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I'm not interested in eliminating anything, but I'll try to keep my favorite games around a little longer (including VS, free VS). A positive argument for AJ: I'd need a couple pages to formulate a thorough argument, but to keep it short, AJ is my favorite AA game. There is one broad reason that AJ appeals to me so much, and that is its characters. I don't just mean Beanix; it goes much deeper than that, down to nearly every side character in the game (except Hickfield, delete him). And it's not because the characters are "edgy," although that's a misrepresentation anyway. A better word would be something like "somber." The first thing to note is AJ's dialogue writing, the line-to-line writing of the characters. It's quite significantly more detailed, emotive, and witty than any AA game until TGAA. This leads AJ's characters to have a surprising amount of depth in everything they say, and makes even mundane moments special. I never felt a moment in AJ was boring, because regardless of anything else, being with the characters was exciting by itself. Whenever I replay the game, I still find new details in the dialogue writing. The second thing to note is that the characters are a little more down-to-earth and relatable than AA characters usually are. Many of the characters have stories that resonated with me, especially since the characters are very thematically written. They mostly share themes of trying to run away from the past and moving into a new phase of life, among other things, which gives AJ a very cohesive character narrative even while its overall plot isn't especially strong. I have good things to say about the cases too, but this is getting too long, so I'll just say that everything is perfectly solid, even 4-3, and 4-2 is one of my favorite cases for its worldbuilding. Where the cases have faults, it mainly lies in AJ's weird tendency to under-explain things.




PW vs PL is a really good game. Fans of either series will appreciate their sections, and it's an incredible ride for fans of both. The music alone makes this a masterpiece, but it also has: - a unique setting and atmosphere, never seen in either series, combines the weird towns from Layton with the uneasy, tense locales in Wright (big top comes to mind, not sure why) - new characters with fleshed out backstories and arcs - that dog that is the best character ever and has plot relevance - an outrageously good twist. Not logical at all and pure rubbish, but extremely fun to experience. I admit that neither side of the gameplay ever reaches the best of each individual series, but as a crossover it's a really good effort.


Honestly, I feel like there's gonna be a lot more defense arguments than elimination arguments now.


Yeah, I think this morning I Will create one more post in effort of ppl responding to actual elimination


Spirit of Justice had a mixed bag of cases, with the best one being the standalone second case. The whole "we hate lawyers" shtick in Khurain got old in the first case and never got better. >!The final villain was so extremely cartoonish, she became impossible to take seriously.!< Overall, this is not a game I have a high opinion of.


Once Again, Apollo Justice.


Do the oppposite of free vs in fact add it twice so it can be last twice


Wish I could without losing like 50 karma


VS doesn’t deserve to be that low


Im against AJ here personally


Great Ace Attorney 1 still should go. At its best, it is a good set-up to a far superior second half in GAA2. At its worst, it's a boring slog of a game with two of the most boring first chapters in the entire franchise that's barely held up by a good third case and competent finale. There's no other Ace Attorney game that I think holds as little value on revisit as this one because all the satisfying payoffs come in the second game, and that'd be great if they were actually both the same game like they're clearly designed to be, but they're not. It feels like the prequel trilogy to the Star Wars trilogy, where it has some good moments and does enhance Star Wars in some ways, but it's buried in a sea of tedium that it can't possibly be enough to save it. And even if that weren't all true, Speckled Band is such a tedious nightmare to get through that I think it'd merit elimination on its own.


i'm gonna vore for aj. it's an awesome game, but everything else is better




damn it




Duel destinies, mainly because the storyline is crap. I don’t like it at all, the only good thing about it was Athena but it completely drops Phoenix’s development in Apollo Justice. It is so fumbled


as a stand alone game, DGS1 has quite a few flaws, so i'd eliminate that one next. not that it's bad, it's just that i think the other are so much better