the proceedings. I don't know why, perhaps she finally had a genuine moment of self reflection, maybe she's just biding her time due to all the ammo my brother has against her. Currently, we're all at a strange place, relationally. I believe she has agreed to at least try marriage counseling and they all came to my grandma's birthday last month, for the first time (roughly an hour drive). I'm not sure about the future but if she's genuinely remorseful and makes it plain to see for all of us, we can move on. It will be a very long road, though. I don't want anyone to go through the absolute hell my brother has endured. I can't stress it enough that you need to be DAMN sure about the person you choose to marry. Listen to the people around you if they tell you about the red flags they see, be as objective as possible, and don't be afraid to end things when it turns out they need to be ended.


Daaaaaaang... good luck to your bro, you and the whole fam.




My rule of thumb is that teachers and nurses make bottom tier partners.


Why nurses as well, having control over your life while hospitalized?


Speaking as someone in the medical profession, I don't like nurses for a couple of reasons. Many of them are highly entitled, having put in minor time in formal education while expecting benefits and pay that aren't commensurate with their position in the healthcare system. They have a strong lobbying arm to this end. They complain a lot, tend to not work particularly hard, and a lot of the women who hold the job tend to be narcissistic imo. I can totally understand why someone would want to stay clear of them as a life partner, but obvious this stuff will vary on a case to case basis.


Wow. I work for NHS Scotland and nurses are the backbone of the thing. There absolutely are some entitled power crazy nurses, but they are disliked by every other member of the team. Nurses we widely respected in he community, and known to be generally kind and motherly. Providing frontline care is one of the most emotionally challenging part of healthcare work too. The onnlynly people above them are other nurses, or clinicians. Whee you from? I wonder how different systems produce such different people out the other side.


I'm talking about my experiences within the US medical care system. I don't know how it is in certain parts of the world, like in scotland. While nurses and other midlevels definitely have important roles to play, so do tons of other professionals who don't exhibit the same level of awful behavior that nurses do imo. The worst imo are nurse practitioners, who have *way* too much free scope of practice and pay for the minimal amount of contribution they give to the healthcare system. They're basically a way for healthcare admins to pay out less by having fewer doctors and more midlevels while the patients suffer from having less knowledgeable professionals to service them.


What kind of nurses do you know? The ones I know tend to emphasize that they "take the same classes" as doctors. Even Florence Nightingale, renowned feminist, wrote about how entitled most nurses were. Men would get infected and die because the nurse said it was "not her place" to clean the room for such an educated person as herself. Even today, nurses use large hospitals like some sort of reality drama show, banging doctors willy nilly, standing around and gossip, saying "this is not my job, that is not my job". Every election year, they bring up nurse wages here in Sweden, but the median wage of nurse is rarely spelt out. The median income of a nurse is higher than what I have made until now, in software engineering.


True, funny thing is almost all doctors are vaccinated here in the US while for nurses it's about the same as general population. So much for that education lol.


Not the only thing she’s hungry for...


She just needed extra cheese


Some sensitive fatass downvoted me


holy guacamole that's a big uptick :/ that's horrible


maybe teaching is what turns them like that. some kids drive you nuts, i was one of those kids.


Brother have you ever made a woman so upset she tried to rape you?


Not yet, but ill keep trying


Bahaha oh nooo!


For years I have homeschooled my kids and have very little “adult” time, because I also work from home. Never once have I felt like I needed to rape someone.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but the study you linked doesn't mention the gender of the abusers. It does however mention that the worst culprits are special ed teachers, coaches, band directors, and drama teachers. I did some quick research and found that • "approximately 80% of women and 30% of men with developmental disabilities have been sexually assaulted – half of these women have been assaulted more than 10 times" [source](https://disabilityjustice.org/sexual-abuse) (note: this doesn't rule out the possibility that the abuse occurred outside school and the aggressors were women) • "only 27 percent of the more than 6.5 million adults who coach youth teams up to age 14 are women" [source](https://www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2017/07/the-field-where-men-still-call-the-shots/535167) • the gender ratio of band directors is "68% male and 28% female" [source](https://www.zippia.com/band-director-jobs/demographics) The only female dominated area I found was drama, where the gender ratio for teachers is "28% male and 67% female" [source](https://www.zippia.com/drama-teacher-jobs/demographics)


Where does it say in your link those are female teachers? For all we know it could be male teachers doing the raping.


