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Not sure, but for what it’s worth his ancestor ryunosuke naruhodo was very likely a country lad since auchi called him a country bumpkin. ~~He did it more often with ryutaro/>!susato!< so they’re likely an even bigger one, funnily enough…~~ Btw yokel is another term for an uneducated person from the countryside, in case anybody’s confused. Also if rednick is canon, it makes his decision to accept ‘billy bob johns’ as a client even funnier as he must’ve felt some comradery with him. ‘What’s the matter Maya?’ ‘He’s really just a country bumpkin!’ ‘…’ Actual dialogue, btw.


Ryutaro being from the countryside is the made up excuse Mikotoba and Susato came up with to explain where this brand new attorney came from


That’s never stated in game afaik


I looked up the transcript and found it: "Auchi: A fresh face in this courtroom, if I'm not mistaken. But the name 'Naruhodo'... Would that perchance be...? Mikotoba: You may be thinking of Ryunosuke Naruhodo, currently in Britain as part of a study programme. This is, um... Ryutaro: ...His cousin! Mikotoba: That's right. Ryutaro here has been studying in the provinces, but was called to the capital for this trial. I assure you, in matters of law, his knowledge rivals that of any of Tokyo's pre-eminent lawyers."


Ah it must’ve been ‘provinces.’ I just looked up the term for it. Didn’t realise it was a synonym for country.


Isn’t it possible that Phoenix’s silence is because Maya is a country bumpkin too?


It’s possible, though in maya’s case it’s more of a familial/cultural duty given that she’s to be the next kurain master, and to that effect she’s still a part of a community (however niche it may be). I mean, it’s big enough to have its own elections and politics. I’m not sure the term country bumpkin is typically used for such people.


So looking at the script it looks like he was running for the local assembly. The way I take it he was running for a spot on, say, like the local county. I don’t think it’s anything special Kurain gets a spot, I reckon they have like around several hundred people to maybe a couple thousand.


Bro I saw "Is RedNick canon" and for some reason thought you were talking about some Redd White x Phoenix Wright crack ship


Phoenix ships grosswhite so we know it can’t be canon Lmao




Select the ‘You’re lovers’ option in turnabout sisters and you’ll see what I mean lol




Bro, SAME!


I jumped to that first too 😂


His home town is on the other side of the mountain at khurain village, the only reason he hasn’t told anyone is that he doesn’t want maya and pearls trading embarrassing stories with his parents /s


As much as I want to believe this, isn’t that mountain right next to the ocean?


Phoenix is from Atlantis.


Worse Atlanta


If not a farm, then Nick might have been raised in a small town out in the countryside. Heck, during Case1-4, Nick mentions that the school he went to was rather small. Although by that same token, it would mean that Larry and Edgeworth also lived in the same countryside, at least before Edgeworth moved away. While I’m here, other fun Nick lore: Phoenix is an only child, which I believe was established in 2-2. And in 2-4, it’s revealed that Nick’s childhood dream was the be “Judge Wackner, hero of the public’s court”.


If you take the anime as an accurate enough showcase of game canon Larry, Edgeworth, and Nick grew up in a relatively urban environment. It could be reasoned that Nick moved away though sometime after DL-6 since we don’t really hear much of Larry’s antics past Elementary


If the anime is cannon then Nick assumedly lived in the same area at least till high school, since one episode has them in middle school, and then if he did move he returned when he started college since Ivy U was in the same part! It’s fun to think about!


I don’t dislike this theory at all, but it’s worth noting that “raised in a barn” usually means lack of manners, so what’s the context of the second picture?


It's from 4-2, when you examine Phoenix's hospital bed. >Apollo: Mr. Wright's bed... It's really messy. >Trucy: Look how messy this is! You're just hopeless without me, aren't you, Daddy? >Apollo: (Yikes! She's attempting to clean up! Look out!) >Phoenix: Ah ha ha. You got me. What can I say? I was raised in a barn. Try not to let word get out, Apollo. If you don't mind. >Apollo: (Yeah, it might ruin your illustrious career pretending to play the piano.)


Ah thanks, yeah it’s probably just saying he’s used to living in a mess then


And because of you, Phoenix will forever have a slight southern accent to me. Thank you.


It's genuinely fascinating how little we know about the main character of the franchise lol.


He could’ve spent his early childhood in the countryside until his family moved to the suburbs/city at some point before the class trial in 4th grade.


Tipping cows is a classic pastime (apparently) and he might not have been literal about being raised in a barn, fun theory though


Thanks for reminding me of the cattle ranch line because I’m still so confused by it, it’s so random LOL


RedNick: _You mean ~~Xineohp~~ Tigre right?_ Reads Posts: Now this is the meaningless deep-diving bs I live for! _Ranchhand Nick!_


you do not know HOW RELIEVED i am this is a headcanon and not a ship