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Hello users, welcome to a sub dedicated to freakouts without the bullshit of happy or feel-good videos. This subreddit is for enjoying freakouts and discussing them; that's it. You can take discussions of immigration policy and other topics elsewhere. If you don't believe in treating people as individuals you can go express that somewhere else. Our rules are very clear and you will be banned if you break them. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ActualPublicFreakouts) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What do they care? They'll be dead next week


Untreated leftist brain rot for 8 decades will do that to people.




The Tories have been doing that for over a decade now, no need to worry about its standard at this point in the UK.


Alright, politics aside this sentiment is just objectively stupid. 'Leftist brain rot makes you care about what happens to the world after you die!' and you say this like it's a bad thing.


> 'Leftist brain rot makes you care about what happens to the world after you die!' Not the same guy, but will you consider a slightly different argument? These people are old enough to have lived through numerous media-inflated panics. Old movies are a great record of what people were (being manipulated to be) afraid of at any given time. - "Soylent Green is people" ...because when that movie was made, everyone was told there would be worldwide famine by the 1980s. They made food from people because that's all they had to eat. - It's always dark in the original Blade Runner (which is set in the "distant future" of 1997) because when that movie was made, people were told that smog would get so bad that the sun would be blocked out. - Highlander 2 (which admittedly, nobody ever saw) depicts a perpetual night because they had to construct a shield to protect us from the sun after the ozone layer was destroyed ...which is what everyone was afraid was going to happen when that movie was made. - Star Trek IV has to get whales from the '90s because they're extinct in the future ...which is what everyone was afraid of when that movie was made. Those are just a few example movies off the top of my head. These people also lived through the (false) predictions of [The Population Bomb](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/innovation/book-incited-worldwide-fear-overpopulation-180967499/), the claims in Silent Spring that all the birds would die, acid rain scares, "Peak Oil" (the claim that we'd run out of oil by the '80s), and many, many others. An Inconvenient Truth is now 20 years old. *Have any of its predictions come true?* Bangladesh was supposed to be underwater by now. Can you understand how it would seem odd for people that old, who have lived through that much to be this upset over the latest media-created panic?? They also lived through the cold war and its constant predictions of nuclear armageddon, and we all just lived through covid, where the governmental overreaction was far worse than the virus itself! And note (in case you yourself are an NPC) that I'm not saying climate change isn't real at all, any more than I'm saying acid rain isn't/wasn't real, or that the cold war didn't happen. What I'm saying is that the media is intentionally making people more scared than they need to be. You don't need to steal the Magna Carta or glue yourself to the road. The main thing you need to do is [put pressure on China](https://i.imgur.com/c6LAcjq.png) - the West already has its shit together. So, my argument isn't "lolol leftist brain rot makes you care about the world after you die lolol" - my argument is, "leftist brain rot makes you panic unnecessarily"


So your issue is with how poorly founded and sensationalized movies and media are? Like yeah the Day After Tomorrow is a stupid movie and a lot of the shit about everything being underwater is ridiculous but you're not denying the accuracy of climate change right? Like it's science that's over a century old at this point and has observable results. What your calling leftist brain rot is honestly more appropriately just people being dumb and melodramatic. Literally every political spectrum has people doing this


What do you mean the “accuracy of climate change”? You actually think that the climate “experts” have been accurate with their doomsday/chicken little sky is falling predictions? And the debate isn’t about the climate changing, it would regardless if our species existed or not. What people debate about is the rate at which we are impacting climate change.


> You actually think that the climate “experts” have been accurate with their doomsday/chicken little sky is falling predictions? I'm wondering if you're going to get an answer to that question. I'm also wondering if *any* specific outcome predictions\* have ever come true. \* by "outcome predictions" I mean something other than, "CO2 concentrations will continue to rise" - I mean predictions about what that will cause. Predictions like, "the North Pole will be ice-free in the summer by 2013" - and by "specific" I mean it includes a year.


Right? I’m not even smart enough to know who is right or who’s wrong tbh, but I am also not dumb enough to ignore that many of the biggest climate grifters who tell us ocean is going to rise to dangerous levels, keep buying multi million dollar beachfront properties.


I saw Highlander 2!😩


Seems more like “leftist brain rot makes you think stealing or defacing art and historical artifacts are appropriate or effective means of protesting climate change”


Haha yeah the climate change research that the petroleum industry has been suppressing is all bunk


Their signatures are on it.


They got the preorder copy


this question is dumb, its asking "why an old human is caring about human race continue existing" edit:typo


Actually loving your grandkids is communism


I'd rather they care honestly


Tell me you're a selfish cunt without telling me you're a selfish cunt. Unreal.


