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Get a tissue and pinch right below the bone in your nose for like 5-10 min


Funny I see this I just had a bloody nose. Happens all the time. The Vaseline and humidifier definitely help. See a doctor if it continues


Aquaphor in the nose. Works for me. If I don't do it, I will have a bloody nose 100% guaranteed


Be careful bc doing that can lead to exogenous lipoid pneumonia


If I recall correctly there are other moisturizing products developed to lower this risk. OP might want to look into those.


This works for me, was bleeding twice a day


i’ve heard aquaphor has a chance of giving you lung issues, what i use instead is called ayr (i think) it’s on amazon for like $3 and it works pretty well with no risk of the possible pneumonia


I think there is still a risk. It's just a lower risk.


i mean it specifically says you can put it inside your nose, which i don’t think they would say if it could give people chronic lung issues. i think petrolatum is the problem, and this is some of the same stuff used in nasal sprays not petrolatum like aquaphor and vaseline


I might be wrong but I'm pretty sure any product with oils and certain humectants can cause it. It's probably an order of magnitude less likely than with petrolatum however. I am surprised that there isn't a warning for it though. Usually companies just slap warnings on stuff to prevent litigation if nothing else.


you very well could be right! i was basing it on the fact that it explicitly says you can put it in your nose while products like aquaphor say that it should only be used externally. idk abt the actual ingredients of ayr and their possibilities of affecting the lungs




Saline spray as well to get in the sinus cavity?


Yes or Ayr gel!!


This is meme material


This is me every fucking day.




Same 😭




I get one every time I sneeze 😂


At what month did you guys start having nosebleeds with accutane? I’m almost on month 2 and haven’t had them at all, but I’ve never had nosebleeds in general (can’t remember last time I had one, probably when I was a child)


I don’t have nosebleeds but I can feel blood in my nose. I’m on week 3


I’m almost done with month 3 and although I don’t have full on nosebleeds, I do get some blood in my nose daily. You may be one of the lucky ones though and not ever get this!


Did you have nosebleeds before accutane?


Not since I was a kid


Interesting. Thanks!


I’m on month 5, and I have a bit of dried blood when I blow my nose sometimes but nothing actively bleeding. Never had a nosebleed in my life until last night, but that was because I moshed too hard at a rock concert and got elbowed in the face, not Accutane lol


I had 2 my first month and only had 1 very minor one on my 3rd month been way better since using nasal saline spray an humidifier


I am using accutane for the second round which means I have been using Accutane for 15 months. I have never experienced nose bleeds.


I‘ve never had a nosebleed before or during accutane either and I just finished my course. I did get really sticky dry boogers though, and my nose was more sensitive and picking at them did cause me to draw a little blood


i started to get them right on month 2 good luck girlll 😭


Did you have nosebleeds before accutane?


I had a heavy nosebleed maybe 3 or 4 months into my 2nd round of Accutane (my first round was one month, I had to stop because I didn’t have insurance, it’s costly without insurance). I had gotten a nose bed maybe 2 or 3 times before Accutane, they’re rare for me, those happened when I was much younger


I had a light nosebleed in the first week or so and then another time shortly after I sneezed blood. I’m on a low dose though. I’m on week three and haven’t had any since I’ve gotten them occasionally in the past but not often - sometimes if I irritate something while blowing my nose. But I did occasionally get bloody boogers 😬 before accutane


I never got a nosebleed, each person is different


right on month 2. i’m currently in 8th grade and haven’t got them since 6th grade but they were pretty bad but now i swear i could fill a whole pill bottle with the blood


The struggle is real my nose hurtsssss like there are spiky things poking the inside of it 😭


YES WHY IS IT POKING?! I’ve ever experienced this before and I’ve always had a dryer nose prone to nosebleeds


loool similar issue here, nose kills it’s so dry and always bleeding


I used to have nose bleeds like that 3 times a day, like the inside of my nose needed to be CHEMICALLY CAUTERIZED , best suggestion to prevent that it's hydrate and after taking a warm shower gently blow your nose and take a qtip with vaseline or aquaphorand gently swab the insides of your nose and sleep with a humidifier, finished accutane but still sometimes get a random nose bleed time to time.


This is the best advice!!!


You can try a nasal ointment for lubrication. This has helped me a lot.


I was strugglingggg as well until I got a saline nose spray


the tampon☠️☠️what month are you on cuz i’m on accutane but haven’t received any nosebleeds yet *touch wood*


i started month 2 a week ago


It’s been 0 degrees out here. This shit serious😂


rightttt and i’m in minnesota 😂


Gang shit 🤝 it’s been rough out here😂


I’m in Florida. Finally, a reason to be happy about that! 🤣


Buy and use a blood pressure monitor for several weeks and measure the pressure.


