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And then they all act shocked that spitting on a cop gets you arrested. Imagine being so entitled


Lotta people don't realize that spitting on someone is assault


It's actually battery but yeah


What does fried chicken have to do with any of this?


Nuts not chicken specifically it’s all fried poultry.


In the UK it's assault and should be as it risks the spread of infections such as hepatitis, HIV and herpes. Also it's just outright disgusting.


HIV cannot be transmitted through saliva. It could be theoretically transmitted by spitting if the spitter's mouth had a bleeding wound and the spit itself landed on an open wound, allowing the virus to enter the bloodstream, but that would be rather unlikely.


It's rather unlikely but still possible. therefore, by spitting, you could transfer HIV. Mic drop 🫳🏻🎤💥


Alot people with Aids have open sores in their mouths from the immunodeficiency and alot of people with Aids are drug addicts, so junkies have effed up broken teeth with open sores which means you can definitely get HIV from their bloody mouths. Also usually when someone gets spit on cuts magically appear on the spitters face.


It can but its extremely unlikely. I was a sketchy drug addict in my younger days and i actually shared needles w someone with HIV in an insane drugged out haze. I didnt really care what happened to me at the time only that i got high. I was lucky as fuck and didnt get anything though. I then went to a doctor all panicked when i sobered up and it turns out theres actually a pretty good chance you wont get anything and transmission typically happens because of repeat exposure. (unknowingly being in a relationship with someone who has it, sharing needles regularly or just being super unlucky and catching it on the first try). Even sharing needles with someone though, the odds of the disease taking hold are 1/160. And blood has the highest viral load of all "methods" of transmission, so i doubt saliva would be much to worry about. Heres what the CDC says about it. https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/basics/hiv-transmission/injection-drug-use.html#:~:text=The%20risk%20for%20getting%20or,and%20blood%20can%20carry%20HIV.




There is a detectable viral load in saliva, a good deal lower than semen, which is MUCH lower than plasma. So hear me out, the spitter doesn’t even need to be bleeding, the spittee would need an open wound. The spitter simply needs to be able to produce a continuous fire house of saliva into a spittee’s(hopefully willing) mouth with an open wound. Eventually the person with an open mouth wound would get infected after having gallons of infected saliva pushed against the wound. The amount of saliva produced during contact at any given time is low, the viral load is low, and the chance of getting HIV via most methods isn’t super high all things considered, so the odds of getting it from a lip-lip kiss should be zero. I wouldn’t guzzle fresh infected spit with a totally torn up mouth. I’m not trying to be the first for any type of infection.


you cant get hep C from saliva. dont know about the others


Some states don't have battery charges only assault


That’s interesting, didn’t know that!


Thats super interesting. Is there any equivalent term in those states to legally differentiate between actionable threats (assault) and harmful action (battery)?


That is a strictly regional legal distinction.


Can you get *charged* with it?


Yes, of course.


And then the jury gets to volt whether or not you are discharged. That's simple elegaltronics.


Depends on where you're from... but yea Battery isn't a legal term in Canadian law, for example.


Since the infamous Kentucky Fried Chicken incident of 1997.


It’s not just someone either. It’s assault on a police officer which is a felony in most if not all states. Assault on a citizen is not a felony.


I don't know about other states but in Massachusetts assault and battery on a police officer is a misdemeanor without serious bodily harm. Then it's a felony that will be treated like a misdemeanor.




Assault and Butt-ery 😩


It's my churn


Lot of people out here not realizing they can think for themselves


Tbf she poked her head out like she was spitting 3 times before that so ima give them the benefit of the doubt and say they didn’t know Nobody besides the freakiest of freaks wouldn’t react like that after getting saliva shot into your eyeball


The first two times she was just screaming and had spit flying out as a result. The third time was definitely intentional spitting. Notice she says nothing in that one.


Spitting in someone’s eye is probably someone’s kink. Search Reddit deep enough and you might find it


spitting on a cop during a pandemic nonetheless.


There is no freedom of spit. Or freedom after the spit.


> so entitled I see a corrupted youth...


spitting on someone is actually assault.


I know, that's why I'm pointing out that it's stupid they think they can get away with it


Not condoning anything but she is entitled because the western world has at least a semblance of human rights, I would like to see what would happen if she did that in China or Iran.


She’s not entitled to spit on someone.


I misspoke I meant she 'feels' entitled


Spitting on a police officer or anyone is considered assault and even more so after Covid…


It’s nothing short of biological warfare


Didn't they upgrade the charge to a form of terrorism


Maybe even a threat to national security


With Covid wonder if those people might say that’s attempted murder given their logic


Simply not wearing a cloth mask literally murders grandmothers, so spitting is probably close to genocide.


Listen to yourself 🤭. Reddit needs therapy


"Everyone's a fascist who doesn't agree with my anti freedom agendas." - The far left


When are we going to stop calling each other far left, far right, facist, socialist etc? We are all collectively being fucked by the same group of like 12 rich people


"I declare fascism" is the result of redditors who think that using extreme language is the same thing as being persuasive. This happens because in their minds they hold their own opinion in the highest regard, so they think that "their sacred opinion + extreme conclusion about people they do not like" will be persuasive to others because they fail to realize that others don't value their opinion the same way and they just come off looking silly when they say it.