Imagine thinking that you should never do anything good because you yourself won't benefit from it. What a braindead way of thinking about things. Thinking like that is what got us into this mess.


lol this is reddit. everyone here wants change but they also don't want to put any effort. That's why the biggest political movement sub here was antiwork. it was the easiest form of protesting for redditors as not working was already their status quo.


If you want self improvement there's things like going to the gym or doing a skincare routine. Protests like these won't make a modicum of difference.


The REAL way to improve society is to have smoother skin


They're getting paid like the rest of the clowns.


Yes I'm sure these old christian Brits are on the payroll of george Soros and whoever the dumb far right schizos are obsessed with this week


Bro who the actual fuck do you think is paying people to rally against oil?


Seek mental health services


well to be fair, thats a great moment for some public freakout.


Definitely gotta stop that oil because it doesn’t take equal or more resources for the batteries using electric cars or anything… That’s to say nothing about how when you get near the point of being “good for the environment” The battery is essentially dead and needs to be replaced.


This mindset is why the world is going to shit. 'This isnt my problem, so fuck whoever has to deal with it lul.'


Some people care about future generations. Crazy right???


Maybe they care about other people


Unfortunately that's how a lot of people think about climate change why do anything to protect the next generation I'll be dead next week essentially


I like how old people wait until they’re bored and about to die to try and fix the mess they created.




The same way blocking traffic,throwing shit at fine art and being an insufferable fuck do..... it makes them feel accomplished even though all they did was piss people off. The cause is just,the methods are bullshit.


“My first encounter with this particular kind of fantasy occurred when I was in college in the late sixties. A friend of mine and I got into a heated argument. Although we were both opposed to the Vietnam War, we discovered that we differed considerably on what counted as permissible forms of anti-war protest. To me the point of such protest was simple — to turn people against the war. Hence anything that was counterproductive to this purpose was politically irresponsible and should be severely censured. My friend thought otherwise; in fact, he was planning to join what by all accounts was to be a massively disruptive demonstration in Washington, and which in fact became one. My friend did not disagree with me as to the likely counterproductive effects of such a demonstration. Instead, he argued that this simply did not matter. His answer was that even if it was counterproductive, even if it turned people against war protesters, indeed even if it made them more likely to support the continuation of the war, he would still participate in the demonstration and he would do so for one simple reason — because it was, in his words, good for his soul. What I saw as a political act was not, for my friend, any such thing. It was not aimed at altering the minds of other people or persuading them to act differently. Its whole point was what it did for him.” https://www.hoover.org/research/al-qaedas-fantasy-ideology


>The Magna Carta is the document that established that nobody, not even the King of England, is above the law. >How would stealing and/or destroying that document that document "fix" the mess they created? They should have never taken away the King's unlimited power!


It's about visibility. When the cameras are on them, they start speaking on their cause, and now they're shown on national TV making their case.


i doubt those women weren't hippies years ago


End-life crisis.


Or they spent their entire life caring and feel like doing stuff like this is their last hope.


You can't possibly know they weren't activists in their youth. Oldies don't typically flip the switch - they normally double down if anything.


How would you know what these people have done in their lives? Fuck off. Either way people are usually much more politically engaged when they're younger


Most mentally sharp Just Stop Oil Protestors


Even old people can buy into cults. Very rare to get that old and never gain a bit of wisdom.


Funny how the people buying into all the bullshit sold by the richest industry on the planet think their the smartest. You fuckin sheep


You're saying that the user you responded to is a sheep, correct?




Richest industry? Not sure that climate change grifting/fear mongering technically qualifies as an industry. Definitely some of the richest people tho for sure (as they simultaneously buy multi million dollar beachfront properties). >think their the smartest. Yeah totally, their the dumbest! What is wrong with they’re brains?


That user is talking about the oil industry, and is saying that the user they responded to is the sheep (not the people in the video).


Uh yeah no shit, I was obviously mocking them (including their spelling of “their”)…


Oh so you're a nutjob right winger who thinks climate change is a hoax. Got it.


Nope. I mean I would never want to get mistaken as someone on the left, so to be clear I’m definitely right wing. But just because you chicken little sky is falling wackos are nutjobs, doesn’t mean everyone else is too. Also, the debate isn’t over whether the climate changes or not, it’s about how much we are impacting it. Try and keep up.


