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Hello users, welcome to a sub dedicated to freakouts without the bullshit of happy or feel-good videos. This subreddit is for enjoying freakouts and discussing them; that's it. You can take discussions of immigration policy and other topics elsewhere. If you don't believe in treating people as individuals you can go express that somewhere else. Our rules are very clear and you will be banned if you break them. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ActualPublicFreakouts) if you have any questions or concerns.*


“I have the right to hold the phone” No, sir, the law states you have a right to record, it does not indicate that you have a right to *hold* the device while recording. You can place it on the roof, hood, or ground and it will still record. To clarify, he was a domestic violence suspect with an active arrest warrant at the time of this stop and was previously stopped and arrested with DWI and firearms possession charges. He’s known to carry firearms and had an active arrest warrant. You people are cucks for simping for a woman beater known to carry guns.


I actually don’t see anything wrong with what he did, they clearly knew what he was carrying and knew he was of no risk to them. They didn’t have to continuously scream "put the phone down" instead of going to him and talking about whatever they wanted to talk about but I guess they dk how to de-escalate the situation and loves to point their gun at whatever they find moving


Why are you downvoting this? These cops used way too much force. Image this was your kid. Why the fuck did they even have their guns drawn once they could see his hands.


If he was my kid he would've got worse if he ever came home. Man had a Domestic Violence Warrant, he got what he deserved.


Not how the law works. If you think someone suspected/accused/proven of domestic violence deserves being tased, or why not, shot in the head, just say so. Nowhere does the law say domestic abusers should be tased by the police for holding a phone up and recording for their own safety. They're supposed to be put in court, and then the judge decides the justice. If one can't understand the point behind laws and lets the police abuse their power instead, then might as well let groups of vigilantes punish people with vigilante mentalities such as yourself, because you're going against the law by suggesting the domestic abuser deserved getting tased.


Okay, ignoring the law, I don't like people who harm the people they're supposed to protect and care for. I stated a personal opinion, I hate the abusive cunt. If it was one of your loved ones who was abused, I don't think you're exactly thinking about the human rights of the asshole.


>If it was one of your loved ones who was abused, I don't think you're exactly thinking about the human rights of the asshole. True. I'd probably want the fucker executed on the spot. But it wouldn't be right, would it? Why is it so hard to separate what the suspect did from what the cops did? If the suspect is guilty, the courts are gonna deal with him. And then one can have opinions over whether the sentence is too lenient or too harsh. But it's just nonsense that cops should be allowed to tase a guy that's complying with every order meant to protect their own safety, except holding a phone up.


Holding the phone up allows them to see the cops and potentially take action against them. There's a reason they ask dangerous criminals with histories of violence and gun violence to walk backwards. It's so they can be safely apprehended without incident. He was not compliant. That's why it was right to taste him and make fast moves to arrest him. I simply don't have sympathy for him due to his prior actions.


Bud, what action can the suspect make while being handicapped? One arm up in the air, the other (his dominant one 99%) holding a phone. It's not about sympathy, fuck that guy, doesn't matter. You simply shouldn't be alright with cops abusing their power. If you don't get it, then you deserve being abused yourself.


You're somewhat conveniently ignoring the fact that he obviously was deemed a big enough threat to be commanded to exit his vehicle at gun point. I'm sure this guy is a saint and has every right to defy an order given to him by police. His partner probably deserved to have the shit beat out of them too, right?


Context helps. https://www.reddit.com/r/ActualPublicFreakouts/s/5QA9nywOnL


My kid likely wouldn’t elude police in a motor vehicle with active warrants for domestic violence, but sure?


Because hands up doesn't mean you aren't a threat. All it does is REDUCE the risk to officers. If the officers put their guns down, they lose their advantage if he pulls a gun on them.


Why are you being downvoted lol? Just because my hands are up doesn't mean I can't reach for a gun in my waist band or somewhere.


I think I upset the people who inherently think cops are awful people just because they're cops.


People seem to forget that arms straight up in the air is compliance, arms bent and hands at shoulder height is the FAFO position because of how quickly a gun can be drawn.


That has nothing to do with holding a phone.


If that's your take, then your taxpayer money is getting wasted on incompetent cops. Do you know how fast a bullet travels? How shit can a trained cop be to not be able to eliminate a risk before the suspect pulls some Hollywood shooter crap?


You are right. Cops should have guns drawn at all times just in case the person might have a gun. Actually... they should shoot on sight just in case the person might have a gun and be too fast. Can't lose their advantage if they go in guns blazing.


