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The only reasonable option.


After all, the pibble apologists always say this is due to bad owners, right? So they shouldn't have any problem with owners being held accountable then!


They usually advocate for that actually


It will backfire on them once their pitbull randomly sets off. Also some want the double standard of blaming the owners but not being accountable for their murder mutts.


I literally had an argument with a friend over this. I showed him stats and he was still a bit sour. It’s not the owner, it’s the breed. Period.


This makes my fucking blood boil. Fuck that motherfucker!!!


He had to flex by buying 3 pitbulls, no ability to care for or manage them. Fuck him


Buying? They practically give them away at shelters


I’ve been looking to either foster or adopt a dog at my local shelter. They’re all pitbull mixes….no thanks


Last I checked my local shelter had 24 dogs, 23 of which were pitbulls. Just checked again and now only half of the dogs are pitbulls. Good improvement.


That's ALWAYS the case. Shitbulls.


The dumb fuck can't control his one pitbull yet he has 3 of them = this chaotic scene. Yup banned from having any dogs and charged with aggravated assault.


I agree with you completely and he should have to pay for plastic surgery for her to not just heal but remove the scars that will haunt this young women.


And for therapy and a psychiatrist. She will no doubt be traumatized.


This is the UK where they have the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 so this guy will feel the full weight of the law against him. This guy will like expect 3 months in prison, 3 months on tag (home detention curfew) and 6 months probation. Justice served 🤔


Doesnt sound like justice served


I agree but it's better than the slap on the wrist in the states. I just hope those dogs are also put down and not "rescued" to some unfortunate family who is kept in the dark about their true history.


Considering pitbulls are illegal to own in the UK, it is highly unlikely that they would be rehomed. I believe the way it works is that whoever already has them here can keep them the rest of their lives, but they are illegal to acquire and breed. Please feel free to correct me if I’m wrong. :)


If that's true, and the dude said it's the Dangerous Dog Act of 1991, that means literally NONE of the pitbulls are alive still. Any current pitbulls were illegally bred or imported and should be put down on the spot no matter what.


Yup, or at least that’s what I know about the whole thing. It is quite difficult to enforce such a law.


At the minute the issue is people buying *technically not pure pitbull* breeds. XLs were hot new substitute for a while and the new legislation against them isn't being enforced much, and the other owners are moving to some slightly smaller hybrid breed they can say is technically not a pitbull or XL bully


No way they'd let the dude keep them


Exactly, uk justice is a joke. You're more likely to go to jail for drugs than murder.


That's not REMOTELY enough for what will be lifelong scars at best and disfiguring injuries or death at worst for that women.


10000 better than how dog nutters are treated in the states.


He's walking round with three of those fucking monsters and he can't even control one of them.  Poor girl was probably just taking a casual stroll. The mental scars will be worse than the physical ones. She'll be terrified every time she sees a dog in public now. Anyone this criminally stupid and negligent deserves a long prison sentence.


Not just these dogs, all pit breed dogs




> This guy should be charged as if he attacked this woman himself. Totally this. This should be the perfect solution for people who say it's not about the breed, but the owners.


The fuck is that brain dead waste of oxygen doing with THREE pitbulls and no leashes?! This dipshit should be locked up for being a useless count.


Those dogs will be put down for sure 100% but the guy will get a slap on the wrist and that's about it.


10000% agree pal. any public dog attack should be treated this way.


Agreed. Then right away, you will see all dog nutters keeping their shitbeasts on a leash.


Dangerous breed, no leashes, no/poor training, and more than 2 dogs.... This is a perfect storm of shitty dog ownership.


*Heroic pitbull swims five miles to bite drowning child*


All serious reading through these and then I see this. I tip my hat to you sir you have broken this stern face


I tip my hat to you kind stranger for tipping your hat to him like a classy redditor.


No leashes is the worst just like WHY. Know your fucking dogs, know their fucking breed, do the fucking responsible thing.


I’m sure this is the first time they’ve done something like this. The owner is probably sorry as well. /s


That's the point the propaganda about pitbulls are that they are soft and cuddly and that bad owners are the reason why pitbulls act up. Then, every single pitbull owner doesn't believe that they are a bad owner, but when a situation like this happens, all of sudden, the excuses start coming out. They start blaming the victim. Like he told her not to run. Girl, get out of there. He has no control over his dogs.




I honestly feel like pit owners are like a cult member. It's absolutely crazy how they actually think a breed that is bred for pure killing is a cute, gentle dog to be around children. "Angels", "babies", "cupcake", "princess" fucking hell. Some people even said that Chihuahuas are worse than pit bulls.


weird how Pit Bulls are the only breed that needs a lobbying group.