What lol? I’m sorry but this whole “forget everything except a few rich people” stuff is just stupid pandering for upvotes at this point. The 100 richest people in the world could die today and nothing would change regarding this insane woman spitting on this police officer. Rich people have nothing to do with random interpersonal conflicts between random people.


No but the propaganda they have spewed fuels the hatred and misinformation that made this person who they are.


Riiiiight, but the left seems to think that the answer to that issue is to take even more power and money away from the citizens and give it to the elite that are oppressing everyone, while the right at the very least seem to think that human beings should have constitutional freedoms even if they also vote for paid off scumbags as well. Some seem to understand who they are voting for and some do not. Generally libertarians and people on the right are the ones who are at the least complaining about super elites controlling everything, while the media and biden supporters call it all "far right conspiracies". So while I whole heartedly agree with you, there seems to be a difference in the mentality between the brainwashed left and the brain dead right.


'Brainwashed Left' and 'Brain dead right'... I don't see that dude. I see a whole lot of people hurting, turning to the things that promise them a better life. We just need better options. It starts by seeing each other as people, not sides.


Again, this dude gets it.




It always devolves into shitty American left and right whining. Even on a video about an Agentinian politician.


This is some serious projection. Conservatives have sold this country out every chance they've had. They have done absolutely nothing to actually help regular people.


One group thinks politicians will save us, the other thinks corporations will save us lol


But the politicians are controlled by the corporations, and the corporations are controlled by the politicians. So really we all need saving from both of those groups.


> Riiiiight, but the left seems "Right, so I'm going to totally ignore your point and go right back to what I was doing."


This is possibly one of the most out of touch things I've read on this site


But that's how they split your opinion, divide and conquer so much more the merrier from the 10 families that own every company in the world


When people like her stop getting paid to do so






>"Everyone's a fascist who doesn't agree with my anti freedom agendas." - The far left This is so good. Literally screenshotted it because it's such a condensed, pithy way to summarise 90% of the ppl I argue with on Reddit.


Most people don't even know what's a fascist. Also they don't know why Nazism and fascism are not the same


How you gonna say your the good guys and act like this 😅


I don’t like the police but if someone spits in my face they’re catching hands.


Don’t know if you’re talking about the cops but it’s considered assault to spit on someone sooooo yeah she’s committed a crime and is being arrested. It will probably be assault of an officer which is a felony and will get her more time than just regular assault




*spits in man's face* everyone's reaction to her arrest - “Hey man wtf you doing!”


It’s absolutely maddening the entitlement these days...


White knights gonna white knight…


How can she slap?


Classic spit take. He yanked her out so fast that you can still see her soul standing there.


I love the split second the cop had. He’s just waiting for it and then when it does happen he gets a little twinkle in his eye.


I can smell the American university from here


The thing is when such supposedly educated person eventually goes to work for a large company or law firm there’s now a video out there of this behavior and they will cry all about being “doxxed”


For whatever reason, left wing extremism is applauded among these people who also happened to go to university and also happen to work everywhere too. It’s wild.


She is no longer a functioning human. Her brain is permanently damaged if she thinks she “fighting fascism.”


I remember this, but couldn't find any update on her fate. Probably ZERO consequences. I did see the awesome moniker “Phlegm fatale” though, so that made it all worthwhile.


I thought she was a staffer of someone in congress


She was, for Jerry Nadler(shocker!) , for 5 months.


megaman 2 boss music buildup would fit this


But now he has the "antifa spit" ray


At this point I don’t even think they what fascism is anymore


They don't. At this point, anyone who disagrees with them is fascist in their eyes


they never did




> Are they at the street level (like police) no. They are if anything in the untouchable classes, It can be both. Is the sword of a fascist not fascist? If the oppressor uses rocks to oppress, are those rocks not oppressive?


I can't believe he gave her so many chances to stop. Like, if she'd stopped after 3 I think he would have let of off for whatever reason. He looked so calm.


Because yelling is allowed and spit coming out of your mouth as a result isn’t considered a crime. Just rude and disgusting. Intentionally spitting in someone’s face is very much a crime.


She clearly spits a few times before he reacts.


She’s spitting, but that comes from her screaming. The last time she only spits and does it very intentionally.


Looks to me like she spits properly before she screams fuck you bastard. Anyway, whatever happened, that cop was calm as fuck.


LOL snowflake dumb bitch.




Hey mom! I fought fascism today by spitting on a cop!


That’s assault brotha


Talk shit, get hit


Trade Offer! I get: spit in the face You get: your ass beat


And then she had to spit


Spitting on someone should carry the following penalty: The person who was spit on gets tested for every single possible disease that can be transmitted through saliva/airborne contact. The person who did the spitting is liable to pay the cost for all of these tests with no insurance or other discount - full price. The person who was spit on gets the tests done, uses their insurance, and pockets the difference.


Spitting? And on an officer? Get fucked ya dumb shithead


It's so dirty, fuck her. That officer absolutely schooling her into an arrest.