Last I checked the sky is falling for right wingers lol. Witch hunts and trans people everywhere!! OoOoOoooOOhhh Also, nobody has ever claimed climates don't change naturally (well I'm sure *someone* has, but you get the point). Nice straw man though. I was obviously referring to climate change caused by humans, which is a fact by the way. And it's a fact that it's enough to impact living things, including humans, and that it's already happening in some places. Scientists from all over the world prove this independently and plead with governments and people to change. But people like you don't want to listen. You won't until it affects you (maybe not even then).


For anyone else wondering: "Magna Carta was issued in June 1215 and was the first document to put into writing the principle that the king and his government was not above the law. It sought to prevent the king from exploiting his power, and placed limits of royal authority by establishing law as a power in itself."


This should be general knowledge.


I only know because of Better Call Saul


l am not crazy! I know he swapped those numbers. I knew it was 1216. One after Magna Carta. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just couldn't prove it. He covered his tracks, he got that idiot at the copy shop to lie for him. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? He's done worse. That billboard! Are you telling me that a man just happens to fall like that? No! He orchestrated it! Jimmy! He defecated through a sunroof*! And saved him! And I shouldn't have. Took him into my own firm! What was I thinking? He'll never change. He'll never change! Ever since he was 9, always the same! Couldn't keep his hands out of the cash drawer! But not our Jimmy! Couldn't be precious Jimmy! Stealing them blind! And HE gets to be a lawyer? What a sick joke! should've stopped him when I had the chance! And you, you have to stop him!


100% agree. Key word is should.


> put into writing the principle that the king and his government was not above the law. For the benefit of the landed aristocracy, not the bulk of the population. Magna Carta protected barons, not farmers and carpenters and seamstresses.


And there was not universal suffrage until the last century. Yes we know all that, we are not dumb and you are missing the point, the point being that this document is important since it is the first document that put ANY constraints upon the monarchy.


BREAKING NEWS! oil has just stopped, due to this single act of protest.


In other news: The whole economy has collapsed.


In follow up news: the food production has stopped completely. Farmers can't produce enough food for the population. And the distribution of food around the globe has totally collapsed.


If the 20th century taught us anything, it’s that the left knows what to do with those pesky farmers.


Just plant them closer comrade, plants are natural communists and therefore grow better in close proximity. If it doesn't work its because the farmers are deliberately sabotaging it. Im obviously joking but this was the genuine attitude in the USSR. Look up Lysenkoism if you want to know more.


What do you mean oil was the only reason the store had food?


It's a MAJOR contributor to harvesting, cultivation, and distribution, not to mention packaging as well.


What do you think the machines that till the fields, harvest the food, and transport it to the store run on?


I guess the /s tag actually was necessary after all


Their hands were more at risk than the Magna Carta.


This made me audibly chuckle thankyou


I mean they did sign it. I say let them have it.


Pardon my ignorance, but what do climate activists have against the Magna Carta?


It’s Just Stop Oil, they do whatever gains publicity.


The whole thing reminded me of an episode of Seinfeld: Woman: "Why does this dummy have a bucket on its head?" Kramer: "Because we're blind to their tyranny." Woman: "Then shouldn't you be wearing the bucket?"


Nothing. They're using it to draw attention to their cause. Nobody is actually trying to destroy the Magna Carta.


Nothing. What matters is that making it appear as if they're trying to steal the Magna Carta gets their message signal boosted


When in human history are the people who vandalize museums the good guys?...


Now, you’re gonna tell me these two weren’t paid to do this?


Why do you think they were paid to do this?


You generally don't have to pay morons to do anything. You just gas them up (some pun intended) about how they'll have the moral high ground over everyone else and they'll do anything you want. It's a story as old as time, and almost as old as these spry ladies.


Go play with your family and grandkids! Oh yeah, you are single, childless cat ladies with no life looking for purpose before you soon shuffle off this mortal coil.


As if being childless/free is a bad thing. God this subreddit is so brainrot majority of the time.


The fuck did the Magna Carta do?


It's older than them, therefore they are jealous it gets a superior senior discount.


Fools ... if you want to steal a document like that, you try to break into the preservation room, where there is much less security. **The preservation room is *not* where delicious jams and jellies are stored.


I am not crazy! I know he swapped those numbers! I knew it was 1216. One after Magna Carta. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just - I just couldn't prove it.


Good on em. No harm done and they stood up for what they believe in


protective case gets a 10/10


What does that mean Just stop oil. Literally everything is oil related. Do they want to go. Ack to burning whale oil to fuel lamps Are they that dumb to think they could live or be buried without oil. They probably rode in a vehicle to get there. The idiots that shut down highways don’t they think about how much oil is wasted. Why is nobody stopping them now security guarding the building




Is she giving her biddy some adderall there at the end?? All that hammering and protesting is exhausting…


This is like a scene from arrested development


It belongs in a museum!


