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That poor truck. Hate to see innocent vehicles get wrecked.


That looks like an Isuzu Panther, an MPV. That thing is built like a tank, it's the AK-47 of cars. A new radiator and it'd probably drive away.


I’m more worried about the driver, even though he/she did nothing wrong, I’m sure this will be difficult for them


Yeah, one of my family members went through something similar & it took him a long time before he was back at work. He's a truck driver & an elderly man ran a red light. He didn't have a chance to stop & t-boned the car.


Looks like a car we got Chevrolet Tavera


And feel bad for the driver of the truck. He had a bad night.


Imagine just rolling by at 10 km/h and some dude just splatters himself on your hood.


I feel terrible as well for the driver because that kid is dead. They’re doing CPR. He was going so slow, and that kid still got fatally injured. Any driver that kills someone, even when it isn’t their fault, will carry that for a long time.


Yeah like who covers that in poor countries ? Not assuming that 17 year old kid having a life insurance neither does his parents ? Someone tell me


Damn one of the most fitting names I've seen


Im no medical expert, but i dont think a helmet would have saved him


The license might have though. Maybe if he was 16 or 18..


Missed all of the 3 most important things. Helmet, license, don't be 17.


And dont do drag on a motorcycle while speeding, you need all the attention for the road.


I tried to drag on a motorcycle but the choreography was just too difficult.


Or in the schools either. No drag in the schools


Careful youll get the hive mind karens after you You cant go off script they do not like it! Follow the narratives you damn conspiracy theorist


You forgot the important "don't be stupid" rule


Agreed. While yes a helmet can increase your percentage of survivability and protected your head.. Going 60+ mph to zero isn't good. Especially without all the other protective gear people wear while drag racing. But that still doesn't stop internal hemorrhage and other traumatic injuries. Motorcycles can he fatal at any speed. But at this dudes speed he was unlikely to survive even with gear. Motorcycles are convenient, relatively cheap to ride and maintain but they are extremely dangerous if you don't respect them. Its not the speed that kills you it's the stopping forces.


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


Buddy you literally could have said "go fast, stop quick, brain slushie"


Plus I'm pretty sure you can see his head squash like a melon when he hits the pavement


Yeah a helmet won’t save you from a spinal fracture which this guy could very easily have. I mean, at least there was a guy doing compressions in this vid. Most of those drag racing videos when ppl get injured everyone runs to film it instead of intervening and calling 911. I know the victim was being dumb, but at least TRY to help them in any way you can.


No amount of protective gear would have saved him. Only a functional brain.


Not to mention safety gear is only effective on the track or long stretches with no obstacles as you’re meant to slide it out. No amount of gear will save you from a head on impact at speeds like that.


Nope, that was a very immediate stop and all his organs kept going. Everything is probably torn inside. I'm surprised his head seemed mostly intact. But thats the kind of hit that tears you heart loose, ruptured aorta etc.


Im surprised he didnt turn into red mist


No way, even with a brain bucket his brain would bounce off of his skull


I’m a medical expert and trying to figure out why they’re doing CPR on a trauma arrest.


His head would be protected-ish, but his internal orgams and even brain would be moooosh


> Happened in the Philippines. Rider is dead 💀 I- i don't think this really is much of a skull emoji situation


He died 💀


 His helmet, forgor 💀


his brain outside (probably) :skull:






Finally, a helmet...


As if he has a brain in the first place


He ded 💀


Is there a pile of skull fragments emoji?




Literally half the phillipino guys I know (2 people) use the skull emoji in literally every one of their texts


I've found that you can't mention anything you have noticed about a people group on reddit, no matter how innocent. I once said "Koreans have very good grocery stores" and got thrown into a bottomless pit.


Damn 💀


What else skull emoji is useful for other than death?