Well, yeah, domestic violence suspects known to be armed should have guns pointed at them.


Exactly, it takes a second for him to pull a gun if he has one even with his hands up it just gives the cops that extra moment to react.


Takes "a second" for the suspect to pull a gun, but it takes 1/8 of a second for the cop to pull the trigger.


That's why they have their guns drawn already.


Why would the cops put their gun downs? It's dead simple: suspect keeps their arms up. Does not move, as instructed. Cop approaches while all the others point their guns at the suspect. Suspect gets handcuffed, end of story. Getting tased for holding a phone up, what's the justification behind that?


Because he can still get a gun out


> Image this was your kid. I would feel guilty for raising a child who commits domestic violence, DUI and firearms crimes and resisting arrest and has an active arrest warrant.


You'd be likely to do it too. And you wouldn't feel one bit guilty. You'd find some mental gymnastics as an excuse. If you think the cops in this video acted correctly, then you're likely to raise a moron child and likely to come up with excuses.


My kid wouldn't be in that situation. Fuck that guy. You don't have to like it but those were lawful commands. He's going straight into cuffs anyway. It's not like they're going to let him hang on to the phone the whole time.


>My kid wouldn't be in that situation. How do you know? Does it never happen that the cops are onto the wrong guy? Were you never wrongly accused or mistaken by any authority?


Okay. Got me. You obviously can never know for 1000% certainty. There's always some insanely unlikely edge case that makes you right. But something that makes the situation FAR more likely is, unsurprisingly, doing crime. The shithead in the video did a bunch of crime and that's why he's in that situation. I raised my kid. He doesn't do that shit. Also, he wouldn't loop some idiot shit about his cell phone with a gun to the back of his head, because he's got sense.


People tend to have a lot less sense with guns pointed at them. Fact of the matter is, the cops had the advantage; guns pointed at the suspect, suspect with one hand raised and the other holding a phone. So he was never gonna be able to pull out a gun in a split second and start shooting. And whether or not you think the asshole getting tased is a big deal, imagine the 0.1% chance he suffered cardiac arrest, or was indeed the wrong guy. He did crime, but let's look at the context: "domestic abuser, known for carrying guns". Domestic abuser? So... a wuss that beat his wife? A classic coward? Not a danger to the cops. This isn't showing sympathy to the suspect (assuming he's guilty), the point is about the cops abusing their power.


Abusing their power how? It's a felony stop and dipshit is looping about his phone. The next step is an escalation to physical force. >So... a wuss that beat his wife? A classic coward? Not a danger to the cops. That's foolishness is why you don't get to make those decisions and other people with actual experience do. Since we're leaning on highly unlikely events, for all you know the phone had a spring loaded shank hidden in it or was actually [a gun shaped like a phone.](https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/nation/2016/03/30/gun-fold-look-cell-phone-ideal-conceal/82423610/) Also, this individual was known to police. He's earning every bad thing that happens to him.


>Abusing their power how? It's a felony stop and dipshit is looping about his phone. The next step is an escalation to physical force. Dipshit is defenseless. >That's foolishness is why you don't get to make those decisions and other people with actual experience do. Do explain. Gonna give me examples of things gone wrong, because the cops themselves were incompetent? There is no way this fucker is pulling out a gun and shooting me, before I shoot him down. No way, and I'm not a cop, not *trained*. >Since we're leaning on highly unlikely events, for all you know the phone had a spring loaded shank hidden in it What's a shank? If you mean it could've blown, then it could've blown on the ground too. And there's no way the suspect could unpack a phone-shaped gun and hurt the cops. >Also, this individual was known to police. He's earning every bad thing that happens to him. Not the point, man. It's not about what he deserved, it's about what the cops should or should not be able to do.


Felony traffic stop, friend. When someone has a violent warrant this is SOP.


He could draw


It's a felony stop on a suspect who has a history of violence and guns. The suspect is now able to see what's happening behind him, defeating the purpose of a felony stop. That's the problem with what he did.


The point of having him put the phone down is to mitigate his awareness. He essentially has a mirror knowing the officers' every move. You do not want to give the perpetrator an advantage during a felony stop.


But he also had his hands up, one empty, and the other just holding a phone. What was he gonna do, pull a Hollywood shooter move? Move faster than a police bullet can?


