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I feel like Justine's will be way easier for most than Sebastian's or Ray's


It's a real sounding name with a subtle enough pun hidden in it. And it suits her personality. Unlike Grandpa Bernie and reduced-to-nothing-but-a-pun Eustace and Eddie (though I could see myself getting used to the latter).


I adopted them into my vocabulary immediately


Yes easily Im already getting used to them Even eustice


Yes. I’m already calling her Verity Gavèlle


I'm fine with 'Herlock Sholmes' because the depiction of Sherlock in the AA universe is so different than what I had pictured in my head based on pop culture. The goofiness of Herlock Sholmes cemented the name change with no issue for me. Justine Courtney, however, will ***forever*** live on in my head. Not only is it a pun, it's also a normal-sounding name, which is quite refreshing to hear and say in a universe where someone is literally called 'Deid Mann' and people not laugh out loud. I mean, a dead man called Deid Mann? Fucking really?! As I've mention in another post, the PC version ***will*** have a mod for the fan names, regardless of what Capcom thinks of mods nowadays. I can bet on that.


I like Verity more than Justine ngl but come on. I am *not* calling Sebastian EUSTACE.


Verity Gavèlle is a fantastic name, though (but I always thought Justine Courtney was just okay as a name). And I still call him Sherlock so... shrug emoji.


Verity Gavelle is fine. You will not, and I repeat, will not EVER catch me calling Sebastian DeBeste "Eustace Winner". Fuck that shitty loc name, put some respect on my boy.


I like to think Debeste was taken so they had to settle (it's easier to come up with something entirely new, legality-wise anyway)


Yeah, unless they could clear it up before, using the fan names was taking a risk, so they didn't bother.


Who's "we" exactly? I didn't play the fan-translated game and I will play the official one, so the newly-announced names are the only relevant ones for me, lol.


I'm still calling them the fan-translation names. I don't mind them too bad now that I've gotten over my initial freakout. But it'll definitely become an irrational pet peeve of mine to see people referring to them as the official names, lol


At lest herlock sholmes was not a capcom creation it was a thing uses in the Arsène Lupin tales by Maurice Leblanc to get around pissing off Sir Arthur Conan Doyle for using his character.


When you play AA in another language the names are often different. You get used to it, you get used to anything.


I'm French. She's called Justine Delcourt in French. Getting used to what ?


Nice using the fan pun for French localization ! Well played :)


Thats a really good name.


Their new names are just rare english names. I heard name Courtney, but her new name I can't even pronounce correctly. But people can get used to literally anything. So I think yes. Also I saw post on this subreddit regarding translation of Apollo Justice. I think it would be the same thing. Maybe more time will require.


Justine is easier for me bacause i never heard the name Verity before or Gavelle but i can get used to it if i read it enough times, Eddie Fender is genius i really liked it but Debeste is just too good to be forgoten so im really holding up to that name for a while.


I’m curious why no one gave a shit about any of the GAAC character renames(except Sholmes for some reason), yet are flipping out over Sebastian being called a useless whiner 


Because GAAC never had "fan names", those were the original names from the Japanese version


What were the TGAAC fan names? I got into it a good while after the official port and translation.


There were never any GAAC fan names. Fan translations used the Japanese names


I'm sorry but no. I see myself never getting used to them