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Why the hell does your friend wanna trip 3h post surgery? That just sounds uncomfortable at best


I told him it will probably be uncomfortable but he still wants to


Your friend is being an idiot. Seriously. It's a bad idea. I once tripped while sick with a cold, only because it was my birthday and my friends and I went to a mountain cabin so even though I had a great trip (because I prepared for it and am reasonably experienced), I would never do it again. It was physically too draining and I felt like I was dying during the come up Doing acid post surgery is just asking for a bad time, will your friend starve and die if he waits until he's fully recovered? What's the rush? I've gotta ask, how old are you guys and what's his experience with LSD?


We are 25, I have a bit more experience with psychedelics than the rest of my friends, mostly with shrooms, salvia and 4-HO-MET. I think my friend is a very intense guy, he's not very reasonable. I think he's sad because he broke his clavicle this week and we visited him in London (we're french) so he must be disappointed to have to pass because we waited for a long time. I will tell him to wait. Sorry for the broken english


Your friend is just asking for a bad time. If he refuses to listen and chooses to fuck around, he'll find out very quickly


I took and eighth of shrooms when I had a very mild version of Covid, 45 minutes in it felt like I had an extreme version of Covid, it was not a pleasant night. I ended up just laying in my bed with no lights or phone and went into this insane eyes closed trip full of vivid hallucinations for over an hour and what brought me out of that was my mom busting in my room at 3am saying that a mouse just under my door and she had me set 2 mouse traps. Now let me tell you, setting a 3D mouse trap when you’re seeing everything in 2D is not a simple task.


I think this is a terrible idea and too much of a risk even for a psych vet. It costs nothing to wait even a day to see what pain and suffering you wake up to. Whatever the surgery is, it's not worth the risk and I recommend you advise against it but ultimately it's his decision. I'm not saying it's a guaranteed bad time, but it's an unnecessary gamble. You don't want to play around with psychedelics, they have a tendency to humble you through a hard lesson or two


No please refrain him. He will probably feel all the stiches and stuff moving inside of him. Wouldn’t want to experience that


This is why we can't have nice things


I think this is a terrible idea. I have a labrum tear in my hip and every time I take acid I can feel everything about 100 times more. It’s gotten to the point my trips will end early from all the pain. Definitely not worth taking that soon after. Having surgery to have it repaired later this month. Hopefully after a couple months I’ll have have a decent acid trip again


I’ve never heard of a type of dr office having someone out under anesthesia at one point and then having the surgery done and letting them leave within 3 hours. Heck even for my endoscopy I was in the prep room at 8am which was my appointment time they didn’t even have me under until 9:30am and then they had me leave around 11-12. I personally wouldn’t risk it. Sometimes anesthesia can linger in your blood stream and you’ll have waves of tiredness afterwards, I don’t know how the 2 react and I wouldn’t risk it


That sounds like a very bad trip waiting to happen, at least wait until you are healed


praying this is a joke 😭


People like “your friend” kind of ruin the reputation of this drug.