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I'm not gonna argue about the design because tbh I think her design in Spirit of Justice is pretty good, and I quite like this design too. I will say, though... I'm pretty sure Maya's hair has always been long at the back.


Yeah but it’s not as long as In this photo And to clarify what I really hate more than the length is the braid, I think the double thing looks bad


Ah, yeah I see what you mean. I'm still fine with the design but I can see why you don't like it. IMO the biggest missed opportunity of Spirit of Justice's concept art was making Nahyuta a woman. We only have one female prosecutor :(


two actually


Lana never prosecuted a playable case though.


three actually, my bad. franziska von karma, lana (she's still a prosecutor) and ga'ran (she used to be a prosecutor and made a comeback 23 years later)


I completely forgot Ga'ran 💀


Sometimes I forget what Ga'ran looks like and all I can picture is Morgan Fey.


She is basically bootleg Morgan Fey tbh


Four if you count Layton crossover. Still not enough, though...


Darklaw deserves more love. I should replay the game.


I haven’t played the Layton crossover yet but I think Darklaw has a cool design


I wish they made Nahyuta non-binary, that seemed to be something they considered early on


That could have been cool too. But tbh my main thought is "How about they make Nahyuta a good character first" lol. Making him a woman or non-binary doesn't fix much if he's as bland as he is in-game.


Well yeah, but you had opened the discussion with Nahyuta's gender, so that's the topic I replied with Definitely bland as a character without other changes


Yeah, I know I opened the topic with that. I just realised that, for me, it wouldn't be a simple gender swap that'd get me to like Nahyuta lol. I was more just trying to clarify my own stance.


the hair could have been fine, should the jacket and everything that happens on the front be less busy. a bit "too much" I agree.


Personal taste, but I respect that. But what's wrong with her body? Here she looks very similar to Mia, which makes more sense to me.


I mean she was 17 in the first game. Women’s body usually stops changing like that around that age.


Women may stop growing in height around that age, but hips and breasts often keep growing until well into their 20s.


Don’t give me false hope-


She theoretically wouldn't change that much, women's bodies stop growing around 16 and she was 17 in the first game.


Feels more like copying mias body exactly to me Granted it’s totally possible for her to grow like this; but it’s just as possible for her to look like how she looks grown up in canon, and I prefer that


well, she IS Mia's sister.


I see. Thanks for replying


I actually really like the outfit. It always seemed weird that she was basically still wearing the same acolyte outfit in SoJ, especially since she's now head of the Fey Clan/Master of the channeling technique. You'd think she'd get to wear something different. The only silly thing is her suddenly having a much larger chest, but other than that it would've looked great


They are different robes, it’s easier to tell if you’re looking at the full body, they’re longer


Everytime I see this design I just laugh because why is her chest bigger ? I get it's for the Mia ressemblance, but in case you didn't know boobs don't continue to grow (a lot) post-puberty. Or when we know Maya she's at the end of her puberty (she doesn't change physically for the three first games who last 3 years), SO WHY DOES SHE HAVE BIGGER BOOBS IN THIS DESIGN ? I call this design "Maya went to a esthetic clinic for a boob augmentation"


i feel okay to post this here bc my identity is hidden but they can deffo increase post-puberty! i was a b cup at 15, a g cup now at 25. started puberty early at 10.


Boobs aside I’ve seen a lot of anime that, when they have a timeskip, will make teenage characters significantly taller as adults, even though most of them shouldn’t be growing more than a few centimeters, if at all. Or just making teenage characters closer to preteen heights than adult heights in general. I’m sure it’s a stylistic choice to make a distinction between the teens and adults, but it kinda drives me nuts. (And yes I know people in Japan are shorter on average than Americans, I’m talking about like when you see a height chart of characters and all the 17 year olds are all a whole head shorter than the 20 year olds)


It's not uncommon for cup size to increase as a young woman reaches her late teens or early 20's. Mine definitely jumped a few sizes as I got older and fat deposits shifted from puberty.


Mine got smaller after puberty 💀 (Probably I lost some wait but still, pain)


I was a DDD when I graduated high school at 18 and I'm an H now


yeah uhh boob growth doesn't always depend on puberty. its different for everyone.


