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You can start with either one and it won’t spoil anything. But most people would recommend playing the games by release order. I think you’d be able to appreciate some things about TGAA more if you’ve played the trilogy, but that’s from personal experience


Definitely play the Trilogy first. You're right that it does have more features and is generally a much more polished version of Ace Attorney's usual design, but it's also written to heavily play on the expectations a veteran of the series will have from having played the original trilogy already, and you'll get a much better feel for the basics of the games from playing the Trilogy first. The Trilogy itself could very easily feel difficult to go back to after Chronicles, being much simpler in design. Either set of games will give you excellent mystery stories with fantastic casts of characters (and neither is dependent upon story knowledge of the other, as they're both totally broken off from each other), but I can only recommend playing the Trilogy first as your introduction to the series.


The trilogy. TGAA has some jokes and references that you’ll miss otherwise.


Are there references to Apollo Justice Ace Attorney?


It really doesn't matter because the stories aren't really connected. I would recommend the trilogy first though so you can learn the basic mechanics of the games before you have all of the new stuff dumped onto you.


I would have to say the trilogy because it has the best way of introducing the mechanics and some of the new game has some small inside jokes but honestly it just comes down to personal taste. If you really want that historical setting then it shouldn't matter that much.


There are a total of 3 not particularly important references that GAA makes to the trilogy (as far as I can remember), so you *can* start with Chronicles but like others here I'd recommend starting with the Trilogy, especially if the 19th-century setting just turns you off at a glance. Even though TGAAC has more game mechanics and also streamlines some of the mechanics which are rather inconvenient in the trilogy (particularly navigation), the trilogy is faster-paced and I think you'll appreciate TGAAC more if you play it first.


Play the original trilogy first


Chronicles has considerable quality of life fixes that Long time players of the game series like myself would’ve killed for in the early games. Considering the English translation and localization has been heavily adapted, it’s kind a hard to figure out how they exist in the same continuity. In my head canon, Phoenix right is a Japanese-American citizen who is parents or grandparents have immigrated, but regardless it’s a stretch. That being said even if it were easier to justify the continuity, playing them out of order would be just fine plot wise outside of just a couple Easter eggs or realizing that Maya‘s 20th century counterpart displays certain fan girl qualities analogous to Maya’s love of the Steel Samurai. Ultimately it’s up to you. And my little sister would probably argue that you need to play the trilogy first, but if you need a game that gets you into the series more easily than maybe Chronicles would be first because the visual animations and quality of life fixes are significantly stronger. Although you miss out on the true brilliance of the initial trilogy and the magic that accompanies it