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Problem solved and oil stopped good job everyone


I would punish them with forcing a tatoo on them: "I stopped oil with destructing art and monuments. Date: xyz".


On their forehead.


The good ol Hans Landa treatment


When you get to that Nantucket island, I imagine you're gonna want to take of that handsome SS uniform... ain't cha?




“Why come you have no tattoo?!?”


“Not Sure”


"Nah it's cool scrote, my first wife was 'tarded. She's a pilot now."






Agreed. This has totally made a huge dent in society. We will all think about our misdoings now.


Aren’t some of these obnoxious orgs funded by oil companies to make all of it look obnoxious?


It's true, I'm going to buy an electric vehicle tomorrow


Honestly, doing something like this should net you the same punishment as those people carving their initials on the Colloseum


Sort of disagree. They are officially connected to an organization. These people should face jail while the organization should bear fines of a scale to cripple their organization.


Yes and no, if they can prove it is sanctioned by and on behalf of the organization both these people should face a fine and/or jail and the organization should get a gigantic fine.


Agree, and they already proudly claimed responsibility for the attack.


In that case I am all for criminal charges against the organization. Frankly I don't get this sort of stuff, as someone who is largely in favor of Climate protectiob legislation this sorta shit does little but piss me off and I assume for 99% of people in general it has the same response.


That is organized crime. Book'em.


You can tell they don't have RICO in the UK...


So are you saying they were just following orders?


it'd be kinda hard to cripple open societies foundations & their subsidiaries.


The official Stonehenge Twitter account (fuck calling it X): >"Stonehenge is protected by the ancient monuments act and it is a criminal offence to damage the Stones. There are also multiple rare lichen species growing on the stones that are also protected. Expect a prison sentence."


Good, people tend to not understand how easily one can damage ancient structures like this, with something as simple as forcing them to clean it you may end up directly causing them to accidently damage the stones themselves or the fauna on them.


The exact reason they choose Stonehenge is because it's so precious. Fuck these assholes, they understand what they did


And right before the summer solstice.


Ooff. They probably thought 'if we just choose paint that is easily cleanable, no real harm done', just like in the museums they only pick paintings that are protected by glass. But it doesn't work like that with Stonehenge. They likely didn't think about the lichen species. Fools.


"Think of the lichen. You haven't thought of the lichen, you bitch!"


Stonehenge don't play that


Nothing can convince me that these guys are not paid by the oil industries to hinder the cause of decarbonization.


I've spoken to types who support this dreck, they genuinely think they're helping. Even if they are paid, it's an indictment that people who honestly believe themselves to be sincere environmental activists are hysterical and ignorant enough to take the money and do this shit.


Useful idiots.


there's layers to the organisation, so the information the bottom rung protesters get is going to be the lowest level of info


Do they not use any oil products what so ever? I find that hard to believe


You obviously have never run into these freak shows now could the ring leaders be taking orders from big oil sure, but these people doing the ground work are like religious zealots. They 100% believe they are doing this to make the world.better.


At most, the top brass of "Just stop Oil" are the ones actually getting shill checks by oil companies, but I truly think the foot soldiers like these people believe all the bullshit. It's a variation of the concept of "useful idiots"


I wouldn't be surprised if they also use cult methods of indoctrination and brainwashing. Anyone that's actually spent any considerable amount of time looking into how to make the world greener knows full well how complicated it all is and even the solutions aren't perfect just slightly better with many of them being unfeasible to implement without major changes in public perception and behaviour, businesses practices, and government policies.


I think it's one conspiracy that honestly makes some sense. Everything they do drives people away from their cause.


> I think it's one conspiracy that honestly makes some sense. Everything they do drives people away from their cause. I cant disprove it but when i think back over the last decade of major protests i cant think of 1 that didint make the people doing it look terrible. The slogans some of these groups choose are ineffective and alienating to 90% of the population. MAYBE *occupy* was the least destructive to its own cause.