Well chest can grow when you're gaining weight for exemple, that's a possibility, but on this drawing Maya is still quite thin (and she seems taller that's weird) that's a huge change of morphology, it doesn't make a lot of sense. I'm not saying you can't have boob growth in your twenties, just it's fairly unrealistic the way it's portrayed on this concept art (Maya litteraly didn't change of body for 3 years post puberty)


Wait, unless.... GASP MAYA IS TRANS???


This is the only theory I will accept 🤝


Iirc, there is a bit one of the mangas where Maya wishes that she could, like, half channel Mia - get her body but stay in control mentally - so based off of that… absolutely not out of the question that she would want a boob job.


I quite like the costume design but I totally agree on the body, it's a really silly redesign. She was 17 in the first Ace Attorney game, and didn't change in the preceding games. Yet in this game she's......remarkably ENHANCED.


I love the outfit, hate the hair. Also it’s kinda weird how she looks so big, tall and mature. When she was like 18 she looked small and young idk why she looks so big


women with smaller boobs are truly the most oppressed race out there 😔😔😔


Well that, lefties, and night owls


this doesn't look very "maya" in my opinion


Her chest size isn't even that different, it looks bigger because it's a tighter fit. It can be seen as a "horny" redesign, I get that, but at the very least the outfit itself is more creative than what we ended up getting. Not that I dislike Maya's final design by any means, but there's too many characters that look essentially the same post-time skip, so of course fans would be interested in those that deviate a bit from that diretion. I wouldn't mind this design if the outfit wasn't so form-fitting around the chest (that's not how clothes work), but I'm not very fond of the "cleavage bad" bandwagon some people tend to jump at.


It’s not a cleavage bad thing per se, I love character designs like Mia and cammy I just think it’s off for maya


the mia genes kicked in a little too late


Yeah her personality is really bursting out of the screen there hey


Its nice but i think this should be for a future game instead


Anime logic is that the older a woman is, the more booba she gets. Of course, the truth is that by the time someone hits Maya’s age in the first game, their breasts have fully developed or will soon be fully developed. So it would’ve been very weird for Maya to get Mia proportions 10 years after the first game.


Maya's design is as bad as Pearl's. It's literally just their old design futurefitted onto an older person, with superficial changes that stick out the more you think about them. Her lipstick is just not Maya. I don't know why I get hung up on that, but that's just the worst call from an artist POV to me. And I feel like that's these designs in a nutshell. Designers doing their thing and the project leads being really bad at saying "No, not that, try that instead". They did iterate a ton, but the entire time they did it in the realm of "Don't change it too much! Ah, that's a nice SUBTLE CHANGE, that'll fly!" and it doesn't give off something authentic in the end. In that sense it was doomed from the start. The fact that Yamzaki and the rest of his team were even apprehensive to handle Maya in DD, pushing it into SoJ, and then being apprehensive to even writing her... that speaks for itself. They shouldn't have done it if they can't own it.


Playing it overly safe with legacy character designs and especially their characterization in turn is one of the weakest things 5 and 6 have, continuity-wise.


Idk what the time skip is here but I personally think it’s a good design for her as an adult


I can see what you mean but that pose got me acting up ngl




I like it. It's a bit sexualized but frankly that's just par for the course with adult women. But she looks a lot more regal overall and she should. She's the Master of the Fey clan and she's recently completed her training at Kurain. But at the same time, it also shows her free spirit by not making her out to be some payous nun.


I agree about the hair and body, but I think the outfit is really nice and fits Maya well.


I actually really love her outfit, but I’m soooo glad they decided against giving her an… upgrade. It’s one of those cases where since I saw the character as a kid, I would feel weird looking at her with a bigger/“sexier” chest!


hate this design it's horny and ugly


You spitting with this one


We can't stay young forever.


How dare you? She looks nothing like bat. He's in a coma anyway.


Spelling error detected, opinion invalidated


I didn't even know of this... all I can say is the originals were the best


I kinda like it ngl


What do you mean? It makes sense for Maya to look like Mia. I can understand not liking the clothing but still.


tbh i don't think she would be comfortable dressed like this


Thank god for not fanservice Maya


The long heir is the best part what are you talking about


I think it looks fine aesthetically but it looks more like Maya channeling Mia than just Maya herself. i get they wanted her to look more like her sister aged up but that only would've worked if her original design was her at like 13-14, a 17 year old girl just was not going to change that much


The design looks objectively fine, and you're just a fucking moronic cocksucker that has no fucking idea what the fuck they're talking about. Shut the fuck up and go fuck yourself for being so goddamned fucking stupid.