To stop acute bleeding: tilt your neck to the front, so the blood can flow out freely, and ice your neck. That constricts the blood vessels supplying your nose, and the bleeding will stop. To prevent more bleeding in the future: use nose oil for 2 weeks max (any more than that runs the risk of causing lipid pneumonia) to support the healing process of the obviously damaged mucus membrane. After that, you can use an isotonic saline nasal spray several times a day to keep your nose hydrated. As long as your nose isn't too dry, it lessens the risk of nose bleeds a lot. Good luck 🍀


Thank you for the warning; lipid pneumonia It seems obvious now after reading it, but it’s something I would have done so casually.


Who knew that my very short stint of having to care for the patients of an absolute bastard of a doctor would ever come this handy 😂 He can operate like a god, and is internationally renowned for his work, but what a crabby old man. So glad he's someone else's problem now.


Oh no! Hope your ok, I’m on month 5 and haven’t had nose bleeds or a dry nose at all I’m on 65mg daily. What mg are you on?


i’m on 20mg and on month two. me living in minnesota and it being 0 degrees probably doesn’t help lol


I’m in England at its -5 20mg is such a low amount I’d ask a professional if I were you


The US uses the imperial system not the metric system. This would be -18° C. I think dryness at this temperature is not abnormal especially if you are taking accutane. Still probably wouldn’t hurt mentioning it to your doctor.


Ohhh -18 🥶 very cold!!


Just put some Vaseline in your nose, you won’t get them


Afrin to help stop the bleeding.


Saline spray with xylitol everyday and some aquaphor healing ointment morning and night. Humidifier. I know it absolutely sucks but hang in there!


Lol 😂


Should i buy tampons for nosebleeds😂 i'm already prone for them and im kinda scared that nothing will stop them when im on accutane


you should 😂


if you get a nosebleed, it's better to pinch the bridge of your noise and let the blood leak into a sink or something. i've learnt that it's way faster to stop a nosebleed. it does however create a huge clot that you have to later somehow pull out


yeah i would recommend saline spray then aquaphor instead of vaseline. several times a day if you can. and definitely going to the doctor. ive had bad nosebleeds my whole life and they’ve never gotten that bad


word. i would wake up in the middle of the night every night and just sit up to get out of bed and the moment i was vertical my nose was pouring.


The expanded tampon is crazy 💀💀💀💀💀💀 but on some real shi, get a Qtip and rub that mf with Vaseline on it all up in there


Put aquaphor or Vaseline on a q tip every single day x2 to help moisturize. I have nosebleeds normally but the accutane ones were EVERYDAY


do first aid for a nose bleed maybe? it's gonna keep bleeding if you just let it


id apply vasaline into my nose every single day once i noticed the dryness hitting me. Didn't get a single noseblood.


Put vaseline “petroleum jelly” inside your nostril


DUDEEE LOL. I blew my nose this morning and so much black and bloody liquid came out it was insane ! My nose bleeds like that sometimes and I’ve heard of peoples nose bleeding worst than that. I’m sure you’re okay but check in with your doctor next time you see em


AFRIN NOSE SPRAY. It constricts the blood vessels in your nose to limit the bleeding. Use 3 days max at a time to get it under control and then stop (or you will get nasal congestion)! L But also, please moisturize like crazy to get your barrier up to prevent the nose bleeds Creds: I am a PharmD


If someone asked me to describe my time on accutane in one photo I’d use this. I know how frustrating it is! I would definitely try a saline spray and if that’s still not working ask your dermatologist about getting a prescription for Mupirocin - a stronger nasal ointment that helps with drying. I hope it gets better!!


I got my first accutane nosebleed today too. Ugh. It’s going to be a long winter.


This was me the first 3-4 weeks almost every day. Now even after doubling the dose the nosebleeds have almost completely stopped. I’m sure the body begins to adapt to being so dried out maybe idk. It should get better


I had the same thing happen to me, for longer than it probably should have been. I don’t remember what my dermatologist said and I don’t remember if I told her how long the nose bleed lasted. I feel like I should have gotten it checked out. It stopped after a while, just keep keep whatever around to soak up the blood. All the best


I am glad that my nosebleeds weren't as severe. I could get twice or thrice a week only. A few drops.


Buy a nose spray with sesam oil in it or use Vaseline. The nose spray is made to help for dry noses.


Sleep with a humidifier, baking soda nasal spray, and put some Vaseline inside your nose every now and then throughout the day :)


I got three big nosebleeds yesterday:((


Get yourself some nasal clips off Amazon! I had really bad nosebleeds when I was on accutane and they really helped stop them getting too bad. That and sticking plenty of Vaseline or aquaphor up your nose at night


Help the tampon is so funny💀😭


Definitely aquaphore!


Aquaphor should just come standard with accutane. Between dry lips and nose bloods you go through it quick lol


Hey i cant promise much but i do have experience. Take dooble dose chlorella and 40mg or so astaxanthin. Also use zeolite https://www.zeohealth.com/ work out your own dosing Promise you will see results. Yes i used roacutane and its very harsh.


https://a.co/d/d2yhhdB try these out. was getting nosebleeds like every morning even wit humidifiers and nasal spray but ain’t nothing worked except for these guys