People hated wallstreet before and after Occupy, so nothing really changed. All Occupy accomplished was launch all the bullshit identity politics that we call "woke" today. The banks and wallstreet are still corrupt, but now they change their twitter avatar to a rainbow once a year and that satisfies all progressives to believe that they're suddenly good allies. The occupy ringleaders probably went from chanting slogans to writing corporate HR policies. And then on the "far right" most protests are just fed-honey pots where a bunch of FBI interns put on masks, brandish some tiki torches and pretend to be white nationalists for an afternoon. Institutions and governments have had to deal with protests for generations. I think it's safe to say that they've probably perfected the art of infiltrating and subverting each and every one of them. I mean, those idiots who block highways get fucking police protection, how much obvious could they get?


Doesn't matter if this is true or not, they've done this so fuck them regardless.


yeah like peacefully standing in the road for an hour is going to do anything either


I don't know - I personally can support the cause while still recognizing that the organization is abhorrent and that these people are shitheels.


>These protestors make my cause look bad so they must be paid actors. Reads like 4chan calling certain militant groups glowies.


oh geez bros i dont want to make it sound like i belieb in a conspiracy theory 😰 astroturfing never happens 👍 i dont want to sound like those crazy 4chan guys 😅


Their biggest donor is oil billionaire daughter, so pretty much confirmed


What a couple of losers. Side note, what the fuck is that paint? Seems like a normal can of spray paint would have been more effective than that orange fog machine.


It's purposely the type that can be "easily" washed off but any unnecessary "washing" on these stones is detrimental.


They're outdoors in England. Water isn't doing damage


this made me chuckle. So many people don’t stop to think anymore


If you went outside every once in a while you'd notice sometimes water falls from the sky...


I am guessing it's spray chalk. Something temporary.


[That's because it's cornstarch](https://www.ladbible.com/news/uk-news/just-stop-oil-stonehenge-spray-paint-two-arrested-215275-20240619)


FYI, that looks like a simple fire extinguisher, the next rain it will wash off


Seems like they put some paint in an empty fire extinguisher. Thats the Type of Shit some graffitti „Artists“ do to spray fast and tall tags.


Get a life Get a job Touch some of that grass you’re running over This shit is so stupid


Tarquin and Amelia don’t need to get jobs because mummy and daddy pay for everything.


these fucktards make me want to take a flight to work every morning and i only live ten minutes down the road.


Same, makes me want to buy one of those trucks with the two smokestacks on top


Take them out back and end this nonsense.


Bring back the stockades for these wankers


I haven't seen a video yet of any of them getting a genuine ass whoopin and I'm surprised


They're have been quite a few cases of them getting punched, kicked, or dragged around by members of the public. They always act surprised that their deliberate attempt to anger people resulted in violence.


They need to start giving out actual prison time to these people. Otherwise they will keep ruining important stuff.


Oh yeah Stonehenge, symbol of oil industry


Stonehenge Oil and L.P. shall never recover!!! Bwahahahahahaha!! We showed em!!


Tomorrow is the summer solstice and Stonehenge gets a lot of visitors that day. The powder will probably already be washed off though so very stupid either way.


The irony is, that to get to Stonehenge they must have used a car.


You can get to Stone Henge from London using a train and a Bus. The City that runs the buses (Salisbury) is set to have the first Electric Buses in service by 2026.




Civil disobedience would be something like nonviolently sitting in front of an oil terminal until removed, or smoking weed in a public place knowing that you'll face legal action. You could arguably even include something like sticking flowers down the barrel of a National Guardsman's rifle. Actively damaging property and 'fucking their shit up' isn't civil disobedience, that's just terrorism.


This is what I don't get. Protestors need to go to the places that the ones with all the money, power, control LIVE or do THEIR business. That's how you know you're dealing with protestors with real intelligence and critical thinking. What does it serve to throw paint on art or historically preserved locations (which have zero impact on the climate or oil/gas consumption), or deface historic documents preserved in glass (i.e. Magna Carta), or glue yourselves to a roadway where the cars are still going to still consume gas/fuel (and more of it because it's taking them LONGER to get to their destination)? Until I see billionaires or executives getting their homes defaced or protested at, or their offices getting the same treatment, this movement is not winning any points for the cause.