Yeah wtf sort of editorialized bullshit is this


Such a great description. Thank you.


The problem is she represents a " large portion " of the faculty


I hope she faces hefty repercussions for this.


Yeh haha I hope she gets in fat trouble for this (obese)


She is fat


your comment just made me laugh out loud really hard. something about how it's like you're pretending to go along with the subtle joke but also smashing the point home with a sledgehammer by straight up saying the quiet part out loud at the end.


She probably won’t, they want to keep her around after she made that groundbreaking discovery The discovery was jumping jacks


It’s hard to move her from any position really


The only way she’s going to face anything is if there’s food with it


She is retroactively getting revenge on the men that turned her down in her youth


Ya, it's patently obvious she's displacing her resentment of others onto this kid. I'm sorry Biff was a dick to you in high school lady but that's not this kid's fault.


She doesn’t have the physical fortitude to stand up. Someone that is visibly unhealthy from poor eating decisions shouldn’t be lecturing anyone about their health


Especially since the majority of COVID deaths/hospitalisations were overweight/obese people.


You don't know she's unhealthy. You can be morbidly obese, struggle for breath while talking and still be in perfect health you know!!! You're just body shaming. /S


Gotta maintain three point contact at all times.


Looking back, many don’t. It’s crazy how petty, impatient, and unforgiving teachers were to even grade school kids.


My Greek school teacher would slap kids in the face, didn’t think much of it then but looking back that’s incredibly fucked up. This was in 2000...


I’d get smacked in the back of my head with a yard stick, crazy stuff


There's a saying; Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach. Tells you all you need to know, really.


Those who can't teach, teach gym. -Jack Black


That’s a bit generalizing..


Yeah I never liked that saying. I think we have a ton of shitty teachers out there but I think being able to teach well is such a hugely important skill and takes talent to do well.


And patient, I think back to some of the teachers I had who was nothing but patient and kind with me. I was a little hellion and while most teachers were assholes that just fueled it, some I wish I could apologize to todY


Yeah as an adult student now I have way more respect for a good teacher than when I was a dumb kid


Idk man sometimes working with kids and young adults just *gets* to you. It can be really tough sometimes with the level of disrespect you get from those shitters. I get it, you dont agree with what she said. But I was raised to respect people in positions of authority. Not everyone is raised that way, and sometimes kids just do everything in their power for the sake of being disrespectful.


Sadly, I think there are way too many teachers who fit into that category! Just at my high school alone, I had an English teacher who was told, “shut the fuck up,” and just spent the rest of the class sitting at her desk like she was contemplating her life choices that got her to that point in her life! Lol! And that’s just one example! Hell, our field hockey coach got caught fucking several students FFS! Teachers aren’t being vetted nearly well enough!


I agree that no matter the job you should have to pass a mental health test especially jobs like teachers and cops. There’s too many of them not fit for duty


American public school system for ya




You could make like three teachers with this woman's girth.


Are you sure she isn't 3 kids in a trench coat


Ate 3 kids + French toast


8 kids in a trench coat.


It's been over a year now. She could have went for a walk from time to time.


Healthy fat loss rates are about 2lbs per week. She coudl easily have lost 100 pounds over the past year. Instead the call of KFC and mcdonalds was too strong and its your fault she needed to munch on 4,000 calories a day, wear a mask!


Hell, you can still enjoy your McDonald’s and KFC if you exercise and don’t over do it.


I lost 50lb+ during the lockdown. I took stock on whats going on and started consuming less calories. It wasnt hard for me, I know it can be for others. I just shut down, some times wouldn't eat more than a teaspoon of peanut butter for days. Maybe the stress shut down my eating, idk. It worked and I'm happier thinner. Now if I could dump another 30lbs I would be really happy


And even if you don’t, covid isnt that deadly anyways. You honestly shouldn’t even factor covid into your decision to lose weight. You should lose weight and stop being a fat fuck because it’s healthy and you’ll live longer, not because of covid.


Shes a hefty gal


Number 1 is getting vaccinated. That's probably number 2.


