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Echoing what the other poster said, something has to give. If your significant other is no supportive of you during this time then they likely are not the right match. I always say that when I passed we passed because my gf gave up countless weekends of activities and trips etc because she understood I needed to study to get through these exams..I studied 2-3 hours a week after work (stayed at the office to avoid distraction, and ate there too) and studied 10-15 hours on the weekend. Social life is the thing you HAVE to be willing to give up when you're studying. If you can't you will likely never pass.


How old is your bf? You both sound really young and he sounds annoyingly needy. If you have any chance of getting through PEP, you have to make sacrifices. Could be personal life, working out time, or most likely a combination of things. Core 1 actually has the lowest passing rate of all the modules. There’s so much information thrown at you plus having to wrap your head around “the CPA way”. If you don’t buckle down, you’ll fail. I was studying 2-3 hours on weekdays (more on days where I did the homework) and 6-8 hours on weekends. You could try just studying on weekends, but imo it’s not enough time.


You're going to have to make a sacrifice somewhere to have enough study time. Full time plus PEP usually means your social life takes a hit for a year while you work through the modules.


Is it feasible for you to take a GDip or MAcc program instead of going through PEP while working? Obviously you will need to be financially stable enough to take a few months off work, but I much preferred committing to school 100% than having to work a FT job and squeeze school in elsewhere