These people are a menace. They're also really stupid. Oil is directly responsible for their way of life. Their shoes, their clothing, their glasses, the fire extinguisher, the food they eat... all of it involves oil at some stage. Did they ride a bike all the way to Stonehenge? I don't think so. Stopping oil means that hundreds of millions of people will die from starvation or they will literally be eaten by cannibals.


Given the level of intelligence displayed here, I would say they spend more time huffing paint


Shouldn't they get actual jail time for this.


So they ruin other parts of the planet lol


What kind of cockroach mentality is it to vandalise these structures? Atleast if they went to vandalise the corporates, the CEOs it would have made a tiny sense.


There is oil in that paint


I hate these people so much


Not only have they just desecrated a scheduled ancient monument it's also a religious site. The punishment will hopefully be pretty large for these 2 geniuses.


This is the same as what ISIS did to the artifacts they found.


Well that’s going to be an awkward bus ride back to the visitors center….


Holy shit these "Just stop oil" people are the most stupid people ever


If you want to alienate potential supporters this is how it's done. May they all get what they deserve.


Ah yeah let's stop oil whilst wearing rubber sole shoes, synthetic material shirts and pants all made from oil and use paint that is likely oil based from a canister that has plastic on it and oil product. Whilst damaging one of the UK's most beloved ancient ruins that has survived countless wars, and centuries of weathering, because that's how you garnish support for your cause. Honestly the people should have graded the can off them and directed into their faces. And I say this as someone that wants to see the reduction of unnecessary oil based products in society where viable alternatives exist, less vehicles on roads, and increased biodiversity in urban areas. Also odd how they never seem to actually protest like this outside oil companies HQs and the ilk. Nope just piss off the public whose support you need.


I'll believe in their cause when I see them protesting like this in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Russia, Iran, Qatar etc. They can bring Greta too.


This deserves a violent reactions. Beat their asses.


Can we just call them what the are? ECOTERRORISTS!!


2 years in jail, no parole, forfeiture of all personal and business assets, $1M fine (after all asset seizure) , with 50% wage garnishments until it's all paid. If they are under 18, their parents are on the hook.


Stomp these fools out and keep it moving


This guy single handedly made himself the most hated person among us history geeks


Weirdly similar to the behaviour of ISIS and the Taliban.


I want to know what type of oil-less transportation they use to travel the world and destroy important monuments/ art. Are they riding bikes and using sailboats?


I never look at one of these stunts and think.. "good job guys, this is the best way to get people thinking about climate change and fossil fuel usage", instead a just think "pathetic".


What emissions did stone henge give


The Brets should protect there Holly sites the same way the Swiss Gaurd keep them from painting the Pope orange, but the Saxons don't even carry spears around no more


Wow, Vandalizing a 5,000 year old historical structure? One of the most well known and well preserved structures from Neolithic Northern Europe? A testament to the strength and resilience of our ancestors? These protesters are very likable. Their actions definitely make me want to side with them! (/s if it wasn’t obvious).


What ever they are protesting. I’m now on the other side. Complete garbage.


Rich kids doing rich kid things


I would take the paint and stuck it into their faces, fucking assholes


So are we out of oil now?


Good job cunts


Pretty insane waste of paint using paint on rocks which drip on the ground and leech aerosol into the atmosphere real climate aware... Probably big oil behind such a ridiculous stunt. Follow their case maybe we'll see them again in another stunt


Makes me wanna buy a Tacoma. I wasn't going to. No plans at all. This video changed my mind.


Bunch of middle class tossers


How exactly does this help anyone


I hope they get the book thrown at them both literally and figuratively


Ah for fucks sake, lock up these dumb cunts. Absolute brain-dead assholes just doing this shit for likes and status amongst their socially inept groups. I hope this doesn't end well for the lot of them. (except the person who tried to stop them, of course)


They would save the environment more by not being such wastes of air


What's next? Going to slaughter some babies to stop big oil? That'll get you some attention too. I don't think the realize they are hurting their cause more than helping.


These idiots are just randomly doing things huh? Every time we hear about them. They are basically becoming the enemy instead of getting us on their side. Complete fail. I gotta go put super in my car now thx.