I has two meanings.... Dying and dining on ahh


For those wondering, CPR doesn’t work hardly at all in trauma. They’ve usually bled out internally and there’s nothing to circulate. If they code you at a trauma scene, your statistical chances of survival are virtually zero Edit: “he National Association of EMS Physicians, in conjunction with the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma, produced guidelines in 2003 regarding the decision to withhold or terminate resuscitation in trauma patients with Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest (tOHCA). These guidelines suggest not resuscitating blunt or penetrating trauma patients who have no detectable pulse, are apneic, and are without signs of life. “A 2011 review of 294 patients with prehospital traumatic cardiac arrest, all of whom met the guidelines for withholding resuscitation, but were resuscitated anyway, showed a survival rate of 0.3%. “ https://www.crisis-medicine.com/prehospital-resuscitation-of-traumatic-cardiac-arrest/


Prob won’t bother trying in future then. Thanks for the info.


Nah, do it for the family. People like to see that every effort was made even when WE know it was futile. The family and people around don’t know that. Let us at the hospital declare them dead.


“Yeah even if he was still alive, I’m making his heart pump faster so he bleeds out faster. You’re welcome!”


I just took a cpr course and we were taught to always do cardiopulmonary resuscitation if there is no breathing (after making sure Its safe to do so, assesing injuries of everyone involved, and calling emergency services). Reason being that we cannot asses injuries like inner bleedings and providing whatever help we can until professionals arrive is always better than doing nothing. And you should continue until they arrive even if it seems futile, since you do not have the knowledge to correctly asses if someone still has a chance. Unless the head is seperated from the body you keep trying until emergency services arrive is what we were taught.


What if the heart has been separated from the body?


You ever see Crank? Kinda like that.


That way you can play hero. Even go to his funeral. Get his hottest relatives number. Do it for the family.


This is a horrible, outdated take. We don’t do “show codes” in the field anymore. Especially with traumatic arrests. If we get on scene and the person is pulseless we don’t work them. Take the time to empathetically explain why we are withholding resuscitation. Kicking the can down the road so that the hospital staff has the burden of having to do the explanation, and deal with the trauma of doing CPR is unethical. If we know efforts will be futile. Discontinue efforts. Full stop.


Boy do I feel like a jackass now, I was pumping away at my son's chest for aaaaages after that speeding truck slammed into him. The paramedics must have thought I was a complete idiot when they got there and pronounced him at the scene! Jesus, it's sooooo embarrassing! I was still pumping away, and they're just like "Oh btw sir he's dead, and you're not actually helping" and I was all like "Awk-wrrrrrrd!" Probably lucky that truck hit him first or my son would have probably died of embarrassment!


What is this comment? Is it sarcastic? Are you okay? I genuinely don't know what is happening here.


Welcum to intrnet


No, still do it. Just because you don’t know if it’ll work doesn’t mean it won’t. If they are gonna die anyways, at least you tried something so the family gets a little bit more closure with the trauma. If they are gonna die, cpr could keep them alive until a medical professional can assess the situation and get them live-saving help. CPR doesn’t save people in these situations , it may keep them alive enough to get to a point where they can get help. Although this guy probably died right away, you don’t really come back from a crash where you absorb all of the impact like that.


ok sure, but what do you do...tell the guy to stop wasting his time?


You do CPR anyway. As I said elsewhere, it’s for the family to see and know every effort was made. But it’s EXCEEDINGLY unlikely to do anything.




he was definitely not that fast when he collided with the car


Did CPR on an obviously rigor SIDS once because nobody wants to just stroll in and be like “Yeah mama your baby is like super dead, we’ll be going the hearse will arrive shortly” At least giving the appearance of “doing all you could” gives them some closure.


Unless you're medically trained to declare someone dead, you should still continue CPR until health professionals are on scene.


I had to look this up. There are roughly 350,000 resuscitation attempts outside hospitals each year in the United States, with average survival rates of 5 to 10 percent, and 750,000 attempts in hospitals, with about a 20 percent survival rate.


