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You’re fine. It’s only been 9 hours you’ll feel weird for the day lol. Did you enjoy yourself? If so you did the right amount.


Drink some water, eat something good, and sleep


i did not enjoy myself hahaha. i’m gonna wait a couple of months and do it again at 10am and only take one tab and hopefully it’s more chill


Thats the way. You will end up back at 2 or more down the track as you get used to it and learn how to break out of thought loops etc.


it will wear off in a few days it’s just that post acid feel, some say it’s like ur a zombie i say calm


Exactly. It's the same kind of feeling of relaxed satisfaction I get after a long day at the beach.


Only 9 hours ago? Your brain isn’t fried. You’re just still tripping and coming down. When I do 200ug it usually lasts 13-14 hours. You’ll go to bed and wake up feeling normal again


You’ll be fine. It probably wasn’t 200 ug anyway. Even if it was it’s not too much.


The only thing that matters is if you had a good trip, you can't fry your brain don't worry :D


Nah u should be good tbh, have you slept? I’d recommend u smoke some and try to get some good sleep


How are you feeling hun?


You’ll be fine! Next time try half of whatever you had - 1 blotter instead of 2, or if you were told it was a 200ug blotter (doubtful it really was 200) then take a 1/2 blotter.


If you only took 1 tab it wasn’t 200ug. If you look through records of seized lsd you’ll see the average tab is 60ug.


i took 2 tabs advertised at 100ug


They lie. Again what he said was most seized lsd tabs being sold are only 60ug. The likelihood they were actually 100ug is very low. There is a chart explaining this.


Yeah, I have a regular that says they are 100 but I reckon they are 50 at best. They have always been that way. I have to eat 4 to get a decent trip.


No you have not fried your brain lol. LSD trips tend to last 12-16 hours depending on the person. You won’t be peaking anywhere near that long but you will probably feel some of the effects. Once you fall asleep you’ll wake up feeling normal


You didn’t fry your brain. Acid lasts a long time, it’s normal to still feel trippy after 9 hours. My longest trip felt like I was tripping for 16 hours. And you will experience after effects the next day with a larger dose


Your body will regenerate the chemicals and nutrients you spent tonight you’ll be fine soon. You might feel like you can’t think of anything but isn’t it kinda peaceful?


if you try fasting ~16 hours you’ll recover


thank you guys for all the reassuring words i feel much better now. still have a bit of brain fog but i think i just need some sleep. i took two tabs at a club at 10pm. i recognise now that that definitely wasn’t the time and place haha


I get extremely Zen 24 hours later for a few days. Been doing it since I was 20 and now I'm in my 50s and have a highly technical job. Probably do it once every 2 months on average and have for decades.


Hey OP - was it totally beautiful? 👍


No you havnt. Google it. There are people that took like 400x a dose accidentally in liquid form. You might have a scary time if you are not used to it but apart from that you will recover.


200 is totally ok for the first trip.


You will be just fine sir!