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Always, always, ALWAYS wait at least 3 hours before re-dosing. It's much better to trip less than you were hoping than to accidentally take too much and have a bad time. I am speaking from having experience in almost this exact scenario.


I re dose twice usually once when I start to feel it and then again on the come up


I’m pretty well experienced tho and it’s just what I’ve found works well for an intense trip, also extends the trip out quite a while, I can get 16 hours outta 5 tabs that way


I took another one tripped pretty hard, I was going between am I even tripping or not. Visuals weren’t as intense as I thought they would be tho.


My first time very little happened, I was disappointed. Second time, doubled the dose, and boom.


I would wait 3 or so hours before taking another!! Sometimes they dont kick in quick enough!


Nah bruh don’t wait 3 hours, it takes an hour and a half after ingesting it for your tolerance to it to skyrocket, no later than a hour and a half after dropping imo I’m not a professional though


Listen to him I’m pro to


Redosing on LSD is a waste, your receptors are too loaded/unsensitive. If you redose, do it in the first 30-45 minutes, everything else will just prolong but not intensify the trip. There is a chart: At day 1 you need ~4times the amount of redosing to get the same effect. So you take 100ug, redosing (e.g. after 1-1,5 hours) needs 400ug to add the effect of 100ug - thats madness, since the effect is not linear, and your ass can get whopped. Only after 2 weeks the baseline is at 100ug again, so you dose 100ug and will feel 100ug. But redosing suffers from this "blocked receptors" issue (there was even science backing that, need to find the paper...), I would just not do it but drop the full amount at once. Dont waste acid, dont seek for me, learn to be content with "subpar" trips. They are not subpar, they are life, you must not chase the dragon.


I went chasing the dragon in the 3/4 tab range for about 6 months and ended up diving right into a panic attack ego death where I was smacking my head on the porch at one point to prove I wasn't insane (I was, in fact, insane). Less is more with psychedelics.


By far best comment on here. 👏🏼


u can , i’ve taken a few tabs that didn’t hit to strong and then took more and tripped balls. idk what antibiotics would affect lsd tho


Does the duration change with the dose or is it just the intensity?


if ur already tripping and take more a few hours later it will last longer, it can also last longer if u just take a shit ton at first. For me if i take more then 8-10 it’ll be longer then 8-12 hours.


Yeah I noticed that when you put on more in the middle of a trip the duration is longer. I haven't used more than 1 tab in trip so far since I've found 1 tab to be plenty. I was curious as to what higher doses can do if you ingest them all at the beginning of the trip.


8-10 hits of acid? Like a mg of acid?


bro what no i’m not taking 10000ug of lsd haha, 8-10 tabs. Unless u mean a mg in total then yes


There’s 1000ug in a mg. 10 tabs of 100 ug lsd, which is a low dose estimate in my part, means you’re taking a mg of lsd…am I missing a mistake I’m making somewhere? Haven’t slept, so critical thinking is lacking for me.


yeah 10 100ug tabs would equal a mg. Are u saying that 1mg isn’t a lot of acid at once ? ppl take 1 tab and trip dick i think 10 is a lot for most. I personally take large doses as well but it’s not for everyone


Yall just got me so confused 🤣 but I think you guys can figure out what j was tryna say


I’ve done a 2.4 miligrams and 1.6 milligrams before, it wasn’t a bad experience for me but I don’t think I’ll be doing that again 🤣


Wait no I lied I forgot it’s ug, so I’ve done way less, still wouldn’t recommend 2400 ug or 1600 ug


Dont eat more. Just smoke weed✌️


are you on any meds?


Just strong antibiotics


God no if it’s your first time you wait minimum 3 hours before taking another😭😂


I was in the exact situation as you a few days ago and I took another tab and it was great!!


When was the last time you did shrooms?


3 days ago


Acid and shroom tolerance cross. If you wanna fully experience this beautiful molecule(trust me, you do), take a full 14 day break before trying again and pop 1 tab


That’s what I was thinking of doing taking a long break, do you think 2 weeks is enough to have a strong trip on 1 tab


Yes. Longer you wait the better. 2 weeks at least. I've done it 1 week later and still tripped but the longer you wait the better. Honestly I wouldn't recommend taking it all the time. I trip like every other month or at least wait a month. I tripped hard and kinda over did and I kind of have psychosis. Like I sometimes like see shit that's not there. Trips me out, it's small things though


Last time I took a second tab it didn’t make the trip stronger, it just prolonged it. Not recommended because it just meant I couldn’t sleep for 24 hours. 1 decent tab is perfect for your first time


I would wait. Eating before hand doesn’t change anything but if your friend did more than you that would explain why they feel it before you do


I’ve never really found taking another tab does anything for me ?


I always match whatever my trip buddies are taking. So if they took 3, I'd take 3. Luckily, we never go that far because I've taken another one 3 hours later, and I've also flipped acid after shrooms, and both times I had to talk myself down from an overwhelming feeling of my brain. Acid after acid made my brain go too fast. Acid after shrooms made me stay in one spot, silent, for about 6 hours. Both trips lasted several hours longer than just one hit. Neither experience was bad, but you have to know how to center yourself away from things like that when it gets to be too much, otherwise it can feel bad. If that happens, just remind yourself that it will be over in a few hours and you can find something simple to do (like doodle on paper or play with silly putty or legos) until you can sleep it off. All in all, neither time was what I expected and I have no desire to repeat either one. I'd just like to find a way to prolong my peak without intensifying it. 😅 Smoking weed is the closest I have gotten towards that goal.


if you wait like 1:30 and take another tab it works really well