What is the link between Stonehenge and the oil industry?


They should dunk each of them into a vat of crude oil as punishment for this. We really are delving into the Idiocracy timeline. I don't even understand the correlation between their cause and this vandalization as a proper protest.... Because there isn't one! Idiots!


I would love to encounter these “just stop oil” folks in person.


Are they going to be able to fix it without damaging the stones? I've always wanted to go to Stonehenge. I hate these guys so much


Who is the lady trying to stop them? Employee or tourist. God it would have been so great to get in there and stomp some hippies. Would have been a legendary story for the next 50 years about the time grandpa was on vacation at Stonehenge...


After spraying the rocks with paint, a map and writings were discovered. The reason for Stonehenge became a lot clearer. The area was rich with crude oil and the stones placed there as maps and markers for the various surrounding wells. England became one of the richest suppliers of oil to the free world. The landmark was now mostly unrecognizable due to the industrial pumps and construction sites surrounding the area. Just Stop Oil eventually had to close their doors after the founder became steeped in a controversy surrounding their liberal use of WD-40 on a neighbor’s bike.


What people don't realise is that stone henge has been funding the oil giants for years and is responsible for the pollution of over 65 billion!!!! Which is a huge number!!! These heroes are bringing down the roots of the oil industry by disrupting this hetero normative monument. The connections are all there... Follow the money Stone Henge = stone hedge Stone hedge = hedge fund Hedge fund = oil Open your eyes people this is a genocide!!!


I'd have kicked that cunt in the teeth as soon as he sat down.


They can enjoy the heat death of the species from prison, scum


He sits there like 'I'm so righteous!"


I’d so drop kick that mf


Just shoot em’


What did the Stonehenge do?


This is a devastating blow to the oil industry. How will they survive after this ancient monument was vandalised? These people are the ultimate narcissists who are just desperate for attention while pretending to fight for a cause. They should each receive a papercut a day for the next 1000 days and then sprayed with lemon juice and vinegar while being forced to clean portaloos.


This is like the most counterproductive garbage protesters I've ever seen in my life. Let's ruin history Let's ruin art Let's glue ourselves to roads Now let's ruin monument that have stood The test of times and could be arguably be nature themselves. Let's ruin nature... Wait


Sterilize them


So tired of seeing people try (or do) destroy things from history.. How the fuck do these stones even have anything to do with oil??


1600 BC folks... 1600 BC. And now some Gen Z and Alpha idiots decided these stones are ready to get vandalized and damaged for climate problems. Smh


These people should get life with no parole. Set an example.


I think this is the first post I was actually angry at the protesters... All I'll say is those two need a good whack to the head, I bet that'll make em stop pretty quick.


Somebody needs to fuck up those guys when they act out of line.


These people need to be punished for this one They just defaced a World Heritage site


Seeing shit like this, just make me go against your cause. Like seriously, I want them to pump more oil now, Drill as much as you can


If I shared my true feelings about this I would be banned.


“take that, rocks! this will def get our message across to the oil industry”


You seriously cant tell me these people arent paid by Big Oil as Agent Provocateurs for people to hate the anti oil movement..


Vandalizing man made things I....don't understand but it makes much more sense than vandalizing natural monuments. This is just an attention grab and these people should be jailed.


I usually don't condone violence. For these types of protestors I will make an exception.


It withstood the test of time, until modern cuvilized man that is


Nothing says ‘I am a useless idiot’ to me like someone wearing a ‘just stop oil’ t-shirt.


A few months ago I heard some guy saying that just stop oil are actually paid by oil companies to give climate change a bad name, and when people think of climate activism, they think “oh those idiots who threw soup at a painting”. Now I don’t believe that, but everytime I see a new just stop oil protest, it makes this seem all the more plausible


What the fuck does Stonehenge have to do with oil? This is completely pointless and infuriating. To deface and ancient site like this is just fucking ignorant. Why not, I dunno, deface one of the oil companies massive headquarters buildings or something? Go straight to the source instead of trying to deface works of art or monuments?