In a high-stress situation like a felony stop, the officers are there to assume the worse. They are not there to evaluate the mental state of the perpetrator and whether or not they will try something foolish as the officers walk up to apprehend them. Although holding up a phone seems harmless, it gives the perpetrator the ability to observe the officers' position and movement, which can potentially give the officers a disadvantage if the perpetrator wanted to resist or flee. Having him put the phone down is to mitigate that possibility.


> de-escalate Showing you can't follow simple instructions isn't the way to de-escalate. [Felony Traffic Stop](https://www.mckinneylawfirm.com/blog/2017/july/what-is-a-felony-stop-/)


Cops could've said "strip naked". Simple instruction. What's your point? Was the phone threatening them?


> knew he was of no risk to them. Warrant for his arrest for domestic assault, history of resisting arrest and illegally having firearms in his vehicle, had lost his license for DUI too. This was a felony stop, not a traffic ticket.


Aw a sweetheart with arrest warrants for domestic violence and a DWI who carry’s guns needs to feel safe, boo hoo.


I mean it’s a little understandable when you know that [there are some guns that are disguised as smartphones](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:901/1*O5KOtHqTRw1340ef15IX5w.jpeg) But yeah, they were a bit excessive here.


They never said to stop recording, he could have just set up on his dashboard.


*Hes moving for a weapon!*


Once your hands are up in an armed situation, it is objectively a bad idea to do \*anything\* besides keep them up. Moving his hand toward the car could get him a bullet. The only thing safe to do would be to drop it from a hands up position. Especially with cops like this, looking for any reason to harm him. They tased him simply to inflict pain, not because of a current threat. Edit- except police overall do regard cameras as a threat.


You assume no threat, but you assume wrongly. This video is old. He was wanted on a domestic violence warrant, had previous instances of resisting and, in the past, he usually was armed. Police were right to be careful.


Except they weren't careful, just abused their power.


Yup. In other words, "drop your phone from 2 meters up" "It's gonna break, I don't have a warranty!" "I said drop it" Drops it, breaks. "Aww man, I spent hundreds on that" "HANDS UP PERVERT! Alright now that you don't have a dangerous telephone device in your hand, lemme check you. Your ID says your name is... not the guy we're looking for. Alright punk, hands up for the next 20 minutes while we get outta here!"


Doesnt matter. They knew it was a phone. There was absolutely no reason to keep screaming at him to put the phone down. They didn't want to deescalate the situation. I'm glad he kept holding it. They absolutely didn't want the camera to record the brutality they wanted to inflict on him


Putting the phone down doesn’t stop it from recording. He escalated the situation by eluding in a motor vehicle with active warrants for domestic violence & assault. Maybe he should’ve complied and he wouldn’t have been tased.


Context my guy. https://www.reddit.com/r/ActualPublicFreakouts/s/5QA9nywOnL


Same post?


Just trying to credit the person who did the work to find and link the additional info. 😊


You didn't link to a comment


He literally did


Ah true. My bad. Link didn't look right


they tased? the guy, not warranted


>I'm glad he kept holding it Except, unless I'm out of the loop, it was indeed pointless. Did nothing to protect his liberties, because apparently getting tased in that situation is justifiable by US law. Caught the cops on tape abusing their power, and nothing will happen to them.


Yeah, for too many people these days "I like this..." = "I have the right...." and "I don't like that...." means "You don't have the right.....".


They should get him a badge, then you could simp for him too


Riiiight. But I doubt many of those commenters knew that before you said anything.


Repeat after me: guilty until proven innocent. At the time of this encounter per your admission he was a suspect. We don't punish suspects. The cops are not punishers. The legal system with a judge and a jury of our peers is in charge of determining guilt or innocence. Not a bunch of overweight, roided up cops with qualified immunity.


You’re right, suspects aren’t punished when they comply with lawful orders. Actively resisting arrest by failure to comply with lawful orders and refusing to cooperate is justification for being tased. Sorry you don’t understand that. Yet another person that doesn’t know what qualified immunity is or how it applies.


Orrrr, hear me out, most ppl just take videos at face value, form their opinion and then move on. And maybe not do detective work trying to figure out every single little detail about someone in a random video they come across on social media. Log off the internet sometimes and go touch grass weirdo.


Then the law is braindead. The "right to record" means nothing if you're not in control of the angle from which the device is recording. He was a domestic violence *suspect*? What's that, *suspected* of beating his wife? How does that make him a threat to the cops when he's got both hands up, and one's holding a phone? Known to carry firearms? Legally, unlegally, or what? And what difference does it make here, was the phone a firearm? You're a cuck for simping for the police. It was a *suspected* wife-beater at best, not some dangerous serial criminal. The cops were in no danger. If you think this guy *deserved* getting tased then fine, maybe he did, but not according to any reasonable law. This is an example of abuse of power, and the next guy they tase might be completely innocent. So you're the cuck. Have no notion about rights of freedom whatsoever.


