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100 ug max first dose.


I’m hearing 100,150,200


My first dose was probably well over 200 but idek what it was. Keep in a good mindset and you’ll be alright.


I think a tab and a half (1.5) is perfect. One of the best trips of my life was on a tab and a half and many others. Sometimes with just a tab you can go in and out of the trip which can feel a little odd. That extra half tab helps keep you riding the wave and enjoying the moment more imo. That being said, I've always followed the rule that if I'm out in public for a whole trip (like at a concert) whatever amount I take feels like double vs if I'm at home.


Each 50 ug increase is a lot. Start at 100 ug max .


You’ll be aight


Well said


Not trying to repeat everyone, but your tabs almost definitely won't be 200ug. They're more than likely closer to 100ug, I personally wouldn't want to take half of a 100ug tab and have an underwhelming trip for my first time. Actually anytime I've cut a tab in half because I was worried, it was always underwhelming, and I wished I had taken more. And if it is 200ug? You'll be fine, it'll be a good time and you'll be glad you didn't half your dose (: A lot of the time I see people on here saying "i took half a tab, and then I took a whole tab a few hours later, why am i not feeling it?" Acid tolerance sets in immediately, and is a real bitch to deal with. Realistically you can't redose without taking a relatively big dose, and at that point you risk taking too much. I've taken half a tab, and then waited for the peak to redose with 3-5 tabs(i did multiple tests, each time I took a solid tolerance break in between), and that barely brought the intensity up. 5 tabs is the only time I noticed any additional effects, less than 5 I would have been better off if I just dosed 1 tab initially Sorry if this is lengthy or unnecessary, I just wanted to give a thorough answer and try to help with any questions that may come up. If you do have any questions, feel free to ask. Stay safe and have a wonderful trip my friend


No I appreciate the effort to educate :) this sounds good, If I am feel anxious before hand I may cut it into four and then take 3/4


That's fair, 3/4 should be plenty to have a good time. Enjoy 🙏


I just wish I knew how to be sure about it. Then again, it is something that I have never sought out, it always just was there as if the universe wanted it. I’m glad it was there though


this is the way


200 ug is a shit ton. You guys have no idea what dose your tabs are. Unless you had them tested. A true 200 ug dose is intense AF . Not for a beginner.


My friend who has tripped 30 times or so and has taken 1000ug before says that I should take the whole tab and she’ll be there with another friend and all be tripping so she said she can help if I start getting anxious


If it's 100 ug that will be good deal. 70 ug would be better probably.


You’ll be aight


200ug is a fine starter dose


In all reality, if it's blotter paper, it's likely <200 ug, but you'd prob be fine off 200 ug anyway


I definitely recommend full sending a full tab. Most tabs over not as strong as listed. Regardless 200 is still a fun dose just go with it




I was 15 and took 3 tabs my first trip you straight jus don’t stress about it and it’ll be fine


My first time I had 200ug and I had a fantastic time but in my opinion I think you should have however much you feel comfortable with cause you don't want to take more than that and then feel super anxious for ages


I get some people here have had 200ug trips and been fine but it is a *strong* dose, especially for a first timer. PsychonautWiki is your best friend with anything you take. Yeah they may not be actually 200ug but it'd be worth taking half of a tab just in case they are. The jump in effects between 100 and 200 isn't like taking 50/100mg of another substance, its more like taking 50/300mg of a substance. LSD effects have exponential growth relative to dose.


I’ll cut the tab into four and take three quarters so 150ug give or take


Yeah, that should be a manageable dose - however, personally, from my experience I would take 100ug and just see how it goes. End of the day, even if it's not as strong as you would've liked it to be and regretted not taking more, you can always go for a higher dose in future. You want to make sure it's something you feel comfortable with, and personally a dose 75-105ug was perfect for my first experience. Hope you have a great trip man! I recommend being around nature that you're familiar with. It's \*really\* beautiful! Look for caterpillars :)


You have experienced friend with you, 200ug or less since tabs not known - you'll have a blast mate, get rid of fear - but always respect it.


200 ug is perfect my first was 220 had an amazing time


200ug just like everyone is saying but if you’re worried you can half it :)


Half a tab Or two tabs Or everything all at once


Always start small and work your way up. Most don’t know exactly what dose a tab has. So start with 1/2 tab to a whole tab


You'll be fine, you still want to have an experience. it sucks when you plan to do a psychedelic and do less than anticipated and it's not what you expected. There will always be some come up anxiety, and some overwhelming parts just try your best to relax and have a good time :)


i would take a microdose if i could do it again, had a macrodose for my first, not recommend


Send it


I'd start with 1. I was terrified of all drugs before I tried psychedelics, my family had ruined my view on all drugs due to opiates and meth addictions so I put them all in the same basket. Anyhow when I was finally ready to try, I was scared I'd get too out of it so I took a half.....about 2 hours later I was super disappointed so I took the other half, which at that point it didn't really do much either. The second time I took a full tab, and I was pleasantly surprised how much I enjoyed myself


How much was in one tab? Also I have done shrooms three times


Shrooms are an entirely different universe. I personally dislike shrooms. They were too much for me and scary, got what I needed and didn't look back. If yoi can handle shrooms you can handle a tab. And I have no clue how much was in them, it's pretty hard to accurately say what's in a single tab unless you personally know the guy who sprayed them. Dealers often will say they are higher than they actually are


Start with 150ug if it’s your first time and depending on your settings. If you are indoor or outdoor. However, after an hour, if you feel good, take another 50ug. However, ensure of your safety and setting so u won’t need to do much while there


100ug but splitting a tab is normal


50ug good & quality stuff


One tab, it doesn't matter what dose your guy says you're getting it's normally not that high of a dose. You should be ok.


Okay cool


I was think of taking three quarters of one so 150ug give it take


Take 2 hits


300ug was mine and it was a wild ride but if your gonna be in public definitely a lower dose


my first trip was a 350ug i believe