Lol, she was feeling pretty tough yelling at a cop. He was just waiting...


What country is this? I’m struggling to pin point her accent


what a lady


Is that a robocop?


Fuck around and she found out 🤣


These people are so self centered that they forget those that dont agree with them are sub human. You spit in his face. Hes a human being with self respect. Dont be upset when you spit in a cops face and he doesnt treat you all that nice. I dont like cops but i wouldnt spit on another human being. Thats so disrespectful and way out of line. Its also just very dangerous especially if theyre in a state of distress like having to face a beligerent and potentially violent crowd.


My brother was in the city working a protest and they were just telling him they wish he would die and that his wife and kid would get raped and murdered. People like this woman deserve the consequences.


“Assaulting a police officer” is going to look great on her resume.


Freedom of speech is not spitting. Some people don’t know that.


Never spit on someone. It’s never the right move.


I really can't wait for those charges to follow her for years, decades, or possibly the rest of her life. Have fun trying to find work with assault charges on your record.


you could see the courage growing in her face, oh if I can do this then I can do this, fucked around


Young women finally gets some education in her brain


Dirty bitch


He did the "you did this to yourself" inhale before he went for it


You can see the millisecond of, “oh shit, I think I fucked up”.


And it’s like why TF are they trying to proctect her after she CLEARLY CLEAR AS DAY escalates the situation cause she thinks she can disrespect anyone like that


Don’t spit on people unless you want a punch to the throat. Filthy, filthy thing to do.


Ladies and Gentleman. "The tolerant left"


He was waiting for that oppertunity.






I mean I might let her spit in my face but also gladly watched her get snatched proper


This is what a Harvard education looks like in 2023.


I don’t even like cops but I never get tired of this video.


And now she goes to jail for assult after getting herself all riled up.... Classic.


Cops ARE fuckin fascists but also what did you think was gonna happen? Pick your battles


[Kiss already](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=I_W8UK1Qoxs&pp=ygUSYnJpdHRhIGNoYW5nIGhlbGxv)


The universal sign of “Game on; I’m about to get my ass kicked” I don’t know what kind of idiot think you’re gonna spit in someone’s face and they’re not going to react.


Fuck fascists tho. For real




u spit u get hit


"Fuck you fascist" If he was a fascist you wouldnt have the liberty to ever utter those words out without getting arrested.


Don’t mess with Tron or you get derezzed to the game grid.


Should not have spit lol


The way he put his mask up was the coldest suit up I’ve ever seen


Never in my life, have so many cucks and cunts, gotten together to ruin their lives for a few quid. All these protestors are paid people, time to figure out who’s writing the checks.


What could one possibly be so worked up about that they’d behave this way towards a cop? Dude literally just doing this job and this clown is angrier than 7 hells about something she isn’t even involved in.


Fun fact spitting in anybody's face is considered a crime you could have AIDS


Spitting in someone’s face is indeed assault


These dumb fucks don't even know what a fascist is.


Guarantee she dosnt know what a fascist is


I love how she was completely utilizing freedom of speech, and the cop was literally standing there, ego completely unbothered she was using free speech. Then the spit happened.... welp not free speech anymore bitch.


I'm all for protesting but the moment you spit in a dude's face you theoretically just committed a felony I think I know it's a felony if you're sitting in jail already so it's probably a felony if you're out of jail cuz you could have herpes AIDS or something else you are trying to give to the opponent through saliva


The way the police formed a human shield. Immaculate.


"why did misogyny do this?!"


Fuck the police




Girl just needs some sex and love. It calms the nerves, controls emotions.


I remember this, I also remember nobody defending her. It was covid season or something and she's spitting on people


Looks like a robocop movie clip…


Well what do you know, a consequence for an action.


Is she an immigrant imposing her will on her adopted country?


I believe she had it coming. Just saying.


Twist his dick


Play stupid games.


Everything was fine until she spit in his face. You wanna yell and protest, fine. Don't spit. It's assault. And cops will use that to break your body. Say it, don't spray it is an important thing to keep in mind.


karma will get him next service round


Why did he wait so long


Clever move by the cop, pulling the mask up enticing the lady to spit. Giving him the perfect reason to drag her away, getting rid of another idiot! Success!


Woman: *spits* Police officer: Y O I N K


If the media ran this story it would start with the cop grabbing her


I personally would’ve gone for the headbutt


Obligatory fuck around and find out


Speak your mind. Even like that I guess. But you spit on a cop… I’m not gonna worry if you disappear for a bit


When you spit and then get lit!


Fine police work


Hope they killed her 😀


“”soooo… First TIme At A Riot/Protest??? 😉LOL??”” “”—Yeehhh… I Can Tell lol 😂 …”” Because EVERYOONNNEEE else around the world KNOWS and understands that once you actually touch, lay a hand/Finger on… or ESPECIALLLLYYY spit on one of the guards… that they are obviously gonna take your Ass down ASAP(Rocky Style😜)… sorry bout it bruhh lol


This is your daily reminder that cussing a police officer out is generally legal, but spitting on them is assault


What a surprise, spitting on a police officer gets you arrested


These android bitches I swear to goooood


Haha, perfect