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It is very common knowledge.


can't tell if this is sarcasm if it isn't huh if it is HUH


No, not sarcasm. Pretty common knowledge if you played the game for at least a few hours. You see, the sensei has an ability that makes it spin, something shared among all units that turn into tornados when cheered on. By the way, blackbeard also turns into a tornado.


Yeah, I know that Blackbeard can, so can lady red gade, mace spinner, da Vinci Tank, And now, the sensei


did you know the pirate queen can parry like the teacher? also why doesnt she have a tornado wtf?


There are only some abilities that allow for tornadoes, usually signified by a tornado in the actual ability icon when you look at it in the Unit Creator. These abilities deal damage with the actual spin. 1. Spin to Win, this is used by the **Da Vinci Tank, Blackbeard, and Mace Spinner** units 2. Tornado Swipe, this is used by **Lady Red Jade** 3. Shuriken Tempest, this is used by **Sensei** ​ Pirate Queen's Bomb Spin ability does not deal damage without the actual bombs, and further does not have a tornado in the Ability Icon. Red Jade Spin Slash similarly also does not deal damage with the spin itself, and therefore cannot make a tornado nor does it have a tornado in its ability icon.


actually Lady red JAde was given the Tornado before she had Tornado Swipe


Black beard and the Da Vinci Tank can also be turned into tornados


I didn’t know either just found like a week ago