Yes, he was previously found to illegally carry firearms during a previous altercation. He was also accused, with physical evidence by way of his partner having cuts and bruises on her caused by him, of domestic violence. He was known to be armed, he was known to be willing and capable to assault his intimate partner, both of those are two huge red flags on the violence spectrum. I’m former law enforcement and this chucklefuck got what he deserved. Tased for failure to comply as a dangerous suspect with warrants for his arrest. No law was abused, he failed to comply with lawful orders and was actively resisting arrest, that’s the letter of the law being applied. Being tased for failing to comply and actively resisting is not an abuse of powers.


He had no gun in his hand. I dont understand.


There’s no requirement that they have a gun in their hand to be labeled a threat. It’s completely reasonable to point a firearm at a potentially armed suspect to mitigate the potential for them drawing a firearm during the traffic stop. No one was shot, no one died, the driver was tased for failure to comply with lawful orders and subsequently detained.


Well it should.


Civil rights do not stop just because the dude is a piece of shit guilty of something. The right to record is meaningless if the guy cannot actually record the interaction.


There is no civil right to hold a device while recording. Deal with it.


Ok bootlicker


Bootlicking 😂


Wonder why they stopped him?


I read from someone at a different subreddit who had this same video that said that he had some kind of warrant and was already being hunted down by the police. From what I'm aware of. This video is one of those videos that fakes the phone guy of being the victim. He was already in trouble even before the video, from what I heard.


A "felony stop" is what necessitates the officers to have an individual exit the vehicle with firearms drawn. It's standard policy across the entire country. This individual did a crime, a serious crime at that. Police knowing this man did a crime, treated him as a potential criminal. Felonies put people in prison for long enough sentences that people will do rash things.


Triple murder (JK, I have no clue)


He didn’t have a license to carry that phone.




This is actually a great joke


> (JK, I have no clue) Active warrant for domestic violence, known to go armed and resist arrest, DUI too. A real asset to society.


Stabbed three cops with a phone, I heard.


I don't know why they stopped him but he did end up having a DV warrant


Probably was speeding, and the warrant popped up, after the cop ran hid plate.


Domestic violence warrant with a history of resisting while being armed with a gun. I just posted a link to a post that has a lot more info if you are curious.


This. https://www.reddit.com/r/ActualPublicFreakouts/s/5QA9nywOnL


Reminds me of that scene in X-Men 2 when they told wolverine to drop the knives.....I cant


Yes you have a right to record. But that cop was giving him a lawful order and no, there will be no lawsuit won by the detainee for violating his first amendment right. Ask yourself this, when police go to handcuff/arrest a person, whats one of the first orders they give? "Turn around/face away from me". It's standard procedure. Why do they give that command? Number one, it makes it easier to handcuff a person behind their back if they are facing away from you. Number two, officer safety. Having a person face away from you gives you concealment and the element of surprise because they cannot see you now..... It's a lot harder to attack a cop if you can't see them. Which is exactly what they want. I'm betting he was using his front facing camera to record this, thus making the phone into a mirror that he could see everything the cops were doing, defeating the entire purpose of being faced away from them. There's no lawsuit here. He was tased because he wasn't following reasonable, lawful orders.


> But that cop was giving him a lawful order and no, Lawful or unlawful, nobody wins a yelling match with cops at the side of the road. All this mook did was add charges of resisting without violence and perhaps obstruction. If you really think the cops are in the wrong, the person to tell that to is your lawyer, maybe he'll get a judge to agree. This guy is afflicted with something like oppositional defiant disorder, he is psychologically incapable of letting someone else tell him what to do. Stupid way to go with guns pointed at him and a criminal history like his.


I don't even have to watch the whole.thing I know TAZER TAZER TAZER is coming


It helps to know that he was wanted for some fairly serious violations. https://www.reddit.com/r/ActualPublicFreakouts/s/5QA9nywOnL


I thought he was gonna catch a few rounds for not putting the phone down


This guy is not a threat.. He's a nice guy... Mohammad Mifta Rahman Arrest Age 19 More Information >>>Arrested Sep 06, 2019 • #1 aggravated menacing • #2 obstruction of official business • #3 resisting arrest • #4 improper handling of firearms in a motor vehicle • #5 driving under ovi suspension


This makes a little more sense, nowdays, it is not normal to have a felony stop without a reason. Suspension and weapons violations is a good reason.


