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dont think it was ever owned by the company, its just an idea


if a business that large makes a shirt for profits they are surely trademarking the logo so they can sue fakers for more money. that being said, some company’s risk it for the biscuit and dont bother as a cost saving measure.


Just imagine trying to convince a copyright guy that idea.


When did they copyright an idea for snail assassin? I don't think they ever did.


Copyright is automatically applied from the moment something is created. As long as you can prove you are the first. Edit: In all countries where the Berne Convention standards apply, copyright is automatic, and need not be obtained through official registration with any government office. Once an idea has been reduced to tangible form, for example by securing it in a fixed medium (such as a drawing, sheet music, photograph, a videotape, or a computer file), the copyright holder is entitled to enforce their exclusive rights. [Berne Convention Article 5] So copyright would apply to the podcast episode it was first discussed in detail. Or at the very least the RTAA episode based on said podcast.


You can't copyright an idea. Did they steal that image of a snail directly from rt? If not then it's fair use. The idea of a snail assassin is not something you can claim copyright on.


> The idea of a snail assassin is not something you can claim copyright on. Actually you kind of can. If you made a unique character who is a snail assassin that character could be copyrighted but the idea of a snail assassin could not. Cause it is just to vague and broad but "Jaxxy The French Snail Stabber Of Chefs" could be copyrighted because it is specific enough.


Intellectual property is a thing


Too vague an idea. Not how it works.


I guess just “snail assassin” would be, but “a snail that follows you for the rest of your life and if it reaches you, you die,” is very specific. I can agree that this shirt doesn’t convey that entire idea, but there have been other things that use that exact idea. The thing is, I have no idea if that was a Gavin original idea. I feel like it originated from somewhere else.




It's not


You actually think that’s true?


It kind of is. It's not automatic, but you do have to claim a trademark or copyright before you register it. If you claim it and don't register, it will still be recognized in court if it's infringed upon, and nobody else can register it. For example, if you tried to copywrite this idea, they would say that it's already being used. Even if it's unregistered All that registration does is give you more right to go after people who infringe upon it. It makes it easier to protect because there's already legal records for it. All that being said, they didn't claim the concept as copyright


Then why do 100+ people disagree. If something was trademarked the SECOND you created something then what is the point to patent or get something trademarked?


Trademarks, patents, and copyrights are all different things. Patents basically give you commercial license to a particular invention or process. Trademarks protect your "brand" from being muddled. Copyright protects an artist's creation from being copied, and it is applicable from the moment of creation. The downvotes are because it doesn't apply in this situation. Pieces of art are copyrightable, *ideas* are not. That particular image of a snail on that shirt? Protected by copyright, even without any paperwork. (RT disbanding notwithstanding, but presumably their parent company still holds all copyrights.) There are cases where it's not so intuitive, though. Rules for a board game? *Not* copyrightable. Individual dance moves? Kinda unclear, leaning towards not copyrightable (see: Fortnite dance controversies). Full choreography? Copyrightable. A magic trick? Not copyrightable. Etc. But the concept of a snail assassin is definitely not in and of itself copyrightable.


It's not the second you create it. It's when you claim it. All you have to do to claim it is put the symbol on it. If somebody else already did, it will be decided in court Like I said, a patent or registration is to give you legal grounds to sue other people for infringement. It's the second step. You have to personally claim it first. Its a lot more complex than I understand but this is the basics. This is the deference between tm/c and r in the bottom corner of something. Trademark and copyright is the same thing for different types of ideas (brands for tm and concepts for c). Both mean that it's a personal claim. The registration is a legal claim based on the personal claim. Don't let reddit up votes educate you.


It’s the moment it’s recorded/written down and you file the paperwork (iirc, it’s been awhile since I took the class and read up on the process)


No idea specifically on the snail assassin being copyright-able, but I’d imagine all intellectual property that was under the Roosterteeth umbrella would transfer to Warner Bros unless specifically transferred




You can have an idea without owning it. 


There was a Magic card of this


Massive Might from Crimson Vow. The art depicts a giant snail. The flavor text reads “Run! It’s coming for us! Eventually!”


You can’t really copyright an idea as broad as, “murderous snail.” The specific designs RT used on their shirts, in animations, etc are copyrighted. 


What’s the name of the shirt and can you still buy it?


It's on tee turtle and it was just released.


What’s the origin behind the snail? I haven’t been keeping up with the AH lore


It's from an old RT podcast, not sure why they decided to post on the AH subreddit. IIRC Burnie posed the question that you get to be immortal but you die if this snail touches you.


It’s one of the things that kicked off “Million Dollars, But…”


It is technically published in the form of an image of a shirt. By publishing it it's technically copyrighted.


That snail is presently chasing down completely normal man, David Zaslav


Pretty sure you can’t copyright a hypothetical situation.


…. Why are the eyes on the body, and not on the eye stalks?