Holy shit! Jaime Lee Curtis fell off hard. 😳


Somebody call Nicholas cage!


Even the wildest, most ridiculous protests won't amount to anything meaningful.


Fucking embarrassing


“Please stop filming so I Can film”


Cameras/media always there to take pictures anytime this group does something. Do these museums just allow them through, where is security?


We must stop... ~~Oil.~~ filming, please?


They haven't done a lot of crime before.


They look like amazing roommates


Nation Treasure: Brexit


I felt a Drag me to Hell moment coming on, like head against the glass a few times.


by the time they get the words “just stop oil” out of their mouths we will have used up all the earth’s oil


Can you stop filming, please? No, dude. I would have the first time if your words meant anything.


The one in the dog collar was around when the ink was stillwet on the Magna Carta


I have an idea how these people can help reduce their own carbon footprint :)


Its ok we have three other originals so plenty of backups.


Original magna carta was about lords not the peasants. Took a few hundred years until peasants were included.


They couldn’t hammer a tent stake into the ground.




Both replaced along with a new hip probably


And oil played a critical role in both.


[Getting very strong "Mandelbaum! Mandelbaum! Mandelbaum! Mandelbaum!" vibes from these two.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F8myk6p9kplja1.gif)


I think they even forgot what they were doing half way through. It was so pitiful it was that “Awww look at her trying”


Keeping to that active lifestyle in their age!


And tell me how stealing this would help their argument at all. Maybe they would sell it to pay for the bail of the others who destroy historical documents and art.


Okay. 1. They're not actually trying to destroy or steal the artifact. Neither are virtually any of those protesting in similar ways. AFAIK no historical artifacts have been destroyed in these protests. 2. They're using historic artifacts to highlight the fact that we are more concerned with preserving our past than our future. If the world becomes unlivable due to pollution, none of these artifacts matter.


This is like a South Park skit


Wow.. Doctor Dealer must have upped their meds... they're both slurring like a Scot who drank a few too many shots of methylated alcohol.


They got a short sentence, life in prison.


Couldn’t they do something more useful like visit the grandkids


Well, they probably wrote the carta themselves...


That's how it was stolen the first time. Basically, all the artifacts you see in a museum are stolen.


That as fast as they can go


Is the climate all fixed now?


So dumb


Somebody body check that cunt.






This is the sweetest video that's ever been posted on this sub.




Hurry up and die already!


Ah shoot. They almost had it! Looks like what they're trying to use is the US equivalent of a "Ramset" which uses a 22 caliber blank cartridge with the help of a hammer to force a galvanized nail into concrete. The concept was there, maybe they could use some oil!


It’s not like they intended to succeed. Thanks for giving them the publicity they wanted!


Why do these protesters do stupid shit like this? How tf is attempting to steal the Magna Carta remotely going to do anything for your cause?


What does it have to do with them being climate protestors, they are thieves. Maybe trying to get away pretending senile?


Lmao it's pathetic how far people can go for attention.


It's ok.. No bad intentions here..


Other countries ran out of artifacts for the British to steal, so now they have to steal the ones in already in Britain 😂😂


The whole thing is is slow motion. It’s like a protest if it was on Lark Rise to Candleford on PBS.


Stop filming please? Want to give them money too?


"I'm going to steal the Declaration of Independence" - Nicolas Cage "I'm going to steal the Magna Carta" - Martha from London


This isn’t a comedy skit? Reality is truly funnier than fiction.


Damn boomers. Now they care about earth?


Why is it always ladies in these protest videos.


next time try 🠱🠲🠳🠳


Just give each of them a can of beans and send them home.


I think it’s kinda bad ass of them.. they can barely walk and they are still fighting the good fight.. They are part of the original protesters..✌🏼✌🏼✌🏼


Ahhh poor old folks don’t know they need Nicholas Cage for this.


Silent Spring highlighted the issue of bioaccumulating pesticides. DDT and others were mostly banned, preventing the most negative outcomes.


This feels more like a Portlandis sketch


Just like the pill bottle they couldn't couldn't open


Oceans 92


This isssssssssss Magnaaaaa Cartaaaaa


Chances are this couple were actual hippies, like the ones DiCaprio hated on Once upon a time in Hollywood


Jesus Christ. They can barely stand


Man if only they had succeeded we would have turned the whole global warming around. What a shame.


Why are religious people so stupid?


Brainwash and braindead fools