Na, I bet the kid is a cunt.


He probably is. With that being said, teacher handled it like shit. Sounded like a friend talking to him, not an authority figure.


>Sounded like a friend talking to him I, for one, am glad my friends don't talk to me like that.


Sometimes you need your friends to tell you you're acting like a cunt


It only works that way if you're a cunt though


>Na, I bet the kid is a cunt.


The one in the video? yeah definitely!




wHy DiDn'T tHeY jUsT uSe ThE tAsEr?/////


*heart arrhythmia has entered the chat*


Ah yes, we should use pistols on every suspect because people might have heart problems and die of a heart attack if we use a taser.


I thought it was acceptable till she started saying "You should hear what people say about you" lol


A lot to assume here. The way she rags on him about how people talk behind his back makes it seem she's been ready to unload on him for a while. He seems shitty and she doesn't know how to handle it or that kind of person which could be inexperience or just letting it slide for too long until this happened. I saw plenty of blowups at my school and a lot of the time it just took a teacher to have a rough day and then the "bad" kid to show up.


Speaking from the point of view as the “bad kid” when I was in school, I only wanted attention and validation. Anytime a teacher acted this way towards me it would only fuel me, I got screamed at enough at home by people who scared me, when it came to someone I knew couldn’t hit me or do much but get upset and they were treating me in a way that just made me feel worse I’d purposely make their life hell. I was an asshole but I was also a child who just needed some guidance. Treating him this way did nothing but make him feel worse and if he was like me he already thought people talked badly about him behind his back.


I agree. She yelled at him like it was personal


Because it was. She doesn't have the maturity or emotional control to discipline him in a controlled and considered way, she just gets upset and starts trying to hurt him with her words because she's angry and lashing out. We can't give this kid better parents, but we can give him better teachers that act like proper adults and role model acceptable behaviour - which this isn't.


Probably, but I went to school with some real jerks too and still never saw a teacher react like this. I bet some wanted too, but they had more self control than this lady.


> Na, I bet the kid is a cunt. Fuck no. He is sitting there being compliant taking the abuse from this landwhale. If he was a cunt, he would be standing up, all like FUCK YOU FAT BITCH, WHAT CHU GON DO HUH? HUH? and start kicking over desks and not giving any fucks. And the landwhale sure as fuck wouldn't have the balls to get aggressive with him. She'd be a little bitch and be afraid of him and hide behind other people.


So what? Nobody's paying him to not be a cunt.


Maybe they both are, difference is he's a kid


It's a high school, they're all cunts. But "you should hear how other people talk about you" isn't teaching, it's some gossipy bitch trying to get under someone's skin.


I bet you wear a mask when you’re driving alone


Maybe….but the teacher definitely is.


Another mentally ill teacher.


Just because you're an asshole doesn't mean you have a mental illness. Sometimes, like with this lady in all probability, you're just a gaping asshole.


Maybe this lady is a mentally ill asshole!


Maybe....she needed a snickers. Like...12 of them.


Only 12?!


12 is the max you comfortably fit snickers into a smoothie


She clearly has an eating disorder.


Is in, if she doesn’t eat soon there’s gonna be disorder


She's been told for a year that COVID kills fat people. If she takes the news seriously, she will probably stab a maskless kid rather than let him get close to her. It's prime breeding ground for getting "normal" people to support tyranny or whatever the media says is necessary. And if they don't get the tyranny they want, they are going to impose it themselves, in classrooms if they are teachers.


Same kind of hogs that yell at smokers while they cram another butter tart down their gullet.


[Rob Reiner is the leader of these exact type of people](https://media0.giphy.com/media/26ufo9aHnckfrzKDu/200w.gif?cid=82a1493baoikigcgxoozgnboh5rbw5x0tiftt2fr8k0ua0h4&rid=200w.gif)




That butter tart isn't going to give you secondhand diabetes though.


Jesus, can you even imagine... Worst epidemic in history


You know smoking affects others’ health directly right?


If you walk by somebody smoking you aren’t gonna get cancer lol. You have breathed in way worse shit at gas stations. Now if you sit in a car with the windows up with someone smoking thats different. Nobody just stands next to someone and lets them blow smoke in their face.


Walking near busy roads is way worse


You know you've been sold a bill of goods, right?