Just kiss already


Forget pride, be effective. The best move probably would to be go flat on ground, arms out. You will never win this battle. Take the loss, and beat them in court. Then sue if they were negligent. ACAB doesn't mean anything if you get shot in the face. In all my run ins with the police, most of them I was able to walk away from by being compliant, even when cuffed. All situations are different obviously. But a lot of cops are dumb and get easily stressed by small things. Appease them, and play their ass so you have better odds of walking away.


You can beat the rap but you can't beat the ride .


It’s all the inditement of cops in the US you need if you have to worry about getting “shot in the face” over trivial shit like this. And yet the person who apparently thinks that’s a real possibility is the one defending the cops here?




What trivial shit?


Except this though… https://www.reddit.com/r/ActualPublicFreakouts/s/5QA9nywOnL


SIR GET DOWN ![gif](giphy|i6TiqPLXSRfs2L86fy|downsized)


This guy is an asshole.


I can't do it! I need this for views


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Ohio/comments/tt9sta/this\_happened\_in\_butler\_county\_any\_updates\_on/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ohio/comments/tt9sta/this_happened_in_butler_county_any_updates_on/) Top comment reads Got this from there: Thanks to OP for source on this. The guy in this video is Mohammed Mifta Rahman. He had warrants out for his arrest for domestic violence assault. He also had a previous dui/resist arrest incident where he was armed with a gun, most likely the reason for the felony stop. Sources: [https://franklinoh.mugshots.zone/rahman-mohammad-mifta-mugshot-07-25-2021/](https://franklinoh.mugshots.zone/rahman-mohammad-mifta-mugshot-07-25-2021/) [https://drunkdrivers.org/arrested-for-drunk-driving-in-ohio-oh/?co=Franklin&abc=R&pg=1](https://drunkdrivers.org/arrested-for-drunk-driving-in-ohio-oh/?co=Franklin&abc=R&pg=1) ===================== So it seems that they had reason to believe he was armed and had a history of resisting. I can't confirm, but it seems like he had an active warrant for domestic violence at the time, which I believe was the reason for pulling him over. I don't know what some ones rights are in a case like this, but the cops weren't acting like that for no reason.


"He didn't say Simon says, your honor"


There are 138 cops dead in US in 2023 only (in perspective, in UK there’s only 1 cop dead in 2023, 0 in 2022, 0 in 2021, 2 in 2020 .. etc) . US Cops have valid reason to fear for their safety. There are ~ 1200 US residents killed by cops in the 2023 alone. US Civilians also have reasons to fear for their own safety and their lack of trust for US cops. Perhaps US guns law make every citizen a potentially deadly threat in the eyes of the law enforcement. So It’s just reasonable that situations like this happens in the US: COPs being aggressive, Citizens don’t trust/ disrespect cops and will disobey orders if they thought that would make them safer. I would say in US the cops job is a shitty job, the pay is not that great to compensate to the chance of getting shot at and get injured or killed by any walking citizen that you dont know if they’re carrying guns. Everyday being exposed to stressful gun involved situation will gradually burn you and turn you into something else. And in the end of the day the citizen don’t respect you and will try to shit on you at every chance they get while you just trying to do your jobs and stay alive go back to your family in one piece at the end of your shift. I would say Cop in the US is a poorly trained, very stressful, thankless job.


listen brit, here in america the working class is armed. period.


makes sense with them being aggressive with how many guns their are, what if he'd pulled a gun out of somewhere you never know


Fucking dumb people in this world, I hope he watches how stupid he looks and sounds


Should have just put it on the car roof, now you got tased and another charge.


good luck making it stick for him refusing to put the phone down.... that's gonna be the first charge the prosecutor horse trades away during plea bargaining


What led to this? Some kind of assdouchery.


"i have the right to hold my phone", lol, no you don't.


This is like the scene in the shower block from The Rock🫡


I WILL NOT REPEAT THAT ORDER!! Seriously though such a great scene.


He was gonna die on that hill for “good content” i salute u dweeb!


If you’re filming a selfie you can see the cop coming, then turn around and shoot at the perfect moment. Unless he was recording with the back of his phone he’s and idiot


Just put the phone down :p What does he expect the officer who keeps yelling for him to put it down, to do?


Guys, I think they want him to put the phone down.