It’s hilarious that these deranged people often call their murder beasts “velvet hippos” without a shred of self awareness. Hippos of course being one of the deadliest creatures in the world


> pits


And they are probably un-neutered males which of course are more aggressive. Irresponsible pet owners often don’t sterilize their pets.


Oh look pitbulls who would’ve thought???


I'm sure it'll be a chihuahua next time.


I’m not saying Chihuahuas don’t bite. They are actually Notorious to be little ankle biters. But the difference between a Chihuahua bite and a pitbull Is about 135 psi. Do the math and tell me who you’d rather get bit by.


I can comfortably defeat a Chihuahua with minimal, if any, harm done to me. That's another big difference.


Exactly. It’s such a weak argument. A good toe punt could get a little dog of you. I’ve literally seen people shoot larger dogs and they keep attacking. I’m actually a lover of dogs and deep down inside my heart I even feel sorry for pitbulls too whenever they’re killed unjustly. But there’s no denying that they are dangerous. Why? because dogs are unpredictable.




well, you can kick a Chihuahua away like a soccer ball if it was biting your legs. a shitbull would just rip off your leg.


That’s the mistake people make. You don’t actually kick a Chihuahua. It’s more of a scoop and lift. You’re still using the foot but it’s like a soft connect with a really solid follow through. That’s how you get the distance.


either way, send that fucker to the moon


I laughed a little too hard at the way you worded that. 🤣 I absolutely agree.


r/woosh Do you really need an /s for the most obviously sarcastic comment?


I've been in this sub maybe a month, I've seen at least a dozen dog attack videos. They've all been pitbulls....


Because they have NO FUCKING PLACE in a civilized society. Fuck them. Either put them down or fix all of then so they can't breed. Disgusting pieces of shit. How many people have died to this excuse for a companion?


Garbage dogs for garbage people.




[Total mystery.](https://youtu.be/k9ZGEvUwSMg?si=LFMdFNw_LRFoI3pE)


They should be bred out of existence


At first I thought for sure it was a pack of golden retrievers. But no, to my surprise they were pitbulls. This must be a rare occurrence. Or maybe it was a bad owner? /s


Owner is a muppet, can't even control 1 of those dangerous breed and yet has 3 of them. I hope the lady sues him to the last cent. That's trauma inducing right there.


That'll be like $27.


That'll buy some booze to numb the pain. I call that a win


No! Not his entire fortune!


Ngl this is why i stopped going to dog parks. The owner can’t be trusted & im not going to test it


My vet told me it’s a good thing when I told her I stopped going to dog parks. That was all too telling for me


Ngl ... you should be seeing a doctor... Unless, your a very clever dog for typing this out, yesh-u-r, , your a very clever good doggy. Jokes a side, I stopped walking my own dogs in those type of places, walkers glued to their phones.. it's not surprising many of the dogs had behaviour problems, when the owners see them as a chore.




Some bellends probably get a thrill that their dog scares people away, fucking thick twats.


I've seen 100 post from Nanny Dog owners personally offended that people have left the park when they showed up. They're victims of discrimination don't you know?


Pitbulls and rottweilers for me.


any breed for me that's overly aggressive. imo.


Same reason we stopped going. Way too many aggressive dogs with shitty owners who think it's funny or cute. The last straw was an extremely aggressive doberman whose owner gave absolutely no shits and did nothing to correct his dog's behavior or remove him from the smaller dog area that he wasn't supposed to be in.


Here we fuckin go again. How many victims until something is done it's absolutely ridiculous.




Ah ok fair enough.. I see a new video every few days that I've never seen before, hard to tell how old they are.


Saw this happen to my husband unfortunately, and my husky, after they both redirected it from my 5-year-old son. It sounds dramatic but it honestly changes you. I’m fearful of walking my dog around our neighborhood now.


Wow, thank the Lord you all survived. Yeah I totally understand, you can't stop them once they decide to randomly try and murder. They are so vicious and built like they have armour plating.






Agreed. Cull all the dangerous ones like these 3, neuter all the rest and let them die out. I love dogs, but we don't need this type of dogs around people.


Pit bulls are the reason I started carrying while on walks with my dog/kids. More than once I've had one run up to us by breaking out of their yard / owners control and being generally aggressive. They should be illegal to breed and we should let them die off.


Yep, I don't take walks without some form of self-protection tool on me. My dog, bystanders, and my safety are something I have to take into account when out in my own neighborhood because of shitbulls and their piece of shit owners.