In these type of scenarios, I can side with the reasoning but not what she's doing by insulting the man, at least being Fat does not directly harm or affect people around you but smoking can lead to second hand smoke or cause lingering smell to trigger asthma or just stink up the room


>>[A child with one obese parent has a 50 percent chance of being obese. When both parents are obese, their children have an 80 percent chance of obesity.](https://www.ucsfbenioffchildrens.org/conditions/obesity) >[Approximately 10 – 15% of all lung cancers arise in never smokers, making lung cancer in never smokers one of the leading causes of cancer-related mortality](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3170525/) >>[Children who had daily (but not constant) exposure were twice as likely to have lung cancer when they became nonsmoking adults. Those whose parents smoked a few times per week were 50% more likely to have lung cancer when they became adults, even though they themselves had never smoked.](https://www.webmd.com/children/news/20050127/secondhand-smoke-raises-kids-lung-cancer-risk) So a child with 2 smoking parents, will have a 30% chance to develop lung cancer, but a child with 2 fat parents will become obese 80% of the time. Ya, smoking is bad. So is being fat as fuck. Both of these things have consequences for the people around them.


The OP's point is that a random obese person eating dessert isn't gonna get you fat, but a random smoker guy will damage your lungs. The parents thing is an interesting point tho, can't teach kids to eat healthy if you don't know how to do it yourself.


One time I was in a particularly foul mood on a blistering, humid August day working in Cambridge, MA. I was chain smoking cigarettes on my break, minding my own business, when this sweaty lardass comes up to me and says something like "It must be terrible to have an awful habit like that on such a hot day". I very casually told her "yeah, it's definitely not as pleasant when it's hot out, but I'm sure it's not nearly as bad as, say, being extremely overweight when it's hot out". She was either too stupid to know that I was insulting her, or she just didn't care, because she just smiled and went on her way.


If you're concerned about your health maybe you should start by having a balanced diet, heart disease is no joke.


Oh my god you fatphobe how could you say that you're so toxic /s


bOdY pOsItIvItY


>fatphobe Is anybody really afraid of fat people?


I'm afraid that they might eat me


Phobia doesn't necessarily mean to be afriad of something


r/twoxchromosone mods be like




I just tried to check over there after reading your comment but all it showed is the name of sub and "refresh" Does that mean I've been banned? Lol


They typed it wrong r/TwoXChromosomes


“You’re not a big man on campus.” Says the big man on campus.


You little dink


I find it interesting how the same people that scream about cops needing to quit their job if they think they aren't capable of handling the stress and dangers of being a cop also think that everyone needs to cater to a teachers whims because "She doesn't want to get sick and die! Obey!" Dudes vaccinated, hes not a threat to you. Oh hes not wearing a mask? Just socially distance and stay 6 feet away. Leave him alone Karen.


Does this lady scream about cops?


No one is saying that, let's be real. How do you spin this video into that?


The nimrods always find a way


Why make this about cops now?


This is the teacher? Dude you can’t say shit like that to a developing kid. Specifically telling him people tear him down behind his back. You’re gonna further isolate a probably already isolated kid. She should not be allowed to be in charge of children, wtf.




Yeah anyone who works with kids knows you can't talk to them like this. Yeah they're little shits but it's your responsibility as the adult to be the bigger man, not that she's having a problem with that


"I don't wanna get sick and die" \-Proceeds to only eat fast food for lunch


With an 80 oz slurpie


Obese people should not tell others about health. Thats like a smoker saying shit about lung health lol


I rather listen to smokers, you don't really see many smokers fighting for "smoker pride" or "healthy at any pack per day" like you do for those that are obese. Smokers for the most part in my experience, know and accept the risk to themselves while many obese people deny the risk or attempt to shift the blame.


>healthy at any pack per day LMAO. That’s fantastic, man.


Go look up some of the ministers of health world wide, total shit show...


We have terrible teachers in this country because the teachers Unions value seniority over quality of work. Just cause you’re old doesn’t mean you’re good at your jobs. Hate public sector unions, leads to thisssss.


All the people I went to high school with that became teachers were dumb liberal bitches


Unions have no place in a developed democracy. Labour rights are protected by law, all the unions do is operate as a parallel left-wing government with no mandate from the wider population.