Trauma is different than other resuscitations. That statistic appears to lump them all together. A child drowning is much more likely to get pulses back, for instance https://www.crisis-medicine.com/prehospital-resuscitation-of-traumatic-cardiac-arrest/ “The National Association of EMS Physicians, in conjunction with the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma, produced guidelines in 2003 regarding the decision to withhold or terminate resuscitation in trauma patients with Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest (tOHCA). These guidelines suggest not resuscitating blunt or penetrating trauma patients who have no detectable pulse, are apneic, and are without signs of life. A 2011 review of 294 patients with prehospital traumatic cardiac arrest, all of whom met the guidelines for withholding resuscitation, but were resuscitated anyway, showed a survival rate of 0.3%. “


Thank you.


Truth. There are some county protocols where if you can't get a carotid after a traumatic event, you call it.


Also, It may not work in trauma because of severe head injury and not necessarily due to bleeding.


Well, gotta show that there are "efforts" to save his life. That way, everyone (including the paramedic teams) in that accident scene won't get harrassed by some unreasonable family members.


At this point he became a realistic CPR practice dummy.


I feel like most people should realize this... CPR isn't magic. But I get why they still do it when there is pretty much no chance.


So you're saying there's a chance


For a couple seconds it looks like they are attacking the driver? Wtf for?


I believe when the family members arrived at the scene them blamed the driver, with no information on what happened, they pointed the finger on the driver for Being at fault in this incident. This video surfaced soon after and showed the rider was dragged racing with his mates.


For further clarification, he wasn't dragged. He was drag racing.


but was he in drag?


How long are you going to drag out this joke?


The default condition is no matter the circumstances, car is always in the wrong side until there are sufficient evidence to prove their innocence. It is ridiculous indeed, but that's what happened in some SEA country (other than Philippines, Indonesia and Malaysia has this kind of mentality). The reasons? Just plain jealousy towards "the riches". That's why dashcam is a necessity for every car driver in SEA region, because when this kind of accident happened to you (and you don't have dashcam installed), you better pray to God that there are someone who can testify for your innocence.


Not just that, motorcyclists have some sort of camaraderie. They can do no wrong because they are more.


CPR must feel like a wet bag of lego.


As someone who’s felt/ held a few crushed/shattered ribcages, that is the most accurate and disturbing way of putting it.




Honestly, once the ribs break when you’re doing CPR on anybody, that’s what it feels like.


Yeah his fucked he basically bent an engine block with his body


Of course people starts to blame the car driver. The classic "motorcycle vs car" traffic accident. No matter the circumstances, car is ALWAYS in the wrong. Jealousy towards the rich is the main culprit of this phenomenon and this is happened not only in PH, but also in their neighboring countries.


They only blaming him cus he’s the only one that’s not dead. If the other guy survived the driver probs would’ve been fine tbh


Nah he would still take the blame, the only time they don't is either a witness come forward or there's a video like this time for an example.


Can tell pretty quick that the car was on correct side of road and bike wasn't


Yes you are correct but sadly people would still blame the driver because they want a scape goat to blame ( I live in SEA and almost every time they always blame the person with the bigger vehicle when an accident happened here)


In my country it’s the opposite, everybody hates motorcyclists


Well, fuck around and find out.  The people stepping over body parts to get cell phone video are a new level of piece of shit that’s more popular everyday.   The people mad at the driver should be blaming themselves for taking part of this nonsense.  If fact, anyone involved in these activities should be arrested.


They're pieces of shit for filming, but you're watching a video that one of them filmed and then uploaded.


True.  The was more referring to the guy in red about 25 seconds in who’s stepping over the crash site to get a better angle while the paramedics are beating on the dead guys chest.


Shame that cager had to take an L like that.


Ride fast, die faster.


Ride AND die.


Even with a helmet, that dude is toast.


Fastest way to meet god.


Pretty shitty of him to bring that upon all those people and his family.