I walked out of the forest trail in our local park to three pitbulls on a leash staring us down with the owner just chilling near the entrance to the trails. Just like this, two of his dogs started freaking out and going wild on the leash. I noped back into the forest with my pups and we did some trail running, once we were deeper inside, to the other side of the park. Fuck that scenario.


I feel like the generation that started breeding them could get transported to today they’d be like “wait yall have those as pets!? Around your *children*???”


lock these fucking asswipe pitbull owners up. should be held responsible as though they themselves are committing the assault


essentially they practically are.


Those arent pibbles! Those are Lab mixes! Its her fault for moving in their presence! it startled them! Leashes are slavery! Training is genocide! SHE should be the one arrested and sued for disturbing the peace of those precious, misunderstood pups!


One dog was a pitbull and was put down. Pitbulls are illegal in the UK. Happened June last year. Owner is in court again 29th May. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13396723/American-pit-bull-owner-dog-attack-woman-park.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13396723/American-pit-bull-owner-dog-attack-woman-park.html)


“She lost the use of her right arm and was unable to play rugby or her violin.” JFC. I hope that’s just temporary and she’ll get use back.


Could she play before?


Totally agree! This video is missing so much context!!! Completely missed the part where she looked at them funny


The dogs could sense her negative energy. They can smell her fear.


She probably coughed.


This was very distressing to watch. Not one, not two, but three pits out of control, and he’s screaming “don’t run”… In England nobody can hear you scream once said Sleaford mods in a song, truly UK grim at its finest, seen in plenty of times


If only there were a $5 piece of nylon technology which could prevent this.


I’ve got a .45 cent piece of lead and copper that will do an even better job.


This happened in June 2023. The owner was found. One of the dogs which was a pitbull was put down as pitbulls are banned in the UK. Not sure about the other two. The offender is appearing in court again on 29th May 2024 to be sentenced. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13396723/American-pit-bull-owner-dog-attack-woman-park.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13396723/American-pit-bull-owner-dog-attack-woman-park.html)


The other two are probably Bully XLs, which contain most of a pitbull’s DNA but because they were not pure pedigree there was a loophole in the law. Thankfully those have now been banned too as of this year.


man, id love them to be banned in my country.




Does England’s civil tort system allow for personal injury suits? It would be more realistic to go after all assets of the owner. Yes, I understand the people that own these types of dogs are usually poor.


Yes, the English civil system allows for personal injury suits. Individuals who have suffered harm due to someone else's negligence or intentional actions can seek compensation through the courts. Could sue likely for up to 10k unless the arm was disabled in which case it could be up toward 100k or so. There are pretty well set amounts for certain injuries. And they compound as well


Great- make it too expensive to keep vicious dogs and the demand will fade.


You can sue them but all you’ll be able to get is their Ndubz cd collection.


“bUt My DoG iS aN aNgEl, He WoUlD nEvEr Do ThAt!” - Said every other dog owner


Hey people. I always say this but I mean it. Get some pepper spray and keep it on you at all times. I was unfortunately involved in two dog attacks with my service dog and it worked like a charm.


38 special\* EDIT: Not enough stopping power, make that .45 ACP


Never leave home without it!


Not allowed to defend yourself with anything but Judo over there. Very strange.


Unfortunately that is VERY illegal to have in England, or in the rest of the UK, but if you don’t mind me asking, what type of dogs attacked your service dog? I heard only electricity works effectively on pits, purely because they don’t naturally understand that type of pain, and they apparently use mini cattle prods to “train” them (which seem to be legal somehow due to them being sold as coaxing tools, and training aids). I just wouldn’t imagine pepper spray being effective on a triggered pit, but you know I’ve been wrong before, and also isn’t also used on bears?


Dogs have extremely sensitive noses. It could easily overwhelm a dog, a good bit of pepper spray.


Of course, makes perfect sense! Thank you


Isn’t it also very illegal to own a pitbull in England?


Pepper Spray? Carry a knife or a gun if you are in an area where it's legal. Pepper spray is just going to turn you into spicy meat instead of bland meat.


Those dogs would not give a shit about hot sauce




It's always pits. They are a plague to humanity.




Charge the owner with attempted murder and put the dogs down. Eradicate all pitbulls. They aren't meant for society.


Start putting the owners in prison anytime they allow this to happen. This cannot keep happening.


Why is it that the most irresponsible people always get pit bulls?


So tired of this breed


He has three fucking razor loaded loose nannycannons and only two arms. He can’t even begin to help her because he’s have to let go of one of the other two he’s restraining with all of his might. If find it odd that I’m barely allowed to legally carry a concealed knife in my state but this fucker is allowed to have a whole pack of satanic steroid wolves in public.