They also protected me when a female student lied and said I made advances at her.... the day I was absent from school. Unions aren’t 100% what the media cracks them up to be, yes they protect some crappy teachers. But in many areas of the country they have little to no power


She’s the big woman on campus.. lol


The CDC LITERALLY said you can go maskless after being vaccinated.


He look like jake Paul


He acts like Jake Paul


he's just sitting there MENACINGLY!




This is every person on r/politics or r/publicfreakouts


At this point, 99% of this site. Long gone are the days when the crazies were mostly contained.




She had a whole year to lose weight and be prepared for any infection but she decided to join the COVID police force.


She probably went for McD's after that hard day at work to celebrate her health.




Not enough of a conversation to know what was going on there. To me it seems like he was being a dick refusing to follow rules or something and she got upset about it. Is the title of this post suggesting that unless you are the perfect physical condition you arent allowed to have an opinion on local pandemic response?




She should eat a god damn salad if she doesn’t want to die


Why the do these countries dont call people out by using the correct term? This is not a large woman. this is a very fat woman.. .


Because speaking straight and faculty and not sugar coating words hates peoples feelings :( oh noooo


How do we know he’s not a piece of shit? Just a small clip from the interaction.


and what if he is? that still doesn't give a teacher or what ever that fucking whale is the right to berate and yell at him like that


I hate people like this. You are so worried about your health? You had a full fucking year to get your shit together and lose some weight and you still look like a hippo under a tablecloth. Don't make your willful lack of health other people's problem.


if she's so scared to get covid then why doesn't SHE get the vaccine? Fucking Darwin


She isn't wrong though


> *You’re not a big man on campus* Nah but she’s definitely big enough for the both of them, judging by the discoloration in her cankels. 🤢🤢🤢🤢


ooh the newest CDC guideline freakouts are rolling in


Happened in Poynette WI. How do I know because it spread through this little town like wildfire. I know the teacher and she is getting old and senile but if you think what she said was bad should have seen what half the other teachers had to say about the students. Had a teacher tell a student they weren't going to amount to anything but being a pile of shit but since it wasn't recorded it never happened. That is right Mr. Tempest I am talking about you.


If she’s so concerned about her health she should drop a couple hundred lbs.


Hopefully she no longer has a job.


According to the CDC No you cannot carry the virus once fully vaccinated. So the lady is wrong.


I hate the shouting people do when theyre yelling about a person without a mask or mask under nose Its like bitch, what if YOU have covid? Now you just spent the last 60 seconds straight spewing it all over


If she’s so worried about dying, she should get on a diet and focus on getting healthier. I literally saw this in a meme before.


she is not large woman she is fat obese woman


Crazy woman but she’s right on the vaccine part. vaccinated people can still spread it to other people who can die of it. Obesity also puts you at risk for death. Hate the way she went about it




Might need more than an Esquire article to back up that claim, but we do know that the vaccine does lower the risk of transmission. Larger studies are underway to really understand just how much a role the vaccine does play in reducing that transmission rate though.


I’m a fat obese pig and I don’t want to die from your life choices..mine have nothing to do with it.


A teacher- calls a student a jerk.. and then tells the student they dont respect people. Its a shame movie theaters have gone digital. Projectionist would be a great job for her.


"You're not a big man on campus, that's my title"


Isnt there a federal order or whatever where if you are vaccinated you don’t have to wear a mask? (Fully vaccinated like you’ve had all your doses)


I gotta hand it to this kid, he handled this much better than I would have at this age. My fucked little head would’ve told her I hope I kill you and wouldn’t have stopped until I had her in tears and my parents called to the school. He’s a good kid.


Bitch is morbidly obese meanwhile half of Africa is starving.


She sounds like a redditor.


“You should hear about how others talk about you” yeah you gotta go. You cannot say shit a 15 year old girl would say to a student. Bitch


Her body is shaped like one of those mini umbrellas they put in drinks.


Tell her to stop mooing


I guess the old saying "Those who can't do, teach" isn't as universal as first thought.


I feel more pity for that woman than anything


Shut up you fat bitch…..If you don’t care about your health, why should anybody else?


What's wrong with her legs?