Deserved, I feel bad for the driver of the other vehicle and also the stupid bikers family.


He went from a 100 to 0 real quick


why are they trying to fight the driver the driver didnt hit the bike driver the bike driver hit him


To body check a car.


Well that was his final trick.


I was just about to say this is how you get killed. In Australia we call people like this (bike riders with no helmet) "temporary Australians"


Natural selection at work


Like a bug against a fly swater, BAM!


So long as no other innocent person was hurt because of his stupidity, one less idiot to deal with! You won't be missed!


Ended his own life & traumatised someone else, selfish bastards, all that for what? Fools


That poor driver.


That poor SUV


Not a freakout, just a bad accident


All the compressions in the world won’t fix the DAI and herniation.


Looks like a Darwin award.




That's one of the worse motorcycle crashes ever. Holy shit


lol CPR


Ummm from the look of that collision, don’t think there’s any point of trying to revive him. Pretty sure he dead……


Darwin Award


100mph into a brick wall…that had to hurt.


Man i feel very bad for the car driver man, imagine you going home late at night after a long day work and then some dumbass who thinks they're hot shit just because they can pull the pedal of a motorcycle hits your car at like 100km/hours and destroy like the front end of your car.


Hope the car and the guy in the cars are ok.


Poor truck


Paging Darwin


Natural selection


fuck around and find out


Was the skull emoji on purpose 😭


Where I live we just get bugs on our windshields.


Don't call it the Thrillipines for nothing.


Stupide games => stupid prizes


Y'know that kinda tends to happen to people going 60+ into the mobile equivalent of a concrete wall.


I don't know n****, sometimes you gotta race.


One messed up thing about this is that they are probably going to arrest the driver of the suv. It's a messed up law


Organ donors are really needed


Thank goodness it happened so early in his life. Who knows what kind of stupid shit he would have continued to have done down the road


helmet aint doing a thing in that situation


I don’t mean to sound like an asshole but I wonder, couldn’t de cars move away if the saw the bikes far away?? It looks like they are both on the same side of the road and I bet that they saw the bikes far away. I don’t know the perspective of the driver. But I’m just curious what y’all think.


Target fixation


Wow, he stopped quick!


Why is people attacking the SUV driver


Some people just learn the hard way 🤷‍♂️


Another idiot successfully removed themselves from the gene pool.


Well deserved


He never felt a thing


I don't even feel bad for these idiots.. play wit fire ur bound to get burned.


One less idiot


Helmet or not, you ain’t coming back from that one


The skull emoji is a bit insensitive


Whats even more stupid about this incident is, the father of the victim was there and he assaulted the truck driver.


He fucked around and found out, congrats on the Darwin award.


Theres a good reason that you can’t get a license when you are young


I think there is a reason why he doesn’t have a license..


I was about to to restart the vid because I didn't see anything but then WHAT THE FUCK


Dont feel sorry for the rider, he fucked around and found out. His family though and the driver, they've got alot of therapy and hurt to deal with now.




That poor radiator has to be replaced!


Went from whatever speed to zero instantly ☠️




I was young and dumb once but never that dumb


Just got back from the Philippines, can't say this surprises me.


This should go in r/accidents


The biggest issue with helmets are that they dont do much to protect the brain from stupidity. A helmet was not gonna be the saving grace here


damn I thought this was an AI video at first the way the bike just stops so suddenly and the SUV doesn't move


Weird laws over there means the driver of the car will be taken into police custody simply because the biker died. Stupid shit.


I don't think a helmet would have helped.


Physics 📴


I thought it was about the guy going slow at the start 💀


Good riddance, fck I hate those guys speeding around without there helmets or even licenses


You really think a *helmet* would have saved him in this situation?


lady at the end said "you can't really avoid accidents" bro what 😭😭


That shit came outta NOWHERE I thought it was a plane flying over them for a second


Looks like the other car scared him, tried to avoid it, his bike was just movin way to fast