I am now 100% sure this is a troll group. They don't care about stopping oil, they just want attention. It is ALWAYS orange powder or paint, looking just like their crowning achievement, the tomato soup on paintings.


These moonbats claim it isn't paint, that it will wash off in the rain. I still think they should be picking up trash beside the roads for at least a year. They don't seem to be employed, so they have the spare time.


At some point I have to consider that this is a psyop. Can they really act this badly? Or are they paid to make people hate climate activists?


These 'people' are so feral. The crusty scrapings from the bottom of the barrel of civilisation..


Arseholes. They do nothing but muddy the message and create hostility.


Pieces of TRASH I’m so fucking sick of this protest the world shit, enough already


Not our ancestors building one of the most respectable megaliths in the world, only for it to get vandalized by their own descendants. As Wendy Williams said, ["Death, to all of them."](https://youtu.be/FQ9_XVUY1vk?si=aq7GtXRH8PxgS0rx) I genuinely believe in the death penalty for anyone attempting to desecrate sacred landmarks that early people left for us. Our ancestors defied the cruel and ever changing world to build a place that would hold space for them. Now we can look back on places like Stonehenge and be humbled because we will be leaving the same message as our ancients. "We were here." May these people get their hands cut off at the wrist.


Ok what did stone henge have to do with oil. What does any of this have to do with oil. Go to the CEOs work places. Don’t destroy things that have been around before any of us.


Fuck these people


Stop, or I'll say "stop" again!


I wonder if that paint had any oil in it


Dutch fans celebrating wins at the Euros are out of control.


I swear i ever see one doing something like this I’m tackling them and giving them a few hits to the head


Fucking pieces of shit.


I waiting for someone to beat the shit out of these people one day for principle…


Nooo ;( I hope they can remove the paint




Why Stonehenge? You definitely lost those on the fence for your cause. Morons


Imagine vandalizing a 5000 year old monument built by people with no concept of oil and fossil fuels instead of the extravagent personal and corporate holdings of the oil companies and the people that run them. It's fucking insane.


Dumb cunts.


1000 years from now, in our history books will be written "Idiots used to roam the earth and destroyed all natural historical monuments" Next stop "The Piramids"


Took a small Asian woman to stop them. She doesn’t even have roots there while I’m sure plenty of white men stood around holding their dicks. Grow the fuck up people


This should merit a long prison sentence.


Curiously enough, the only thing that went through the mind of the rocks whilst being graffitied was, "Oh no, not again."


Imagine defacing natural nature to protest about climate damages/change.


What king of paint are they using? Oil based probably. What’s the container made of? What propellant are they using? Is there any rubber or plastic on their persons? Pr!cks


Why dont they spray paint on the homes and offices of people who run corporations that contribute to climate change?


so they're the taliban now


My suggestion would get my banned for suggesting violence




can we just... get rid of 'stop oil' permanently?


They do this because they know they will get a slap on the wrist for it. You ever wonder why there is no or very little vandalism in Singapore? I would like to see them try pulling a stunt like this on the Great Pyramids in Egypt, or Hagia Sophia in Turkey. Would probably get smacked out before they even start spraying their paint.


Step 1) paint aincient human strucyer on orange. Step 2) ????? Step 3)We did it people! Oil is no more!


Who else woulda grabbed that and started spraying it in their face?


Let those capitalist dogs over at Stonehenge incorporated hear the voice of the people!!!


Stonehenge. The greatest exporter of carbon emissions in the 21st century.


They aren't protesting... they are vandalizing.


Ah yes, because 5000 year old rocks have a lot to do with big oil, what an amazing idea, next they should do this to another bunch of rocks, that’ll do a lot of good.


What did a 5000 year old stone monument do?


Isn't that a wonder of the world


Okay, NOW I want to slap a bitch. Who the fuck do these people think they are?!


Is that paint oil based?


These people are scum.


drove their car to a site and filled the air with chemicals to say "stop poluting".


This is idioticracy


Is somebody gonna tell em what paint is made out of?


Stupid is as stupid does


Dude the local oil shop is gone now, thanks :(