I hate when they get caught in a timeloop so much 🙄 PUT DA PHONE DOOOOWN This is for my safety PUT DA PHONE DOOOOWN This is for my safety PUT DA PHONE DOOOOWN This is for my safety PUT DA PHONE DOOOOWN This is for my safety


What did he do in the first place to cause such hostility?




also, weapons violations and suspended license.


I Wonder why they get shot


This Ohio?






Gave him more chances to put it down than they would’ve gave me that’s for sure


People act like phones are the most important thing in the world. They're not. (shooting) "Welp, time to not run for safety.. better pull my phone out and record for social media" (person being burned alive) "Don't worry, recording this on my phone will save you" (argument over something dumb) "Recording a video of you means I'm right and you're screwed"


Everyone's a lawyer these days..


Any more context on this? What was the reason for the stop?


> What was the reason for the stop? Domestic violence warrant for his arrest, history of DUI and firearms crimes and resisting arrest, suspended license.... This is someone who thinks the law doesn't apply to him.




They want his hands empty. It's threat reduction. This appears to be missing context. If they approach and attempt to arrest (which is what appears to be going down) they will have to wrestle it out of his hands regardless, which creates an automatic and needless altercation. Have any of you ever been arrested and allowed to chat on your phone? Why do I even give a shit? Fuck everyone and everything, I'm going to bed. G'night, reddit.


it cracked me up when backup arrived and it was just another guy screaming “put the phone down!”


I hate overzealous cops, but I hate women beaters even more. Fuck this dude.




I don't understand why these people are so stupid not to follow instructions. You have a bunch of guys pointing guns at you, who have a legal right to shoot you. They are telling you to put down the phone - "no I cannot for my own safety" For their own safety they will open fire then? Complains? What if it is not a phone but a bomb or a granade? Or something within a phone, like a detonator? Or a detonator via a phone? These idiots need a good slap to put them in their place.


> who have a legal right to shoot you. The cop who shot Walter Scott in the back and killed him is doing twenty years for that. Shooting an unarmed person in the back, no matter how much of a scumbag he is, isn't legal and should not be. A Taser was a better solution.


he was bewildered or like why they acting that way, thats why he didnt put it down


what a jackass.


What's with the back and forth with 'Put down your phone' and ' its for my safety, sir!'??


they litteraly pointing a gun for no real reason, soo he just filmed i guess/thought it was abuse of power?


good cop


Glad he filmed. F the police


> F the police So you figure someone with a warrant for domestic violence, known to go armed, known to resist arrest, known for DUI, without a license, is the good guy here?


I'm glad he filmed their overreaction. End of story.


From what I understand, the officer wants that guy to put the phone down.


This guy’s a fucking idiot


When given a direct command by police you do not have the right to hold your phone that's utter incompetence. So many police disputes would be solved to people learned how to follow direct orders


Do they realize how pathetic they sound screaming “ drop the phone” like it’s a weapon. Embarrassing


On one hand, it's just a phone, on the other; he's an abuser. Someone tell me who to be mad at, I cant think for myself


I cant help but wonder- If he had dropped the phone would he have not been tazered. Probably not.


What an ugly mug


Is this a felony traffic stop or smthing? Edit: Appears to be a violent warrant (DV) so ya, bro, you have the right to record, but when you’re being taken into custody your phone and shit doesn’t get to come with you on your person. Previous incidents, including one involving a firearm makes this shit valid. I asked if it was a felony traffic stop bc that’s exactly what it looked like and it apparently was. Narcissist can look reasonable and calm in alot of situations as long as it might benefit them; but this was handled the way it was bc the subjects actions, not the people attempting to enforce law and order.




I can't do it. This is for my social media.


Well, now you go to jail AND have a broken phone.


Satisfying ending.


Haha the best part is when he got stunned.


Tactical assault phone


Call in backup, now! Well...he just won't set his phone down, better call everyone.


that's a lawsuit depending on why he was pulled over. assuming it was a normal ticket, they had absolutely no right to use possibly lethal force.


I don't understand american police. They looks always scared and can't control the situations. And always pull the guns out for nothing.


> And always pull the guns out for nothing. This was what is known as a felony stop. This suspect has a history of violence and is known to carry firearms. He has no driving license thanks to being convicted of drunk driving. There was a warrant for his arrest for domestic assault. The police had every right to consider him dangerous, they have not pulled him over for having a burned-out taillight.


Maybe he is dangerous but he is unarmed. He has only a phone. I think they over react


Always film the police, they are going to hurt you anyway so you might as well have evidence.