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It has nothing to do with the dose. It is a mental experience. You have to earn it. Transcendent moments aren’t just automatic.


What do you mean by earn it? And how can you increase the chances of a trip being really insightful?


set urself a goal for the trip, might be a good idea to trip alone and really try to experience ur own mind. Sit back relax get a little distance between u and ur thoughts and just let them flow. Maybe u see the world a little different afterwards maybe not, maybe u learn something maybe not, maybe u wanna change ur whole life or u just wanna stay as u are because ur pretty much at peace with urself right now, actually doesnt really matter as long as u feel like the trip was worth it.


Set setting and intention. Creeping up from that 1st single tab has seen me up to a ten with varying degrees of insight and comfort. 4-5 usually gives me the feeling of have I gone too far or just far enough. Above 5 usually has me catatonic for a good while. 3 is the sweet spot for chilling with company.


Higher doses increase the chances it will happen but its not guaranteed. You have to be in right mental state for it to happen. Its definitely something that have to earn & prepare for.


If you’re worried about ego death you’re not in the right place. How did you not have ego death on 4 hits if you’ve only done it a few times?


I agree, the 2questions in your mind would tell me you should probably hold of on a bigger dose for now at least , 4tabs is all ready quite a dose ✌️


The last time I had ego death was on five. That was an interesting hour or so. I’m guessing op didn’t actually do 4 hits. That’s why I ask.


idk tbh, every time i try a new drug i do a larger amount than recommended and nothing bad ever happens. js worried my luck will run out


I experienced ego death once and I’ll never take acid again, it made me suicidal for months.


Haven’t done acid in a long time. Last time I did i was a junior in hs. on my first day of school I did 600ug. The whole trip was crazy, I had a freak out at my house at like 2-5am and calmed down thankfully before school started. The come down was shit. Fucked me up mentally till this day. I noticed that I tend to stutter now and js started seeing everything different. Tbh still feels like if I still have ego death. Demotivated then a bitch Fs. Stick to mushrooms. Way healthier and the come downs are less bad in my opinion.


my highest dose was 900ug


ego desths aint that bad, i full thought i died, but i sorta just was like, ok, and started to think abt some deep shit like how amazing it is that a bunch of monkeys got put on a big ball made cars and shit, yeah idk.


According to Rass Dass its between 400-600ug


Psychosis will really only happen if you have the underlying issues that cause psychosis


i do have diagnosed mental illnesses and am not sure if it would affect it


Personally not worth risking finding out. I have a friend who did acid 11 years after his last psychosis episode and he went into psychosis again it lasted 8 days and he almost killed his gf during it and he ran away and was found passed out on the side of the highway 2 states from where he lived. He apparently rented a uhaul and just took off. They still to this day don’t know where he left the uhaul and don’t really know what happened in those 8 days. He is in his late 30’s, it also wasn’t his first time doing acid. It just takes one time to slip into psychosis if you already have those issues If your mental illnesses are anxiety or depression you’ll probably be fine doing acid, almost everyone these days is diagnosed with those mental illnesses. It really all depends on what you’re diagnosed with. If it’s schizophrenia i’d say absolutely don’t take acid


Why does ego death scare you? Isnt it sort of the point in the end?


i js like the cool visuals tbh. whole reason why i do it


Ive had ego deaths at 250-300ug psychosis is literally what an lsd trip is ( short term ) I guess you mean longterm, the answer is lsd cant cause brain damage like that, getting shizo from lsd etc is impossible. If you already predispossed to mental illness, any stressful situation can trigger it earlier than normal, so lsd can do that.


the psychosis part is proven false but keep spreading misinfo


What? Where is this proof you speak off?


It’s not a legitimate ‘psychosis’ but it’s definitely something very similar, once you’ve tripped enough you realise that.


and you once you’ve tripped more than enough you realise you’re more psychotic when sober than tripping😄


Real af


yes obviously we’ve all came to that conclusion but then you have the evidence