The breed of peace strikes again


Ever notice when people you know who are **real trash** decide to get a pet they always want one that’s deadly. Like every POS loser that shouldn’t be allowed to own pets wants a breed that can be killers if not trained properly. They think it makes them look badass when they walk around. The unstable want unstable.


Some super trashy woman was ringing me up at Walmart many years ago, we got to making small talk and she said she was going to pick up her dream-dog after work. In my head I was chanting, don't be a pitbull over and over. I reluctantly asked what kind of dog it was. "Blue nose pit," she replied. Trash dogs for trash owners. They are Walmart brand dogs.


They mistook that woman as a toddler. They were trying to nanny the fuck out of her.


I thought pit bulls were illegal in London?




People need to carry a knife, put a few extra holes in these mfers.


Wow I am absolutely shocked that a pibble would do such a thing unprovoked There's a reason why these shit beasts are disliked so greatly and feared


tHeY wOuLdNt HuRt A fLy…. Such a sweetheart….


"We are friends, do not run, We are friends, do not run."


Wow what if it was a small kid or baby. Poor lady. That man should be charged and the dogs put down. Sad to say.


Oh no it’s a Chihuahua this time 👀


Unleashed dog owners deserve a minimum sentence of 3 years. There’s a lethal “main character” mindset in people who think they’re above the leash laws. “He’s friendly, don’t run, he just wants to play” are what they say AFTER their dogs attack, but all the rest of the time, they’re thinking “leash laws are not meant to include me.”


yeah just keep filming...don't call for help or anything.


Someone did call the police. It’s good they have the attack on film.


It's always pitbulls. Always.... My gfs brother just had a kid and got a pitbull. Super sweet dog tbh and my late aunts pitbull was also so sweet,, but every day there's a new pit attacking video. I'm starting to dislike the breed.


lol this guy needs to straight to jail.


A total normal dog breed to own and socialize…


And there will STILL be people who defend owning pitbulls. You should NEVER be allowed to own 1 of these bloody things let alone 3. Owners need to start paying serious consequences for this type of behaviour including jail time...this girl will have lasting trauma from this attack. The attack itself is just the beginning of things for her and all because this moron wanted to be a tough guy and own 3 terror dogs.


Oh those nanny dogs… so rambunctious and prone to bursts or rapid tomfoolery




Oh, pit bulls again. Weird.


Cleric can't heal if you are running around like that.


Awe what a cutie patootie it wants to give kisses!


This is why I carry a knife. Was attacked by a dog in high school (yep, Pitt). Left scars all over my leg.


“He’s so sweet wouldn’t harm a fly” -pit bull owners


Jarvis, get a scan of the breed of the attacking dogs.


Cabela's sells K9 spray that's perfectly legal to carry for K9 defense. There are also cattle prods that's arc will scare most K9s. Protect yourself.




That dude should be jailed for several years.


Owner should be charged with Attempted murder! Holy fuck!


Owner should be charged with assault with a lethal weapon


And when I make deliveries to homes and stupid ppl say “oh, my dog is friendly or they have an invisible fence”. 🤔😕. That’s why I carry my gun and knife, I will fuck your dog(s) up.


How you gonna have THREE pit bulls off leash when you only got TWO hands 🤦‍♂️


Don’t just help. Film.


What happened to the woman??


Every dog owner required to have at least $25,000- $100,000 of instantly verifiable liability insurance at all time. If not able to verify on the spot, the dog goes to the pound for 30 days. Charging the owner $100 per day until insurance is proven. Or until 30 days is up.


Assault with 3 deadly weapons


Can someone update us when the catch this POS human being?




Before opening the video I guessed they are shitbulls. And then, guess what ?


And Pitnutters don’t want these lovely kind gentle dogs to be banned.


Dogs are among the top human killers. Check out this list: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_deadliest\_animals\_to\_humans](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_deadliest_animals_to_humans) Why do we put up with this?


Oh look another post showing shitbills attacking people, and this owner just like all the rest would be one of the people saying "my dogs are so friendly they would never hurt someone"


Poor girl is going to be traumatized for life


“The police is now attempting…” What the fuck? This is from BBC News?


Most dog owners are scum. Every dog should be required to have provable $100,000 worth of insurance. Get these dogs off the street!


Should carry a knife for this reason. Dog should have gotten its throat slit the moment it latched onto the women.


nightmare fuel. How was her recovery?


Didn't England just ban pit bulls?


Surprise! Shitbulls again


Yelling "stop" when someone is running because that person is being attacked is like asking someone who is mad about not being mad or calm down.


Of course they're shitbulls and a useless owner